Can we enter html code in a field in models in django? - django

I am making a small static website in which I have a template in which I tend to show the privacy policy terms of usage etc. I currently don't have any matter for it and tend to add it in future after deploying the site on server. I wanted to know that if I can in future add the matter on that page through a model i.e I create a model with two fields privacy policy , terms and in and pass it to the template as context in . But I have a concern that the fields will have several headings which I will have to display in bold , so is there any way that I can pass html tags in model field and when I render it in my template as {{privacy}} the part I want in bold or any other style comes as that style.

So is there any way that I can pass html tags in model field and when I render it in my template as {{privacy}} the part I want in bold or any other style comes as that style.
Yes. You only need to tell the Django template engine not to escape the characters (for example translate < to <). You can do this with the |safe template tag [Django-doc]:
{{ privacy|safe }}


Django: a custom template tag to convert links inside of a TextField and change the hyperlink text

The scenario is that there are some dynamic texts on some templates, that will contain hyperlinks.
For this, I have a SiteDataKeyValue model, in which the dynamic texts for different parts of the template are inputted. This is the model:
class SiteDataKeyValue(models.Model):
key = models.CharField(
max_length=200, verbose_name="نام متن مورد نظر", unique=True
value = models.TextField(verbose_name="متن")
def __str__(self):
return self.key
A solution that I've found already, is Django urlize template tag. As mentioned in the docs, this tag converts texts like to, which is nice but not what I'd like to achieve. I want to be able to change the hyperlink text, so the output would be something like: Click Here!.
I searched for a bit, came across modules like bleach, which is a fine module, but I couldn't find the answer I was looking for (I skimmed through the docs and there was nothing about the hyperlink text).
Also I saw a comment somewhere telling that this could be achieved by writing a custom Django template tag, but although I tried to do this regarding the custom template filters docs, I didn't have a clue to how to achieve this.
I'm not asking for the code, although it would be really appreciated if you provide instructions for writing this custom template tag, or better, if you could point me to something like this that is already out there.
First of all you can extend urlize tag like the answer in this
or you can change the main code which you can find it in django.utils.html and override its url variable to change it.
But I think the best method is extending the urlize tag
like this:
{% text | urlize | change_a_text_filter:{{ dome_new_a_text }} %}
then you can scrape the text and use regex to find >sample-text</a> then you can change it to the argument that defines in your tag
from django import template
register = template.Library()
def change_a_text_filter(format_string, arg):
# find the url that made in urlize with regex
# change it with arg
# return the result
I was on a completely wrong road to solve this problem. I was trying to urlize a link from TextField, but didn't consider the fact that I only needed to implement html code as Visit! in the TextField, and then use safe template tag to render html directly as below:
{{ text.value|safe }}
So in this solution, there is no need to urlize, and of course there is no need to extend this tag neither.
NOTE: As commented by #rahimz (link to comment) I understand that there are safety concerns regarding safe tag, So I should emphasize that only me and a company-trusted admin will have access to admin panel and there is no worries that this admin will send malicious code through this TextField.

how to remove html tags in django template on browser while showing to user

As shown in figure i used {{options|safe}} for rendering options in my django 3.0 polls application even though it is rendering like that and i don't know how to remove the tags from rendered string, thanks for help in advance
regarding tag error
To remove tags, I would recommend using Mozilla's bleach library.
In order to remove tags only in the front-end, not the data itself, you can easily create a custom template filter and clean the tags inside it.
Another cool idea would be to have list of enabled HTML tags that can be used (like making text bold with <b>...</b>) and then render the input as a valid html:
{{ options|remove_tags|safe }}
Example for a custom template filter:
def remove_tags(value):
return bleach.clean(value, tags=["b", "i"])

Illustrated texts in Django model

I am trying to make one Blog using Django 2.0 and I have already created a primitive one. It has a Post model which is as follows:
class Post(models.Model):
PriKey = models.CharField(max_length=255,primary_key=True)
Heading = models.CharField(max_length=100)
DateOfPost = models.DateField(
Content = models.TextField()
As it can be seen, the content area is only textual and as of now, I can't add any special style or pictures inside my content.
I thought of using HTML tags inside the text content but they are appearing unchanged when the web page is rendered.
So my question is, is there any way of storing pictures along with the text in the content field of the Post model? I want to make something like this
Is there any way of showing the pictures in their respective positions using Django model? If no, is there any other way of doing this?
Also, is there any way of storing HTML codes inside django models and render them as it is when the website is run?
You can store html tags inside the field.
while rendering, to template mark it as safe
{{ post.content|safe }}
This will render all the html tags.
But this is not a good way as it makes you vullerable to cross site scripting attacks
A better method is to use something like a ckeditor
It provides a RichTextField and RichTextUploading Field and using this you can upload pictures, videos, code snippets, style your text and a lot more inside one field.
There are many other optons, but I prefer ckeditor
Ckeditor is a cross platform editor, django-ckeditor is a library containing django implementation of ckeditor which gives you full backend and frontend combined
django-pagedown A django app that allows the easy addition of Stack Overflow's "PageDown" markdown editor to a django form field, whether in a custom app or the Django Admin
I think you should give it a try
Cheers :)

Mezzanine: Editable tag inside header/footer template

I want to be able to use {% editable something %} inside of a layout template or a template that is included in various pages. For example a company slogan in the header or a text inside of page_menu.
I want to edit the value only on one place of administration (I don't want to have it duplicated over all pages models).
What is the best way to do this?
As commented above, the something arg can be any model instance - so all you'll need it a template tag or possibly context processor for getting the instance into every template, then voila.

Flickr albums in django admin

I want to do the following:
Having a model (p.e. a model which handles data about photographic reports) create a section which has a preview of an specific flickr album. The URL will be provided by an URLField (until the first save the preview will not be available).
After the first save, it'll show previews of all the images inside that album, and make them selectable (through jQuery for example). Then again, when the images are selected and the object is saved (I think I can use django signals for this) it will notify a specific user telling him a selection has been made.
Is there any plugins available, or any easy way to implement this in django-admin?
Update: 22 days and no anwers... does that mean it can't be done in django-admin?
I personally can't think of any easy way to implement this in the Django admin, simply because I doubt many people who've done it have thought to open source it. I can imagine that it would be very specific to a certain user's / programmer's needs.
In any case, if you wanted to solve this issue, I'd say that your best bet would be overriding the Django admin templates in your django/contrib/admin/templates/admin folder. I believe you'd be best off by editing change_form.html.
My basic approach would be this:
Check the name of the model using opts.verbose_name. For example, if you wanted to do this processing for a model whose verbose name is "Gallery", you would do
{% ifequal opts.verbose_name "Gallery" %}
<!-- neat gallery view -->
{% else %}
<!-- regular form -->
{% endifequal %}
Make a custom template tag that will display the gallery view / form given the object_id and the type of object. This way you can replace the <!-- neat gallery view --> with a {% show_gallery object_id %}. See the Django Docs for more info on creating custom template tags. It's pretty straightforward.
Add whatever Javascript or custom stuff in your template tag template. What you choose to do is up to you.
Sorry you haven't gotten many more answers to your question. Hope this helps!