superset 0.37 fail send email - apache-superset

When I use superset 0.37. I click "Manage" then select "Dashboard Emails" to new a Schedule Email.Reports for Dashboards.
I select Send Test Email.
But I cannot receive any email.
I already vi and modify SMTP and is right.
I could not see Error in the log.
what should I do next?

Try adjust the config in


Discourse email configuration for AWS SES

I'm trying to get Discourse set up on an AWS EC2 instance, but am having problems getting the emails to send via AWS SES.
Firstly I have an email and a domain set up and confirmed (not in sandbox mode) on AWS SES and I can successfully send test emails from the AWS SES dashboard, and also manually through postfix running on the Discourse machine instance.
I have attempted to follow instructions here: (though realise this is quite old now, so perhaps the config is different now) and also found Discourse SES AWS working app.yml file example please - but this config isn't working for me either.
For info, I'm editing the app.yml file by doing....
$ sudo ./launcher stop app
$ sudo nano ./containers/app.yml
[making the edits and saving]
$ sudo ./launcher bootstrap app
[it tells me it has bootstrapped correctly]
$ sudo ./launcher start app
[I can now view the discourse site, but can;t login to any accounts as the confirmation emails aren't getting sent]
Currently I have this in my app.yml file (sensitive info replaced):
Also, in the SES sending stats dashboard, I'm not even seeing that it's trying to send the email.
So even a good starting point would be to know if there is an email log file somewhere in the Discourse docker container that I can look at to see what the issue may be.
Any help on where I'm going wrong here would be much appreciated.
I had a similar issue and I fixed it by editing app.yml and adding this line towards the end (the line is commented out by default):
- exec: rails r "SiteSetting.notification_email=''"
You must replace with the validated email address associated with your SES credentials. You can check your validated email address identities under AWS -> SES -> Identity Management -> Email Addresses, the Verification Status must be verified. If you managed to send and receive a test email from here, you probably have this already set up.
Once you have applied these changes, re-run the setup script to pick up the changes:
sudo ./discourse-setup
Hope this works at your end!
I had my discourse deployed in ec2 using bitnami and after trying for hours I was able to configure SES sandbox with discourse heres what I did
created SMTP credentials in the aws console
I verified two emails in aws console, since the email service was in sandbox so both sender and receiver emails have to be verified
I added smtp settings to this file /apps/discourse/htdocs/config/discourse.conf which looked like this
db_name = bitnami_discourse
db_host = /opt/bitnami/postgresql
db_port = 5432
db_pool = 25
hostname = 3.89.1xx.xx
db_username = bn_discourse
db_password = “xxxxxxxxxx”
redis_port = 6379
redis_path = /opt/bitnami/redis/var/run/redis.sock
smtp_address =“”
smtp_port = 587
smptp_security = ssl
smtp_domain = 3.89.1xx.xx
smtp_user_name = ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’
smtp_password = ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’
from_address =
The smptp username and password are the same SMTP credentials you obtain in step 1 after you configured this file make sure to restart the server by running this command outside of /apps
sudo /opt/bitnami/ restart
heres a reference

How to investigate SMTP mail sent?

I follow this doc to enable wso2is to sent email for self user registration :
But I am not receiving any email.
I would like to investigate but there is no message in the log althoug I add the following logger in :
And also put -Dmail.debug=true in but nothing about smtp error or mail execption shows up in the log...
How can I fix it and investiguate ?
If you are using a gmail account for sending emails, you have to go to [1] and select "Turn on" option for allowing 3rd party apps to send emails using gmail.
However if that is not the case, you can enable debug logs for following.
and identify the issue based on the logs.
It might even be that a virusscanner blocks the gmail port (587) for spamming.
Using DevNullSmtp.jar helps to see what is going out.
See also

how to mail configuration in vtiger crm?

I am new to vtigercrm and I need to setup mail configuration in vtigercrm but this error occurred:
Test Mail Status : Mail could not be sent to the admin user. Please check the admin emailid/Server settings
can you please go to below file
go to IsSMTP() function and remove $this->Mailer = 'smtp'; and add
$this->IsSendmail(); this one

Zabbix: Trying to create email alert from trigger if url is unreachable/down

I'm using Zabbix and trying to setup an a trigger to email me if a url is down.
I'm under configuration > Templates > My Web Template.
Under items I have:[mysite,url/to/test/,PORT,OK,2].
The trigger is:
(({Template My Web Template to URL[mysite,url/to/test/,PORT,OK,2].regexp(OK)})#1)
Now if remove the last / just to test Zabbix will create an alert but will not send an email trigger.
From the zabbix server if I use a Zabbix_get with the removed / it returns an "EOF" (which is fine as I want to see what a failure looks like). With the correct URL it returns "OK".
Am I using the wrong expression for emails?

Django Email backend (keeps sending email from incorrect "sender")

I have several instances in my project where I attempt to send an email within a Django view.
I want to be able to hardcode the email sender within the view. When I try to do so, though, it continues to send the emails from the default account specified in my settings file.
Here is an example:
if testform.is_valid():
subject="Hi Beta Tester"
#This sends two mail versions, plain text and html
msg=EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, text_content, sender, recipient)
msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html")
return HttpResponseRedirect('/splash/')
I thought that I could send specify the sender argument explicitly here. And, yet, when I test it, the email is being sent from the address listed in my settings file, configured as the following:
Do I just have to remove the DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL constant to make it work? I tried doing so and it seems to be working but I'm confused. In the Django documentation, it suggests that setting sender in the view should override the DEFAULT.
I've finally figured out the issue here. Unfortunately, gmail rewrites the from and the
envelope on authenticated smtp.
If you want to get around that, you have to use a third party mail server (which doesn't act like such a prissy) and then send mail to gmail users.
For the sender e-mail try putting it in < > and you can add a name:
sender = "Formal Name <>"
that is exactly the syntax I have in my e-mail sending view and it works.
There really shouldn't be a reason that adding the name to it would change how it's sending, but it may be worth trying and perhaps you want an easily readable name anyway.