what is the meaning of "wizard" in programming field? [closed] - c++

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I was reading an example on QT on c++ gui - notepad application
and i encountered the word "wizard" many times .. i can't understand what it does mean.
for example i found these statements :
The Qt Widgets Application wizard creates a project that contains a main source file and a set of files that specify a user interface (Notepad widget)
-The wizard generates the following code in the main.cpp file
This is the object for which the wizard created the class and the UI file.
The wizard generates a user interface definition in XML format: notepad.ui.
I searched on the internet and i found that it means the detailed steps to install a programs .. but this definition doesn't fit the subject of the link.
Any one knows the exact meaning ?

A "wizard" is a dialog box with "next" and "previous" buttons.
Consider installing a program for example:
You open the installer.
The installer tells you what you're installing and tells you to click Next.
You click Next.
The installer asks you which folder you want to install the program in.
You click Next.
The installer asks you which parts of the program you want to install.
You click Next.
The installer installs the program.
The installer says it's done.
You click Finish.
The installer closes.
This "question, next, question, next, question, next, ..." UI is called a "wizard".
It's not a wizard because it installs a program; it's a wizard because of the "next" button.
Consider creating a new project:
You open the "New Project" window
The computer asks you which type of project you want to create.
You click Next.
The computer asks you what the project should be called.
You click Next.
The computer asks you which compiler you want to use to build the project.
You click Finish
This is also a wizard.


Can't uninstall programm [closed]

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Closed 11 months ago.
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First: In case this is the wrong forum please let me know and I'll try to ask somewhere else for advice :-) .
Now to my question: I installed an App / Program and I'm unable to uninstall it. It is a very annoying program which always asks me to update it but I don't use it and just want to get rid of it. When I go to the Control Panel it only offers me the option to change the program but not to uninstall it. When I click change it opens an installation Window which gives me the option to repair, modify or remove files from my PC but when I click any option it just tells me that there are no files on my PC.
Moreover, I've also tried to enter this line in Command prompt and it says that the program was uninstalled successfully but it still continues to be on my pc.
wmic:root\cli>product where name="Autochartist MetaTrader Expert Advisor" call uninstall
Please, can somebody tell me what to do in order to get rid of the program and everything related to it? Thank you! (The program is called Autochartist MetaTrader Expert Advisor)
Well, my best bet is that you install Microsoft Uninstalling (or something of the sort) here. You'll just have to grab the Autochartist MetaTrader Expert Advisor in the list it will give (if it is present. If it isn't, then it will not work) and it should uninstall.

How an I get example about CATIA CAA C++ Framework? [duplicate]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I need to start working in CATIA CAA and I am looking for an online introductory course. From a previous post, there doesn't seem to be much available .
All I found is the quite messy documentation which I started digging from:
Any hint?
Unfortunately, like many proprietary APIs, it only comes with the software editor examples and documentation and lacks online community to help you getting started...
For CAA, we call the API documentation the Encyclopaedia. The entry point (for V5-6) is rather CATIA_INSTALLATION_DIR/CAADoc/Doc/online/CAACenV5Default.htm
Now there are many aspects you can work using CAA, almost all of them : from data model customization (Object Specs Modeler also called "Features") to visualization through all aspects of geometry and topology. Main CATIA workbenches provide their own layer of APIs (Part Design, Assembly, etc.)
Now to get ready, you will need a Visual Studio (2008 for example if you are working between R20 and R24) on top of which you will install the ENOVIA STUDIO which is basically a set of addins within visual, that will allow you to create, check, test and compile source and resources.
If after install you do not have anything popin up at VS launch, quit it and go to ENOVIA_STUDIO_INSTALLATION_DIR/intel_a/code/bin and launch CATVBTSetup.
You should have a checkbox with visual studio 2008 (if that's the version you need.) Check it and click Install. It should register the right stuff and pop up a blue CAA tips dialog box at next VS launch.
Once there, take a look within CATIA_INSTALLATION_DIR/CAADoc : all the directories ending with .edu are working code frameworks (a framework is the highest container for a group of functionnaly related objects in CAA) covering all examples for the encyclopaedia. You will find a lot more actually, since a good chunk of code often talks a lot more than a tutorial or technical article.
To try out this code (and your ENOVIA STUDIO installation by the way), you can create a directory MYWORKSPACE where you can put the frameworks that interest you (all of them if you want :D )
Now go to VS, File->Open CAA Workspace. Browse to your MYWORKSPACE directory. Pick up a "level" (matching the CATIA release you are working with) and click OK. ENOVIA STUDIO Addin (ES) will create the VS metadata so that you get all Frameworks and modules (framework's code sub-components) as projects within the solution explorer on the left.
Now go to CAAV5 Workspace-->Locate Prerequisite Workspaces and Add the CATIA_INSTALLATION_DIR (where you should have both CATIA and CAA API installed)
Now do Build-->mkmk. check update and debug. Add -jobs 4 in Other Options (so that the build gets faster)
Last but not least, update the runtime view (meaning that ES will copy the resources of each framework in your workspace in the intel_a/win_b64 of you workspace which will be read by CATIA at runtime to find icons, interface implementation binding, etc.)
You can execute CATIA now (if you want to go interactive) by Ctrl+F5. If it does not start, go to the project in bold characters in the Solution Explorer on the left. Right click. Properties. In the tree select Debug and in the Command field navigate to MYWORKSPACE\intel_a (or win_b64)\code\bin\cnext.exe.
Last but not least, ask your questions here, it is way time that CAA community benefits from SO power :)

How to avoid a .exe to be identified as "File might be dangerous" by antivirus? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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The .exe I'm building is currently recognized by Avast as "File might be dangerous". It is not a false positive because the antivirus software finally doesn't find any virus in it, but just an alarm saying that this file has been "rarely downloaded".
I've contacted Avast but they don't seem to offer a solution except sending them the .exe for whitelisting.
Things I have tried, but that didn't solve the problem:
Have proper resource.rc file in Visual C++, with details about the .exe: BLOCK "StringFileInfo", VALUE "CompanyName", "MyCompany\0", etc.
Use makecert, certutil, signtool as detailed in this answer: How do I create a self-signed certificate for code signing on Windows?
Things that won't work:
Add to local avast exclusion (I can't ask every customer to do this!)
Redo a "Submit file to Avast Lab for scan" for each new build of the .exe. It's not scalable to have to re-submit the .exe to Avast (and all other 50+ antivirus software!) for each new build.
Paying $200 per year for code-signing (it might work, but I don't find it fair to have to give a $xxx ransom per year just for being whitelisted)
Are there common solutions that can help to avoid "Rarely downloaded file / File might be suspicious" antivirus alarms?
Note: I've read How to prevent my .exe to be recognized as malware?, how can I make my software not to be discovered by antivirus?, but it did not really cover the topic here.
Note2: I've read these guidelines, etc. but it did not currently help.
It depends of what this exe going to do. I've seen these av balloons two times.
First when I've add some compiled assembler code into (signed?) exe file and another one happens when I'd deploy system wide hook to catch all keystrokes in the system while app is inactive (exe were not enough for it and there were own dll).

Introduction to CATIA CAA programming [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I need to start working in CATIA CAA and I am looking for an online introductory course. From a previous post, there doesn't seem to be much available .
All I found is the quite messy documentation which I started digging from:
Any hint?
Unfortunately, like many proprietary APIs, it only comes with the software editor examples and documentation and lacks online community to help you getting started...
For CAA, we call the API documentation the Encyclopaedia. The entry point (for V5-6) is rather CATIA_INSTALLATION_DIR/CAADoc/Doc/online/CAACenV5Default.htm
Now there are many aspects you can work using CAA, almost all of them : from data model customization (Object Specs Modeler also called "Features") to visualization through all aspects of geometry and topology. Main CATIA workbenches provide their own layer of APIs (Part Design, Assembly, etc.)
Now to get ready, you will need a Visual Studio (2008 for example if you are working between R20 and R24) on top of which you will install the ENOVIA STUDIO which is basically a set of addins within visual, that will allow you to create, check, test and compile source and resources.
If after install you do not have anything popin up at VS launch, quit it and go to ENOVIA_STUDIO_INSTALLATION_DIR/intel_a/code/bin and launch CATVBTSetup.
You should have a checkbox with visual studio 2008 (if that's the version you need.) Check it and click Install. It should register the right stuff and pop up a blue CAA tips dialog box at next VS launch.
Once there, take a look within CATIA_INSTALLATION_DIR/CAADoc : all the directories ending with .edu are working code frameworks (a framework is the highest container for a group of functionnaly related objects in CAA) covering all examples for the encyclopaedia. You will find a lot more actually, since a good chunk of code often talks a lot more than a tutorial or technical article.
To try out this code (and your ENOVIA STUDIO installation by the way), you can create a directory MYWORKSPACE where you can put the frameworks that interest you (all of them if you want :D )
Now go to VS, File->Open CAA Workspace. Browse to your MYWORKSPACE directory. Pick up a "level" (matching the CATIA release you are working with) and click OK. ENOVIA STUDIO Addin (ES) will create the VS metadata so that you get all Frameworks and modules (framework's code sub-components) as projects within the solution explorer on the left.
Now go to CAAV5 Workspace-->Locate Prerequisite Workspaces and Add the CATIA_INSTALLATION_DIR (where you should have both CATIA and CAA API installed)
Now do Build-->mkmk. check update and debug. Add -jobs 4 in Other Options (so that the build gets faster)
Last but not least, update the runtime view (meaning that ES will copy the resources of each framework in your workspace in the intel_a/win_b64 of you workspace which will be read by CATIA at runtime to find icons, interface implementation binding, etc.)
You can execute CATIA now (if you want to go interactive) by Ctrl+F5. If it does not start, go to the project in bold characters in the Solution Explorer on the left. Right click. Properties. In the tree select Debug and in the Command field navigate to MYWORKSPACE\intel_a (or win_b64)\code\bin\cnext.exe.
Last but not least, ask your questions here, it is way time that CAA community benefits from SO power :)

Get one file's name method - Customize the interface - Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking for some guide for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, but I can't find nothing useful.
I'm coding in c++.
What I need is to create a button (in the dialog box) that, when I click on it, gives me the possibility to choose a file from my pc.
After that, I only need to charge in memory (like in a string variable nameFile) the name of this file.
Do anyone know how to do this operation?
And second problem, do you guys know any youtube guide or similar to customize the interface??
Like to put one picture on the background of the application, or change button style etc.
I used Eclipse before, coding in Java and It was totally different.
Thank you all!!
Here is an MFC tutorial for adding a button to a dialog and what has to be done to "wire it up" so that clicking the button invokes an event handler for the BN_CLICKED event.
Inside the BN_CLICKED event handler (that is, the function that is called when you click the button), you'll want to launch the dialog that lets you selecte the file. #Jongware suggested this link, which has a couple of approaches.
Once the file has been selected and the dialog disappears, you'll have access to the string containing the selected file. How you do this will depend on which approach you take in the preceding step. Once you have the string, you can use the appropriate File Management functions to slice-and-dice the file name as necessary.
That's far short of the actual code you'll need to write, I know, but it should give you enough of a start to get going. HTH.