How to make Snowflake as application back end data base for fast search - amazon-web-services

To save storage cost we are planning to migrate from Aurora/Mysql to Snowflake for one of our use case where we store Audit related information .
We Store all Audit info in Aurora to gives us milliseconds latency when we combine this Aurora into Application .
We do have huge amount of Audit info size is 12 TB and has Text column also and it is growing .
Now to save cost and keeping future growth in mind we are exploring other option when we can save money and performance also can match .
while doing research cam to know about Snowflake and we are doing POC on this but i observe the search on ID on primary key does not give us performance same as Aurora Mysql .
So wanted some expert advice how can we make Snowflake as our application Back end where i can do Insert/Update/Delete and display record directly from Snowflake Database .

2022 update
Things have changed since my reply below!
Check the Snowflake Search Optimization Service:
The search optimization service can significantly improve the performance of certain types of lookup and analytical queries that use an extensive set of predicates for filtering.
Unistore and Hybrid Tables are coming to Snowflake:
Unistore is a new workload that delivers a modern approach to working with transactional and analytical data together in a single platform.
Don't do this.
I read from the requirements in the question that you are looking for a backend that will:
Retrieve rows by id in milliseconds.
Be a backend for an app that's constantly performing updates and deletes.
Those are not the strengths of Snowflake, nor what people love it for.
Read more about the strengths of Snowflake and the workloads you would use it for at


Schema design for Google BigTable

In my project, Im using Google BigQuery that holds loots of data.
The BigQuery columns are:
account_id, session_id, transaction_id, username, event, timestamp.
In my dashboard, Im fetching the entire data based on time stamp (last 30 days).
Since I have very large data, the performance are pretty slow (13 sec to fetch the last 30 days data).
Lately, I try to look on Google BigTable and I saw they have an option to get data based on time.
In my tests, the performance of the BigTable are slower from the BigQuery.
Is any suggested schema that can improve the performance with BigTable?
This is example to my schema in BigTable:
const row = {
key: `transactions#${timestamp_micros}`,
data: {
identifiers: {
session_id: `session_id-${startCounter}`,
account_id: `acount-${startCounter}`,
device_id: `device-${startCounter}`,
transaction_id: `transaction_id-${startCounter}`,
runtime_id: 'AQW+2Xx5AQAAstvxskK0c8NTk+vP5eBM',
page_id: `page_id-${startCounter}`,
start_time: timestamp,
Is anyone can suggest a better schema that will help me to fetch the data (based on timestamp range) with the best performance?
A good schema results in excellent performance and scalability, and a bad schema can lead to a poorly performing system. However, no single schema design provides the best fit for all use cases and hence your question is opinionated and will vary from person to person. The patterns described on this page provide a starting point to decide a schema for BigTable. Your unique dataset and the queries you plan to use are the most important things to consider as you design a schema for your time-series data.
As you've discovered from our docs, the row key format is the biggest decision you make when using Bigtable, as it determines which access patterns can be performed efficiently. Having row key transaction_id#reverse_timestampgets your data sorted from the latest timestamp. This could avoid hotspotting issues, which is one of the big reasons for slow query results.
However, you're also coming from a SQL architecture, which isn't always a good fit for Bigtable's schema/query model. So here are some questions to get you started:
Are you planning to perform lots of ad hoc queries like "SELECT A
FROM Bigtable WHERE B=x"? If so, strongly prefer BigQuery. Bigtable
can't support this query without performing a full table scan. (hence
it is slower than BigQuery)
Will you require multi-row OLTP transactions? Again, use BigQuery, as
Bigtable only supports transactions within a single row.
Are you streaming in new events at high QPS? Bigtable is much better
for these sorts of high-volume updates. Do you want to perform any
sort of large-scale complex transformations on the data? Again,
Bigtable is likely better here, as you can stream data out and back
in faster.
You can also combine the two services if you need some combination of these features. For example, say you're receiving high-volume updates all the time, but want to be able to perform complex ad hoc queries. If you're alright working with a slightly delayed version of the data, it could make sense to write the updates to Bigtable, then periodically scan the table using Dataflow and export a post-processed version of the latest events into BigQuery. GCP also allows BigQuery to serve queries directly from Bigtable in a some regions:
My personal choice for your use case is Big Query. You can leverage the pruning in Big Query where BigQuery scans the partitions that match the filter and skip the remaining partitions. Not only does it make it easier to manage and query your data. By dividing a large table into smaller partitions, you can improve query performance, and you can control costs by reducing the number of bytes read by a query. You can use time-unit column partitioning or ingestion time partitioning. When you create a table partitioned by ingestion time, BigQuery automatically assigns rows to partitions based on the time when BigQuery ingests the data. You can choose hourly, daily, monthly, or yearly granularity for the partitions.
So your query for fetching the entire data based on timestamp (last 30 days) should be something like this in BigQuery (when used partitioning):

Use Case for Amazon Athena

We are building an web application to allow customers insight into their activity based on events currently streaming into ElasticSearch. A customer is an organisation sending messages to people.
A concern has been raised that a requirement to host this data for three years infers a very large amount of storage and high cost of implementation given Elasticsearch.
An alternative is to process each day's data into a report CSV stored in S3 and use something like Amazon Athena to perform the queries. Is Athena something that our application can send ad-hoc queries to in response to a web browser request? It is unlikely to generate a large volume of requests all the time, but I'm uncertain what the latency could be like.
Yes, Athena would be a possible solution to this use case – and done right it could also be fairly cheap.
Athena is not a low latency query engine, but for reporting purposes it's usually good enough. There's no way to say for sure without knowing more, but done right we're talking low single digit seconds.
You can approach this in different ways, either you do as you say and generate a CSV every day, store these for as long as you need, and run queries against them as needed. From your description it sounds like these CSVs would already be aggregates, and I assume they would be significantly less than a megabyte per customer per day. If you partition by customer and month you should be able to run queries for arbitrary time periods in seconds.
Another approach would be to store all your data on S3 and run queries on the full data set. As you stream data into ElasticSearch, stream it to S3 too. Depending on how you do that you probably need some ETL in the form of Lambda functions that partitions the data per customer and time (day or month depending on the volume). You can then run Athena queries on the full historical data set. The downside would be slower queries (double digit seconds for most queries, but I don't know your data volumes), but the upside would be full flexibility on what you can query.
With more details about the particulars of the use case I could help you with the details.
Athena is serverless. You can quickly query your data without having to set up and manage any servers or data warehouses. Just point to your data in Amazon S3, define the schema, and start querying using the built-in query editor.
Amazon Athena automatically executes queries in parallel, so most results come back within seconds/mins.

Cannot get data (100k+ rows) for a dashboard

Pretty new to the dynamoDb and the whole AWS, it's very exciting but I feel the learning curve is a bit steep. Anyway, here is my situation and my problem.
We have a mobile react native app which stores into a dynamoDb table one row each time the users are doing a search. (the database is a search history with a UUID and then the search criteria). On average we have a few thousands new searches into the table every day. The table has just a primary key which is the search id.
The app is quite new but we are reaching the few hundred thousand rows in the table already and can expect having a million in the following months. The data is plain simple data with unique id and string and numbers in the other attributes. No connection, no relationship, etc... That's already when I felt maybe DynamoDb may not have been the best choice but still, I read everywhere it can be suitable for anything if properly managed.
Next to this there is a webapp dashboard which -thanks to a rest api using nodejs lambdas- queries the dynamoDB to make statistics about the searches: how many searches per day, list of last searches... the problem is DynamoDb is not really suitable to query hundred thousands of data (the 1mb limit, query limitations, credits...).
When I do a scan I get only 3000 searches. I tried to make a loop on the scan using the last index requested but after a few test I did not get data and I blocked the maximum throughput. It seems really clear that I don't have the right approach to bring all these searches to my web app. So now what would be the right approach? My ideas are the following but I am open to more experienced one:
Switching to a SQL database (using the aws migration ?). Will it really be easier then?
creating lambdas to execute scheduled jobs every night to make statistics every day so that I don't have to query the full database all the time but just some of the most recent searches and the statistics rows? Is it doable? any node.js / lambdas tutorial you may know regarding this?
better management of indexes? I am still very lost regarding those.
Looking forward to your opinions.
Add another layer to take care for full text search.
For example, with Elasticsearch, or Algolia or other similars.
Elasticsearch may be cost you a lot if compare the cost on dynamodb

Migrating a relational DB into AWS services

I have a terabyte size SQL Server DB table which has only two columns:
HTML Content
There are few applications that call this Table to retrieve the HTML content by providing the Id of the row.
The DB is residing On-premises, and the maintenance cost and size of it is getting higher and higher. I am thinking to move this DB into AWS Dynamo DB. Reason I have choose Dynamo DB is the cost and the performance I have read about it.
Are the any concerns I should know about before choosing Dynamo DB?
Are the any other services in AWS that I could possibly use over
Dynamo DB?
I understand that SQL Server is a Relational DB, while DynamoDB is no sql. And it seems a No Sql DB could be a potential solution for this scenario. I have no kind of joins nor transactions against that Table. All I am doing with the table is to Insert, and Select.
Are the any concerns I should know about before choosing Dynamo DB?
As with any NoSql bigdata DB, Dynamo is "eventually consistent", so, if your application writes and then immediately reads the same record - you should expect failures (inconsistencies).
I'm not familiar with "Prem" and assuming you mean that you're working with your private servers I feel obligated to provide the following warning: working in the cloud is very different from working with your own servers: requests fail more often, latency pattern is different and you should architect your software to handle these sort of issues. If you're planning on moving to the cloud I'd start with migrating your application and leave the DB to be last.
If you really need real time updates of your data, You should reconsider moving on Dynamo. Also dynamo is useful when you do need a dynamic number of columns for each row. So except the cost, i don't see any benefits here.
If you don't need realtime updates, you can look into AWS Redshift or Google BigQuery, and these will be cheaper solutions compare to Dynamo.
Like you have mentioned, you just have two columns, take a look into "redis" also. A plain key value structure will help in performance. But since Redis stores everything in the Physical memory, costing will be high and you'll still need permanent storage/ DB like SQL, MySQL. So in terms of performance, yes you ll be able to see huge difference. but you'll be more thn the current cost.
How about AWS Aurora? At least AWS claims of 1/10th of cost compare to other SQL/MySQL instances. It have backward compatibility also.

AWS Redshift + Tableau Performance Booster

I'm using AWS Redshift as a back-end to my tableau desktop. AWS cluster is running with two dc1.large nodes and database table which I'm analyzing is of 30GB (with redshift compression enabled), I chose Redshift over tableau extract for performance issue but seems like Redshift live connection is much slower than extract. Any suggestions where shall I look into?
To use Redshift as a backend for a BI platform like Tableau, there are four things you can do to address latency:
1) Concurrency: Redshift is not great at running multiple queries at the same time so before you start tuning the database, make sure your query is not waiting in line behind other queries. (If you are the only one on the cluster, this shouldn't be a problem.)
2) Table size: Whenever you can, use aggregate tables for better performance. Fewer rows to scan means less IO and faster turnaround!
3) Query complexity: Ideally, you want your BI tool to issue simple, fast performing queries. Make sure your source tables are fast, and that Tableau isn't being forced to do a bunch of joins. Also, if your query does need to join multiple tables, make sure any large tables have the same distribution key.
4) "Indexing": Technically, Redshift does not support true indexing, but you can get close to the same thing by using "interleaved" sort keys. Traditional compound sort keys won't help, but an interleaved sort key can allow you to quickly access rows from multiple vectors (date and customer_id, for instance) without having to scan the entire table.
Reality Check
After all of these things are optimized, you will often find that you still can't be as fast as a Tableau extract. Simply stated, a "fast" Tableau dashboard needs to return data to it's user in <5 seconds. If you have 7 visuals on your dashboard, and each of the underlying queries takes 800 milliseconds to return (which is super fast for a database query), then you still are just barely reaching your target performance. Now, if just one of those queries take 5 seconds or more, your dashboard is going to feel "slow" no matter what you do.
In Summary
Redshift can be tuned using the approach above, but it may or may not be worth the effort. The best applications for using a live Redshift query instead of Tableau Extracts are in cases where the data is physically too large to create an extract of, and when you require data at a level of granularity that makes pre-aggregation infeasible. One good strategy is to create your main dashboard using an extract so that exploration/discovery is as fast as possible, and then use direct (live) Redshift queries for your drill-through reports (for instance, when you want to see exactly which customers roll up into your totals).
Few pointers as below
1) Use vacuum & Analyze once your ETL completes
2) Have you created the Table with proper Dist key and Sort Key
3) Aggregation if it's ok from the point of Data Granularity, requirement etc
1.Remove cursor, tableau access data from redshift leader node using cursor. Cursor works iteratively. Thus, impacting the performance.
2. Perform manual analyze on the table, after running heavy load operations.
3.Check the dist key distribution to avoid data skewness and improve performance.