Concurrent request processing with Boost Beast - c++

I'm referring to this sample program from the Beast repository:
I've made some changes to the code to check the ability to process multiple requests simultaneously.
boost::asio::io_context ioc{1};
tcp::acceptor acceptor{ioc, {address, port}};
std::list<http_worker> workers;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
workers.emplace_back(acceptor, doc_root);
My understanding with the above is that I will now have 10 worker objects to run I/O, i.e. handle incoming connections.
So, my first question is the above understanding correct?
Assuming that the above is correct, I've made some changes to the lambda (handler) passed to the tcp::acceptor:
void accept()
// Clean up any previous connection.
boost::beast::error_code ec;
[this](boost::beast::error_code ec)
if (ec)
boost::system::error_code ec2;
boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint = socket_.remote_endpoint(ec2);
// Request must be fully processed within 60 seconds.
std::cerr << "Remote Endpoint address: " << endpoint.address() << " port: " << endpoint.port() << "\n";
And also in process_request():
void process_request(http::request<request_body_t, http::basic_fields<alloc_t>> const& req)
switch (req.method())
case http::verb::get:
std::cerr << "Simulate processing\n";
// We return responses indicating an error if
// we do not recognize the request method.
"Invalid request-method '" + req.method_string().to_string() + "'\r\n");
And here's my problem: If I send 2 simultaneous GET requests to my server, they're being processed sequentially, and I know this because the 2nd "Simulate processing" statement is printed ~30 seconds after the previous one which would mean that execution gets blocked on the first thread.
I've tried to read the documentation of boost::asio to better understand this, but to no avail.
The documentation for acceptor::async_accept says:
Regardless of whether the asynchronous operation completes immediately or not, the handler will not be >invoked from within this function. Invocation of the handler will be performed in a manner equivalent to >using boost::asio::io_service::post().
And the documentation for boost::asio::io_service::post() says:
The io_service guarantees that the handler will only be called in a thread in which the run(), >run_one(), poll() or poll_one() member functions is currently being invoked.
So, if 10 workers are in the run() state, then why would the two requests get queued?
And also, is there a way to workaround this behavior without adapting to a different example? (e.g.

io_context does not create threads internally to execute the tasks, but rather uses the threads that call io_context::run explicitly. In the example the io_context::run is called just from one thread (main thread). So you have just one thread for task executions, which (thread) gets blocked in sleep and there is no other thread to execute other tasks.
To make this example work you have to:
Add more thread into the pool (like in the second example you referred to)
size_t const threads_count = 4;
std::vector<std::thread> v;
v.reserve(threads_count - 1);
for(size_t i = 0; i < threads_count - 1; ++i) { // add thraed_count threads into the pool
v.emplace_back([&ioc]{; });
}; // add the main thread into the pool as well
Add synchronization (for example, using strand like in the second example) where it is needed (at least for socket reads and writes), because now your application is multi-threaded.
Answering to the question "What is the purpose of a list of workers in the Beast example (the first one that referred) if in fact io_context is only running on one thread?"
Notice, regardless of thread count IO operations here are asynchronous, meaning http::async_write(socket_...) does not block the thread. And notice, that I explain here the original example (not your modified version). One worker here deals with one round-trip of 'request-response'. Imagine the situation. There are two clients client1 and client2. Client1 has poor internet connection (or requests a very big file) and client2 has the opposite conditions. Client1 makes request. Then client2 makes request. So if there was just one worker client2 would had to wait until client1 finished the whole round-trip 'request-response`. But, because there are more than one workers client2 gets response immediately not waiting the client1 (keep in mind IO does not block your single thread). The example is optimized for situation where bottleneck is IO but not the actual work. In your modified example you have quite the opposite situation - the work (30s) is very expensive compared to IO. For that case better use the second example.


How to send websocket message while waiting to receive?

My goal is to register to a websocket service to get real-time company quotations.
So I based my code on the following example, by mostly calling (again) async_read, once we receive a quotation to accept futures quotation:
The problem is when I am waiting for a new quotation (who could take sometimes minutes or hours for small companies), the program is blocked waiting for a message and I do not have the opportunity to ask for another company.
I tried to use the "post" function to call again async_write in the good context thread but the program crashed.
Is there any way to force the completion of callback on_read, to have then the opportunity to send a new message?
Here is the function I modified (simplified without mutexes):
beast::error_code ec,
std::size_t bytes_transferred)
return fail2(ec, "read");
std::string mycontent = beast::buffers_to_string(;
cout << mycontent << endl;
void subscribe(const std::string &symbol)
// We save the message in the queue
std::string text = "{\"action\": \"subscribe\", \"symbols\": \"" + symbol + "\"}";
boost::asio::post(ioc_, beast::bind_front_handler(&session::_subscription_to_post, shared_from_this()));
void _subscription_to_post()
if (msgqueue_.empty())
// We send the message
And the program crashes immediately when trying to async_write.
The problem is when I am waiting for a new quotation [...] the program is blocked waiting for a message
It isn't technically blocked because you are using async_read
I tried to use the "post" function to call again async_write in the good context thread, but the program crashed.
That means you're doing something wrong. You can post a question with your self-contained minimal code, and we can tell you what is wrong.
In general, you can use a single read operation and a single write operation concurrently (as in: in flight, asynchronously, you still need to synchronize threads accessing all related resources).
Typically, you have a single async-read-chain active at all times, and a outbound message-queue that is drained by a single async-write chain (that obviously ends when the queue is empty, so needs to be initiated when the first outbound message is queued).
I have many answers on this site (literally dozens) that you may be able to find by search for outbox or outbox_ e.g. Keep in mind that the majority of them will deal with plain (ssl) sockets intead of websockets, but the pattern practically the same.
Is there any way to force the completion of callback on_read, to have then the opportunity to send a new message ?
You can technically cancel() it, which completes it with operation_aborted. But that is not what you need. You want full-duplex, so writing cancel() is the opposite of what you want.

Can you unblock boost::asio::io_context while waiting for async_read?

im trying to connect to a server via boost asio and beast. I need to send heartbeats to the server every 40 seconds, but when I try to, my write requests get stuck in a queue and never get executed, unless the server sends something first.
I have this code to look for new messages that come in.
thread heartbeatThread(&client::heartbeatCycle, this);
while (this->p->is_socket_open()) {
this->p->asyncQueue("", true);
The asyncQueue function just calls async_read, and blocks the io context. The heartbeatCycle tries to send heartbeats, but gets stuck in the queue. If I force it to send anyways, I get
Assertion failed: (id_ != T::id), function try_lock, file soft_mutex.hpp, line 89.
When the server sends a message, the queue is unblocked, and all the queued messages go through, until there is no more work, and the io_context starts blocking again.
So my main question is, is there any way to unblock the io context without having the server send a message? If not, is there a way to emulate the server sending a message?
I have this queue function that queues messages being sent called asyncQueue.
void session::asyncQueue(const string& payload, const bool& madeAfterLoop)
if(payload.empty() && madeAfterLoop)
// If there is something to write, write it.
if(!currentlyQueued_ && !queue_.empty() && != "KEEPALIVE")
currentlyQueued_ = true;
// If there is nothing to write, read the buffer to keep stream alive
if(!currentlyQueued_ && !queue_.empty())
currentlyQueued_ = true;
The problem is when the code has nothing no work left to do, it calls async read, and gets stuck until the server sends something.
In the function where I initialized the io_context, I also created a separate thread to send heartbeats every x seconds.
void client::heartbeatCycle()
this->p->asyncQueue(bot::websocket::sendEvents::getHeartbeatEvent(cache_), true );
Lastly, I have these 2 lines in my on_read function that runs whenever async read is called.
currentlyQueued_ = false;
Once there is no more work to do, the program calls async_read but currentlyQueued_ is never set to false.
The problem is the io_context is stuck looking for something to read. What can I do to stop the io_context from blocking the heartbeats from sending?
The only thing I have found that stops the io_context from blocking is when the server sends me a message. When it does, currentlyQueued_ is set to false, and the queue able to run and the queue is cleared.
That is the reason im looking for something that can emulate the server sending me a message. So is there a function that can do that in asio/beast? Or am I going about this the wrong way.
Thanks so much for your help.
The idea is to run the io_service elsewhere (on a thread, or in main, after starting an async chain).
Right now you're calling restart() on it which simply doesn't afford continuous operation. Why stop() or let it run out of work at all?
Note, manually starting threads is atypical and unsafe.
I would give examples, but lots already exist (also on this site). I'd need to see question code with more detail to give concrete suggestions.

Concurrent TCP server in C++

I am trying to create a concurrent c++ TCP server using threads. In particular I was wondering if I could use std::async to accept connections and serve each one in its own thread.
So far I have created a rough mockup but can't really tell if I am on the correct path.
void networking::TCP_Server::acceptConnection() {
std::string stringToSend{"This is a test string to be replied to"};
int new_fd = accept(listeningFD, nullptr, nullptr);
send(new_fd, stringToSend.c_str(), stringToSend.size(), 0);
std::cout << ("End of thread");
(fds[i].fd == listeningFD) {
do {
std::cout << ("New incoming connection - %d\n", new_fd);
std::async(std::launch::async, acceptConnection)
} while (new_fd != -1);
} /* End of existing connection is readable */
} /* End of loop through pollable descriptors */
I am connecting at the same time to the server with two clients and would expect for the loop to run through both new connections and create a thread for each one. As of now it is as it runs in deferred mode, one gets accepted, the other waits until the first finishes.
Any ideas?
(Pardon any mistakes in the code)
std::async returns a std::future which the code doesn't save into a variable, hence its destructor is called immediately. std::future::~future() blocks the calling thread until the future becomes ready.
You may like to use (detached) std::thread instead of std::async.
There are more scalable strategies to handle many clients. I highly recommend reading old but instructive The C10K problem.
You may also like to get familar with Asio C++ Library.

How do I use select() and gRPC to create a server?

I need to use gRPC but in a single-threaded application (with additional socket channels). Naively, I'm thinking of using select() and depending on which file descriptor pops, calling gRPC to handle the message. My question is, can someone give me a rough (5-10 lines of code) outline skeleton on what I need to call after the select() pops?
Looking at Google's "hello world" example in the synchronous case implies a thread pool (which I can't use), and in the asynchronous case shows the main loop blocking -- which doesn't work for me because I need to handle other socket operations.
You can't do it, at this point (and probably ever).
One of the big weaknesses of event loops, including direct use of select()/poll() style APIs, is that they aren't composable in any natural way short of direct integration between the two.
We could theoretically add such functionality for Linux -- exporting an epoll_fd with a timerfd which becomes readable if it would be productive to call into a completion queue, but doing so would impose substantial constraints and architectural overhead on the rest of the stack just to support this usecase only on Linux. Everywhere else would require a background thread to manage that fd's readability.
This can be done using a gRPC async service along with grpc::Alarm to send any events that come from select or other polling APIs onto the gRPC completion queue. You can see an example using Epoll and gRPC together in this gist. The important functions are these two:
bool grpc_tick(grpc::ServerCompletionQueue& queue) {
void* tag = nullptr;
bool ok = false;
auto next_status = queue.AsyncNext(&tag, &ok, std::chrono::system_clock::now());
if (next_status == grpc::CompletionQueue::GOT_EVENT) {
if (ok && tag) {
} else {
std::cerr << "Not OK or bad tag: " << ok << "; " << tag << std::endl;
return false;
return next_status != grpc::CompletionQueue::SHUTDOWN;
bool tick_loops(int epoll, grpc::ServerCompletionQueue& queue) {
// Pump epoll events over to gRPC's completion queue.
epoll_event event{0};
while (epoll_wait(epoll, &event, /*maxevents=*/1, /*timeout=*/0)) {
grpc::Alarm alarm;
alarm.Set(&queue, std::chrono::system_clock::now(),;
if (!grpc_tick(queue)) return false;
// Make sure gRPC gets at least 1 tick.
return grpc_tick(queue);
Here you can see the tick_loops function repeatedly calls epoll_wait until no more events are returned. For each epoll event, a grpc::Alarm is constructed with the deadline set to right now. After that, the gRPC event loop is immediately pumped with grpc_tick.
Note that the grpc::Alarm instance MUST outlive its time on the completion queue. In a real-world application, the alarm should be somehow attached to the tag ( in this example) so it can be cleaned up in the completion callback.
The gRPC event loop is then pumped again to ensure that any non-epoll events are also processed.
Completion queues are thread safe, so you could also put the epoll pump on one thread and the gRPC pump on another. With this setup you would not need to set the polling timeouts for each to 0 as they are in this example. This would reduce CPU usage by limiting dry cycles of the event loop pumps.

Is it expected for poll() to take 40ms to return even though data will be available sooner?

I created a proxy server to handle CQL orders from website clients. The proxy listens for incoming connections and each connection is given a thread. The thread loops as long as the socket exists and dies on HUP. You may also stop the proxy, which will stop the threads by sending an event (See eventfd()) to each thread.
By itself, this already allows me to save a good 100ms because the proxy is local and connecting to a local service is much faster than a service on a remote computer... (even if the computer is local.)
However, I send orders and once in a while the proxy sees no incoming data (i.e. it calls read() on the socket which is setup as NONBLOCK and gets -1 in return and errno == EAGAIN.) When that happens, I call poll() to wait for additional data, the HUP, or a hit on the eventfd meaning I have to quit (i.e. 2 fds, the socket and the eventfd).
Somehow, more often than not, when I hit the poll() function call, it adds an extra 40ms to the time it takes for a message to go round trip. Although one would think this only happens on larger messages, it happens when I receive an order, which is less than 100 bytes! So the size should not be the culprit. I also changed the code to make sure I send the entire order from the client to the proxy in one write() and to avoid the poll() if at all possible (i.e. I call read() first, and poll() only if nothing is available.)
Note that I have no timeout in this case because there is nothing to check other than the incoming orders and the eventfd. So I would imagine that the timeout won't be a problem.
The code base is really big. But the client/server comes down to something like this (the sizes in original are fully dynamic):
// Client
write(socket, order, sizeof(order));
read(socket, result, sizeof(result));
// repeat for other orders, as required by client...
// server
socket = accept(); // happens for each client
// server thread (runner)
int r(0);
r += read(socket, order, sizeof(order));
if(r >= sizeof(order))
// wait for more data is not enough received yet
poll(..."socket" + "eventfd"...); // <-- this will often take 40ms
// quit thread
[work on order]
write(socket, result, sizeof(result));
Note 1: I see the problem when I have a single client. So having multiple clients does not in itself cause the problem either.
Note 2: The client really uses BIO_connect(), BIO_read() and BIO_write() [from OpenSSL], but I doubt that would be a problem. I do not use any kind of encryption.
I don't see why you're using non-blocking I/O given you have a dedicated thread per socket. Just block in read(). Use SO_RCVTIMEO if you need an overall read timeout.