Is it possible to have an SQS polling Lambda put messages in an in-flight state instead of deleting them? - amazon-web-services

When a polling Lambda reads messages it puts them in-flight during its execution. When it finished it deletes the message. But instead I want the Lambda to not delete the messages, but keep them inflight instead, and pass the receipt handle to an external process. This external process will use the message receipt and delete it on finishing.

Its difficult to say for sure, because it depends on how you set it up.
If you use event source mappings (ESM) to automatically invoke lambda based on your SQS queue then the Lambda automatically deletes the messages from the queue when your function finishes successfully:
When your function successfully processes a batch, Lambda deletes its messages from the queue.
The only way to make it not delete the messages upon completion of your function is to crash it:
If the function returns an error, all retries are attempted on the affected messages before Lambda receives additional messages from the same group.
Since purposely erroring out a function is not a good practice, I think the best way would be to have second SQS queue and simply re-broadcast the message for the second process.


How does SQS keep track of messages?

I have a pretty standard setup of feeding SQS to Lambda. The lambda reads the message and makes a web request to a defined endpoint.
If I encounter an exception during processing of the SQS message that is due to the form of the message then I put the message on a dead letter queue.
If I encounter an error with the web request, I put the message back on the feeding queue to make the HTTP request at a later time.
This seems to work fine, but we just ran into an issue where an HTTP endpoint was down for 4 days and the feeding queue dropped the message. I imagine this has something to do with the retention period setting of the queue.
Is there a way to know, in the lambda, how many times a message has been replayed?
How did the feeder queue know that the message that was re-enqueued was the same as the one that was originally put on the queue?
I'm currently not explicitly deleting a message off the queue. Not having that, hasn't seemed to cause any issues, no re-processing of messages or anything. Should I be explicitly deleting them?
The normal process would be:
The AWS Lambda function is triggered, with the message(s) passed via the event parameter
If the Lambda function successfully processes the message(s), it should return a 'success' code (200) and the message is automatically removed from the queue
If the Lambda function is unable to process the message, it should return a 'failure' code (eg 400) and Amazon SQS will automatically attempt to re-process the message (unless it has exceeded the retry count)
If the Lambda function fails (eg due to a timeout), Amazon SQS will automatically attempt to re-process the message (unless it has exceeded the retry count)
If a message has exceeded its retry count, Amazon SQS will move the message to the Dead Letter Queue
To answer your questions:
If you wish to take responsibility for these activities yourself, you can use the ApproximateReceiveCount attribute on the message. In the request, it appears that you should add AttributeNames=['ApproximateReceiveCount'], but the documentation is a bit contradictory. You might need to use All instead.
Since you are sending a new message to the queue, Amazon SQS is not aware that it is the same message. The message is not 're-enqueued' since it is a new message.
When your Lambda function returns 'success' (200), the message is being deleted off the queue for you.
You might consider using the standard functionality for retries and Dead Letter Queues rather than implementing that logic yourself.

How is the retried data processed when a lambda function?

I captured some bugs in my lambda function and then fixed them. Since in my lambda function, I have set maxReceiveCount=10 in the DLQ so lots of data were being retried even until I uploaded the new version.
My question is: if the data was sent before the function was updated, and because of the bugs within it was retried until the new function was uploaded, will the data in the DLQ be processed by the newer version of function? Assume I'm not going to trigger the function for a second time.
After being received the maximum allowed number of times (maxReceiveCount), the message is sent to the DLQ. You have to pull the messages out of the queue to reprocess them.
If you're using event based triggering of your lambda from the queue (which you probably should be), you might want to dequeue the messages from the DLQ and put them on the normal message queue to requeue them.
Edit: A redrive policy can help achieve this :

AWS SQS and Lambda Function : How to fail a lambda function and force message back on to queue

We have a Lambda event source that polls SQS for messages and passes them on to a Lambda function.
The SQS has a Visibility Timeout that dictates how long after a consumer (lambda) picks up a message it will re-appear in the queue if not successfully completed.
Is there a way from the Lambda function to force this to happen as soon as we detect an error?
For example, say Lambda has a timeout of 10 mins. The SQS Visibility Timeout will need to be longer than that.
But if the Lambda function detects a problem early on, and throws an error - this will fail the message, but we have to wait for the SQS Visibility Timeout before the message is available for other consumers to try again.
Is there a way for the Lambda function to tell SQS that the message has failed and it should go back on the queue immediately ?
If you're using the built-in AWS Lambda SQS integration, then simply throwing an exception (returning a non-success status from the Lambda function) will result in all the SQS messages in the event of that invocation being placed back in the queue immediately.
From the documentation:
When Lambda reads a batch, the messages stay in the queue but become
hidden for the length of the queue's visibility timeout. If your
function successfully processes the batch, Lambda deletes the messages
from the queue. If your function is throttled, returns an error, or
doesn't respond, the message becomes visible again. All messages in a
failed batch return to the queue, so your function code must be able
to process the same message multiple times without side effects.
Call the ChangeMessageVisibility API and set the visibility timeout of each failed message to 0 seconds. Then throw an exception.
If you received a batch of SQS messages and were able to successfully process some of them, then explicitly delete those (successful) messages from the underlying SQS queue, then set the visibility timeout of each remaining failed message to 0 seconds, then throw an exception.
Setting a message's visibility timeout to 0 terminates the visibility timeout for that message and makes the message immediately visible to other consumers.

Is it necessary for a Lambda to delete messages from an SQS queue after processing?

I'm looking at the the AWS SQS documentation here:
My understanding is that we need to delete the message using AmazonSQSClient.DeleteMessage() once we're done processing it, but is this necessary when we're working with an SQS triggered Lambda?
I'm testing with a Lambda function that's triggered by an SQSEvent, and unless I'm mistaken, it appears that if the Lambda function runs to completion without throwing any errors, the message does NOT return to the SQS queue. If this is true, the I would rather avoid making that unnecessary call to AmazonSQSClient.DeleteMessage().
Here is a similar question from 2019 with the top answer saying that the SDK does not delete messages automatically and that they need to be explicitly deleted within the code. I'm wondering if anything has changed since then.
The key here is that you are using the AWS Lambda integration with SQS. In that instance AWS Lambda handles retrieving the messages from the queue (making them available via the event object), and automatically deletes the message from the queue for you if the Lambda function returns a success status. It will not delete the message from the queue if the Lambda function throws an error.
When using AWS Lambda integration with SQS you should not be using the AWS SDK to interact with the SQS queue at all.
Lambda now supports partial batch failure for SQS whereby the Lambda function can return a list of failed messages and only those will become visible again.
Amazon SQS doesn't automatically delete a message after retrieving it for you, in case you don't successfully receive the message (for example, if the consumers fail or you lose connectivity). To delete a message, you must send a separate request which acknowledges that you've successfully received and processed the message.
This has not changed and likely won’t change in the future as there us no way for SQS to definitively know in all cases if messages have successfully been processed. If SQS started to “assume” what happens downstream it risk becoming unreliable in many scenarios.
Yes, otherwise the next time you ask for a set of messages, you will get the same messages back - maybe not on the next call, but eventually you will. You likely don't want to keep processing the same set of messages over and over.

AWS SQS Dead Letter Queue notifications

I'm trying to design a small message processing system based on SQS, Lambda, and SNS. In case of failure, I'd like for the message to be enqueued in a Dead Letter Queue (DLQ) and for a webhook to be called.
I'd like to know what the most canonical or reasonable way of achieving that would look like.
Currently, if everything goes well, the process should be as follows:
SQS (in place to handle retries) enqueues a message
Lambda gets invoked by SQS and processes the message
Lambda sends a webhook and finishes normally
If something in the lambda goes wrong (success webhook cannot be called, task at hand cannot be processed), the easiest way to achieve what I want seems to be to set up a DLQ1 that SQS would put the failed messages in. An auxiliary lambda would then be called to process this message, pass it to SNS, which would call the failure webhook, and also forward the message to DLQ2, the final/true DLQ.
Is that the best approach?
One alternative I know of is Alarms, though I've been warned that they are quite tricky. Another one would be to have lambda call the error reporting webhook if there's a failure on the last retry, although that somehow seems inappropriate.
Your architecture looks good enough in case of success, but I personally find it quite confusing if anything goes wrong as I don't see why you need two DLQs to begin with.
Here's what I would do in case of failure:
Define a DLQ on your source SQS Queue and set the maxReceiveCount to e.g. 3, meaning if messages fail three times, they will be redirected to the configured DLQ
Create a Lambda that listens to this DLQ.
Execute the webhook inside this Lambda.
Since step 3 automatically deletes the message from the Queue once it has been processed and, apparently, you want the messages to be persisted somewhere, store the content of the message in a file on S3 and store the file metadata (bucket and key) in a table in DynamoDB, so you can always query for failed messages.
I don't see any role for SNS here unless you want multiple subscribers for a given message, but as I see this is not the case.
This way, you need need to maintain only one DLQ and you can get rid of SNS as it's only adding an extra layer of complexity to your architecture.