Web frontend designer [closed] - django

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am trying to learn web development and I did take some Django courses. I would like to know is there some kind of "Frontend Designer" (some think similar to wordpress) that can create templates like html etc. which are easy to use for Django developer? Or are there some kind of "Frontend Designer" that are more optimized for Django?
Many many thank in advance.

You can use Django as a backend for Apis and I would highly recommend using Frontend framework/Library like React/Vue.
I know you want an easy solution for frontend like WordPress (drag & drop ) but I don't think there is such a thing which you can customize with liberty and according to your ease and have your full control over it.
Plus, there are tons of themes and components available for React/Vue Or these libraries have a strong community.
You can use simple HTML with bootstrap, jquery.
They too have tons of themes available.


C++ - most popular framework for interacting with SQL? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am a computer science student and I want to do a personal project demonstrating some skills that I have learned. Recently I learned how to use SQL with PHP. Since PHP isn't as relevant as it once was, I was hoping someone could point me towards a more commonly used back-end tool where I still interact with my database through SQL queries. In my question, I specifically asked about a C++ framework since I am most comfortable with C++, but if there are much more common frameworks for what I'm looking for that use Java or Python, that would work as well.
Doing a quick google search gave me a very very large list of potential frameworks, so I was hoping someone with more knowledge in the field can point me towards one that employers would find the most relevant.
On a side note, I was also wondering if a framework is completely necessary, or if I can create my back-end just using native c++? If so, is this a valuable skill to look into?
Thanks for the help.
check out QT for the C++ GUI & MySQL for the backend...

Django-openauth-id documentation and installation guides [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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On a few questions this package was recommended to provide Django with OpenAuth capabilities.
I'm new to Django and as one of my first projects, I'm trying to replicate StackOverflow's login and registration mechanisms. the only two documents that relate to the usability and installation of the package are the README and openid.txt files. edit I forgot to mention the example in their code base /endedit
I implemented what the files and example implemented, but so far I still feel lost in terms of actually understanding how the mechanism works and how to build a site with openauth-id integration.
The questions I have involve:
Best practice way to include multiple openID providers
Proper way to connect the to the Django-user models
Handling any security, privacy, etc issues that may arise
I have put up an example of using django-openid-auth with openid-selector(http://code.google.com/p/openid-selector/) for a nice UI on github. See if this helps.
If something is not clear from the examples, please ask and Id be more than happy to help
You need to include each ID provider in a separate Authentication backend.
Bast practice is also to use build in User model.
Look for example plugin that provides multiple authentication providers
django-social_auth at github.
Hope that will help...

SharePoint alternatives? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Hi, I want to develop a site with the features similar to SharePoint but without using any SharePoint services.
Please advise me which are the tools I have to use to achieve this.
The alternative should be free and customizable.
If your question is: What is an alternative to sharepoint? then one answer would be "alfresco". Although I'm not a fan of Alfresco as a user, it has many features similar to sharepoint: different accessing methods for shared files (WebDAV, HTTP, FTP, SMB), authorization groups and file versioning / history.
Of course it lacks the tight office integration of Sharepoint.
Edit: I'm not a fan of Sharepoint either.
Depends on what you want to with SharePoint. If you are only using 1 functionality you probably have tons of alternatives. (Wordpress, wikipedia, Drupal,..). All with their own pro's and cons.
If you want the complete package. Collaboration , search, publishing, wiki, blog, office integration, etc... The choices are limited. I'm not a great fan of DotNetNuke but it's one possibility. More in the Java camp you find Alfresco.
Have a look here,
And there are some alternatives in this thread as well Open Source SharePoint?

Wiki software for documenting APIs [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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What's an advisable way of documenting and sharing APIs (e.g. HTTP web-services)?
The requirements are:
A Wiki type system in which anyone can edit any page.
An easy way to write an API spec so that the styling/formatting is applied automatically, rather than having to manually add the styling for each individual page.
I would use Wordpress, except that it's not really a Wiki system; it's more of a blog engine. I want a nice, clean, structured hierarchy of pages, and the ability to click and edit instantly.
I tried Google Sites, but this also seems to be unsuitable, because it doesn't allow me to create a consistent style for APIs. The only control I have over styling is "themes", which change the look & feel of the whole site, and aren't specific enough.
I found a hosted solution here, but at $499 p/year I'm sure we can do better.
Any suggestions?
Many projects use trac. Here is an example of a project that uses it http://djangobb.org/wiki
Trac integrates together wiki, issue tracking and source control.
Might consider using something like doxygen to generate an inital snapshot and then just wikify that.
A similar question was posted here also: Wiki solution for APIs documentations?
and I suggested using MindTouch
**jonathan, just saw your comment about trac adding too much complexity. you'll likely find the same with MindTouch, but that's because you're asking for a solution to a specific problem, and the suitable tools available offer much more capabilities (ie complexities)

What's a good Wordpress extension for coloring C/C++/script code? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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My research group uses a Wordpress blog. Frequently I want post snippets or even entire short programs I've been working on to it, with most of my code being written in C/C++ or scripting languages (Bash, TCL, etc).
I figure that there have to be some good extensions to Wordpress to colorify code since so many people use it. I'm looking for something similar to StackOverflow's colorizing system, though I realize it may not be quite as robust!
Can you point me to some of your favorites/the ones you think are most reliable?
Thanks in advance!
This was the first I investigated when I started a Wordpress blog. You can use Wordpress' sourcecode shortcode, as exemplified here. It requires JavaScript on the client side (otherwise it renders as just preformatted text).
Cheers & hth.,
GeSHi is a good backend for highlighting lots of different languages. There are Wordpress plugins that support it, but I don't have a specific recommendation. (I use GeSHi for our wiki.)
You might also consider Pastie or Gist as a way to share snippets.