Can a Amazon States Language json file be generated from CDK step functions TS file - amazon-web-services

If I have a CDK *.ts file that defines my AWS Step Functions, is it possible to generate an Amazon States Language asl.json file that I can use it to visualize that step function process (using the AWS Toolkit for VS)?
I took a look at: Is there a way of running AWS Step Functions locally when defined by CDK?, Is there a way to create step functions graph using CDK?, and the AWS CDK for Step Functions: but none of those resources indicated a process to generate that asl.json file. The AWS Step Function module has an Import, what I am looking for is essentially, the reverse or an Export.

AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code supports visualization of CDK state machines. Run cdk synth then the state machine resource will appear in the CDK explorer. Right click on it to display the graph.

This may not be exactly what your looking for, but check out this Question and Answer.
From this you would be able to get the Amazon State Language JSON of your state machine that is defined in your CDK *.ts file and do whatever you want with it upon deployment.
If you wanted to see the JSON that is created just to visualize it though, you can always go to the AWS Console > Step Functions > [Your State Machine] > Definition tab, to see the asl.json


Amazon SageMaker Model Registry / Pipelines - how to manually set a Stage for a given Model Version?

This might be a very specific question, but I will try anyway.
I want to explicitly set the Stage column in Model registry for a given Model Version:
This picture comes from the documentation and it gets set only when you run the example SageMaker Projects MLOps Templates they provide. When I create the Model Package (i.e. Model Version) manually, the column remains empty. How do I set it? What API do I call?
Additionally, the documentation on browsing the model version history has a following sentence
How do we send that exact event ("Deployed to stage XYZ") manually?
I already thoroughly went over all the files SageMaker MLOps Project generates (CodeBuild Builds, CodePipeline, CloudFormation, various .py files, SageMaker Pipeline) but could not find any direct and explicit call for that event.
I think it may be somehow connected to the Tag sagemaker:deployment-stage but I've already set it on Endpoint, EndpointConfiguration and Model, with no success. I also tried to blindly call the UpdateModelPackage API and set Stage in CustomerMetadataProperties. Again - no luck.
The only thing I get in that Activity tab is that given Model Version is deployed to Inference endpoint:
You can set the status with the ModelApprovalStatus parameter in the create_model_package API or the update_model_package API
Model package state change should create an event in EventBridge (like many other SageMaker events), which enables you to run the automation of your choice.
In the default SageMaker Pipelines Project template, you can see the EventBridge-driven proposed logic in the CodePipeline pipeline created for deployment: you can see on top "Trigger - CloudWatchEvent".
You don't see the event source as code in the git, because the status change is expected to be done in the Studio model registry UI in that demo template.
Those EventBridge events emitted by the Model Registry can also be seen in few blogs:
Taming Machine Learning on AWS with MLOps: A Reference Architecture
Patterns for multi-account, hub-and-spoke Amazon SageMaker model registry
Build MLOps workflows with Amazon SageMaker projects, GitLab, and GitLab pipelines
I was having the exact same issue, I wanted to change the model stage but could not find where it was being done in the sample code AWS provides.
After some research and looking into the sample code I realized that it was being done in the cloud formation execution. First they add the tag
'sagemaker:deployment-stage': stage_config['Parameters']['StageName']
and then the cloud formation execution (cfnUpdate call) updates the stage and deploys.
I couldn't find another way to change the state with a call to update_model_package or other methods.

Azure DevOps Pipeline: AWS CLI Task, How to reference predefined variables

I am using the AWS CLI task to deploy a Lambda layer. The build pipeline upstream looks like this:
It zips up the code, publishes the artifact and then downloads that artifact.
Now in the release pipeline I'm deploying that artifact via an AWS CLI command. The release pipeline looks like this:
I'm trying to figure out a way to dynamically get the current working directory so I don't need to hardcode it. In the options and parameters section you can see I'm trying to use $(Pipeline.Workspace) but it doesn't resolve correctly.
Is this possible?
Correct me if I am wrong, but I looks like you are running this in Azure Release? Not Pipelines?
If that is the case I think the variable you are looking for is $(Release.PrimaryArtifactSourceAlias) .
See the section of the document that talks about release specific variables:
Yes. This is completely achievable.
From your screenshot, you are using the Release Pipeline to deploy the Artifacts.
In your situation, the $(Pipeline.Workspace) can only be used in Build Pipeline.
Refer to this doc: Classic release and artifacts variables
You can use the variable: $(System.ArtifactsDirectory) or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)
The directory to which artifacts are downloaded during deployment of a release. The directory is cleared before every deployment if it requires artifacts to be downloaded to the agent. Same as Agent.ReleaseDirectory and System.DefaultWorkingDirectory.

Is there a way of running AWS Step Functions locally when defined by CDK?

AWS Step Functions may be run in a local Docker environment using Step Functions Local Docker. However, the step functions need to be defined using the JSON-based Amazon States Language. This is not at all convenient if your AWS infrastructure (Step Functions plus lambdas) is defined using AWS CDK/CloudFormation.
Is there a way to create the Amazon States Language definition of a state machine from the CDK or CloudFormation output, such that it’s possible to run the step functions locally?
My development cycle is currently taking me 30 minutes to build/deploy/run my Lambda-based step functions in AWS in order to test them and there must surely be a better/faster way of testing them than this.
We have been able to achieve this by the following:
To run step functions local, in the directory where you extracted the local Step Function files run:
java -jar StepFunctionsLocal.jar --lambda-endpoint http://localhost:3003
To create a state machine, you need a json definition (It can be pulled from the generated template or can get the toolkit plug in for Vs code, type step functions, select from a template and that can be your starter. Can also get it from the AWS console in the definition tab on the step function.
Run this command in the same directory as the definition json:
aws stepfunctions --endpoint http://localhost:8083 create-state-machine --definition "cat step-function.json" --name "local-state-machine" --role-arn "arn:aws:iam::012345678901:role/DummyRole"
You should be able to hit the SF now (hopefully) :)
You can use cdk watch or the --hotswap option to deploy your updated state machine or Lambda functions without a CloudFormation deployment.
If you want to test with Step Functions local, cdk synth generates the CloudFormation code containing the state machine's ASL JSON definition. If you get that and replace the CloudFormation references and intrinsic functions, you can use it to create and execute the state machine in Step Functions Local.
How some people have automated this:
Another solution that might help is to use localstack what is supports many tools such CDK or CloudFormation and let developers to run stack locally.
There are a variety ways to run it, one of them is to run it manually in docker container, according to the instruction get started.
Next following the instruction what's next configure aws-cli or use awslocal.
All next steps and templates should be the same as for AWS API in the cloud.

can we deploy whole project in Google Cloud using only Code?

I have a project in Google cloud using the following resources
-BigQuery, Google functions (Python), google storage, Cloud Scheduler
is it possible to save the whole project as code and share it, so someone else can just use that code and deploy it using his own tenant ?
the reason, I am asking, I have published all the code and SQL queries in Github, but some users find it very hard to reproduce, they are not necessarily very familiar with Google Cloud, in an ideal situation, they need just to get a file and click deploy ?
When you create a solution for GCP we will commonly find that it consists of code, data and configuration. The code and data you can save in a source repository like GitHub ... but what of the configuration? What if your "solution" expects to have BQ datasets and tables or GCS buckets or Scheduler jobs defined? This is where you can create "Infrastructure As Code" definitions. Google supports its own IaC technology called Deployment Manager but you can also use the popular Terraform as it too has a GCP provider. The definitions for these IaC coordinators are typically text / yaml files that you can also package with your code. Sprinkle in some Make, Chef, Puppet for building apps and pushing code to deployment environments and you have a "build it from source" story. Study also the concepts of CI/CD and you will commonly find that the steps you perform for building CI/CD overlap with the steps for trivial deployment.
There are also projects such as terraformer that can do some kind of a job of reverse engineering an existing configuration to create IaC description that, when run elsewhere, will recreate the configuration.

Where is the visual config view in AWS Lambda?

I have been trying to look at the code that is deployed in an aws lambda.
There is an existing go function that is running in the go lambda.
However, I am not able to. AWS docs says we can look at the code through the visual config view, where is this view? This is the screen that I see, where is the view to see the code?
Please help.
Or is it because we are using a go server, only the executable which is a binary is running in the lambda and hence we are not able to see the code?
Code inline is supported only for interpreted languages (js for example) and not compiled languages.
Beside below lamda limitation, It seems console lamda editor does not support go.
However the documentation suggest to use code star.
You can also get started with AWS Lambda Go support through AWS
CodeStar. AWS CodeStar lets you quickly launch development projects
that include a sample application, source control and release
automation. With this announcement, AWS CodeStar introduced new
project templates for Go running on AWS Lambda. Select one of the
CodeStar Go project templates to get started. CodeStar makes it easy
to begin editing your Go project code in AWS Cloud9, an online IDE,
with just a few clicks.
Q: How do I create an AWS Lambda function using the Lambda console?
If you are using Node.js or Python, you can author the code for your
function using code editor in the AWS Lambda console which lets you
author and test your functions, and view the results of function
executions in a robust, IDE-like environment
Deployment package size
50 MB (zipped, for direct upload)
250 MB (unzipped, including layers)
3 MB (console editor)
lambda limits
Based on the code size the AWS code editor will display the code. Since the size of the code/package is large AWS Code editor can't display the same.
But you can download the package from AWS Lambda function using export.
Kindly follow the below steps:
Go to the lambda
Select the lambda
Click on Actions
Select Export function
You will get few options. Select Download deployment package.