HMAC SHA256 sign on Java, Verify on C++ private-public keys - c++

I try to sign some data by Java with private key and then verify it by C++ with public key. I user Java as client and C++ as server.
Java run on Windows, C++ on Ubuntu
in Java I use
key = "MIIEowIBAAKCAQ......s8mFoA2"; //private key
byte[] b1 = Base64.decodeBase64(key);
this.Sign = hmacSha256Base64("test", b1);
public static String hmacSha256Base64(String message, byte[] secretKey) throws
NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException, UnsupportedEncodingException, NoSuchProviderException {
Mac hmacSha256;
try {
hmacSha256 = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256", "BC");
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) {
hmacSha256 = Mac.getInstance("HMAC-SHA-256");
SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(secretKey, "HmacSHA256");
// Build and return signature
return Base64.encodeBase64String(hmacSha256.doFinal(message.getBytes("UTF-8")));
and on C++, to verify I real try different code, for example:
int verify_it(const unsigned char *msg, size_t mlen, const unsigned char *val, size_t vlen, EVP_PKEY *pkey)
/* Returned to caller */
int result = 0;
unsigned char buff[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
size_t size;
int rc;
if (!msg || !mlen || !val || !vlen || !pkey)
return 0;
ctx = EVP_MD_CTX_new();
if (ctx == NULL) {
printf("EVP_MD_CTX_create failed, error 0x%lx\n", ERR_get_error());
goto err;
rc = EVP_DigestSignInit(ctx, NULL, EVP_sha256(), NULL, pkey);
if (rc != 1) {
printf("EVP_DigestSignInit failed, error 0x%lx\n", ERR_get_error());
goto err;
rc = EVP_DigestSignUpdate(ctx, msg, mlen);
if (rc != 1) {
printf("EVP_DigestSignUpdate failed, error 0x%lx\n", ERR_get_error());
goto err;
size = sizeof(buff);
rc = EVP_DigestSignFinal(ctx, buff, &size);
if (rc != 1) {
printf("EVP_DigestSignFinal failed, error 0x%lx\n", ERR_get_error());
goto err;
result = (vlen == size) && (CRYPTO_memcmp(val, buff, size) == 0);
return result;
RSA* createPublicRSA(std::string TermId, bool is_local) {
RSA *rsa = NULL;
BIO *keybio;
FILE * fp = fopen((SettingsConfig["UserKeys"] + "user_public/" + TermId).c_str(), "rb");
if (fp != 0)
rsa = PEM_read_RSA_PUBKEY(fp, &rsa, NULL, NULL);
return rsa;
size_t calcDecodeLength(const char* b64input) {
size_t len = strlen(b64input), padding = 0;
if (b64input[len - 1] == '=' && b64input[len - 2] == '=') //last two chars are =
padding = 2;
else if (b64input[len - 1] == '=') //last char is =
padding = 1;
return (len * 3) / 4 - padding;
void Base64Decode(const char* b64message, unsigned char** buffer, size_t* length) {
BIO *bio, *b64;
int decodeLen = calcDecodeLength(b64message);
*buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(decodeLen + 1);
(*buffer)[decodeLen] = '\0';
bio = BIO_new_mem_buf(b64message, -1);
b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64());
bio = BIO_push(b64, bio);
*length = BIO_read(bio, *buffer, strlen(b64message));
std::string test = "XChhsTE....NkE="; //Sign from Java
std::string msg = "test";
RSA* publicRSA = createPublicRSA("#1.pem", false); //public key
EVP_PKEY* pubKey = EVP_PKEY_new();
EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(pubKey, publicRSA);
unsigned char* encMessage;
size_t encMessageLength;
Base64Decode(test.c_str(), &encMessage, &encMessageLength);
int result_sign = verify_it((unsigned char*)msg.c_str(), msg.length(), encMessage, encMessageLength, pubKey);
std::cout << std::to_string(result_sign) << std::endl; //return 0
And any others examples return false. I don't know what is problem, please help! Thanks!
p.s. private key:
public key:
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
message: 12105333071
signaturee from Java: XChhsTE+Yr4wkiibvTFiLTMhJ8tLqYo7WQs///VtNkE=

Just using HMACSHA256 is not the same as Private/Public Key signature. The full name of HMACSHA256 is "Hash-based Message Authentication Code" and you "sign" and "verify" this with the same "key" that is just a byte array and has nothing to do with Private or Public Key.
Of course you can take the encoded bytes of the Private/Public key as input, but when doing so (I do NOT recommend this)
you need to pass the same key to the verification part.
I setup two small programs to show how it works. For Java I'm using your code except of using Bouncy Castle as "native" Java
should have this build in. As well I left out the apache-Base64-conversion as it's build in as well. The C#-part is the same program but has a "verification" output.
Both code samples do not have any exceptional handling and are for educational purposes only.
Result of Java-code:
HMAC SHA256 sign on Java, Verify on C++ private-public keys
hmacSha256 (Base64): /1qkanJi8onWOxVe02MO/Wf1922aKzSTSfJk6E7o1x0=
Result of C#-code:
HMAC SHA256 sign on Java, Verify on C++ private-public keys
HMACSHA256 in C#: /1qkanJi8onWOxVe02MO/Wf1922aKzSTSfJk6E7o1x0=
HMACSHA256 Java : /1qkanJi8onWOxVe02MO/Wf1922aKzSTSfJk6E7o1x0=
Hashes are equal: True
import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Base64;
public class Org {
public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
System.out.println("HMAC SHA256 sign on Java, Verify on C++ private-public keys");
String message = "12105333071";
String key = "12345678901234567";
String result = hmacSha256Base64(message, key.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
System.out.println("hmacSha256 (Base64): " + result);
public static String hmacSha256Base64(String message, byte[] secretKey) throws
NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
Mac hmacSha256;
try {
hmacSha256 = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) {
hmacSha256 = Mac.getInstance("HMAC-SHA-256");
SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(secretKey, "HmacSHA256");
// Build and return signature
return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(hmacSha256.doFinal(message.getBytes("UTF-8")));
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("HMAC SHA256 sign on Java, Verify on C++ private-public keys");
string message = "12105333071";
string key = "12345678901234567";
string expectedHashBase64 = "/1qkanJi8onWOxVe02MO/Wf1922aKzSTSfJk6E7o1x0="; // from Java
// generate HMACSHA256
string hmacSha256DigestBase64 = HmacSha256DigestBase64(key, message);
Console.WriteLine("HMACSHA256 in C#: " + hmacSha256DigestBase64);
Console.WriteLine("HMACSHA256 Java : " + expectedHashBase64);
Console.WriteLine("Hashes are equal: " + hmacSha256DigestBase64.Equals(expectedHashBase64, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
private static string HmacSha256DigestBase64(string secret, string message)
ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] keyBytes = encoding.GetBytes(secret);
byte[] messageBytes = encoding.GetBytes(message);
System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256 cryptographer = new System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256(keyBytes);
byte[] bytes = cryptographer.ComputeHash(messageBytes);
return Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);

Golang code to complete the collection (tested to produce the exactly same result as the java code form Michael Fehr:
package main
import (
b64 "encoding/base64"
func main() {
secret := "12345678901234567"
data := "12105333071"
fmt.Printf("Secret: %s Data: %s\n", secret, data)
// Create a new HMAC by defining the hash type and the key (as byte array)
h := hmac.New(sha256.New, []byte(secret))
// Write Data to it
// Get result and base64 encode the string
sha := b64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))
fmt.Println("Result: " + sha)


How to create a secp256k1 key pair with OpenSSL?

Since the EC_KEY functions are marked deprecated in OpenSSL 3 I tried to do it with EVP_PKEY functions.
Here is my OpenSSL 1.1 code:
void MainWindowOpenSsl::createKeyPair()
EC_KEY *key_pair_obj = nullptr;;
BIGNUM *priv_key;
EC_POINT *pub_key;
EC_GROUP *secp256k1_group;
char *priv_key_char;
char *pub_key_char;
char *pub_key_char_comp;
int ret_error;
// Generate secp256k1 key pair
key_pair_obj = EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(NID_secp256k1);
ret_error = EC_KEY_generate_key(key_pair_obj);
// Get private key
priv_key = (BIGNUM *)EC_KEY_get0_private_key(key_pair_obj);
priv_key_char = BN_bn2hex(priv_key);
// Get public key
pub_key = (EC_POINT *)EC_KEY_get0_public_key(key_pair_obj);
secp256k1_group = EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name(NID_secp256k1);
// Uncompressed
pub_key_char = EC_POINT_point2hex(secp256k1_group, pub_key, POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED, nullptr);
// Compressed
pub_key_char_comp = EC_POINT_point2hex(secp256k1_group, pub_key, POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED, nullptr);
qDebug().noquote() << "\n";
qDebug().noquote() << Q_FUNC_INFO;
printf("Private key : %s\n\n", priv_key_char);
printf("Public key ompressed : %s\n\n", pub_key_char);
printf("Public key uncompressed: %s\n", pub_key_char_comp);
printf("Error code : %d\n", ret_error);
With the EVP_PKEY functions I managed to get a private key, but I couldn't figure out how to extract the public key from it. That is how I started:
void MainWindowOpenSsl::createKeyPairNew()
char *priv_key_char;
// Private Key
EVP_PKEY *evp_pkey = EVP_EC_gen("secp256k1");
BIGNUM *bignum_priv_key = nullptr;
EVP_PKEY_get_bn_param(evp_pkey, OSSL_PKEY_PARAM_PRIV_KEY, &bignum_priv_key);
priv_key_char = BN_bn2hex(bignum_priv_key);
printf("Private key : %s\n\n", priv_key_char);
// Extract the compressed and uncompressed public key from the private key
but then I got stuck.
Thank you very much for your help.

PKCS#7 signing Base64 string and add signer info openssl

There is problem found while signing Nonce(Base64 string) with PKCS#7 using openssl
the problem is when i decode the signature the nonce is trimmed (get 4 char and the expected is 8 char)
Here is the code.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QString nonce = "Jd0VAO74";
QDateTime dateTime = QDateTime::fromString("2022-12-15T13:51:46Z", Qt::ISODateWithMs);
unsigned char*signature = signNonce(nonce, dateTime);
qDebug() << signature;
return 0;
unsigned char* signNonce(nonce, dateTime){
QContentInfo contentInfo = QContentInfo(QByteArray::fromBase64(nonce.toLatin1()));
auto signedCms = QSignedCms(contentInfo);
QOpenssl::QOpensslCertificate qOpensslCertificate(getCertificate());
QCmsSigner cmsSigner = QCmsSigner(qOpensslCertificate);
auto l_pSignedCms = PKCS7_PTR(PKCS7_new(),::PKCS7_free);
// set certificate and private key in a signer info.
QSignerInfo qsignerInfo;
X509_PTR pX509 = cmsSigner.getCertificate().getCertificate();
EVP_PKEY_PTR pKey = cmsSigner.getCertificate().getPrivateKey();
const EVP_MD* pMD = EVP_sha256();
PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO_set(signerInfo, pX509.get(), pKey.get(), pMD);
// set signing time attribute.
ASN1_TIME* pSigningTime = ASN1_TIME_set(nullptr, cmsSigner.getPkcs9SigningTime().toTime_t());
PKCS7_add0_attrib_signing_time(signerInfo, pSigningTime);
// set message digest attribute.
QCryptographicHash::Algorithm algo = cmsSigner.getDigestType() == DigestType::SHA256
? QCryptographicHash::Algorithm::Sha256
: QCryptographicHash::Algorithm::Sha1;
QByteArray hash = QCryptographicHash::hash(m_ContentInfo.getContent(), algo);
const auto* pHash = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(hash.constData());
PKCS7_add1_attrib_digest(signerInfo, pHash, m_ContentInfo.getContent().length());
// set content type attribute.
PKCS7_add_attrib_content_type(signerInfo, OBJ_nid2obj(NID_pkcs7_data));
// sign signerinfo.
if(PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO_sign(signerInfo) <= 0) {
qCritical() << ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), nullptr);
// add signer info to cms.
PKCS7_add_signer(l_pSignedCms.get(), signerInfo);
// set data to cms.
// set certificate to cms.
PKCS7_add_certificate(l_pSignedCms.get(), pX509.get());
// set certificate chain
for(const QOpensslCertificate& cert : cmsSigner.getCertificate().getCertificateChain()) {
PKCS7_add_certificate(l_pSignedCms.get(), cert.getCertificate().get());
// set content data.
BIO_PTR pContent = BIO_PTR(BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()), ::BIO_free);
BIO_puts(pContent.get(), m_ContentInfo.getContent().constData());
m_pSignedCms = PKCS7_PTR(
PKCS7_sign(pX509.get(), pKey.get(), nullptr, pContent.get(), 0),
unsigned char* pSignedValue = nullptr;
int result = i2d_PKCS7(m_pSignedCms.get(), &pSignedValue);
return pSignedValue ;
after decodeing online decoder the signature, we found nonce in hex 0x25 DD 15
the nonce only contains 4 char Jd0V
any one has a clue ?
I try to figure out why the decoded signature only contains 4 char not 8

How to generate and hex encode a ED25519 keypair using openssl 3.0 c++

So far I can do the following. But I have no idea if it is working because I can't see the keys. I am planning on extracting them into a char array and storing them In a struct. So I need the full encoded byte array for the private and public keys.
I think I have it working partially for RSA. But I can't figure out how to use ED22519.
static bool GenerateEncryptionKeys(ofstream *file)
EVP_PKEY *pkey = NULL;
if (ctx)
if (EVP_PKEY_keygen_init(ctx) > 0)
if (EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_keygen_bits(ctx, 2048) > 0)
if (EVP_PKEY_keygen(ctx, &pkey) > 0)
print("All good");
Nevermind. I solved it.
static bool GenerateEncryptionKeys()
EVP_PKEY *my_pkey = nullptr;
EVP_PKEY_CTX *my_ctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_id(EVP_PKEY_ED25519, nullptr);
EVP_PKEY_keygen(my_ctx, &my_pkey);
std::size_t pub_key_allocated_length;
EVP_PKEY_get_raw_public_key(my_pkey, NULL, &pub_key_allocated_length);
unsigned char *public_key = new unsigned char[pub_key_allocated_length];
EVP_PKEY_get_raw_public_key(my_pkey, public_key, &pub_key_allocated_length);
std::size_t pkey_allocated_length;
EVP_PKEY_get_raw_private_key(my_pkey, NULL, &pkey_allocated_length);
unsigned char *private_key = new unsigned char[pkey_allocated_length];
EVP_PKEY_get_raw_private_key(my_pkey, private_key, &pkey_allocated_length);
WriteEncryptionKeys(convertToString((const char *)private_key, pkey_allocated_length), convertToString((const char *)public_key, pub_key_allocated_length));
return true;

How to find private key in token by using X509 certificate modulus in C++

In c++ code using pkcs#11 we are trying to find the private key and install corresponding x509 certificate in the token. But unable to find the key pair in token using modulus. Below is my code sample.
//Install certificate
const char bytes[] = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" "\n"
"-----END CERTIFICATE-----" "\n";
BIO *bio_mem = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
BIO_puts(bio_mem, bytes);
X509 * x509 = PEM_read_bio_X509(bio_mem, NULL, NULL, NULL);
BIO *bio_out = BIO_new_fp(stdout, BIO_NOCLOSE);
EVP_PKEY *pkey = X509_get_pubkey(x509);
RSA *rsa_key;
DSA *dsa_key;
char *rsa_e_dec, *rsa_n_hex, *dsa_p_hex,
*dsa_q_hex, *dsa_g_hex, *dsa_y_hex;
rsa_key = pkey->pkey.rsa;
//IFNULL_FAIL(rsa_e_dec, "unable to extract rsa exponent");
CK_BYTE_PTR modulus, exponent;
modulus = (unsigned char *)malloc(256);
int mo = BN_bn2bin(rsa_key->n, modulus);
// CK_RV result;
CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hObjects[100];
CK_ULONG count;
vector<CK_OBJECT_HANDLE> *handles = new vector<CK_OBJECT_HANDLE>();
//Object class attribute
CK_ATTRIBUTE privKeySearchTemplate[] = {
{ CKA_CLASS, &classValue,sizeof(classValue) },
{ CKA_KEY_TYPE, &keytype,sizeof(keytype) },
{ CKA_MODULUS, &modulus, sizeof(modulus) },
//{ CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT, exponent},
// Read label and ID from private key handle
CK_ATTRIBUTE privKeyAttrsToRead[] =
{ CKA_ID, NULL_PTR, 0 },
//WriteToLog(modulus, modulus_len11);
// Find all objects with the template specified
result = m_pPKCS11->C_FindObjectsInit(m_SessionHandle, privKeySearchTemplate, 2);
do {
// Find the next object
result = m_pPKCS11->C_FindObjects(m_SessionHandle, &hObject, 1, &count);
if (count != 0)
} while (count != 0);
result = m_pPKCS11->C_FindObjectsFinal(m_SessionHandle);
There are several bugs here:
{ CKA_MODULUS, &modulus, sizeof(modulus) }
like always, sizeof(modulus) is size of your pointer which is 4 or 8 based on your system. This should be size of your modulus which in your case is mo. In addition, use correct type here:
CK_KEY_TYPE keytype = CKK_RSA;
Another bug is here:
m_pPKCS11->C_FindObjectsInit(m_SessionHandle, privKeySearchTemplate, 2);
You are searching a template with 3 attributes, but you have set number of attributes as 2. Normally you need to write code like this to prevent such bugs:
m_pPKCS11->C_FindObjectsInit(m_SessionHandle, privKeySearchTemplate, sizeof(privKeySearchTemplate) / sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE));
Finally, you need to allocate enough memory for your modulus before using BN_bn2bin, unless you like to get memory exceptions. Allocating 256 bytes may not be sufficient.

Why is this encrypted message damaged?

I use the following code to encrypt a string with a key, using the 3-DES algorithm:
private bool Encode(string input, out string output, byte[] k, bool isDOS7)
if (k.Length != 16)
throw new Exception("Wrong key size exception");
int length = input.Length % 8;
if (length != 0)
length = 8 - length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
input += " ";
TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider des = new TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider();
des.Mode = CipherMode.ECB;
des.Padding = PaddingMode.Zeros;
des.Key = k;
ICryptoTransform ic = des.CreateEncryptor();
byte[] bytePlainText = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(input);
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
CryptoStream cStream = new CryptoStream(ms,
cStream.Write(bytePlainText, 0, bytePlainText.Length);
byte[] cipherTextBytes = ms.ToArray();
output = Encoding.Default.GetString(cipherTextBytes);
catch (ArgumentException e)
output = e.Message;
//Log.Instance.WriteToEvent("Problem encoding, terminalID= "+objTerminalSecurity.TerminalID+" ,Error" + output, "Security", EventLogEntryType.Error);
return false;
return true;
I send the output parameter as is over to a WCF http-binding webservice, and I noticed that the actual encoded string looks different, it looks like there are some \t and \n but the charachters are about the same.
What is going on, why does the server get a different encoded string?
Usually cipher text is base64 encoded in an effort to be binary safe during transmission.
Also I would not use 3DES with ECB. That is awful, you must have copy pasted this from somewhere. Use AES with cbc mode and think about adding a cmac or hmac.