i have follow and unfollow system for my app but when i want that using the if statement html changes from follow to unfollow automatically..
but unfortunately my for loop always gives False in views.py and i don't know what is wrong.
here is my models.py file
class FollowUser(models.Model):
profile = models.ForeignKey(to=Profile, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
Followed_by = models.ForeignKey(to=User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
def __str__(self):
return "%s" % self.Followed_by
here is my views.py file
class UserListView(ListView):
model = Profile
context_object_name = 'users'
template_name = 'dashboard/user_list.html'
def get_queryset(self):
si = self.request.GET.get("si")
if si == None:
si = ""
profList = Profile.objects.filter(Q(phone__icontains = si) | Q(location__icontains = si) | Q(gender__icontains = si) | Q(organization_name__icontains = si)).order_by("-id");
for p1 in profList:
p1.followed = False
ob = FollowUser.objects.filter(profile=p1, Followed_by=self.request.user.profile.id)
if ob:
p1.followed = True
return profList
Instead of using the user.profile.id to search the user by profile id , you should search by its user only.
ob = FollowUser.objects.filter(profile=p1, Followed_by=self.request.user.profile.id)
ob = FollowUser.objects.filter(profile=p1, Followed_by=self.request.user)
Hi I have problems with some filters in django.
I have my own view where I can choose the day of the week which is a select choice field
once chosen it is saved in the db.
I would like to filter those already present so as not to repeat them if I had to choose another day.
Can anyone help me out please?
class Piano(models.Model):
nome_piano = models.CharField(max_length=100)
data_inizio = models.DateField()
data_fine = models.DateField()
utente_piano = models.ForeignKey(
on_delete = models.CASCADE,
related_name = 'utente_piano'
def __str__(self):
return self.nome_piano
class Meta:
verbose_name = "Piano alimentare"
verbose_name_plural = "Piani alimentari"
class PianoSingleDay(models.Model):
giorni_settimana_scelta = [
giorni_settimana = models.CharField(
choices = giorni_settimana_scelta,
max_length = 300
single_piano = models.ForeignKey(
on_delete = models.CASCADE,
related_name = 'single_piano'
def __str__(self):
return self.giorni_settimana
class Meta:
verbose_name = "Piano singolo"
verbose_name_plural = "Piani singoli"
def PianoSingleView(request, id):
piano = get_object_or_404(models.Piano, id = id, utente_piano = request.user)
if request.method == 'POST':
giorno_form = PianoSingleDayForm(request.POST, prefix = 'giorno')
if giorno_form.is_valid():
day_piano = giorno_form.save(commit = False)
day_piano.single_piano = piano
return redirect('gestione-piano', id = piano.id)
giorno_form = PianoSingleDayForm(prefix = 'giorno')
context = {'piano': piano, 'giorno_form': giorno_form}
return render(request, 'crud/create/gestione_piano_single.html', context)
class PianoSingleDayForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = models.PianoSingleDay
exclude = ['single_piano']
You can let the PianoSingleDayForm exclude the days that have already been selected for that Piano with:
class PianoSingleDayForm(forms.ModelForm):
def __init__(self, *args, piano=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if piano is not None:
days = set(PianoDaySingle.objects.filter(
).values_list('giorni_settimana', flat=True))
self.fields['giorni_settimana'].choices = [
(k, v)
for k, v in self.fields['giorni_settimana'].choices
if k not in days
class Meta:
model = models.PianoSingleDay
exclude = ['single_piano']
We can then use this in the view by passing the Piano object to the form both in the GET and POST codepath:
def PianoSingleView(request, id):
piano = get_object_or_404(models.Piano, id=id, utente_piano=request.user)
if request.method == 'POST':
giorno_form = PianoSingleDayForm(request.POST, piano=piano, prefix='giorno')
if giorno_form.is_valid():
giorno_form.instance.single_piano = piano
return redirect('gestione-piano', id=piano.id)
giorno_form = PianoSingleDayForm(piano=piano, prefix='giorno')
context = {'piano': piano, 'giorno_form': giorno_form}
return render(request, 'crud/create/gestione_piano_single.html', context)
The questions is not actual
How can I make links from field author for TabularInline? For now I implement this (source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/10011307/9112151):
class Post(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_lenght=100)
author = models.ForeignKey('User', on_delete=models.CASCADE)
def add_link_field(target_model = None, field = '', link_text = unicode):
def add_link(cls):
reverse_name = target_model or cls.model.__name__.lower()
def link(self, instance):
app_name = instance._meta.app_label
reverse_path = "admin:%s_%s_change" % (app_name, reverse_name)
link_obj = getattr(instance, field, None) or instance
url = reverse(reverse_path, args = (link_obj.id,))
return mark_safe("<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (url, link_text(link_obj)))
link.allow_tags = True
link.short_description = reverse_name + ' link'
cls.link = link
cls.readonly_fields = list(getattr(cls, 'readonly_fields', [])) + ['link']
return cls
return add_link
class PostInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = Post
Maybe there is built-in decision?
Set show_change_link = True on your inline to display a link to the admin change form for an inline object
class PostInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = Post
show_change_link = True
look at the picture before answering me.
that group2 is inside saved in the db with the button I open a modal that allows me to save other groups in the db and I would like that the same groups no longer appear in that select if I have already added them
class EserciziForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = models.DatiEsercizi
exclude = ['gruppo_single']
#fields = '__all__'
class GruppiForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = models.DatiGruppi
exclude = ['gruppi_scheda']
def creazione(request, nome):
scheda = get_object_or_404(Schede, nome_scheda = nome)
eserciziFormSet = formset_factory(EserciziForm, extra = 0)
if request.method == "POST":
gruppo_form = GruppiForm(request.POST, prefix = 'gruppo')
if gruppo_form.is_valid():
gruppo = gruppo_form.save(commit = False)
gruppo.gruppi_scheda = scheda
gruppoName = gruppo_form.cleaned_data['dati_gruppo']
esercizi_formset = eserciziFormSet(request.POST, prefix='esercizi')
for esercizi in esercizi_formset:
esercizi_instance = esercizi.save(commit = False)
esercizi_instance.gruppo_single = get_object_or_404(DatiGruppi, gruppi_scheda = scheda.id, dati_gruppo = gruppoName)
return HttpResponseRedirect(request.path_info)
gruppo_form = GruppiForm(prefix = 'gruppo')
esercizi_formset = eserciziFormSet(prefix='esercizi')
context = {'scheda' : scheda, 'gruppo_form' : gruppo_form, 'esercizi_formset': esercizi_formset}
return render(request, 'crea/passo2.html', context
class DatiGruppi(models.Model):
giorni_settimana_scelta = [
giorni_settimana = MultiSelectField(choices = giorni_settimana_scelta,default = '-')
dati_gruppo = models.ForeignKey(
Gruppi,on_delete = models.CASCADE, related_name = 'dati_gruppo')
gruppi_scheda = models.ForeignKey(Schede,on_delete = models.CASCADE, related_name = 'gruppi_scheda')
class Schede(models.Model):
nome_scheda = models.CharField(max_length=100)
data_inizio = models.DateField()
data_fine = models.DateField()
utente = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete = models.CASCADE,related_name = 'utente')
You can override a form field before instantiate it like this :
from django import forms
if request.method == "POST":
# Post logic here
# We try to retrieve group that the current user is not yet in.
# Not your logic, but to sum up, you have to retrieve the groups
# which had not yet been added.
# Use a filter that permit you to retrieve only groups which had not yet been added.
group_to_add = Group.objects.filter(...)
GruppiForm.base_fields['group_field'] = forms.ModelChoiceField(
# Instantiate the form now
# In this form, the choices are only those contained in the group_to_add queryset
form = GruppiForm(prefix = 'gruppo')
Here are my models and admin classes:
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
class PurchaseOrder(models.Model):
buyer = models.ForeignKey(User)
is_debit = models.BooleanField(default = False)
delivery_address = models.ForeignKey('useraccounts.Address')
organisation = models.ForeignKey('useraccounts.AdminOrganisations')
date_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
total_discount = models.IntegerField()
tds = models.IntegerField()
mode_of_payment = models.ForeignKey(ModeOfPayment)
is_active = models.BooleanField(default = True)
class Meta:
verbose_name_plural = "Purchase Orders"
def __unicode__(self):
return '%s' % (self.id)
This class is used to add, edit or delete the details of item purchased
class PurchasedItemInline(admin.StackedInline):
form = ItemSelectForm
model = PurchasedItem
fields = ['parent_category', 'sub_category', 'item', 'qty', ]
extra = 10
class BuyerChoices(AutoModelSelect2Field):
queryset = User.objects.all()
search_fields = ['username__icontains', ]
class BuyerForm(ModelForm):
user_verbose_name = 'Buyer'
buyer = BuyerChoices(
'width': '220px',
'placeholder': 'Lookup %s ...' % user_verbose_name
class Meta:
model = PurchaseOrder
fields = '__all__'
This class is used to add, edit or delete the details of items
purchased but buyer has not confirmed the items purchased, this class
inherits the fields of PurchaseOrder derscribing the delivery address of
buyer , is_debit , total discount , tds and mode of payment
class PurchaseOrderAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
form = BuyerForm
#list_display = ['id','buyer','delivery_address','date_time','is_active']
inlines = [PurchasedItemInline]
# model = PurchaseOrder
#actions = [mark_active, mark_inactive]
#list_filter = ['date_time']
#search_fields = ['id']
list_per_page = 20
def response_add(self, request, obj, post_url_continue=None):
request.session['old_post'] = request.POST
request.session['purchase_order_id'] = obj.id
return HttpResponseRedirect('/suspense/add_distance/')
I am trying to implement django-select2, but when I use inlines in
PurchaseOrderAdmin it doesn't show the field where I have implemented
But when I remove inlines, it works fine:
Here is the ItemSelectForm
class ItemSelectForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Media:
js = (
parent_category = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Category.objects.\
sub_category_id = Category.objects.values_list('id',flat=True)
sub_category_name = Category.objects.values_list('name',flat=True)
sub_category_choices = [('', '--------')] + [(id, name) for id, name in
itertools.izip(sub_category_id, sub_category_name)]
sub_category = forms.ChoiceField(sub_category_choices)
item = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset = Product.objects.all())
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ItemSelectForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['parent_category'].widget.attrs={'class': 'parent_category'}
self.fields['sub_category'].widget.attrs={'class': 'sub_category'}
self.fields['item'].widget.attrs={'class': 'item'}
It worked for me by adding the following line in the static/suit/js/suit.js
(function ($) {
Suit.after_inline.register('init_select2', function(inline_prefix, row){
I have a model that looks like this
class RSVP (models.Model):
def __unicode__(self):
return self.firstName + " " + self.lastName
firstName = models.CharField(max_length=30)
lastName = models.CharField(max_length=30)
rsvpID = models.CharField(max_length=9, unique = True)
allowedAdults = models.IntegerField(default = 2)
allowedChildren = models.IntegerField(default = 0)
adultsAttending = models.IntegerField(default = 0)
childrenAttending = models.IntegerField(default = 0)
and I have a ModelForm that looks like this
class RsvpForm(ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = RSVP
exclude= ('firstName', 'lastName', 'allowedAdults', 'allowedChildren')
What I would like to happen is that instead of a text field for the adultsAttending, a dropdown box with the values 0 to allowedAdults shows up. This is for a wedding rsvp site and I'd like to set the max number of +1's an invitee can bring on an individual basis
Any thoughts on how to go about this?
I'm thinking you want to fork the allowed children/ adults as well as the name to another model:
class Invited(models.Model):
f_name = models.CharField()
l_name = models.CharField()
allowed_adults = models.IntegerField()
allowed_children = models.IntegerField()
class RSVP(models.Model):
invited = models.ForeignKey(Invited)
adults_attending = models.IntegerField()
children_attending = models.IntegerField()
Then you would create the invited objects and assign the allowed adults and children. And the RSVP form would take those number into account when generating the choices for your drop down box.
The drop down can be implemented by overriding the IntegerField widget with a ChoiceField
class InvitedForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Invited
class RSVPForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = RSVP
exclude = ['invited',]
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
max_adults = kwargs.pop('max_adults',2) #default to 2 if no max set
max_children = kwargs.pop('max_children',2) #default to 2 if no max set
super(RSVPForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
adult_choices = ( (x,str(x)) for x in range(max_adults+1)) )
children_choices = ( (x,str(x)) for x in range(max_children+1)) )
self.fields['adults_attending'] = forms.ChoiceField(choices = adult_choices)
self.fields['children_attending'] = forms.ChoiceField(choices = children_choices)
def rsvp_view(request, invited_id):
invited = get_object_or_404(Invited, pk=invited_id)
if request.method=='POST':
form = RSVPForm(request.POST, max_adults=invited.allowed_adults,
if form.is_valid():
rsvp = form.save(commit=False)
rsvp.invited = invited
return HttpResponse("Success")
form = RSVPForm(max_adults=invited.allowed_adults, max_children=invited.allowed_children)
context = { 'form':form,
'invited':invited }
return render_to_response('rsvp.html', context,