C++ function inside of a macro missing ; - c++

I'm having trouble with writing an assignment for uni in an old Borland c++ standard.So I have this macro which HAS to be used like this: PREPAREENTRY(9,0); where the first argument will always range from 0 to 255 and second will always be 0 or 1. Without going into much detail unless necessary it's supposed to automatically generate a unique interrupt function for every entry in the interrupt vector table.
My code is as follows:
#define PREPAREENTRY(ivtNo, oldInterrupt) \
extern IVTEntry ivtEntry##ivtNo; \
void interrupt interrupt##ivtNo(...){ \
ivtEntry##ivtNo.signal(); \
if(oldInterrupt) \
ivtEntry##ivtNo.oldInterrupt(); \
} \
IVTEntry ivtEntry##ivtNo(ivtNo, interrupt##ivtNo);
(I've tried not putting ; on the last line of macro definition, but it still gives me the same error)
When I don't use the macro and switch every ivtNo with 9 and oldInterrupt with 0, the code works. But when I use the macro the code can't compile and it gives me this error Error ..\src\keyevent.cpp 17: Statement missing ; in function interrupt interrupt9(...). I've tried moving around a bunch of stuff and writing it several times but it's always either that error or missing ) error.
I will provide you with more details if needed, but if anyone has any clue what could be causing these errors I'd be very grateful!
Macro argument and function inside of IVTEntry class that I'm using inside of the macro had the same name. So the macro called ivtEntry9.0(); instead of ivtEntry9.oldInterrupt();


OCI 19c - Parsing a PL/SQL statement that contains SELECT-FROM-INTO statements

I have a need to parse queries using OCI. For the most part - it is working. However I ran into a problem today that I am not able to figure out. For the time being - it looks like it's either a bug in OCI (currently using 19c 32bit) - or for some reason these kinds of statements are being ignored.
Whenever a SQL query contains SELECT-FROM-INTO statements - the entire query is ignored when OCIStmtExecute is invoked with OCI_PARSE_ONLY. It doesn't matter if there are invalid entity names / syntax in the query. I tried to find some additional info online regarding this particular situation - but I found nothing of use.
The query in question is below (the query is intentionally using garbage entity names to illustrate the strange behavior)
SELECT ColumnThatDoesntExist FROM DerpyTable INTO ThisVariableDoesntExist WHERE YeahRight = :BindName;
The statement preparation code / execution code is below
if (OCIStmtPrepare2(connectionHandle
, &statementHandle
, errorHandle
, command
, commandLength
, nullptr
, 0
ThrowLastError(__FUNCTIONW__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (OCIStmtExecute(connectionHandle
, statementHandle
, errorHandle
, 0
, 0
, 0, 0, OCI_PARSE_ONLY))
ThrowLastError(__FUNCTIONW__, __FILE__, __LINE__);
In this particular test - OCIStmtExecute should be failing - however OCI_SUCCESS (aka 0) is returned when OCIStmtExecute is invoked. Are there additional flags I should be using for these kind of statements or should I be looking at another approach?
I tried prepending the query with EXPLAIN PLAN FOR and invoke OCIStmtExecute with the default flag - but that just results in a missing-keyword error.
It is not a bug in the OCI the return code OCI_SUCCESS (aka 0) is correct. It sent your statement to to the data base.
Your statement is an anonymous block, indicated by BEGIN, and contains errors. You can do what you want, but you have to define the variable you select into. You have not done that so that would be 1 error. Also the INTO clause comes before the FROM so the statement should be "select...INTO...from", that would be error 2. Finally if it is true the column you select actually does not that will also generate a "compile" time error, that would be error 3. Also I believe EXPLAIN PLAN for an anonymous block, is also invalid, but it been a long time since I ran into it.
But you can try the following:
ThisVariableDoesntExist varchar2(50), -- or the correct data type
select columnthatdoesntexist
into thisvariabledoesntexist
from derpytable
where yeahright = :bindname;
Note: As an anonymous block the above should run (if the column actually exists). However, you will not get output. You may wish to add
dbms_output.put_line('Value=' || ThisVariableDoesntExist);
Oracle object names are not case sensitive and echoed back form Oracle will be folded to upper case, so it bast to avoid CamelCase and instead use snake_case.

'Assert Failed' message incomplete using CppUnit and TFS2015

Using: MSTest / CppUnit / TFS2015 / VS2013 / C++
I'm debugging a test that runs fine locally and fails on the build machine (which I don't have access to). This morning I sat down and was presented with almost all of my tests passing -- except one. The test happens to be comparing two rather large strings and the (usually) very helpful Assert failed. Expected:<... never made it to the Actual:<... part because the string was too long. It's just a simple: Assert::AreEqual(expectedStr, actualStr);.
Right now my workaround is to write a file to a network path that I have access to from within the test (which is already an integration type test luckily -- but still...). Oh -- and did I mention that I have to run a build that will take 40 minutes even if I set Clean Workspace to None in my build process parameters to even get the test to run? That's a whole other question for another post =/.
Is there a way to look at the full results of a test assertion failure (without, for example, a string comparison being cut off)? A test run log file maybe?
According to your description, you want to express assertion failure messages in C++. Check this case may help you:
A common solution for this problem is to create an assert macro. For an example see this question. The final form of their macro in that answer was the following:
#define dbgassert(EX,...) \
(void)((EX) || (realdbgassert (#EX, __FILE__, __LINE__, ## __VA_ARGS__),0))
In your case, the realdbgassert would be a function that prints any relevant information to stderr or other output console, and then calls the assert function itself. Depending on how much information you want, you could also do a stack dump, or log any other relevant information that will help you identify the issue. However, it can be as simple as passing a printf-esque format string, and relevant parameter value(s).
Note that if you compiler doesn't support variadic macros, you can create macros that take a specific number of parameters instead. This is slightly more cumbersome, but an option if your compiler lacks the support, eg:
#define dbgassert0(EX) \ ...
#define dbgassert1(EX,p0) \ ...
#define dbgassert2(EX,p0,p1) \ ...

Convert C++ log source snippet to Windows Phone C++/CX

I just started developing for Windows Phone and I'm stuck with one piece of exisiting code I need to maintain. It's a macro from a logging lib that is used in many places of existing code.
This is the macro:
#define LOG_FORMAT_FUNCTION(fmtarg, firstvararg) __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, fmtarg, firstvararg)))
And this is a method definition that fails to use the above macro with error "{ expected" (In German "Error: Es wurde ein '{' erwartet."):
void LogTrace_s(const char* category, const char* format, ...) LOG_FORMAT_FUNCTION(2, 3);
Can you help me get rid of the error? I'd also like to know what actually the macro does exactly.
Edit: After rading this here I now understand that this macro is good for error checking formatted strings. Now that I know, I need it even more. But I still have no clue how to translate this to MS C++.
Yes you CAN just omit it. Use
#define LOG_FORMAT_FUNCTION(fmtarg, firstvararg)
It is annotating the function with extra information to help gcc give you better warnings. It does not change the behavior of the code in any way.

Strange Error C2065: 'ERROR' : undeclared identifier

As part of a bigger project ( the ff activex plugin for Mozilla Firefox) there is this code snippet:
if (CombineRgn(hrgnClip, hrgnClip, hRGN, RGN_AND) != ERROR)
::InvalidateRgn(m_hWndParent, hrgnClip, fErase);
When I build in VS2012 I get "Error C2065: 'ERROR' : undeclared identifier"
ERROR is defined in wingdi.h like this:
/* Region Flags */
#define ERROR 0 // it wont build when this macro is used
#define NULLREGION 1 // it builds when this macro is used
The strange thing is that if I replace ERROR (just to see if it builds OK) with NULLREGION or SIMPLEREGION (which are macros in the same file, just two lines below the offending one) in the if statement above, the code builds OK. When I use ERROR, the code wont build.
Is it possible that the ERROR macro defined above gets masked by some keyword or another macro or some such by Visual Studio?
The problem here is that ERROR actually appears in the compile error message. That should not happen, the preprocessor should have substituted it with 0.
So somewhere in a .h file you #included after windows.h, some programmer took the 10 second shortcut to a macro name collision problem and wrote this:
#undef ERROR
You'd need to find that line and remove it. That's likely to be difficult and liable to give you a maintenance headache since that's a file you don't own and might well be updated in the future, forcing you to make that change over and over again. The alternative is to redefine it yourself:
#define MYGDIERROR 0
if (CombineRgn(hrgnClip, hrgnClip, hRGN, RGN_AND) != MYGDIERROR)
Which still gives you a maintenance problem and requires you taking a bet that the return value definition of CombineRgn() is never going to change. That's a very safe bet, GDI is cast in stone.

How do I use _DEBUG_ERROR in my own code?

Inside the <vector> header, there is code like this:
_DEBUG_ERROR("vector iterator not dereferencable");
Which halts the program with a message and gives the programmer a chance to debug the code.
For a little toy project, I want to use _DEBUG_ERROR myself. It is defined in <xutility>.
However, when I include <xutility> and try to use _DEBUG_ERROR, I get the following error:
error C3861: "_Debug_message": identifier not found.
But _Debug_message is defined inside <xutility>, in line 28! Why does the compiler complain?
Also, is there another (maybe even somewhat portable?) way to halt the program for debugging?
Not 100% certain but I'm fairly sure it's actually std::_Debug_message. And PlasmaHH is right: assert() is the normal solution. You can write assert(!"message") to get a custom message. (Note the !)
You can use ASSERT or _ASSERT macro for assert-and-debug. Or, you can craft your own assert-macro. Use the definition of _ASSERT (taken from crtdbg.h):
#define _ASSERT_EXPR(expr, msg) \
(void) ((!!(expr)) || \
(1 != _CrtDbgReportW(_CRT_ASSERT, _CRT_WIDE(__FILE__), __LINE__, NULL, L"%s", msg)) || \
(_CrtDbgBreak(), 0))
The important function here is _CrtDbgReportW, which will display the assertion dialog-box having three standard buttons (Abort, Retry and Ignore). Depending on return value you can then call other functions. In the macro given above, function _CrtDbgBreak is called when user hits 'Retry' button (which causes function to return 1, see MSDN).
You may write to a log file, display to debug output window (using OutputDebugString), or do things you may like.