Is there a Macro for a Function Pointer? UE4 C++ - c++

I made a function pointer in ue4 c++ and dont know which macro i can/should use for the pointer in the header file. (things like UPROPERTY() or UFUNCTION())
why i even want to use a macro? Because of the garbage collection and, as far as i know, the gb only works when the variable/function has a macro.
btw, is a function pointer call as performant as a normal function call?
header.h Code:
typedef void (AWeaponGun::*FireTypeFunctionPtr)(void);
FireTypeFunctionPtr PtrFireType;
void FireLineTrace();
file.cpp Code:
void AWeaponGun::BeginPlay()
PtrFireType = &AWeaponGun::FireLineTrace;
void AWeaponGun::Tick(float DeltaTime)

Functions and your function pointer are not allocated and deallocated so you don't need the garbage collector in this case, and thus you don't need any UE4 macro (...if you only consider the garbage collector).
As for performance, the function pointer is most probably slightly less performant as it adds one more variable and needs additional instructions to reach the function. But the compiler might be able to optimize some of the differences in some cases.
You would need to check the assembly code created in both cases to be sure.


Lookup table to Function Pointer Array C++ performance

I have a following code to emulate basic system on my pc (x86):
typedef void (*op_fn) ();
void add()
//add Opcode
//fetch next opcode
void nop()
//NOP opcode
//fetch next opcode
const op_fn opcodes[256] =
and i call this "table" via opcodes[opcode]()
I am trying to improve performance of my interpreter.
What about inlining every function, like
inline void add()
inline void nop()
Is there any benefits of doing it?
Is there anyway to make it go faster?
Just because you flag a method as inline it doesn't require the compiler to do so - it's more of a hint than an order.
Given that you are storing the opcode handlers in an array the compiler will need to place the address of the function into the array, therefore it can't inline it.
There's actually nothing wrong with your approach. If you really think you've got performance issues then get some metrics, otherwise don't worry (at this point!). The concept of a table of pointers to functions is nothing new - it's actually how C++ implement virtual functions (ie the vtable).
"Inline" means "don't emit a function call; instead, substitute the function body at compile time."
Calling through a function pointer means "do a function call, the details of which won't be known until runtime."
The two features are fundamentally opposed. (The best you could hope for is that a sufficiently advanced compiler could statically determine which function is being called through a function pointer in very limited circumstances and inline those.)
switch blocks are typically implemented as jump tables, which could have less overhead than function calls, so replacing your function pointer array with a switch block and using inline might make a difference.
inline is just a hint to your compiler, it does not guarantee any inlining being done. You should read up on inlining (maybe at the ISO C++ FAQ), as too much inlining can actually make your code slower (through code bloat and associated virtual memory trashing ).

Running Function Inside Stub. Passing Function Pointer

I'm working on creating a user-level thread library and what I want to do is run a function inside a stub and so I would like to pass the function pointer to the stub function.
Here is my stub function:
void _ut_function_stub(void (*f)(void), int id)
This is what the user calls. What I want to do is get pointer of _ut_function_stub to assign to pc and I've tried various different options including casting but the compiler keeps saying "invalid use of void expression".
int CreateThread (void (*f) (void), int weight)
... more code
pc = (address_t)(_ut_function_stub(f, tcb->id));
... more code
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
If you're interested in implementing your own user-level-threads library, I'd suggest looking into the (now deprecated) ucontext implementation. Specifically, looking at the definitions for the structs used in ucontext.h will help you see all the stuff you actually need to capture to get a valid snapshot of the thread state.
What you're really trying to capture with the erroneous (address_t) cast in your example is the current continuation. Unfortunately, C doesn't support first-class continuations, so you're going to be stuck doing something much more low-level, like swapping stacks and dumping registers (hence why I pointed you to ucontext as a reference—it's going to be kind of complicated if you really want to get this right).

Passing function pointers as an API interface to a compiled library

Dearest stack exchange,
I'm programming an MRI scanner. I won't go into too much background, but I'm fairly constrained in how much code I've got access to, and the way things have been set up is...suboptimal. I have a situation as follows:
There is a big library, written in C++. It ultimately does "transcoding" (in the worst possible way), writing out FPGA assembly that DoesThings. It provides a set of functions to "userland" that are translated into (through a mix of preprocessor macros and black magic) long strings of 16 bit and 32 bit words. The way this is done is prone to buffer overflows, and generally to falling over.*
The FPGA assembly is then strung out over a glorified serial link to the relevant electronics, which executes it (doing the scan), and returning the data back again for processing.
Programmers are expected to use the functions provided by the library to do their thing, in C (not C++) functions that are linked against the standard library. Unfortunately, in my case, I need to extend the library.
There's a fairly complicated chain of preprocessor substitution and tokenization, calling, and (in general) stuff happening between you writing doSomething() in your code, and the relevant library function actually executing it. I think I've got it figured out to some extent, but it basically means that I've got no real idea about the scope of anything...
In short, my problem is:
In the middle of a method, in a deep dark corner of many thousands of lines of code in a big blob I have little control over, with god-knows-what variable scoping going on, I need to:
Extend this method to take a function pointer (to a userland function) as an argument, but
Let this userland function, written after the library has been compiled, have access to variables that are local to both the scope of the method where it appears, as well as variables in the (C) function where it is called.
This seems like an absolute mire of memory management, and I thought I'd ask here for the "best practice" in these situations, as it's likely that there are lots of subtle issues I might run into -- and that others might have lots of relevant wisdom to impart. Debugging the system is a nightmare, and I've not really got any support from the scanner's manufacturer on this.
A brief sketch of how I plan to proceed is as follows:
In the .cpp library:
/* In something::something() /*
/* declare a pointer to a function */
void (*fp)(int*, int, int, ...);
/* by default, the pointer points to a placeholder at compile time*/
fp = &doNothing(...);
/* At the appropriate time, point the pointer to the userland function, whose address is supplied as an argument to something(): /*
fp= userFuncPtr;
/* Declare memory for the user function to plonk data into */
i_arr_coefficients = (int) malloc(SOMETHING_SENSIBLE);
/* Create a pointer to that array for the userland function */
/* define a struct of pointers to local variables for the userland function to use*/
/* Call the user's function: */
fp(i_ptr_array,ptrStrct, ...);
The point of the placeholder function is to keep things ticking over if the user function isn't linked in. I get that this could be replaced with a #DEFINE, but the compiler's cleverness or stupidity might result in odd (to my ignorant mind, at least) behaviour.
In the userland function, we'd have something like:
void doUsefulThings(i_ptr_array, ptrStrct, localVariableAddresses, ...) {
double a=*ptrStrct.a;
double b=*ptrStrct.b;
double c=*localVariableAddresses.c;
double d=doMaths(a, b, c);
/* I.e. do maths using all of these numbers we've got from the different sources */
storeData(i_ptr_array, d);
/* And put the results of that maths where the C++ method can see it */
something(&doUsefulThings(i_ptr_array, ptrStrct, localVariableAddresses, ...), ...);
If this is as clear as mud please tell me! Thank you very much for your help. And, by the way, I sincerely wish someone would make an open hardware/source MRI system.
*As an aside, this is the primary justification the manufacturer uses to discourage us from modifying the big library in the first place!
You have full access to the C code. You have limited access to the C++ library code. The C code is defining the "doUsefullthings" function. From C code you are calling the "Something" function ( C++ class/function) with function pointer to "doUseFullThings" as the argument. Now the control goes to the C++ library. Here the various arguments are allocated memory and initialized. Then the the "doUseFullThings" is called with those arguments. Here the control transfers back to the C code. In short, the main program(C) calls the library(C++) and the library calls the C function.
One of the requirements is that the "userland function should have access to local variable from the C code where it is called". When you call "something" you are only giving the address of "doUseFullThings". There is no parameter/argument of "something" that captures the address of the local variables. So "doUseFullThings" does not have access to those variables.
malloc statement returns pointer. This has not been handled properly.( probably you were trying to give us overview ). You must be taking care to free this somewhere.
Since this is a mixture of C and C++ code, it is difficult to use RAII (taking care of allocated memory), Perfect forwarding ( avoid copying variables), Lambda functions ( to access local varibales) etc. Under the circumstances, your approach seems to be the way to go.

Do repetitive calls to member functions hurt?

I have programmed in both Java and C, and now I am trying to get my hands dirty with C++.
Given this code:
class Booth {
private :
int tickets_sold;
public :
int get_tickets_sold();
void set_tickets_sold();
In Java, wherever I needed the value of tickets_sold, I would call the getter repeatedly.
For example:
if (obj.get_tickets_sold() > 50 && obj.get_tickets_sold() < 75){
//do something
In C I would just get the value of the particular variable in the structure:
if( obj_t->tickets_sold > 50 && obj_t->tickets_sold < 75){
//do something
So while using structures in C, I save on the two calls that I would otherwise make in Java, the two getters that is, I am not even sure if those are actual calls or Java somehow inlines those calls.
My point is if I use the same technique that I used in Java in C++ as well, will those two calls to getter member functions cost me, or will the compiler somehow know to inline the code? (thus reducing the overhead of function call altogether?)
Alternatively, am I better off using:
int num_tickets = 0;
if ( (num_tickets = obj.get_ticket_sold()) > 50 && num_tickets < 75){
//do something
I want to write tight code and avoid unnecessary function calls, I would care about this in Java, because, well, we all know why. But, I want my code to be readable and to use the private and public keywords to correctly reflect what is to be done.
Unless your program is too slow, it doesn't really matter. In 99.9999% of code, the overhead of a function call is insignificant. Write the clearest, easiest to maintain, easiest to understand code that you can and only start tweaking for performance after you know where your performance hot spots are, if you have any at all.
That said, modern C++ compilers (and some linkers) can and will inline functions, especially simple functions like this one.
If you're just learning the language, you really shouldn't worry about this. Consider it fast enough until proven otherwise. That said, there are a lot of misleading or incomplete answers here, so for the record I'll flesh out a few of the subtler implications. Consider your class:
class Booth
int get_tickets_sold();
void set_tickets_sold();
int tickets_sold;
The implementation (known as a definition) of the get and set functions is not yet specified. If you'd specified function bodies inside the class declaration then the compiler would consider you to have implicitly requested they be inlined (but may ignore that if they're excessively large). If you specify them later using the inline keyword, that has exactly the safe effect. Summarily...
class Booth
int get_tickets_sold() { return tickets_sold; }
class Booth
int get_tickets_sold();
inline int Booth::get_tickets_sold() { return tickets_sold; }
...are equivalent (at least in terms of what the Standard encourages us to expect, but individual compiler heuristics may vary - inlining is a request that the compiler's free to ignore).
If the function bodies are specified later without the inline keyword, then the compiler is under no obligation to inline them, but may still choose to do so. It's much more likely to do so if they appear in the same translation unit (i.e. in the .cc/.cpp/.c++/etc. "implementation" file you're compiling or some header directly or indirectly included by it). If the implementation is only available at link time then the functions may not be inlined at all, but it depends on the way your particular compiler and linker interact and cooperate. It is not simply a matter of enabling optimisation and expecting magic. To prove this, consider the following code:
// inline.h:
void f();
#include <cstdio>
void f() { printf("f()\n"); }
#include "inline.h"
int main() { f(); }
Building this:
g++ -O4 -c
g++ -O4 -o inline_app inline.o
Investigating the inlining:
$ gdb inline_app
(gdb) break main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x80483f3
(gdb) break f
Breakpoint 2 at 0x8048416
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/delroton/dev/inline_app
Breakpoint 1, 0x080483f3 in main ()
(gdb) next
Single stepping until exit from function main,
which has no line number information.
Breakpoint 2, 0x08048416 in f ()
(gdb) step
Single stepping until exit from function _Z1fv,
which has no line number information.
0x080483fb in main ()
Notice the execution went from 0x080483f3 in main() to 0x08048416 in f() then back to 0x080483fb in main()... clearly not inlined. This illustrates that inlining can't be expected just because a function's implementation is trivial.
Notice that this example is with static linking of object files. Clearly, if you use library files you may actually want to avoid inlining of the functions specifically so that you can update the library without having to recompile the client code. It's even more useful for shared libraries where the linking is done implicitly at load time anyway.
Very often, classes providing trivial functions use the two forms of expected-inlined function definitions (i.e. inside class or with inline keyword) if those functions can be expected to be called inside any performance-critical loops, but the countering consideration is that by inlining a function you force client code to be recompiled (relatively slow, possibly no automated trigger) and relinked (fast, for shared libraries happens on next execution), rather than just relinked, in order to pick up changes to the function implementation.
These kind of considerations are annoying, but deliberate management of these tradeoffs is what allows enterprise use of C and C++ to scale to tens and hundreds of millions of lines and thousands of individual projects, all sharing various libraries over decades.
One other small detail: as a ballpark figure, an out-of-line get/set function is typically about an order of magnitude (10x) slower than the equivalent inlined code. That will obviously vary with CPU, compiler, optimisation level, variable type, cache hits/misses etc..
No, repetitive calls to member functions will not hurt.
If it's just a getter function, it will almost certainly be inlined by the C++ compiler (at least with release/optimized builds) and the Java Virtual Machine may "figure out" that a certain function is being called frequently and optimize for that. So there's pretty much no performance penalty for using functions in general.
You should always code for readability first. Of course, that's not to say that you should completely ignore performance outright, but if performance is unacceptable then you can always profile your code and see where the slowest parts are.
Also, by restricting access to the tickets_sold variable behind getter functions, you can pretty much guarantee that the only code that can modify the tickets_sold variable to member functions of Booth. This allows you to enforce invariants in program behavior.
For example, tickets_sold is obviously not going to be a negative value. That is an invariant of the structure. You can enforce that invariant by making tickets_sold private and making sure your member functions do not violate that invariant. The Booth class makes tickets_sold available as a "read-only data member" via a getter function to everyone else and still preserves the invariant.
Making it a public variable means that anybody can go and trample over the data in tickets_sold, which basically completely destroys your ability to enforce any invariants on tickets_sold. Which makes it possible for someone to write a negative number into tickets_sold, which is of course nonsensical.
The compiler is very likely to inline function calls like this.
class Booth {
int get_tickets_sold() const { return tickets_sold; }
int tickets_sold;
Your compiler should inline get_tickets_sold, I would be very surprised if it didn't. If not, you either need to use a new compiler or turn on optimizations.
Any compiler worth its salt will easily optimize the getters into direct member access. The only times that won't happen are when you have optimization explicitly disabled (e.g. for a debug build) or if you're using a brain-dead compiler (in which case, you should seriously consider ditching it for a real compiler).
The compiler will very likely do the work for you, but in general, for things like this I would approach it more from the C perspective rather than the Java perspective unless you want to make the member access a const reference. However, when dealing with integers, there's usually little value in using a const reference over a copy (at least in 32 bit environments since both are 4 bytes), so your example isn't really a good one here... Perhaps this may illustrate why you would use a getter/setter in C++:
class StringHolder
const std::string& get_string() { return my_string; }
void set_string(const std::string& val) { if(!val.empty()) { my_string = val; } }
std::string my_string;
That prevents modification except through the setter which would then allow you to perform extra logic. However, in a simple class such as this, the value of this model is nil, you've just made the coder who is calling it type more and haven't really added any value. For such a class, I wouldn't have a getter/setter model.

C++, workaround for macro using 'this' in static member functions

I've overridden new so that I can track memory allocations. Additional parameters such as __FILE__, __LINE__, module name etc are added in the #define.
However I want to add the address of the calling object to the parameters so that I can backtrack up allocations when hunting down problems. The easiest way is to add 'this' to those additional parameters (which means the address of the caller is passed into my custom alloc stuff).
Unfortunately there's plenty of singletons in our code, which means a bunch of static member functions calling new. The compiler throws up the error C2671: '...' : static member functions do not have 'this' pointers
Is there a workaround where I can get the address of the object without using this, which would also realize it's in a static method and pass null say?
Or maybe is there a way that my #define new would recognize it's in a static method and switch to a different definition?
It's important that I don't affect the existing project code though - I don't want to force developers to use a custom method like staticnew just because it's in a static method - they should carry on using new like normal and this memory tracking stuff is all going on in the background...
You definitely cannot determine if a #define macro is inside a static method or not. You even shouldn't be using #define new as it violates the standard (even though all compilers support it). Your macro will also cause trouble to those who want to overload operator new for their class.
Generally, I would suggest not using this kind of memory debugging. There are many mature memory debuggers that do a better work when debugging memory errors. The most famous one is Valgrind.
To give a simple answer to your question - there is no clean solution in the way you are approaching the problem.
Well, once you're going down the "hack" path, you could throw portability out the window and get close to the compiler.
You could put some inline assembler in your macro that called a function with a pointer to the string generated by __FUNCDNAME__, and if it looks like a member function get the this pointer in the assembler, and if not just use null.