How to know when we have a texture in a fragment shader - opengl

I have a C++/OpenGL render engine that uses a library to do the character animation / rendering. Each character uses a mix of textures, no textures, vertex shaders, no vertex shaders etc. I want to be able to add a tint to some of the characters, but not all of them. I think the easiest way to do this is using a fragment shader to apply the tint color to the color of the fragment. I am using Cg, as this is a requirement of the project.
The main body of my rendering engine would be something like:
Enable my tint fragment shader
Call library code to do character rendering
Disable my tint fragment shader
Within the shader the tint is applied by multiplying the fragment color, fragment texture and tint color. This all works fine except when no texture is enabled/bound to GL_TEXTURE_2D. I just get black. I've been able to work around this by using textureSize and checking for texture width greater than 1, but this feels fairly cheesy. Is there a better way to do this?
Also, as I have implemented it, textures are applied as though the GK_MODULAR setting were on for textures. It would be nice to know what the current OpenGL setting is and apply that instead.


OpenGL confused about multiple textures

I'm developing a 3d program with OpenGL 3.3. So far I managed to render many cubes and some spheres. I need to texture all the faces of all the cubes with a common texture except one face which should have a different texture. I tried with a single texture and everything worked fine but when I try to add another one the program seems to behave randomly.
My questions:
is there a suitable way of passing multiple textures to the shaders?
how am I supposed to keep track of faces in order to render the right texture?
Googling I found out that it could be useful to define vertices twice, but I don't really get why.
Is there a suitable way of passing multiple textures to the shaders?
You'd use glUniform1i() along with glActiveTexture(). Thus given your fragment shader has multiple uniform sampler2D:
uniform sampler2D tex1;
uniform sampler2D tex2;
Then as you're setting up your shader, you set the sampler uniforms to the texture units you want them associated with:
glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(program, "tex1"), 0)
glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(program, "tex2"), 1)
You then set the active texture to either GL_TEXTURE0 or GL_TEXTURE1 and bind a texture.
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture1)
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture2)
How am I supposed to keep track of faces in order to render the right texture?
It depends on what you want.
You could decide which texture to use based the normal (usually done with tri-planar texture mapping).
You could also have another attribute that decides how much to crossfade between the two textures.
color = mix(texture(tex1, texCoord), texture(tex2, texCoord), 0.2)
Like before, you can equally have a uniform float transition. This would allow you to fade between textures, making it possible to fade between slides like in PowerPoint, so to speak.
Try reading LearnOpenGL's Textures tutorial.
Lastly there's a minimum of 80 texture units. You can check specifically how many you have available using GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS.
You can use index buffers. Define the vertices once, and then use one index buffer to draw the portion of the mesh with the first texture, then use the second index buffer to draw the portion that needs the second texture.
Here's the general formula:
Setup the vertex buffer
Setup the shader
Setup the first texture
Setup and draw the index buffer for the part of the mesh that should use the first texture
Setup the second texture
Setup and draw the index buffer for the part of the mesh that should use the second texture.

Get current fragment color

Hey I currently have a system in OpenGL that uses glBlendFunc for bleding diffrent shaders but I would like to do something like this
fragColor = currentColor * lightAmount;
I tried to use gl_Color but its depricated and my engine will not let me use it.
According to this document there is no built-in access for the fragment color in the fragment shader.
What you could do is render your previous passes in another textures, send those textures to the GPU (as uniforms) and do the blending in your last pass.

glsl update an specific row of a 2D texture

I am working with "render to texture" feature using FBOs and textures attached.
My problem is that in the fragment shader i don't know how to write to an specific row of the 2D-texture. I do have the information of which row (indicated by a uniform float variable), but i dont know how to draw just there.
Is this possible? Or what is a good way to know where am i in the fragment shader?
My global idea is to render the evolution of a 1D-texture into a 2D-texture from top to bottom. Each evolution step is computed by a fragment shader (usiong render to texture ping-pong method, with 2 FBOs)
You can use discard; in the fragment shader to throw away fragments you don't want. Something like
if (gl_FragCoord.y != row_to_keep)
Then render your scene normally, and you'll end up with just one row of the output written.
I think the fragment shader is not the place for this.
If you only want to write into a single line of the FBO, can't you set the vertices of your draw call to only overlap the pixels you want to draw?

how to get gl_BackColor using webGL glsl?

In some other version of GLSL,gl_BackColor seems to provide the access to the color behind the current rendering fragment.This is useful for some custom alpha blending.But glsl for webgl seems not to support it.On the other hand,read from gl_FragColor before assign any value to it seems get the correct backColor, but only works in my Ubuntu.On my Mac Book Pro, it fails and seems to get only some useless random color.
So my question is,is there any direct way to gain access to the backColor behind the current rendering fragment?If not,how can I do it?
In some other version of GLSL,gl_BackColor seems to provide the access to the color behind the current rendering fragment.
No, this has never been the case. gl_BackColor was the backface color, for doing two-sided lighting. And it was never accessible from the fragment shader; it was a vertex shader variable.
For two-sided lighting, you wrote to both gl_FrontColor and gl_BackColor in the vertex shader. The fragment shader's gl_Color variable is filled in with which ever side's color is facing the camera. So if the back-face of the triangle is forward, then it gets the interpolated gl_BackColor.
What you are asking for has never been available in GLSL.
There is no direct way, as Nicol Bolas write.
However you can use an indirect way, by using a render to texture approach:
First render the opaque objects (if any) to a offscreen texture instead of the screen.
Render the offscreen texture to the screen
Render the transparent "custom blending" object to the screen using a shader that does the custom blending. (Since you are doing the blending manually the GL's Blend flag should not be enabled). You should add the offscreen texture as a uniform to the fragment-shader which let you sample the background color and calculate your custom blending.
If you need to render multiple transparent objects you can use two offscreen textures and ping-pong between them and finally render the result to the screen when all objects has been rendered.

how to write a generic GLSL shader to colorize an object

i have several objects in OpenGL and i want to mark the selected object. My idea was to use a GLSL shader to add the selected color.
How can I get the 'original' color of the pixel in the fragment shader?
I could look the color up in the texture, but when there's more than one texture?
If you intent to render your selected object with a specific shader, then you have to create a shader that has the same behavior as the regular rendering of your objects (lighting, texturing, ...). That means you have to compute that color of the pixel by yourself.
If you intent to render all your objects, and then add your selection, then it is impossible to retrieve the color of the framebuffer pixel from your fragment shader (you need to create a texture out of your framebuffer and use it, but it is out of scope, I think).
Option A) you can add a color to the current diffuse color/texture and apply that fragment shader only to the selected one:
color = ...
gl_FragColor= mix(color, selectioncolor, 0.5);
Option B) you render to a framebuffer, and postproccess the object to add the color
The options depends on your capability to change the shader and identify the object.