How to add horizontal line at front of the line bullet in live data amcharts - amcharts4

i'm working on amchart live data you can check here So i want to add horizonal line at front of the line bullet like you can check here in this site when you signup and click on trade there will be chart show. at front of the line bullet there is horizontal line i want like this. So let me know is it possible ??

Amchart is a quite popular charting library, and after a few minutes of searches, it is a quite easy task to do.
Based on the live-data demo provided by amchart your have to add some line to that code.
To start add an axisrange line to the chart.
// goal guides
var axisRange = valueAxis.axisRanges.create();
axisRange.value = 4;
axisRange.grid.strokeOpacity = 1;
axisRange.label.text = "Goal"; // This text will be displayed on the right side of chart.
axisRange.label.align = "right";
axisRange.label.verticalCenter = "bottom";
axisRange.label.fillOpacity = 0.8;
After this block you will see the vertical line on the chart but this will not move along the chart
In order to start to move the line you have to modify the startInterval() function
From the function your have access to the previously declared axisrange variable
so after getting the next value you have to assign this value to the axisrange position and label this way
function startInterval() {
interval = setInterval(function() {
visits =
visits + Math.random();
var lastdataItem = series.dataItems.getIndex(series.dataItems.length - 1);
{ date: new Date(lastdataItem.dateX.getTime() + 1000), value: visits },
// Add this two line to the startinterval function or where you
calculate the next value
}, 1000);


Google Script .getvalue() Not Working With Cells With a Formula In It

I have this google script for google sheets that moves rows of data from "Sheet1" to "Sheet2" when column 15 says "tracking", and it works perfectly fine when I type in "tracking" but I would like that column to be an IF equation something like IF(G:G="tracking not available at this time","","tracking"). But the code does not seem to recognize the formula change from "" to "tracking". Do I need to change the getvalue()? Or is there a different workaround to this issue? I've used =query(importrange) withing the spreadsheet to copy over data with a trigger word, but I really want this to be more of an archive system and add a row to the bottom of "Sheet2" whenever row15 on "sheet1"Thanks! Here is the code:
function onEdit(event) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var s = event.source.getActiveSheet();
var r = event.source.getActiveRange();
if(s.getName() == "Sheet1" && r.getColumn() == 14 && r.getValue() == "tracking") {
var row = r.getRow();
var numColumns = s.getLastColumn();
var targetSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet2");
if(targetSheet.getLastRow() == targetSheet.getMaxRows()) {
targetSheet.insertRowsAfter(targetSheet.getLastRow(), 20);
var target = targetSheet.getRange(targetSheet.getLastRow() + 1, 1);
s.getRange(row, 1, 1, numColumns).moveTo(target);
I had an issue with this recently
I spent about 3 hours debugging something yesterday and this was the culprit.
try using r.getDisplayValue() instead of r.getValue
I am still new to this myself, and feel free to correct me if I am wrong, because if there is a different reason I would really love to know!!!
It seems that if a value in a cell is not typed in but placed there through a formula such as =query() or a similar method, I don't think it actually sees that there is a value in the cell. (I got null values or the formula itself)
If you use getDisplayValue, it "should" get the value that you actually see in the cell.
The correct way to get formulas, instead of displayed values, is with getFormulas rather than getValues

How can I scale my dataset values as a percentage of the index in chart.js?

Sorry if the question is poorly worded.Here is my chart
I am looking into scaling the chart's display of dataset(s) values as a percentage such as:
label: 'data1',
data: [15, 22, 18, 35, 16, 29, 40]
label: 'data2',
data: [20, 21, 20, 19, 21, 22, 35]
data1's points on the chart would be displayed as [42.9, 51.2, 47.4, 64.8, 43.2, 56.9, 57.1]
data2's points on the chart would be displayed as [57.1, 48.8, 52.6, 35.2, 56.8, 43.1, 42.9]
It should look like this. All visible lines should stack up to 100%. If a dataset is hidden, how can I recalculate the percentage and update the chart so that everything stays stacked up to 100%?
I thought about doing a plugin where I do the calculation using but then I don't know how to remove a hidden dataset's values from the calculation and I'm not sure how to display it unless I overwrite the original datasets. I'm pretty sure this is the wrong approach.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
So, I figured it out. I needed to write a function to calculate the percentage area of the points in the index and then update the datasets with the calculated percentage values.
* DS_update calculates the percentage area of the input datasets
function DS_update(dataset_in, ds_vis){
// make a deep copy (no references to the source)
var temp = jQuery.extend(true, [], dataset_in);
// gets the sum of all datasets at a given index
function getTotal(index){
total = 0;
// step through the datasets
dataset_in.forEach(function(e, i){
// inc total if the dataset is visible
total += e[index];
// do nothing if the dataset is hidden
return total;
// update temp array with calculated percentage values
temp.forEach(function(el, ind){
var j = ind;
el.forEach(function(e, i){
// calculate percentage to the hundredths place
temp[j][i] = Math.round((e / getTotal(i))*10000)/100;
return temp;
Once I tested the functions I had to run them before initial load of the chart or else the user would see the datasets as non area-percent (raw data). which looks something like this:
// Keep source array to use in the tool tips
var Src_ary = Input_data; // multidimensional array of input data
// holds the percent-area calculations as datapoints
var Prod_ary = DS_update(Src_ary, Init_visible(Src_ary));
Next up was updating the onClick for the legend. I need this to update the calculations every time an item's visibility is toggled:
legend: {
position: 'bottom',
usePointStyle: true,
function(e, legendItem){
var index = legendItem.datasetIndex;
var ci = this.chart;
var meta = ci.getDatasetMeta(index);
var vis_ary = [];
var updatedSet = [];
// See controller.isDatasetVisible comment
meta.hidden = meta.hidden === null? ![index].hidden : null;
// load the visible array
for(var i = 0; i < ( || []).length; i++){
switch (ci.getDatasetMeta(i).hidden){
case null:
// update datasets using vis_ary to tell us which sets are visible
updatedSet = DS_update(Prod_ary, vis_ary); (e,i){ = updatedSet[i];
// We did stuff ... rerender the chart
This is what I was trying to do: highchart fiddle
This is what I ended up with:fiddle
It took a few days and a lot of reading through's documentation to put this together. In the end I think it came out pretty good considering I am new to chart.js and borderline illiterate with javascript.

LineChart with certain columns

i am displaying a line chart and have data toggle on/off set up based on the answer (given by Abinaya Selvaraju) here:
Show/hide lines/data in Google Chart
it works great.
now i want to certain columns to be automatically grayed out when the chart first displays.
i think i need to do something like what's shown in the answer and came up with this:
for (var regionCol=0; regionCol<chartData.getNumberOfColumns();regionCol++){
if ((regionCol >= 2) && (regionCol <=7)){
columns[regionCol] = {
label: chartData.getColumnLabel(regionCol),
type: chartData.getColumnType(regionCol),
calc: function () {
return null;
// grey out the legend entry
//series[col - 1].color = '#CCCCCC';
series[Math.floor(regionCol/3)].color = '#CCCCCC';
// show the data series
columns[regionCol] = regionCol;
//series[col - 1].color = null;
series[Math.floor(regionCol/3)].color = null;
var viewToHideRegions = new google.visualization.DataView(chartData);
chart.draw(viewToHideRegions, options);
/* code to set regions to be hidden */
This is how my chart data is defined:
chartData.addColumn('string', 'Date'); // Implicit series 1 data col.
chartData.addColumn('number', colIdxName); // Implicit domain label col.
chartData.addColumn({type:'string', role:'annotation'});
chartData.addColumn({type:'string', role:'annotationText'});
chartData.addColumn('number', dpndata[colGenIdx]['name']); // Implicit domain label col.
chartData.addColumn({type:'string', role:'annotation'});
chartData.addColumn({type:'string', role:'annotationText'});
When I run all of this, i get the message "All series on a given axis must be of the same data type"
I can't spot what I've got wrong.
Can anyone help?
There are a couple things you need to fix here. First, you only have 7 columns, and the column indices start at 0, so checking column indices 2-7 will start too late and overflow the end of the column list. Second, you always want your domain column (index 0) to be included, but you don't want to list it in the series option. Third, the "annotation" and "annotationText" columns need to have their roles specified in the view.
Your code should look something like this (to grey out all series by default):
var columns = [0];
for (var regionCol = 1; regionCol < chartData.getNumberOfColumns(); regionCol++) {
columns[regionCol] = {
label: chartData.getColumnLabel(regionCol),
type: chartData.getColumnType(regionCol),
role: chartData.getColumnProperty(regionCol, 'role'),
calc: function () {
return null;
// grey out the legend entry
if (regionCol % 3 == 1) {
series[Math.floor(regionCol / 3) - 1].color = '#CCCCCC';
var viewToHideRegions = new google.visualization.DataView(chartData);
chart.draw(viewToHideRegions, options);
/* code to set regions to be hidden */

google charts, tooltip replace column value

I'm using a combo chart from the google graph api (combo chart type). I want to add custom tooltips to add information about each point in the graph, but one of the value is replaced by the tooltip.
Here a very similar example graphic:
adding tooltip to graphs
Supposing that I'm using that graph. In my case, the value 106 (for the year 2011), is replaced by Growth 14% (the tooltip value)
Here the code that generates the data:
function gcomboChart () {
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
var dataVal =
["January",37903,655396,3411359,"Tooltip January"],
["February",33813,559595,3035931,"Tooltip February"],
["March",54073,725638,4561690,"Tooltip March"]
data.addColumn({type:'string', role:'tooltip'});
//Here the code that generates the graph:
function drawChartComboChartID14cc19be5eef() {
var data = gcomboChart();
var options = { focusTarget: 'category'};
options["allowHtml"] = true;
options["seriesType"] = "bars";
options["series"] = {0: {targetAxisIndex:1,type:"line"}};
options["series"] = {0: {targetAxisIndex:2,type:"line"}};
options["vAxes"] = [{title:'Left Axis',format:'#,###',titleTextStyle:{color: 'orange'},textStyle:{color: 'orange'},textPosition:'out'},
{title:'Right Axis',format:'#,###',titleTextStyle:{color: 'blue'},textStyle:{color: 'blue'},textPosition:'out'}];
options["width"] = 1000;
options["height"] = 600;
options["pointSize"] = 9;
var chart = new google.visualization.ComboChart(
If you use the code, you'll see that the value of the third variable (Value3), is overwritten by the tooltip. I don't know hoy to get rid of that problem.
I want to show the three values of 'Value1-3' plus the tooltip
Can you please give me a hand?
Tooltips by default will replace the tooltip for that data point. It will not add an additional tooltip. To get around this, you need to add an additional series, and format the tooltip manually within that data value. You can then hide it from the legend, and have it display all nice as follows:
Here is the code:
function gcomboChart () {
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
//{v: x, f: y} allows you to set a manual format for each data point
var dataVal =
["January",37903,655396,3411359,{v: 0, f:"Tooltip January"}],
["February",33813,559595,3035931,{v: 0, f:"Tooltip February"}],
["March",54073,725638,4561690,{v: 0, f:"Tooltip March"}]
// Changed to standard data rather than tooltip role
//Here the code that generates the graph:
function drawVisualization() {
var data = gcomboChart();
var options = { focusTarget: 'category'};
options["allowHtml"] = true;
options["seriesType"] = "bars";
// the below line makes sure the tooltip is not shown in the legend
options["series"] = {0: {targetAxisIndex:0,type:"line"},3: {visibleInLegend:false}};
options["vAxes"] = [{title:'Left Axis',format:'#,###',titleTextStyle:{color: 'orange'},textStyle:{color: 'orange'},textPosition:'out'},
{title:'Right Axis',format:'#,###',titleTextStyle:{color: 'blue'},textStyle:{color: 'blue'},textPosition:'out'}];
options["width"] = 1000;
options["height"] = 600;
options["pointSize"] = 9;
var chart = new google.visualization.ComboChart(
Note: I should have switched series 3 to a line as well so that it doesn't push the bars over one. Change the series setting as follows to make it look nicer: options["series"] = {0: {targetAxisIndex:0,type:"line"},3: {visibleInLegend:false,type:"line"}};

How to disable automatic creation SeriesCollection in Excel Chart

I have already this code
Excel::_ApplicationPtr app("Excel.Application");
app->Visible[0] = false;
Excel::_WorkbookPtr book = app->Workbooks->Add();
Excel::_WorksheetPtr sheet = book->Worksheets->Item[1];
RangePtr pRange = sheet->Cells;
RangePtr pCell;
pCell = pRange->Item[1][1]; // A1
pCell->Value2 = "1";
pCell = pRange->Item[1][2]; // B1
pCell->Value2 = "1";
pCell = pRange->Item[1][3]; // C1
pCell->Value2 = "10";
pCell = pRange->Item[2][1]; // A2
pCell->Value2 = "3";
pCell = pRange->Item[2][2]; // B2
Cell->Value2 = "1";
pCell = pRange->Item[2][3]; // C2
pCell->Value2 = "20";
and next
Excel::RangePtr pBeginRange = pRange->Item[1][1];
Excel::RangePtr pEndRange = pRange->Item[5][9];
Excel::RangePtr pTotalRange = sheet->Range[(Excel::Range *)pBeginRange][(Excel::Range *)pEndRange];
_ChartPtr pChart2 = book->Charts->Add();
pChart2->ChartType = xlBubble3DEffect;
pChart2->SetSourceData((Excel::Range *)pTotalRange, (long)Excel::xlColumns);
How to disable automatic creation SeriesCollection in Excel Chart. I want to set the ranges manually. In the automatic creation all SeriesCollection has XValues in the first column. But I needn't it.
I've come across the same issue as well. From experimentation I think the following is happening:
When you create a new chart in VBA using the following code
Dim chSheet As Chart
Set chSheet = Charts.Add
Excel, trying to be helpful I bet, automatically looks at which ever worksheet your cursor had selected when you executed your code from the developer window and searches for the nearest dataset it thinks could be a range of values for the graph. This is then automatically populated in the graph. The only way around it I've found so far is to execute the following code to delete all series objects in the series collection object on the chart immediately after having created it. Touch counter intuitive but it works...
Public Sub DeleteChartSeries(chartSheet As Chart)
'Shorter but perhaps less clean way of writing the code compared to below
Do Until chartSheet.SeriesCollection.Count = 0
'With chartSheet
' Do Until .seriesCollection.Count = 0
' .seriesCollection(1).Delete
' Loop
'End With
End Sub
Just hit a workaround: First move the cursor somewhere outside the UsedRange, then create the Chart: Won't do auto-detection. Then move back.
In other words, the following code works for me (Excel 2007):
' Assume src As Range (proposed source data for the chart) in the ActiveSheet.
' put the cursor somewhere outside the UsedRange to avoid Excel's
' 'helpful' auto detection.
Dim ur As Range
Set ur = src.Worksheet.UsedRange
ur.Cells(1, ur.Columns.Count).Offset(0, 2).Select
Dim crt As Chart
Set crt = src.Worksheet.Shapes.AddChart().Chart
' ^ does NOT do auto-detection.
Probably can't prevent it being created, but you can delete it immediately after creating the chart, then create you own series as required.
Set Chrt = wb.Charts.Add()