Why is OpenMP slower than sequential execution? - c++

I have the following code:
int N = 10000;
int chunk = 1000;
int i;
float a[N];
for (i=0; i < N; i++)
a[i] = i;
#pragma omp parallel private(i)
#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic,chunk) nowait
for (i=0; i < N; i++) a[i] = a[i] + a[i];
The sequential code is the same, without the two pragma directives.
sequential ~150us
parallel ~1100us
That's a huge gap, and I expected it to be the other way around.
Does someone have a clue what's wrong, or does OpenMP have so much to do in the background?
Does someone have an example, where I can see that the parallelized for loop is faster?

Launching ten threads and managing them is more expensive than adding 10,000 elements. If you're on a system with less than 10 true cores, they're going to compete for time slices, and incur context switches and (potentially) more cache misses. And you chose dynamic scheduling, which means there needs to be some synchronization to help the threads figure out which chunks they're going to do (not a lot, but enough to slow things down when the work being distributed is pretty trivial by contrast).
In one anecdote launching a no-op thread and immediately detaching it cost about 10 μs, and those threads didn't need to do anything. In your case, that's 100 μs just for launching the threads, ignoring all the other inefficiencies threading potentially introduces.
Parallelizing helps for big workloads, or when the workers are used many times for many moderate sized tasks (so the cost of launching the threads is a fraction of the work they do). But performing 10,000 additions is chump change to a CPU; you're just not doing enough to benefit from parallelizing it.


openMP excessive synchronization

I am trying to add an openMP parallelization into quite a big Project and I found out the openMP does too much synchronization outside the parallel blocks.
This synchronization is done for all of the variables, even those not used in the parallel block and it is done continuously, not only before entering the block.
I made an example proving this:
#include <cmath>
int main()
double dummy1 = 1.234;
int const size = 1000000;
int const size1 = 2500;
int const size2 = 500;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<size; ++i){
//for (unsigned int j=0; j<size1; j++){
// dummy1 = pow(dummy1/2 + 1, 1.5);
#pragma omp parallel for
for (unsigned int j=0; j<size2; j++){
double dummy2 = 2.345;
dummy2 = pow(dummy2/2 + 1, 1.5);
If I run this code (with the for cycle commented), the runtimes are 6.75s with parallelization and 30.6s without. Great.
But if I uncomment the for cycle and run it again, the excessive synchronization kicks in and I get results 67.9s with parallelization and 73s without. If I increase size1 I even get slower results with parallelization than without it.
Is there a way to disable this synchronization and force it only before the second for cycle? Or any other way how to improve the speed?
Note that the outer neither the first for cycle are in the real example parallelizable. The outer one is in fact a ODE solver and the first inner one updating of loads of inner values.
I am using gcc (SUSE Linux) 4.8.5
Thanks for Your answers.
In the end the solution for my problem was specifying number of threads = number of processor cores. It seems the hyperthreading was causing the problems. So using (my processor has 4 real cores)
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(4)
I get times 8.7s without the first for loop and 51.9s with it. There is still about 1.2s overhead, but that is acceptable. Using default (8 threads)
#pragma omp parallel for
the times are 6.65s and 68s. Here the overhead is about 19s.
So the hyperthreading helps if no other code is present, but when it is it might not always be a good idea to use it.

OpenMP optimize scheduling of for loop

I need some help with OpenMP. Is it possible that if a thread ended in a for loop it helps then to another thread, dividing it? I have a loop in a loop where are breaks; and the threads doesn't end at the same time, so there are threads which has much work, and other threads which are done. (so there are unused cores). I run my program on a corei7, and it seems that OpenMP divide the loop to 8 threads. But the utilization starts to drop after some time when one thread did the job.
#pragma omp parallel for
for(i = 0; i < Vector.size(); i++) {
for(j = 0; j < othervector.size(); j++) {
{some code}
if(sth is true) break;
Thank you.
The default division/SCHEDULE of the loop iterations in a for loop is implementation dependent. In your case, when using the omp parallel for the default shedule may be STATIC, which means that depending on the size of your vector each thread gets assigned a fixed chunk of data. Since apparently the work load can't be balanced by statically dividing it, you should check out the DYNAMIC, GUIDED and RUNTIME clause and see if this helps you to reestablish a high utilization of your (virtual) cores. Depending on the chunk size this will of course cause additional overhead, but it may become negligible comparing it with the time your cores spend in idle when scheduling statically.
To answer the original question: I don't think that you can tell a thread to continue the work of another one. When the work gets assigned each thread has to deal with it on its own. Here is what I would try out.
#define CHUNKSIZE 100
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,chunk) nowait
for(i = 0; i < Vector.size(); i++) {
for(j = 0; j < othervector.size(); j++) {
{some code}
if(sth is true) break;
Actually Hristo Iliev wrote a very nice answer to a similar question some time ago.

Bad performace of parallelized OpenMP code for particle simulation

I am trying to parallelize a code for particle-based simulations and experiencing poor performance of an OpenMP based approach. By that I mean:
Displaying CPU usage using the Linux tool top, OpenMP-threads running CPUs have an average usage of 50 %.
With increasing number of threads, speed up converges to a factor of about 1.6. Convergence is quite fast, i.e. I reach a speed up of 1.5 using 2 threads.
The following pseudo code illustrates the basic template for all parallel regions implemented.
Note that during a single time step, 5 parallel regions of the below shown fashion are being executed. Basically, the force acting on a particle i < N is a function of several field properties of neighboring particles j < NN(i).
#pragma omp parallel shared( quite_a_large_amount_of_readonly_data, force )
int i,j,N,NN;
#pragma omp for
for( i=0; i<N; i++ ){ // Looping over all particles
for ( j=0; j<NN(i); j++ ){ // Nested loop over all neighbors of i
// No communtions between threads, atomic regions,
// barriers whatsoever.
force[i] += function(j);
I am trying to sort out the cause for the observed bottleneck. My naive initial guess for an explanation:
As stated, there is large amount of memory being shared between threads for read-only access. It is quite possible that different threads try to read the same memory location at the same time. Is this causing a bottleneck ? Should I rather let OpenMP allocate private copies ?
How large is N, and how intensive is NN(i)?
You say nothing shared, but force[i] is probably within the same cache line of force[i+1]. This is what's known as false sharing and can be pretty detrimental. OpenMP should batch things together to compensate for this, so with a large enough N I don't think this would be your problem.
If NN(i) isn't very CPU intensive, you might have a simple memory bottleneck -- in which case throwing more cores at it won't solve anything.
Assuming that force[i] is plain array of 4 or 8 byte data, you definitely have false sharing, no doubt about it.
Assuming that function(j) is independently calculated, you may want to do something like this:
for( i=0; i<N; i+=STEP ){ // Looping over all particles
for ( j=0; j<NN(i); j+=STEP ){ // Nested loop over all neighbors of i
// No communtions between threads, atomic regions,
// barriers whatsoever.
calc_next(i, j);
void calc_next(int i, int j)
int ii, jj;
for(ii = 0; ii < STEP; ii++)
for(jj = 0; jj < STEP; jj++)
force[i+ii] = function(j+jj);
That way, you calculate a bunch of things on one thread, and a bunch of things on the next thread, and each bunch is far enough apart that you don't get false sharing.
If you can't do it this way, try to split it up in some other way that leads to larger sections being calculated each time.
As the others stated that, false sharing on force could be a reason. Try in this simple way,
#pragma omp for
for( i=0; i<N; i++ ){
int sum = force[i];
for ( j=0; j<NN(i); j++ ){
sum += function(j);
force[i] = sum;
Technically, it's possible that force[i] = sum still makes a false sharing. But, it's highly unlikely to happen because the other thread would access force[i + N/omp_num_threads()*omp_thread_num()], which is pretty far from force[i].
If still scalability is poor, try to use a profiler such as Intel Parallel Amplifier (or VTune) to see how much memory bandwidth is needed per thread. If so, put some more DRAMs in your computer :) That will really boost memory bandwidth.

Strange slowdown when using openmp

I am trying to increase performance of a rather complex iteration algorithm by parallelizing matrix multiplication, which is being called on each iteration.
The algorithm takes 500 iterations and approximately 10 seconds. But after parallelizing matrix multiplication it slows down to 13 seconds.
However, when I tested matrix multiplication of the same dimension alone, there was an increase in speed. (I am talking about 100x100 matrices.)
Finally, I switched off any parallelizing inside the algorithm and added on each iteration the following piece of code, which does absolutely nothing and presumably shouldn't take long:
int j;
#pragma omp parallel for private(j)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
j = i;
And again, there is a 30% slowdown comparing to the same algorithm without this piece of code.
Thus, calling any parallelization using openmp 500 times inside the main algorithm somehow slows things down. This behavior looks very strange to me, anybody has any clues what the problem is?
The main algorithm is being called by a desktop application, compiled by VS2010, Win32 Release.
I work on Intel Core i3 (parallelization creates 4 threads), 64 bit Windows 7.
Here is a structure of a program:
int internal_method(..)
...//no openmp here
// the following code does nothing, has nothing to do with the rest of the program and shouldn't take long,
// but somehow adding of this code caused a 3 sec slowdown of the Huge_algorithm()
double sum;
#pragma omp parallel for private(sum)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
sum = i*i*i / (1.0 + i*i*i*i);
...//no openmp here
int Huge_algorithm(..)
...//no openmp here
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
.....// no openmp
......//no openmp
...//no openmp here
So, the final point is:
calling the parallel piece of code 500 times alone (when the rest of the algorithm is omitted) takes less than 0.01 sec, but when you call it 500 times inside a huge algorithm it causes 3 sec delay of the entire algorithm.
And what I don't understand is how the small parallel part affects the rest of the algorithm?
For 10 iterations and a simple assignment, I guess there is too much OpenMP overhead compared to the computation itself. What looks lightweight here is actually managing and synchronizing multiple threads which may not even come from a thread pool. There might be some locking involved, and I don't know how good MSVC is at estimating whether to parallelize at all.
Try with bigger loop bodies or a bigger amount of iterations (say 1024*1024 iterations, just for starters).
Example OpenMP Magick:
#pragma omp parallel for private(j)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
j = i;
This might be approximately expanded by a compiler to:
const unsigned __cpu_count = __get_cpu_count();
const unsigned __j = alloca (sizeof (unsigned) * __cpu_count);
__thread *__threads = alloca (sizeof (__thread) * __cpu_count);
for (unsigned u=0; u!=__cpu_count; ++u) {
__init_thread (__threads+u);
__run_thread ([u]{for (int i=u; i<10; i+=__cpu_count)
__j[u] = __i;}); // assume lambdas
for (unsigned u=0; u!=__cpu_count; ++u)
__join (__threads+u);
with __init_thread(), __run_thread() and __join() being non-trivial function that invoke certain system calls.
In case thread-pools are used, you would replace the first alloca() by something like __pick_from_pool() or so.
(note this, names and emitted code, was all imaginary, actual implementation will look different)
Regarding your updated question:
You seem to be parallelizing at the wrong granularity. Put as much workload as possible in a thread, so instead of
for (...) {
#omp parallel ...
for (...) {}
#omp parallel ...
for (...) {
for (...) {}
Rule of thumb: Keep workloads big enough per thread so as to reduce relative overhead.
Maybe just j=i is not high-yield for core-cpu bandwith. maybe you should try something more yielding calculation. (for exapmle taking i*i*i*i*i*i and dividing it by i+i+i)
are you running this on multi-core cpu or gpu?

openmp parallel performance

I'm trying to implement the distance matrix in parallel using openmp in which I calculate the distance between each point and all the other points, so the best algorithm I thought of till now cost O(n^2) and the performance of my algorithm using openmp using 10 thread on 8processor machine isn't better than the serial approach in terms of running time, so I wonder if there is any mistake in my implementation on the openmp approach as this is my first time to use openmp, so please if there is any mistake in my apporach or any better "faster" approach please let me know. The following is my code where "dat" is a vector that contains the data points.
map <int, map< int, double> > dist; //construct the distance matrix
int c=count(dat.at(0).begin(),dat.at(0).end(),delm)+1;
#pragma omp parallel for shared (c,dist)
for(int p=0;p<dat.size();p++)
for(int j=p+1;j<dat.size();j++)
double ecl=0;
string line1=dat.at(p);
string line2=dat.at(j);
for (int i=0;i<c;i++)
double num1=atof(line1.substr(0,line1.find_first_of(delm)).c_str());
double num2=atof(line2.substr(0,line2.find_first_of(delm)).c_str());
ecl += (num1-num2)*(num1-num2);
#pragma omp critical
#pragma omp critical has the effect of serializing your loop so getting rid of that should be your first goal. This should be a step in the right direction:
ptrdiff_t const c = count(dat[0].begin(), dat[0].end(), delm) + 1;
vector<vector<double> > dist(dat.size(), vector<double>(dat.size()));
#pragma omp parallel for
for (size_t p = 0; p != dat.size(); ++p)
for (size_t j = p + 1; j != dat.size(); ++j)
double ecl = 0.0;
string line1 = dat[p];
string line2 = dat[j];
for (ptrdiff_t i = 0; i != c; ++i)
double const num1 = atof(line1.substr(0, line1.find_first_of(delm)).c_str());
double const num2 = atof(line2.substr(0, line2.find_first_of(delm)).c_str());
line1 = line1.substr(line1.find_first_of(delm) + 1);
line2 = line2.substr(line2.find_first_of(delm) + 1);
ecl += (num1 - num2) * (num1 - num2);
ecl = sqrt(ecl);
dist[p][j] = ecl;
dist[j][p] = ecl;
There are a few other obvious things that could be done to make this faster overall, but fixing your parallelization is the most important thing.
As already pointed out, using critical sections will slow things down as only 1 thread is allowed in that section at a time. There is absolutely no need for using critical sections because each thread writes to mutually exclusive sections of data, reading non-modified data obviously doesn't need protection.
My suspicion as to the slowness of the code comes down to uneven work distribution over the threads. By default I think openmp divides the iterations equally among threads. As an example, consider when you have 8 threads and 8 points:
-thread 0 will get 7 distance calculations
-thread 1 will get 6 distance calculations
-thread 7 will get 0 distance calculations
Even with more iterations, a similar inequality still exists. If you need to convince yourself, make a thread private counter to track how many distance calculations are actually done by each thread.
With work-sharing constructs like parallel for, you can specify various work distribution strategies. In your case, probably best to go with
#pragma omp for schedule(guided)
When each thread requests some iterations of the for loop, it will get the number of remaining loops (not already given to a thread) divided by the number of threads. So initially you get big blocks, later you get smaller blocks. It's a form of automatic load balancing, mind you there's some (probably small) overhead in dynamically allocating iterations to the threads.
To avoid the first thread getting an unfair large amount of work, your looping structure should be changed so that lower iterations have fewer calculations, e.g. change the inner for loop to
for (j=0; j<p-1; j++)
Another thing to consider is when working with a lot of cores, memory can become the bottleneck. You have 8 processors fighting for probably 2 or maybe 3 channels of DRAM (separate memory sticks on the same channel still compete for bandwidth). On-chip CPU cache is at best shared between all the processors, so you still have no more cache than the serial version of this program.