Why Doesn't A Character Array Give an Unsigned Result - c++

In this project I am supposed to receive a packet, and cast a part of it to an unsigned integer and get both Big-Endian and Little-Endian results. Originally, I wanted to just cast a pointer inside the byte array (packet) to an unsigned integer type that would automatically put the value received in Big-Endian form, like (uint32_be_t*)packet; similar to the way that it's automatically put into Little-Endian form when doing (uint32_t*)packet.
Since I couldn't find a type that automatically did this, I decided to create my own structure called "u32" which has the methods "get," which gets the value in Big-Endian form, and "get_le," which gets the value in Little-Endian form. However, I noticed that when I do this I get a negative result from the Little-Endian result.
struct u32 {
u8 data[4] = {};
uint32_t get() {
return ((uint32_t)data[3] << 0)
| ((uint32_t)data[2] << 8)
| ((uint32_t)data[1] << 16)
| ((uint32_t)data[0] << 24);
uint32_t get_le() {
return ((uint32_t)data[3] << 24)
| ((uint32_t)data[2] << 16)
| ((uint32_t)data[1] << 8)
| ((uint32_t)data[0] << 0);
In order to simulate a packet, I just created a character array and then cast a u32* to it like so:
int main() {
char ary[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, (char)0xF4 };
u32* v = (u32*)ary;
printf("%d %d\n", v->get(), v->get_le());
return 0;
But then I get the results: 244 -201326592
Why is this happening? The return type to "get_le" is uint32_t, and the first function, "get," which is supposed to return the Big-Endian unsigned integer, is performing correctly.
As a side note, this was just a test that popped into my head, so I went to the library to test it in-between classes, but unfortunately that means I have to use an online compiler (onlinegdb), but I figure it would work the same in Visual Studio. Also, if you have any suggestions as to how I could improve my code, it would be greatly appreciated. I am using Visual Studio 2019 and am allowed to use cstdlib.

Well, I daresay you want to use %u not %d in that printf() format-string!
%d assumes that the value is signed, so if the most-significant bit is 1 you get a minus sign.

There is a more elegant way to accomplish the same task. Just use uint32_t instead. You can use std::memcpy to convert between char arrays and uint32_t without invoking undefined behavior. This is what std::bit_cast does too. Reinterpreting a char* as an int* is undefined behavior. It is not the cause of your problem, because MSVC allows for it, but that's not really portable.
std::memcpy conversions or pointer casts will take place with native byte order, which is either little or big endian.
You can convert between byte orders using a builtin function. For MSVC, this would be:
_byteswap_ulong(x); // unsigned long is uint32_t on Windows
See the documentation of _byteswap_ulong. This will compile to just a single x86 bswap instruction, which is unlikely for your series of shifts. This can improve performance by a factor of 10x. GCC and clang have __builtin_bswap if you want portable code.
You can detect native endianness using std::endian or if you don't have C++20, __BYTE_ORDER__ macros. Converting to little-endian or big-endian would then just be doing nothing or performing a byte swap depending on your platform endianness.
#include <bit>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdint>
uint32_t bswap(uint32_t x) {
return _byteswap_ulong(x);
uint32_t to_be(uint32_t x) {
return std::endian::native == std::endian::big ? x : bswap(x);
uint32_t to_le(uint32_t x) {
return std::endian::native == std::endian::little ? x : bswap(x);
int main() {
char ary[4] = { 0, 0, 0, (char) 0xF4 };
uint32_t v;
std::memcpy(&v, &ary, 4);
printf("%u %u\n", to_be(v), to_le(v));
return 0;


Setting a buffer of char* with intermediate casting to int*

I could not fully understand the consequences of what I read here: Casting an int pointer to a char ptr and vice versa
In short, would this work?
set4Bytes(unsigned char* buffer) {
const uint32_t MASK = 0xffffffff;
if ((uintmax_t)buffer % 4) {//misaligned
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
buffer[i] = 0xff;
} else {//4-byte alignment
*((uint32_t*) buffer) = MASK;
There was a long discussion (it was in the comments, which mysteriously got deleted) about what type the pointer should be casted to in order to check the alignment. The subject is now addressed here.
This conversion is safe if you are filling same value in all 4 bytes. If byte order matters then this conversion is not safe.
Because when you use integer to fill 4 Bytes at a time it will fill 4 Bytes but order depends on the endianness.
No, it won't work in every case. Aside from endianness, which may or may not be an issue, you assume that the alignment of uint32_t is 4. But this quantity is implementation-defined (C11 Draft N1570 Section 6.2.8). You can use the _Alignof operator to get the alignment in a portable way.
Second, the effective type (ibid. Sec. 6.5) of the location pointed to by buffer may not be compatible to uint32_t (e.g. if buffer points to an unsigned char array). In that case you break strict aliasing rules once you try reading through the array itself or through a pointer of different type.
Assuming that the pointer actually points to an array of unsigned char, the following code will work
typedef union { unsigned char chr[sizeof(uint32_t)]; uint32_t u32; } conv_t;
void set4Bytes(unsigned char* buffer) {
const uint32_t MASK = 0xffffffffU;
if ((uintptr_t)buffer % _Alignof(uint32_t)) {// misaligned
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(uint32_t); i++) {
buffer[i] = 0xffU;
} else { // correct alignment
conv_t *cnv = (conv_t *) buffer;
cnv->u32 = MASK;
This code might be of help to you. It shows a 32-bit number being built by assigning its contents a byte at a time, forcing misalignment. It compiles and works on my machine.
int main () {
uint32_t *data = (uint32_t*)malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*2);
char *buf = (char*)data;
uintptr_t addr = (uintptr_t)buf;
int i,j;
i = !(addr%4) ? 1 : 0;
uint32_t x = (1<<6)-1;
for( j=0;j<4;j++ ) buf[i+j] = ((char*)&x)[j];
printf("%" PRIu32 "\n",*((uint32_t*) (addr+i)) );
As mentioned by #Learner, endianness must be obeyed. The code above is not portable and would break on a big endian machine.
Note that my compiler throws the error "cast from ‘char*’ to ‘unsigned int’ loses precision [-fpermissive]" when trying to cast a char* to an unsigned int, as done in the original post. This post explains that uintptr_t should be used instead.
In addition to the endian issue, which has already been mentioned here:
CHAR_BIT - the number of bits per char - should also be considered.
It is 8 on most platforms, where for (int i=0; i<4; i++) should work fine.
A safer way of doing it would be for (int i=0; i<sizeof(uint32_t); i++).
Alternatively, you can include <limits.h> and use for (int i=0; i<32/CHAR_BIT; i++).
Use reinterpret_cast<>() if you want to ensure the underlying data does not "change shape".
As Learner has mentioned, when you store data in machine memory endianess becomes a factor. If you know how the data is stored correctly in memory (correct endianess) and you are specifically testing its layout as an alternate representation, then you would want to use reinterpret_cast<>() to test that memory, as a specific type, without modifying the original storage.
Below, I've modified your example to use reinterpret_cast<>():
void set4Bytes(unsigned char* buffer) {
const uint32_t MASK = 0xffffffff;
if (*reinterpret_cast<unsigned int *>(buffer) % 4) {//misaligned
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
buffer[i] = 0xff;
} else {//4-byte alignment
*reinterpret_cast<unsigned int *>(buffer) = MASK;
It should also be noted, your function appears to set the buffer (32-bytes of contiguous memory) to 0xFFFFFFFF, regardless of which branch it takes.
Your code is perfect for working with any architecture with 32bit and up. There is no issue with byte ordering since all your source bytes are 0xFF.
At x86 or x64 machines, the extra work necessary to deal with eventually unaligned access to RAM are managed by the CPU and transparent to the programmer (since Pentium II), with some performance cost at each access. So, if you are just setting the first four bytes of a buffer a few times, you are good to simplify your function:
void set4Bytes(unsigned char* buffer) {
const uint32_t MASK = 0xffffffff;
*((uint32_t *)buffer) = MASK;
Some readings:
A Linux kernel doc about UNALIGNED MEMORY ACCESSES
Intel Architecture Optimization Manual, section 3.4
Windows Data Alignment on IPF, x86, and x64
A Practical 'Aligned vs. unaligned memory access', by Alexander Sandler

Parsing a binary message in C++. Any lib with examples?

I am looking for any library of example parsing a binary msg in C++. Most people asks for reading a binary file, or data received in a socket, but I just have a set of binary messages I need to decode. Somebody mentioned boost::spirit, but I haven't been able to find a suitable example for my needs.
As an example:
where first 8 bits are a preamble, next 6 bits the msg ID (an integer from 0 to 63), next 212 bits are data, and final 24 bits are a CRC24.
So in this case, msg 26, I have to get this data from the 212 data bits:
4 bits integer value
4 bits integer value
A 9 bit float value from 0 to 63.875, where LSB is 0.125
4 bits integer value
EDIT: I need to operate at bit level, so a memcpy is not a good solution, since it copies a number of bytes. To get first 4-bit integer value I should get 2 bits from a byte, and another 2 bits from the next byte, shift each pair and compose. What I am asking for is a more elegant way of extracting the values, because I have about 20 different messages and wanted to reach a common solution to parse them at bit level.
And so on.
Do you know os any library which can easily achieve this?
I also found other Q/A where static_cast is being used. I googled about it, and for each person recommending this approach, there is another one warning about endians. Since I already have my message, I don't know if such a warning applies to me, or is just for socket communications.
EDIT: boost:dynamic_bitset looks promising. Any help using it?
If you can't find a generic library to parse your data, use bitfields to get the data and memcpy() it into an variable of the struct. See the link Bitfields. This will be more streamlined towards your application.
Don't forget to pack the structure.
#pragma pack
include "order32.h"
struct yourfields{
unsigned int preamble:8;
unsigned int msgid:6;
unsigned data:212;
unsigned crc:24;
unsigned crc:24;
unsigned data:212;
unsigned int msgid:6;
unsigned int preamble:8;
}/*__attribute__((packed)) for gcc*/;
You can do a little compile time check to assert if your machine uses LITTLE ENDIAN or BIG ENDIAN format. After that define it into a PREPROCESSOR SYMBOL::
#ifndef ORDER32_H
#define ORDER32_H
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#if CHAR_BIT != 8
#error "unsupported char size"
O32_LITTLE_ENDIAN = 0x03020100ul,
O32_BIG_ENDIAN = 0x00010203ul,
O32_PDP_ENDIAN = 0x01000302ul
static const union { unsigned char bytes[4]; uint32_t value; } o32_host_order =
{ { 0, 1, 2, 3 } };
#define O32_HOST_ORDER (o32_host_order.value)
Thanks to code by Christoph # here
Example program for using bitfields and their outputs:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <memory.h>
using namespace std;
struct bitfields{
unsigned opcode:5;
unsigned info:3;
struct bitfields opcodes;
/* info: 3bits; opcode: 5bits;*/
/* 001 10001 => 0x31*/
/* 010 10010 => 0x52*/
void set_data(unsigned char data)
void print_data()
cout << opcodes.opcode << ' ' << opcodes.info << endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
print_data(); //must print 17 1 on my little-endian machine
print_data(); //must print 18 2
cout << sizeof(opcodes); //must print 1
return 0;
You can manipulate bits for your own, for example to parse 4 bit integer value do:
char[64] byte_data;
size_t readPos = 3; //any byte
int value = 0;
int bits_to_read = 4;
for (size_t i = 0; i < bits_to_read; ++i) {
value |= static_cast<unsigned char>(_data[readPos]) & ( 255 >> (7-i) );
Floats usually sent as string data:
std::string temp;
temp.assign(_data+readPos, 9);
flaot value = std::stof(temp);
If your data contains custom float format then just extract bits and do your math:
char[64] byte_data;
size_t readPos = 3; //any byte
float value = 0;
int i = 0;
int bits_to_read = 9;
while (bits_to_read) {
if (i > 8) {
i = 0;
const int bit = static_cast<unsigned char>(_data[readPos]) & ( 255 >> (7-i) );
//here your code
Here is a good article that describes several solutions to the problem.
It even contains the reference to the ibstream class that the author created specifically for this purpose (the link seems dead, though). The only other mention of this class I could find is in the bit C++ library here - it might be what you need, though it's not popular and it's under GPL.
Anyway, the boost::dynamic_bitset might be the best choice as it's time-tested and community-proven. But I have no personal experience with it.

How to get values from unaligned memory in a standard way?

I know C++11 has some standard facilities which would allow to get integral values from unaligned memory. How could something like this be written in a more standard way?
template <class R>
inline R get_unaligned_le(const unsigned char p[], const std::size_t s) {
R r = 0;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < s; i++)
r |= (*p++ & 0xff) << (i * 8); // take the first 8-bits of the char
return r;
To take the values stored in litte-endian order, you can then write:
uint_least16_t value1 = get_unaligned_le<uint_least16_t > (&buffer[0], 2);
uint_least32_t value2 = get_unaligned_le<uint_least32_t > (&buffer[2], 4);
How did the integral values get into the unaligned memory to begin with?
If they were memcpyed in, then you can use memcpy to get them out.
If they were read from a file or the network, you have to know their
format: how they were written to begin with. If they are four byte
big-endian 2s complement (the usual network format), then something
// Supposes native int is at least 32 bytes...
getNetworkInt( unsigned char const* buffer )
return buffer[0] << 24
| buffer[1] << 16
| buffer[2] << 8
| buffer[3];
This will work for any unsigned type, provided the type you're aiming
for is at least as large as the type you input. For signed, it depends
on just how portable you want to be. If all of your potential target
machines are 2's complement, and will have an integral type with the
same size as your input type, then you can use exactly the same code as
above. If your native machine is a 1's complement 36 bit machine (e.g.
a Unisys mainframe), and you're reading signed network format integers
(32 bit 2's complement), you'll need some additional logic.
As always, create the desired variable and populate it byte-wise:
#include <algorithm>
#include <type_traits>
template <typename R>
R get(unsigned char * p, std::size_t len = sizeof(R))
assert(len >= sizeof(R) && std::is_trivially_copyable<R>::value);
R result;
std::copy(p, p + sizeof(R), static_cast<unsigned char *>(&result));
return result;
This only works universally for trivially copyable types, though you can probably use it for on-trivial types if you have additional guarantees from elsewhere.

How do I convert a value from host byte order to little endian?

I need to convert a short value from the host byte order to little endian. If the target was big endian, I could use the htons() function, but alas - it's not.
I guess I could do:
But this could potentially cause the bytes to be swapped twice, rendering the result correct but giving me a performance penalty which is not alright in my case.
Here is an article about endianness and how to determine it from IBM:
Writing endian-independent code in C: Don't let endianness "byte" you
It includes an example of how to determine endianness at run time ( which you would only need to do once )
const int i = 1;
#define is_bigendian() ( (*(char*)&i) == 0 )
int main(void) {
int val;
char *ptr;
ptr = (char*) &val;
val = 0x12345678;
if (is_bigendian()) {
printf(“%X.%X.%X.%X\n", u.c[0], u.c[1], u.c[2], u.c[3]);
} else {
printf(“%X.%X.%X.%X\n", u.c[3], u.c[2], u.c[1], u.c[0]);
The page also has a section on methods for reversing byte order:
short reverseShort (short s) {
unsigned char c1, c2;
if (is_bigendian()) {
return s;
} else {
c1 = s & 255;
c2 = (s >> 8) & 255;
return (c1 << 8) + c2;
short reverseShort (char *c) {
short s;
char *p = (char *)&s;
if (is_bigendian()) {
p[0] = c[0];
p[1] = c[1];
} else {
p[0] = c[1];
p[1] = c[0];
return s;
Then you should know your endianness and call htons() conditionally. Actually, not even htons, but just swap bytes conditionally. Compile-time, of course.
Something like the following:
unsigned short swaps( unsigned short val)
return ((val & 0xff) << 8) | ((val & 0xff00) >> 8);
/* host to little endian */
unsigned short htoles( unsigned short val)
/* no-op on a little endian platform */
return val;
unsigned short htoles( unsigned short val)
/* need to swap bytes on a big endian platform */
return swaps( val);
unsigned short htoles( unsigned short val)
/* the platform hasn't been properly configured for the */
/* preprocessor to know if it's little or big endian */
/* use potentially less-performant, but always works option */
return swaps( htons(val));
If you have a system that's properly configured (such that the preprocessor knows whether the target id little or big endian) you get an 'optimized' version of htoles(). Otherwise you get the potentially non-optimized version that depends on htons(). In any case, you get something that works.
Nothing too tricky and more or less portable.
Of course, you can further improve the optimization possibilities by implementing this with inline or as macros as you see fit.
You might want to look at something like the "Portable Open Source Harness (POSH)" for an actual implementation that defines the endianness for various compilers. Note, getting to the library requires going though a pseudo-authentication page (though you don't need to register to give any personal details): http://hookatooka.com/poshlib/
This trick should would: at startup, use ntohs with a dummy value and then compare the resulting value to the original value. If both values are the same, then the machine uses big endian, otherwise it is little endian.
Then, use a ToLittleEndian method that either does nothing or invokes ntohs, depending on the result of the initial test.
(Edited with the information provided in comments)
My rule-of-thumb performance guess is that depends whether you are little-endian-ising a big block of data in one go, or just one value:
If just one value, then the function call overhead is probably going to swamp the overhead of unnecessary byte-swaps, and that's even if the compiler doesn't optimise away the unnecessary byte swaps. Then you're maybe going to write the value as the port number of a socket connection, and try to open or bind a socket, which takes an age compared with any sort of bit-manipulation. So just don't worry about it.
If a large block, then you might worry the compiler won't handle it. So do something like this:
if (!is_little_endian()) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
vals[i] = swap_short(vals[i]);
Or look into SIMD instructions on your architecture which can do it considerably faster.
Write is_little_endian() using whatever trick you like. I think the one Robert S. Barnes provides is sound, but since you usually know for a given target whether it's going to be big- or little-endian, maybe you should have a platform-specific header file, that defines it to be a macro evaluating either to 1 or 0.
As always, if you really care about performance, then look at the generated assembly to see whether pointless code has been removed or not, and time the various alternatives against each other to see what actually goes fastest.
Unfortunately, there's not really a cross-platform way to determine a system's byte order at compile-time with standard C. I suggest adding a #define to your config.h (or whatever else you or your build system uses for build configuration).
A unit test to check for the correct definition of LITTLE_ENDIAN or BIG_ENDIAN could look like this:
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdint.h>
void check_bits_per_byte(void)
{ assert(CHAR_BIT == 8); }
void check_sizeof_uint32(void)
{ assert(sizeof (uint32_t) == 4); }
void check_byte_order(void)
static const union { unsigned char bytes[4]; uint32_t value; } byte_order =
{ { 1, 2, 3, 4 } };
static const uint32_t little_endian = 0x04030201ul;
static const uint32_t big_endian = 0x01020304ul;
assert(byte_order.value == little_endian);
assert(byte_order.value == big_endian);
#if !defined LITTLE_ENDIAN && !defined BIG_ENDIAN
assert(!"byte order unknown or unsupported");
int main(void)
On many Linux systems, there is a <endian.h> or <sys/endian.h> with conversion functions. man page for ENDIAN(3)

Reading "integer" size bytes from a char* array.

I want to read sizeof(int) bytes from a char* array.
a) In what scenario's do we need to worry if endianness needs to be checked?
b) How would you read the first 4 bytes either taking endianness into consideration or not.
EDIT : The sizeof(int) bytes that I have read needs to be compared with an integer value.
What is the best approach to go about this problem
Do you mean something like that?:
char* a;
int i;
memcpy(&i, a, sizeof(i));
You only have to worry about endianess if the source of the data is from a different platform, like a device.
a) You only need to worry about "endianness" (i.e., byte-swapping) if the data was created on a big-endian machine and is being processed on a little-endian machine, or vice versa. There are many ways this can occur, but here are a couple of examples.
You receive data on a Windows machine via a socket. Windows employs a little-endian architecture while network data is "supposed" to be in big-endian format.
You process a data file that was created on a system with a different "endianness."
In either of these cases, you'll need to byte-swap all numbers that are bigger than 1 byte, e.g., shorts, ints, longs, doubles, etc. However, if you are always dealing with data from the same platform, endian issues are of no concern.
b) Based on your question, it sounds like you have a char pointer and want to extract the first 4 bytes as an int and then deal with any endian issues. To do the extraction, use this:
int n = *(reinterpret_cast<int *>(myArray)); // where myArray is your data
Obviously, this assumes myArray is not a null pointer; otherwise, this will crash since it dereferences the pointer, so employ a good defensive programming scheme.
To swap the bytes on Windows, you can use the ntohs()/ntohl() and/or htons()/htonl() functions defined in winsock2.h. Or you can write some simple routines to do this in C++, for example:
inline unsigned short swap_16bit(unsigned short us)
return (unsigned short)(((us & 0xFF00) >> 8) |
((us & 0x00FF) << 8));
inline unsigned long swap_32bit(unsigned long ul)
return (unsigned long)(((ul & 0xFF000000) >> 24) |
((ul & 0x00FF0000) >> 8) |
((ul & 0x0000FF00) << 8) |
((ul & 0x000000FF) << 24));
Depends on how you want to read them, I get the feeling you want to cast 4 bytes into an integer, doing so over network streamed data will usually end up in something like this:
int foo = *(int*)(stream+offset_in_stream);
The easy way to solve this is to make sure whatever generates the bytes does so in a consistent endianness. Typically the "network byte order" used by various TCP/IP stuff is
best: the library routines htonl and ntohl work very well with this, and they
are usually fairly well optimized.
However, if network byte order is not being used, you may need to do things in
other ways. You need to know two things: the size of an integer, and the byte order.
Once you know that, you know how many bytes to extract and in which order to put
them together into an int.
Some example code that assumes sizeof(int) is the right number of bytes:
#include <limits.h>
int bytes_to_int_big_endian(const char *bytes)
int i;
int result;
result = 0;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(int); ++i)
result = (result << CHAR_BIT) + bytes[i];
return result;
int bytes_to_int_little_endian(const char *bytes)
int i;
int result;
result = 0;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(int); ++i)
result += bytes[i] << (i * CHAR_BIT);
return result;
#ifdef TEST
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
const int correct = 0x01020304;
const char little[] = "\x04\x03\x02\x01";
const char big[] = "\x01\x02\x03\x04";
printf("correct: %0x\n", correct);
printf("from big-endian: %0x\n", bytes_to_int_big_endian(big));
printf("from-little-endian: %0x\n", bytes_to_int_little_endian(little));
return 0;
How about
int int_from_bytes(const char * bytes, _Bool reverse)
return *(int *)(void *)bytes;
char tmp[sizeof(int)];
for(size_t i = sizeof(tmp); i--; ++bytes)
tmp[i] = *bytes;
return *(int *)(void *)tmp;
You'd use it like this:
int i = int_from_bytes(bytes, SYSTEM_ENDIANNESS != ARRAY_ENDIANNESS);
If you're on a system where casting void * to int * may result in alignment conflicts, you can use
int int_from_bytes(const char * bytes, _Bool reverse)
int tmp;
for(size_t i = sizeof(tmp); i--; ++bytes)
((char *)&tmp)[i] = *bytes;
else memcpy(&tmp, bytes, sizeof(tmp));
return tmp;
You shouldn't need to worry about endianess unless you are reading the bytes from a source created on a different machine, e.g. a network stream.
Given that, can't you just use a for loop?
void ReadBytes(char * stream) {
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(int); i++) {
char foo = stream[i];
Are you asking for something more complicated than that?
You need to worry about endianess only if the data you're reading is composed of numbers which are larger than one byte.
if you're reading sizeof(int) bytes and expect to interpret them as an int then endianess makes a difference. essentially endianness is the way in which a machine interprets a series of more than 1 bytes into a numerical value.
Just use a for loop that moves over the array in sizeof(int) chunks.
Use the function ntohl (found in the header <arpa/inet.h>, at least on Linux) to convert from bytes in the network order (network order is defined as big-endian) to local byte-order. That library function is implemented to perform the correct network-to-host conversion for whatever processor you're running on.
Why read when you can just compare?
bool AreEqual(int i, char *data)
return memcmp(&i, data, sizeof(int)) == 0;
If you are worrying about endianness when you need to convert all of integers to some invariant form. htonl and ntohl are good examples.