How to reset aws database password - amazon-web-services

hi i have lost my aws database master pasword .i knew that how to reset rds password using below link
but the problem is that i dint find any db instance in aws console. my app is running well. so there is backend db working properly .i have my privete key file .
so can any one help how to reset my aws database master password,

I think the below method can help you out with your problem.
First thing you can do is go into your application(which you mentioned that is running well) and check the connection string, you would have used DNS name or DNS endpoint for the same, using that you can find that out.
If it is DNS Name, then you can go and find in your hosted zone where it is mapped and the mapped DNS endpoint can tell you in which region and with which name it is launched in your AWS account.
If it is using DNS endpoint then it can tell you in which region and with which name it is launched in your AWS account.

Here are the steps to be followed:
Locate the MySQL configuration file using: $ mysql --help | grep -A 1 "Default options"
On Ubuntu 16, the file location is typically /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf
Edit the configuration file using: $ sudo nano /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf
Add skip-grant-tables under [mysqld] block and save the changes.
Restart MySQL service using: sudo service mysql restart
Check MySQL service status: sudo service mysql status
Login to mysql with: $ mysql -u root
And change the root password:
mysql> ALTER USER 'root'#'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'MyNewPass';
Revert back the MySQL configuration file changes by removing skip-grant-tables line or commenting it with a # (hash).
Finally restart the MySQL service and you are good to go.


_tds.InterfaceError when trying to connect to Azure Data Warehouse through Python 2.7 and ctds

I'm trying to connect a python 2.7 script to Azure SQL Data Warehouse.
The coding part is done and the test cases work in our development environment. We're are coding in Python 2.7 in MacOS X and connecting to ADW via ctds.
The problem appears when we deploy on our Azure Kubernetes pod (running Debian 9).
When we try to instantiate a connection this way:
# init a connection
self._connection = ctds.connect(
we get an exception that only prints the user name
the type of the exception is
The code deployed is the exact same and also the requirements are.
The documentation we found for this exception is almost non-existent.
Do you guys recognize it? Do you know how can we go around it?
We also tried in our old AWS instances of EC2 and AWS Kubernetes (which rans the same OS as the Azure ones) and it also doesn't work.
We managed to connect to ADW via sqlcmd, so that proves the pod can in fact connect (I guess).
def connection(self):
""":rtype: pyodbc.Connection"""
if self._connection is None:
env = '' # whichever way you have to identify it
# init a connection
driver = '/usr/local/lib/libmsodbcsql.17.dylib' if env == 'dev' else '{ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server}' # my dev env is MacOS and my prod is Debian 9
connection_string = 'Driver={driver};Server=tcp:{server},{port};Database={db};Uid={user};Pwd={password};Encrypt=yes;TrustServerCertificate=no;Connection Timeout=30;'.format(
self._connection = pyodbc.connect(connection_string, autocommit=True)
return self._connection
As Ron says, pyodbc is recommended because it enables you to use a Microsoft-supported ODBC Driver.
I'm going to go ahead and guess that ctds is failing on redirect, and you need to force your server into "proxy" mode. See: Azure SQL Connectivity Architecture
# Get SQL Server ID
sqlserverid=$(az sql server show -n sql-server-name -g sql-server-group --query 'id' -o tsv)
# Set URI
# Get current connection policy
az resource show --ids $id
# Update connection policy
az resource update --ids $id --set properties.connectionType=Proxy

Can connect with existing SSH key but not a new one

I'm trying to give access to a GCE VM by adding SSH Keys to the project metadata. My current SSH key is in the project metadata and I can connect just fine using:
ssh -i ~/.ssh/<private_key> <username>#<instance_ip>
Now, I generated another key:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/<new_key> -C <new_username>
After adding the generated public key to the project metadata, I then run:
ssh -i ~/.ssh/<new_private_key> <new_username>#<instance_ip>
But I get Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic). Running with -vvv flag doesn't show me much besides the key being rejected.
Things I know/checked:
firewall isn't an issue because I can connect using my original key from same location
the instance is running SSH (running nc <instance_nat_ip> 22 shows "OpenSSH" etc.)
no passphrases were used with the generation of any SSH key
there are no instance-level restrictions on project-wide metadata
there are no instance-level ssh keys already added
there are no newlines/breaks causing the key to be malformed
permissions on ~./ssh aren't an issue since another key pair works fine from the same directory, additionally, both key pairs have the same permissions anyways
OSLogin isn't enabled either on the project or instance
Things I've tried:
removing and readding the SSH keys in project metadata
trying with new key pairs generate on another person's machine
restarting sshd service
Does the username specified during the ssh-keygen step have to already exist on the remote instance prior to adding the key to the metadata? i.e. do I have to run sudo useradd <new_username> while SSH'd into the instance Creating a new test instance revealed this to not be the case, all users in the project metadata were created automatically
why does my existing SSH key work and not new ones even though they are added the same way?
there's a chance the enable-oslogin:TRUE was applied to the instance briefly a long time ago (I'm not sure since I'm not the one who created the instance) but it's no longer there in the instance or project metadata. Would having that been enabled, even briefly, cause some issues?
EDIT: I started up a new instance in the same project with the same network details and I was able to SSH to that instance using the new key. Original instance is still denying the key
Did some digging around and found out that the systemd service that propagates accounts information from the metadata server is a daemon called google-accounts-daemon.
When I ran sudo ps aux | grep daemon I didn't see it running as I did on the test instance I created.
So when I ran sudo systemctl restart google-accounts-daemon the SSH keys magically propagated and everything worked.
I have no idea what caused the daemon to stop running in the first place, so if anyone has ideas, that'd be appreciated in case this comes up in the future.

How to join AWS EC2 ubuntu instance to simple directory

in AWS I am trying to join ubuntu EC2 instance to AWS simple directory. I used steps described here to manually join instance.
First i Connected to instance using PuTTY
In step 4 i executed the following command
$ sudo apt-get -y install sssd realmd krb5-user samba-common packagekit adcli
As mentioned in the article, i was presented with several pop-up configuration screens and i left the fields in these screens blank.
then i tried to join the instance to the directory with the following command.
$ sudo realm join -U user#INTERNAL.MYCOMPANY.COM --verbose
Since instance has Ubuntu 16.04, i entered the domain name portion of the username with all capital letters
However i am getting the No such realm found error
I am not linux expert, infact this is the first time i am using linux. All other instances in our network are windows.
Can anyone guide me what could be the issue here?
found it
To configure an EC2 instance running Linux to use static DNS server entries, use a text editor such as vim to edit the file /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf and add the following line to the end of the file:
supersede domain-name-servers,;
Where is the IP address of a DNS server that you want the instance to use
and then try to join using
$ sudo realm join -U user#INTERNAL.MYCOMPANY.COM --verbose

I can't connect VM on GCP as root

I can't connect VM on GCP as root on the browser SSH.
Is there anyone who had the same problem?
the following message is displayed.
You can drastically improve your key transfer times by migration to OS login.
It might be caused to set a password...
By default, you will login as the GCP user. Now, to log in as root please run the following command once SSH browser works.
sudo -s
If you cannot login with browser SSH, then I suspect a permission issue with that particular user.
The above is the recommended way of doing things, however if logging in as root is absolutely needed, please follow the steps below:
As root, edit the sshd_config file in /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Make sure PermitRootLogin is set to “yes” and save the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.
Restart the SSH server:
service sshd restart
Change username to root by clicking on the wheel on the top right corner and selecting “Change Linux Username"

How to set up a new database in Postgresql

I'm attempting to work out how to set up PostgreSQL for my django project and am struggling with using the shell to create the database (on windows).
In lots of tutorials I've seen the commands to input but they don't seem to work with what the shell I have accepts.
When I load the shell it gives me:
Server [localhost]:
Then whatever I input it follows with,
Database [postgres]:
Port [5432]:
Username [postgres]:
Password for user postgres:
Then exits.
It seems as if it is trying to connect to a database but I can't work out how to create a new one that I will be able to connect my django app to.
Any advice on how I'm using PostgreSQL wrong and what to do to solve this would be much appreciated.
I 'm not sure if it will help you. Watch this video: It shows how to install the postgre database through the ubuntu.
Example from the video:
sudo -u postgres psql
CREATE USER myprojectuser WITH PASSWORD 'password';
ALTER ROLE myprojectuser SET client_encoding TO 'utf8';
ALTER ROLE myprojectuser SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed';
ALTER ROLE myprojectuser SET timezone TO 'UTC';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE myproject TO myprojectuser;