How does Web Browser open offline ip address just like Jupyter notebook? - django

I was using Jupyter notebook and was wandering how does it works offline. Where does server is? How TCP connection is made? How does htpp request is sent?
Similarly when we are working on some website project (eg: making one website in django) when you compile that html code in your terminal, it provides you an output with an ip address and when you run that ip address in your browser, browser will show you your website. So how does this work and how that ip address it generated? Can anybody please explain me?

The browser sends a Http request to the server.
The server does its magic and dumps the request via the CGI to django.
Some part of django receives the request and turns it into a django request object.
The request object wanders on some nebulous paths through the middleware which does strange things with it.
The request object finally ends up in some function which looks at the urls, takes the patterns out of and calls up a view function.
The view functions do their magic (with models and templates as partners) in, this is probably where I have the strongest illusion of understanding (well, apart from the database abstraction magic, that is... ;)
The view functions returns an HttpResponse object, I guess this is returned on some nebulous paths to the CGI.
Webserver takes over again and sends the Http response to the client.


Functional URL hit lambda twice

I am trying to make use of functional url in case of mono lambda function, I have created a functional url with no security.
URL was created successfully, but Not able to hit that url using postman. So I use chrome web browser to hit my url(Get request). But the problem was whenever I hit the url, My function gets executed twice.
If anyone have faced same issue, Please assist.
There are two possibilities I can think off-
Chrome/browser sending another request for favicon.png
If you have configuration on server side that enforce HTTP to HTTPS conversion of the request, like re-direct to enforce SSL connection. In that case as well, browser send one request HTTP and redirect request to HTTPS. e.g when you hit-, if it enforce the https, then again browser send another request to
You need to check possibilities here using network trouble shooting. Hope this will help you!

The procedure of Opening a website using IE8

I want to know when I'm using IE8 open a website (like, which API will be called by IE8? so I can hook these API to capture which website that IE8 opening currently.
When you enter a URL into the browser, the browser (usually) makes an HTTP request to the server identified by the URL. To make the request, the IP address of the server is required, which is obtained by a DNS lookup of the host (domain) name.
Once the response -- usually containing HTML markup -- is received, the browser renders it to display the webpage.
More details available here: what happens when you type in a URL in browser
So, in the general case, no "API" request as such is made. (Technically speaking, you can think of the original HTTP request to the server as an API request). The sort of "API" request you presumably mean, however, is not made in this general case just described. Those requests happens when the JavaScript executing on the page makes an Ajax HTTP request (XmlHttpRequest) to the web server to carry out some operation.
I am not sure about IE8, but the "developer tools" feature of most modern browsers (including IE9 and IE10), would let you see the Ajax HTTP requests that the webpage made as it carried out different operations.
Hope this helps.
IE uses Microsoft's WinSock library API to interact with web servers.
You may want to look for a network monitoring/sniffing API, which you could use to examine HTTP requests, and determine the URLs the browser is using.

Is there a web service that spits out the entire request that was sent?

I apologize if this isn't "programming" worthy. I'm wondering if a service exists that when the HTTP service is pinged, it echos back the exact same request you made as the response.
The reason I want this is I want to UnitTest a class I made to build requests and send them over a socket. I realize I could just do a Mock object of some sort, but I think that involves more complexity than just making sure the request being sent was properly built.
Ideally, the web service would send the content back as proper HTTP 1.1 with the request info I sent in the body of the response.
-- edit --
Just a quick reference to the solution. Point your browser to: or
This guy seemed to have the same problem as you web service echo test
Refers to some links you might be interested in
I guess there are some uses for a simple echo, but in any kind of a realistic interaction it's going to be pretty hard to isolate just the piece you are trying to test.
A more general approach would be to use a local proxy server, stands as the man in the middle
between you and all remote sites, and can log urls, responses, content and so on.
If you're developing the server side as well as the client, you definitely ought to run a
local mirror of the server site.

Is request forwarding possible when using CGI?

I'm writing a small content server as a web service. There are 2 units - one authenticates the application requesting content and when authentication succeeds, the request is forwarded to the other unit that serves the content.
[1] If I want to do this using CGI
scripts, is there any equivalent of
jsp:forward in CGI?
[2] Suppose if
forwarding is not possible, the
client application shouldn't be able
to request the second unit directly.
What is the proper way to do this?
Another attempt, since you are not after HTTP redirect...
The short answer is: Yes, it is possible.
However, it is highly dependent on the tools you are using. What web server and CGI scripting language you are using?
CGI scripts can do practically anything they want to do, for example they could execute code from other CGI scripts. Thus, they can provide the behavior you are looking for.
CGI (Common Gateway Interface) just describes how a web server starts a CGI script and gives the script input data via environment variables. CGI also describes how the script returns data to web server. That's all.
So if your authorization script wants to delegate some operation to other some script, it is up to that authorization script to implement it somehow. The CGI protocol does not help here.
The concept you might be looking for is called HTTP redirect, where the server sends a response to browser's request, telling the browser to fetch a new page from another URL.
CGI can do HTTP redirects just fine just like jsp:forward. You need just to output the right HTTP headers.
You need to return a 302 response code in HTTP headers, and provide location URL where browser should go next. Have your CGI script output these kind of headers:
HTTP/1.1 302 Redirect
These headers tell browser to fetch a page from URL .

Issue with Incorrect URLs in the WSDL of a .NET Web Service

We have installed an ASP.NET web site on a client's server. This site has a web service with a couple of web methods that are called by a Flash object in order to display a news feed. If you browse to their site (ex:, everything's working fine except the flash.
The issue is that when we browse to the .asmx, the header shows that the Host is a subdomain internal to their network ( Obviously this doesn't resolve to any public IP when browsing from outside of their network. This causes the Flash to fail since the flash object is embedded on a page and is therefore running client side.
I checked the computer name on the server in question, and it doesn't even match "" - it is something completely different. Where is it getting this information from. It is not coming from IIS, since we have no host headers set up, and the IP for the site is set to (all unassigned).
We either need to force the web service to run against a specific host, or we need to change something on the server so that it resolves to a valid public-facing host name. Any and all help is greatly appreciated!!!!
The solution is to add a host header for
More details here
While you probably did this already, it's always a good first step:
Do a global Find in the source code of both the Flash object and the web service for the string in question.
It sounds like someone may have configured/coded the string into the Flash object's request. (Host: is a HTTP Request header, not Response header, IIRC.)
Does the Flash object get the web service URL from the C# code? If so, it might be getting the default web service URL that you choose when adding a Web Reference to your project in VS. Therefore it might be pointing to a URL locally to the developer's machine/server which is not recognized on the live server.