How to increase gitlab job concurrency on gke kubernetes runner? - google-cloud-platform

I created two gitlab runners through the standard default runner creation UI in gitlab (3 node n1-standard-4 gke cluster). I've been trying to increase my gitlab runner to handle more than the default 4 concurrent jobs, but for some reason the limit is still capped at running only 4 jobs at once.
In GCP I changed the concurrent value in the config.toml from 4 to 20 under the config maps runner-gitlab-runner and values-content-configuration-runner that were generated in my cluster found under the menu.
What else do I need to change to allow my gitlab runners to run more than 4 jobs at once?
Do I need to change the limit in the runner options? If so, where would I find that config in GCP?

Changing the config maps in GCP will not immediately update the cluster. You need to manually reload the deployment with:
kubectl rollout restart deployment/runner-gitlab-runner -n gitlab-managed-apps
There is also a button in the GCP cluster menu that will pull up a terminal with the kubeconfig of your cluster in a browser window.


How can i Update container image with imagedigest parameter in aws fargate cluster with aws cli

I have running my cluster and task is running.
My need is want to update container image in running task in cluster how to do?
My Image is with latest tag and every time any new changes come will push to ecr on latest tag.
Deploying with the tag latest isn't a best practice because you loose a lot of visibility into what you are doing (e.g. scale out events where you deploy more tasks as part of a service will all end up using LATEST but will be effectively running different versions of the code, etc.).
This pontificating aside, you didn't say if you started your task(s) as standalone using the run-task API or if you started your task(s) as part of a service.
If the former, you need to stop your task and run it again. If the latter, you need to redeploy your service using the --force-new-deployment flag.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk - how to stop previous docker before starting new one

I have a set of AWS Elastic beanstalk using Docker based configuration for both web server and worker server. The way we have setup is that the java process inside docker allocates 70% of the box memory when starting.
Now the first deployment works fine, but when I try to update application version with in-place Rolling update, Elastic beanstalk tries to start an additional docker container with the java process before stopping the existing one. This fails the deploy as the Java server is not able to allocate the required memory. Is there a way that I can setup AWS to kill the old docker instance before starting the new one during deployment?
I even tried Rolling with additional batch, but that one only works for the first batch and then fails for subsequent ones.
immutable updates can be the way to go for you, it basically recreates the EC2 instances completely on every deploy
Open the Elastic Beanstalk console.
Navigate to the management page for your environment.
Choose Configuration.
In the Rolling updates and deployments configuration category,
choose Modify.
Select immutable on deploy policy
you can check more on how it works here

How to login/ssh into Dataflow VM workers in GCP?

I have a dataflow job. How to define metatags for it to login via sss into dataflow workers in GCP?
If you go to the Compute Engine section in your GCP console, you will be able to find a list of VMs running.
A set of workers for a Dataflow job will run under the same instance group, and next to each instance, you can see a button with a set of options to SSH into it:

Is VPC-native GKE cluster production ready?

This happens while trying to create a VPC-native GKE cluster. Per the documentation here the command to do this is
gcloud container clusters create [CLUSTER_NAME] --enable-ip-alias
However this command, gives below error.
ERROR: (gcloud.container.clusters.create) Only alpha clusters (--enable_kubernetes_alpha) can use --enable-ip-alias
The command does work when option --enable_kubernetes_alpha is added. But gives another message.
This will create a cluster with all Kubernetes Alpha features enabled.
- This cluster will not be covered by the Container Engine SLA and
should not be used for production workloads.
- You will not be able to upgrade the master or nodes.
- The cluster will be deleted after 30 days.
Edit: The test was done in zone asia-south1-c
My questions are:
Is VPC-Native cluster production ready?
If yes, what is the correct way to create a production ready cluster?
If VPC-Native cluster is not production ready, what is the way to connect privately from a GKE cluster to another GCP service (like Cloud SQL)?
Your command seems correct. Seems like something is going wrong during the creation of your cluster on your project. Are you using any other flags than the command you posted?
When I set my Google cloud shell to region europe-west1
The cluster deploys error free and 1.11.6-gke.2(default) is what it uses.
You could try to manually create the cluster using the GUI instead of gcloud command. While creating the cluster, check the “Enable VPC-native (using alias ip)” feature. Try using a newest non-alpha version of GKE if some are showing up for you.
Public documentation you posted on GKE IP-aliasing and the GKE projects.locations.clusters API shows this to be in GA. All signs point this to be production ready. For whatever it’s worth, the feature has been posted last May In Google Cloud blog.
What you can try is to update your version of Google Cloud SDK. This will bring everything up to the latest release and remove alpha messages for features that are in GA right now.
$ gcloud components update

Mesos, Marathon, the cloud and 10 data centers - How to talk to each other?

I've been looking into Mesos, Marathon and Chronos combo to host a large number of websites. In my head I should be able to type a few commands into my laptop, and wait about 30 minutes for the thing to build and deploy.
My only issue, is that my resources are scattered across multiple data centers, numerous cloud accounts, and about 6 on premises places. I see no reason why I can't control them all from my laptop -- (I have serious power and control issues when it comes to my hardware!)
I'm thinking that my best approach is to build the brains in the cloud, (zoo keeper and at least one master), and then add on the separate data centers, but I am yet to see any examples of a distributed cluster, where not all the nodes can talk to each other.
Can anyone recommend a way of doing this?
I've got a setup like this, that i'd like to recommend:
Source code, deployment scripts and dockerfiles in GIT
Each webservice has its own directory and comes together with a dockerfile to containerize it
A build script (shell script running docker builds) builds all the docker containers, of which all images are pushed to a docker image repository
A ansible deploy deploys all the containers remotely to a set of VPSes. (You use your own deployment procedure, that fits mesos/marathon)
As part of the process, a activeMQ broker is deployed to the cloud (yep, in a container). While deploying, it supplies each node with the URL of the broker they need to connect to. In your setup you could instead use ZooKeeper or etcd for example.
I am also using jenkins to do automatic rebuilds and to run deploys whenever there has been GIT commits, but they can also be done manually.
Rebuilds are lightning fast, and deploys dont take much time either. I can replicate everything I have in my repository endlessly and have zero configuration.
To be able to do a new deploy, all I need is a set of VPSs with docker daemons, and some datastores for persistence. Im not sure if this is something that you can replace with mesos, but ansible will definitely be able to install a mesos cloud for you onto your hardware.
All logging is being done with logstash, to a central logging server.
i have setup a 3 master, 5 slave, 1 gateway mesos/marathon/docker setup and documented here
this may help you in understanding the load balancing / scaling across different machines in your data center
1) masters can also be used as slaves
2) mesos haproxy bridge script can be used for service discovery of the newly created services in the cluster
3) gateway haproxy is updated every min with new services that are created
This documentation has
1) master/slave setup
2) setting up haproxy that automatically reloads
3) setting up dockers
4) example service program
You should use Terraform to orchestrate your infrastructure as code.
Terraform has a lot of providers that allows you to manage different resources accross multiples clouds services and/or bare-metal resources such as vSphere.
You can start with the Getting Started Guide.