I want to write a function that takes a generic container with any type and prints it.
Let's leave for a moment that it won't work for some associative containers and focus on the issue:
template<template<typename> typename Cont, typename T>
void print(const Cont<T>& cont)
for (const auto it : cont)
cout << it << " ";
cout << endl;
int main()
vector<string> v;
The error states:
error C2672: 'print': no matching overloaded function found
error C3207: 'print': invalid template argument for 'Cont', class template expected
Can anyone please explain why the compiler cannot deduce the types here?
Even when I explicitly state print<vector<string>>(v)?
std::vector has more than one class-template-args.
class T, // -----------> you have mentioned!
class Allocator = std::allocator<T> // -----> this didn't!
> class vector;
But you have provided only one. This is the reason for the no matching overloaded compiler error.
In order to fix the issue, you need to provide the variadic args in the template template arg.
template<template<typename...> typename Cont, typename T>
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
void print(const Cont<T>& cont)
for (const auto& it : cont) {
std::cout << it << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
(See a demo)
However, you could have done this simply
template <typename Cont>
void print(const Cont& cont)
// ...
Or like the standard way, passing the begin and end iterator of the container to the function
#include <algorithm> // std::copy
#include <iterator> // std::iterator_traits
template<typename Iterator>
constexpr void print(const Iterator begin, const Iterator end) noexcept
using ValueType = typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type;
std::copy(begin, end, std::ostream_iterator<ValueType>(std::cout, " "));
std::cout << "\n";
and call it like
print(v.begin(), v.end());
std::vector is defined as
class T,
class Allocator = std::allocator<T>
> class vector;
std::vector is a class template with two template parameters. It does not match
the template template parameter of your function.
Change it to
template <typename Cont>
void print(const Cont& cont)
for (const auto& elem : cont) {
std::cout << elem << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
You can deduce T from the container, if that is necessary.
I want to design a print function for STL container, include: std::vector, std::map, std::unodered_map, std::set, std::unordered_set, std::list ....
The ideal function looks like:
template<typename T>
void Show(const T& t)
if (istype(t, std::vector))
// here is a presudo code
// print vector
for (auto i: t) cout << i << endl;
else if (istype(t, std::unordered_map))
// print unordered_map
{ }
I think the problem happens on istype()
I know there is some function like std::is_same can do this.
But it seems it just can operate on int or float, cant be operated on std::vector, can you help on this?
But it seems it just can operate on int or float, cant be operated
on std::vector, can you help on this?
For template classes like stranded containers, you need to specify the template argument to get the concrete type and thereafter you can compare usingstd::is_same. That means something like std::is_same_v<T, std::vector<int>> or std::is_same_v<T, std::vector<float>>, etc... will work.
On the other side, you need to see whether the passed container is a specialization for the standard container. There you need your own std::is_same_v like type traits.
One possible implementation will look like as follows. Also note that you need to use the if constexpr (since c++17) instead of normal if for compile time branching. If no access to c++17, you need to use SFINAE.
(See a Demo)
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits> // std::false_type, std::true_type
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <map>
template<typename Type, template<typename...> class Args>
struct is_specialization final : std::false_type {};
template<template<typename...> class Type, typename... Args>
struct is_specialization<Type<Args...>, Type> : std::true_type {};
template<typename ContainerType>
constexpr void show(const ContainerType& container) noexcept
if constexpr (is_specialization<ContainerType, std::vector>::value
|| is_specialization<ContainerType, std::list>::value)
for (const auto ele : container)
std::cout << ele << '\t';
std::cout << '\n';
else if constexpr (is_specialization<ContainerType, std::map>::value)
for (const auto& [key, value]: container)
std::cout << key << " " << value << '\t';
std::cout << '\n';
// ... so on!
int main()
std::vector<int> vec{ 1, 2, 3 };
std::list<int> list{ 11, 22, 33 };
std::map<int, std::string> mp{ {1, "string1"}, {2, "string2"}, {3, "string3"} };
Common feature of all STL containers is that they are iterable in range [begin(),end()). For sequence containers you have to handle printing T as value_type, for (Unordered) associative containers printing std::pair<const Key, T> as value_type must be handled. That is all. I don't see any reasons to checking type of passed container in your implemention.
template<class T>
void Print(const T& val) {
std::cout << val;
template<class Key, class Value>
void Print(const std::pair<const Key,Value>& p) {
std::cout << " - ";
template<class Cont>
void PrintCont(const Cont& cont) {
std::cout << std::endl;
for (auto it = cont.begin(); it != cont.end(); ++it) {
std::cout << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::array<int,2> a{1,2};
std::vector<int> v{1,2,3};
std::list<double> l{2., 3., 5.4};
std::map<int,double> m{ {1,2.},{10,3.14} };
std::multimap<int,int> m2{ {2,3},{4,5} };
std::set<float> s{1.f, 23.f, 2.f};
std::unordered_map<int,Foo> m3{ {1,Foo(1)}, {2,Foo(2)}, {3,Foo(3)}};
Live demo
I would want to make a template of a << operator in C++, that would show a Object that is a "range" (by that i mean any object like : std::vector, std::set, std::map, std::deque). How can i achieve this? I've been googling and looking in docs for a few days now, but without any effect. I've been doing few templates and been overriding few operators before, but these were inside of a certain class that was representing a custom vector class. I cant seem to find a good way of implementing this, because it collides with a standard cout. How do i do it then, inside of a class that can pass a vector,set,map,deque as an argument, and operator inside? I would also want this operator to return the begin() and end() iterator of an object. By now i have this code:
template <typename T>
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, T something)
os << something.begin() << something.end();
return os;
it doesnt really work, and i think that experienced C++ programmer can explain me why.
Thanks in advance for any answer for that problem.
Your overload will match on pretty much everything causing ambiguity for the types for which operator<< already has an overload.
I suspect that you want to print all elements in the container here: os << something.begin() << something.end();. This will not work because begin() and end() return iterators. You could dereference them
if(something.begin() != something.end())
os << *something.begin() << *std::prev(something.end());
but you'd only get the first and last element printed. This would print all of them:
for(const auto& v : something) os << v;
To solve the ambiguity problem, you could use template template parameters and enable the operator<< overload for the containers you'd like to support.
#include <deque>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
// helper trait - add containers you'd like to support to the list
template <typename T> struct is_container : std::false_type {};
template <typename... Ts> struct is_container<std::vector<Ts...>> : std::true_type{};
template <typename... Ts> struct is_container<std::list<Ts...>> : std::true_type{};
template <typename... Ts> struct is_container<std::deque<Ts...>> : std::true_type{};
template <typename... Ts> struct is_container<std::map<Ts...>> : std::true_type{};
// C is the container template, like std::vector
// Ts... are the template parameters used to create the container.
template <template <typename...> class C, typename... Ts>
// only enable this for the containers you want to support
typename std::enable_if<is_container<C<Ts...>>::value, std::ostream&>::type
operator<<(std::ostream& os, const C<Ts...>& something) {
auto it = something.begin();
auto end = something.end();
if(it != end) {
os << *it;
for(++it; it != end; ++it) {
os << ',' << *it;
return os;
An alternative could be to make it generic but to disable the overload for types that already supports streaming.
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <type_traits>
// A helper trait to check if the type already supports streaming to avoid adding
// an overload for std::string, std::filesystem::path etc.
template<typename T>
class is_streamable {
template<typename TT>
static auto test(int) ->
decltype( std::declval<std::ostream&>() << std::declval<TT>(), std::true_type() );
static auto test(...) -> std::false_type;
static constexpr bool value = decltype(test<T>(0))::value;
template <typename T,
typename U = decltype(*std::begin(std::declval<T>())), // must have begin
typename V = decltype(*std::end(std::declval<T>())) // must have end
// Only enable the overload for types not already streamable
typename std::enable_if<not is_streamable<T>::value, std::ostream&>::type
operator<<(std::ostream& os, const T& something) {
auto it = std::begin(something);
auto end = std::end(something);
if(it != end) {
os << *it;
for(++it; it != end; ++it) {
os << ',' << *it;
return os;
Note: The last example works in clang++ and MSVC but it fails to compile in g++ (recursion depth exceeded).
For containers with a value_type that is in itself not streamable, like the std::pair<const Key, T> in a std::map, you need to add a separate overload. This needs to be declared before any of the templates above:
template <typename Key, typename T>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const std::pair<const Key, T>& p) {
return os << p.first << ',' << p.second;
Your code has the right idea but is missing a few things.
template <typename T>
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, T something)
os << something.begin() << something.end();
return os;
Iterable containers (like std::map and such) should be outputted by iterating through all their elements, and outputting each one-by-one. Here, you're only outputting the beginning and end iterators, which aren't the same as elements themselves.
We can instead use *it to get an element from its iterator in the container. So, the code below will output all elements in a standard container of type T. I also include some additional pretty-printing.
template <typename T>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const T &o) {
auto it = o.begin();
os << "{" << *it;
for (it++; it != o.end(); it++) {
os << ", " << *it;
return os << "}";
If we just use
template <typename T>
ahead of this function declaration, then it will conflict with existing << operator declarations. That is, when we writestd::cout << std::string("hello world");, does this call our function implementation, or does this call the function implementation from <string>? Of course, we want to use the standard operator<< implementations if available. We do this by limiting the template so that it only works for standard containers with begin() and end() members, but not for std::string, which has begin() and end() but also has an existing operator<< implementation that we want to use.
template <typename T,
typename std::enable_if<is_iterable<T>::value, bool>::type = 0,
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<T, std::string>::value, bool>::type = 0>
The second std::enable_if is straightforward: the template should cover types as long as they aren't std::string. The first std::enable_if checks if the type T is iterable. We need to make this check ourselves.
template <typename T>
class is_iterable {
typedef char True[1];
typedef char False[2];
template <typename Q,
typename std::enable_if<
std::is_same<decltype(std::declval<const Q &>().begin()),
decltype(std::declval<const Q &>().begin())>::value,
char>::type = 0>
static True &test(char);
template <typename...>
static False &test(...);
static bool const value = sizeof(test<T>(0)) == sizeof(True);
is_iterable has two versions of the function test. The first version is enabled if begin() and end() exist on type T, and their return types are the same (there are more precise ways to do checks, but this suffices for now). The second version is called otherwise. The two versions' return types are different, and by checking the size of the return type, we can set value, which will be true if and only if T is iterable (in our case, if T defines begin() and end() and their return types are the same).
Finally, we note that std::map<T1, T2>'s elements are actually of type std::pair<T1, T2>, so we need to additionally overload operator<< for templated pairs.
template <typename T1, typename T2>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const std::pair<T1, T2> &o) {
return os << "(" << o.first << ", " << o.second << ")";
Putting it all together, we can try this. Note that it even works for nested iterator types like listUnorderedSetTest.
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
template <typename T>
class is_iterable {
typedef char True[1];
typedef char False[2];
template <typename Q,
typename std::enable_if<
std::is_same<decltype(std::declval<const Q &>().begin()),
decltype(std::declval<const Q &>().begin())>::value,
char>::type = 0>
static True &test(char);
template <typename...>
static False &test(...);
static bool const value = sizeof(test<T>(0)) == sizeof(True);
template <typename T1, typename T2>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const std::pair<T1, T2> &o) {
return os << "(" << o.first << ", " << o.second << ")";
template <typename T,
typename std::enable_if<is_iterable<T>::value, bool>::type = 0,
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<T, std::string>::value, bool>::type = 0>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const T &o) {
auto it = o.begin();
os << "{" << *it;
for (it++; it != o.end(); it++) {
os << ", " << *it;
return os << "}";
int main() {
std::vector<std::string> vectorTest{"hello", "world", "!"};
std::cout << vectorTest << std::endl;
std::set<const char *> setTest{"does", "this", "set", "work", "?"};
std::cout << setTest << std::endl;
std::map<std::string, std::size_t> mapTest{
{"bob", 100}, {"alice", 16384}, {"xavier", 216}};
std::cout << mapTest << std::endl;
std::list<std::unordered_set<std::string>> listUnorderedSetTest{
{"alice", "abraham", "aria"},
{"carl", "crystal", "ciri"},
{"november", "nathaniel"}};
std::cout << listUnorderedSetTest << std::endl;
return 0;
This outputs:
{hello, world, !}
{does, this, set, work, ?}
{(alice, 16384), (bob, 100), (xavier, 216)}
{{alice, abraham, aria}, {carl, crystal, ciri}, {november, nathaniel}}
There's a lot of additional related discussion at Templated check for the existence of a class member function? which you might find helpful. The downside of this answer is a check against std::string instead of a check for existing operator<< implementations, which I think can be solved with a bit more work into type checking with decltype.
I need to implement a template function that accepts any STL container. And based on what kind of container to perform certain actions.
template <class Container, class T>
void func(Container<T> container) {
if (container == std::map) {
} else {
int main() {
std::vector<int> v1;
func(v1); // ok
std::vector<double> v2;
func(v2); // ok
std::map<int, double> m1;
func(m1); // ok
std::list<int> l1;
func(l1); // ok
You can apply Constexpr If (since C++17) (with std::is_same) to check the type at compile-time, and apply parameter pack (since C++11) because these containers take multiple template parameters. e.g.
template <template <typename...> class Container, class... T>
void func(const Container<T...>& container) {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Container<T...>, std::map<T...>>) {
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Container<T...>, std::vector<T...>>) {
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Container<T...>, std::list<T...>>) {
} else {
PS: It depends on your intent but changing the parameter to pass-by-reference-to-const to avoid unnecessary copy might be a good idea.
Since you're making one implementation per container anyway, you could make overloads directly. It'll work in C++11 and has the benefit of having the template parameters easily available in each overload.
template <class T, size_t N>
void func(const std::array<T,N>& c) {
std::cout << "array " << c.size() << '\n';
template <class T, class Alloc>
void func(const std::vector<T,Alloc>& c) {
std::cout << "vector " << c.size() << '\n';
template <class T, class Alloc>
void func(const std::list<T,Alloc>& c) {
std::cout << "list " << c.size() << '\n';
template <class Key, class T, class Comp, class Alloc>
void func(const std::map<Key,T,Comp,Alloc>& c) {
std::cout << "map " << c.size() << '\n';
template <class CharT, class Traits, class Alloc>
void func(const std::basic_string<CharT,Traits,Alloc>& c) {
std::cout << "basic_string " << c.size() << '\n';
// add more of the containers you aim to support here
Is there any way that I can make a function which takes a container with a specific type (lets say std::string) as a parameter
void foo(const std::container<std::string> &cont)
for(std::string val: cont) {
std::cout << val << std::endl;
and call it for every type of stl container as input? like above?
std::set<std::string> strset;
std::vector<std::string> strvec;
std::list<std::string> strlist;
You can make foo a function template taking a template template parameter for the container type.
template<template<typename...> typename C>
void foo(const C<std::string> &cont)
for(std::string val: cont) {
std::cout << val << std::endl;
Depending on if you want to overload foo for other cases or not
// Doesn't participate in overload resolution when not applicable
template<typename Container, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<typename Container::value_type, std::string>>>
void foo(const Container &cont) {
for(std::string val: cont) {
std::cout << val << std::endl;
// simpler
template<typename Container>
void foo(const Container &cont) {
static_assert(std::is_same_v<typename Container::value_type, std::string>, "Container must contain std::string")
for(std::string val: cont) {
std::cout << val << std::endl;
You might use a different test to std::is_same, such as std::is_convertible to allow
std::vector<char *> c_strings;
You may want to consider using iterators instead. An intermediate result may look like
template<typename Iter>
void foo(Iter begin, Iter end) {
using T = decltype(*begin);
std::for_each(begin, end, [] (cons T & t) {
std::out << t << '\n';
Now using a callable template:
template<typename Iter, typename Callable>
void foo(Iter begin, Iter end, Callable & c) {
std::for_each(begin, end, c);
We just learned to use what the STL already offers.
Adding on to #songyuanyao's answer, I think we can generalize it further to:
template<template<typename...> typename C, typename ... D>
void foo(const C<D...> &cont)
for(const auto& val: cont) {
std::cout << val << std::endl;
I'd like to write a class test that is able to store a function that is able to iterate through a collection of elements identified by the classic [first,last) iterator pair, that is:
template <typename T>
struct sum
template <typename I>
T operator()(I first, I last) const
T res = 0;
while (first != last)
res += *first;
return res;
int main()
test<double> t;
double a[] {1.,2.,3.};
std::cout << "Test (array) => " << t.call(a, a+3) << std::endl;
std::vector<double> v {1.,2.,3.};
std::cout << "Test (vector) => " << t.call(v.begin(), v.end()) << std::endl;
std::list<double> l {1.,2.,3.};
std::cout << "Test (list) => " << t.call(l.begin(), l.end()) << std::endl;
I thought to use std::function, but I've failed to do this as I wasn't able to declare the templated iterator pair.
A possible workaround is the following, which however only works with plain arrays (e.g., double[] or double*, like the above variable a), but not with other containers (e.g., like the above variables v and l):
template <typename T>
class test
template <typename F>
void set(F f)
f_ = f;
template <typename I>
T call(I first, I last) const
return f_(first, last);
std::function<T(T*,T*)> f_;
Any idea on how can I get the correct behavior?
NOTE: I'm compiling with GCC 4.9.2 --std=c++11
Thank you very much.
What you want is really to be able to construct a:
std::function<T(FwdIter<T>, FwdIter<T>)>
where FwdIter<T> is some type-erased class that satsifes the ForwardIterator concept and is dereferenced to a T. For that, check out the Boost.TypeErasure library, where we can do:
#include <boost/type_erasure/any.hpp>
#include <boost/type_erasure/operators.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/vector.hpp>
using namespace boost::type_erasure;
template <typename T>
using FwdIter = any<
With that and your definition of sum, I can do:
std::function<int(FwdIter<int>, FwdIter<int>)> f = sum<int>{};
std::vector<int> v = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
std::cout << f(v.begin(), v.end()) << std::endl; // prints 15
In your test<T>, you could just have a std::function<T(FwdIter<T>, FwdIter<T>)> member as desired.
I've tried to work on an alternative solution.
Essentially, the user function is wrapped inside a holder holder which fix the function signature to T(const std::vector<T>&). With respect to #Barry's solution (the one I've accepted), this doesn't require external libraries. However it suffers of performance issues due to the construction of the vector object at runtime. Also, and more importantly, as pointed out by #Barry, this solution imposes artificial requirements on T (like T must be copyable).
Here is it:
template <typename T,typename F>
class holder
holder(F f) : f_(f) { }
T operator()(const std::vector<T>& v) const
return f_(v.begin(), v.end());
F f_;
template <typename T>
class test_v2
template <typename F>
void set(F f)
f_ = holder<T,F>(f);
template <typename I>
T call(I first, I last) const
return f_(std::vector<T>(first, last));
std::function<T(const std::vector<T>&)> f_;
Why not stoke the functor instead, something like:
template <typename T>
class test
template <typename I>
auto call(I first, I last) const
-> decltype(T()(first, last))
return T()(first, last);
And use it:
test<sum<double>> t;
Live example