Showing a visualization with Parent Child/Successor Predecessor relationship - powerbi

I wanted suggestions from the community as to which chart should be used to depict the Parent-Child/Successor-Predecessor relationship in Power BI. I'm using Azure boards as a data source. Here is my sample data source.
I want to show each work item id in the center and its Predecessor on the top left and successor on the bottom right. With that, I want to arrange my items based on iteration.
Here is how I'm trying to visualize my data.
I don't need links to the Microsoft Custom Visuals Page. I know that it exists. I'm expecting somebody to point out to a visual in the market place that could help me with my scenario.

Not sure if there any exact option for data presentation as per your design/requirement or not. But to serve the purpose, you can try with "Multi-row card" and the presentation will be something like below-
You can apply some Styling in the visual, but it will not like your sample requirement I guess :(
Here 2 column is basically 2 different "Multi-row card" visual.
In first visual, applied filter with Iteration = 1
In second visual, applied filter with Iteration = 2
For better presentation purpose, I replaced NULL value with a "-" in column "Predecessos ID" & "Source ID Title"


Power Bi dealing with repeated instruments from REDCap

I have data like this:
It comes from REDCap, and as you may be able to tell, the data in the far right columns are repeated variables about each "protocol_title" (the far left column). I.e. "Love it" and "I want a disc instead" are both about "study 2"
I've imported the data into Power Bi and currently I have this:
What I'd like is for the top left visual to only have one row per study (with columns such as principal investigator and method of image transfer, i.e. columns that had data in the first row) and a visual on the lower left with all the right-most columns.
By switching the top visual from a table to a matrix I can kinda accomplish this:
But it adds a bunch of unnecessary columns. As an alternative I thought I could add a filter to the top visual that would filter to "redcap_event_name"=="protocol_information" which would only be those top rows.... but given the visuals are linked, if I do that it removes everything from the bottom visual. I'd like to keep the link between the visuals so that if I select "study2" in the top visual, it'll highlight relevant study 2 information in the bottom one.
So my question is: what's the best approach for making the visuals I want? Are there special settings for visuals? Do I need to do something to the data first in the query? How should I go about this?
You might want to rework you data structure. At first glance, your flat source table could be parsed into two tables :
This can be done in PowerQuery.
For Protocol :
Select columns A to R.
Filter on redcap_event (?) starts by "protocol_info"
Delete empty rows
For Survey
Select columns A (to keep the protocol ID and be able to link both tables), T and U.
Filter on redcap_event (?) starts by "survey"
Delete empty rows.
You should end up with the two table with a one-to-many relationship between Protocol[Protocol_ID] (column A) and Survey[Protocol_ID] (same)
And it should make everything much easier: visuals, calculations...

How to add multiple fields in columns of Power BI matrix and view them without drilldown

I've trying out Power BI to solve some visualization problem in my organization and I've been working on desktop version of Power BI to try out its features.
I'm stuck at few issues and cannot find our way out of this.This is a sample view I've been trying to create:
Figure 1:
We've a dataset containing Product Opinion across gender, Age Group, Geography etc. and we want to pivot the opinion across different parameters as shown above.But when we use Matrix view of Power BI and add two parameters in columns, it creates a drill down view as shown below:
Figure 2: 2
On adding multiple fields in the column section we get an option to move down to next hierarchy as shown below:
Figure 3:3
Although we have the option to move down to hierarchy ,we are unable to show then side by side as we've shown in Figure 1.
Is there a way we can get the visualization as given in Figure 1 ?
Also, Currently the columns and rows are automatically sorted alphabetically. Is there a way we can adjust the column and row position as per our needs?
To sort the rows in a custom order, you will have to create an index table. The below link walks you through the steps involved:
Now, to achieve the visualization you are looking for, the only way I can think of is to create two matrix visualizations (One for gender and other for age group) and place them in such a way, that it gives the illusion of the same table. There might be a better way to do this, but I these workarounds work just fine. Hope this helps.

Power BI - Numeric values displaying on a grid map image based on slicer selection

Hi all Power BI experts,
I have a PBI report looks like below. The map on the left is an image. The data on the right comes from DirectQuery.
The users request to have the T Values to be displayed on the map next to the grid IDs dynamically based on the menu option they click on.
Is there anyway to achieve this requirement? Thank you.
It can be used with "Synoptic panel" downloaded from PBI market place. The creator is okviz. Here is the URL for the visual:
You could put a card in each rectangle with a different measure for each Grid ID.
Not an elegant solution, but I don't know that there is a good way to do this if you just have a flat image file with no programmatically defined way to map Grid ID values to map sections.

aggregating data in power bi query editor

I have gone through this tutorial
and was having some issues at Task 4 - Step 1 that I have somewhat resolved but would like to find a better way to complete the task.
The issue of this is that the title of my graph is Sum of UnitsInStock by ProductName but I just want it to be "UnitsInStock by ProductName".
See image below:
Sum of UnitsInStock by ProductName
I think the issue is that in the tutorial link it has the "UnitsInStock" column is aggregated already (which you can see in the field pane) whereas I had to aggregate the data myself. I think to fix this I just have to aggregate the data in the query editor but I haven't been able to figure out how to do this.
If someone could point me in the right direction that would be great!
The button you want is Group By - it's on the Home ribbon in the central Transform section.
Select your grouping columns before hitting it, to preload them in the Group By window. I haven't followed that tutorial so you will need to decide what to select. Any column you don't select for Group By or aggregate (see below) will be removed by this Step.
In the bottom section of the Group By window, click the + button to add an aggregation, then choose Sum and choose your column (e.g. UnitsInStock ). You have to type the output column name.

Remove duplicates from OLAP Drill in SSAS

I am using Visual Studios BIDS to modify an existing OLAP cube.
In SSMS: There is an underlying fact table (FactTableMain) with a very fine grain that contains 10 different measures to track the status of an application (they act almost like a flag). The measures either have the individual's ID value or are NULL.
In SSAS Visual Studio OLAP:
There are 10 measure groups. Each measure group is based on a DSV named query that selects 1 of the FactTableMain measures where MeasureName IS NOT NULL.
A drill action for each measure group with only the PersonName and PersonID columns being returned.
The drills for each measure group:
shows duplicates (as not all fact table columns are return columns for the drill)
Do not return the expected number of rows that the measure count displays
I have tried:
multiple MDX conditions using filter and distinct on the drill through action, but they either make no difference or the action disappears entirely
Create a junk drill dimension that selects the distinct IDs from the FactTableMain and set that as the only return column for the drill through action (made no difference to drill through return rows)
Creating New (Standard) Action as a rowset and dataset, using MDX action expressions
I think I need a New (Standard) Action with an MDX Action expression with these properties:
Target type = Cells
Target object = All cells
Actions Content Type = Rowset
My current MDX query does return results, but only for the first measure's overall total and it is not formatted correctly at all. It does not work if I select a different measure in the client application, rerun the query, and drill again. I have searched and searched, but I am out of ideas and sitting in a black pit of doom. :(
My current MDX query is:
SET [person] AS
MEMBER CurrentMeasure AS
,NonEmpty([person].[person ID].[ID])
FROM [Applications];
I would ultimately like the drill action to be dynamic enough to know the current measure the user is selecting and filtered by the user's dimension selection for rows/columns.
Is there a way to filter distinct or non empty rows using a condition for the original drill through action? I know there are drill limitations, but is there something that would workaround the drill's limitations?
How can I create a Standard Rowset action that is dynamically to the user's selections (my goal).
Any ideas?
A URL action type is not an option for our business needs.
EDIT: I removed everything unnecessary from the DSV and am selecting only distinct rows. Each ID can have more than 1 application and an application can have more than 1 area of interest. Now the drills return 1 row per ID, application, and area of interest. We only want the drill to return the distinct IDs, no matter the number of applications or areas of interest. I am not sure where to go from here. Can I filter our the application number and/or areas of interest dimensions in the drill?
I believe that you are going too fast too quick.
The DSV should show the data without duplication in the browser. If it's not, go back to the DSV and check what it is. Maybe create a view (an Indexed view) on top of the fact table, so you can make sure that you query only the data that you want. Also: are you sure that your dimensions are linked correctly? Sometimes duplication appears due to dimensions not being set up correctly with wrong keys for linkage.
If you create a Calculation in the Calculation tab you can do drill in it. Otherwise, you'll have to write the correct MDX query each and every time.
See the very last example at:
You have to deploy that ASSP assembly to SSAS. It is used to pickup the current context on all attributes during execution of the action. But it will return totals by employee for whatever measure the user launched the action from.
"select {[Measures].CurrentMember} on 0, NON EMPTY [person].[person].[person].Members on 1 from (select (" + ASSP.CurrentCellAttributes([Measures].CurrentMember) + ") on 0 from [Application])"