Why we use interface for mocking methods Golang - unit-testing

I am new to Golang and have been exploring but not clear about mocking in unit tests. Can anyone explain following specific questions ?
Question1: For writing unit tests in Golang, why we need to have interfaces to mock methods, why not only struct ?
Question2: Why we inject the interface in struct(where we call external method)
With struct -
type GlobalData struct {}
var (
GlobalObj = GlobalData{}
func (g GlobalData) GetGlobalData(a string) string{
return a
With interface definition-
type GlobalInterface interface {
GetGlobalData(a string) string
type GlobalData struct {}
var (
GlobalObj = GlobalData{}
func (g GlobalData) GetGlobalData(a string) string{
return a

Question 1: For writing unit tests in Golang, why we need to have interfaces to mock methods, why not only struct ?
Answer: Its not mandatory
Question 2: Why we inject the interface in struct(where we call external method)
Answer: Because, it helps you to replace the actual function call (that might trigger some out of scope actions as a part of unit test , such as database call, some API call etc) by injecting a MockStruct (which will be implementing the same interface that is there in the actual code). Polymorphism in simple words.
So, you create a MockStruct and define your own mockMethods to it. As polymorphism, your unit test pick MockStruct without complaining. Calling actual DB or http endpoints do not come under unit testing.
Just for reference, I can point you to one of my github codebase where I wrote a small test case for a file. As you can see I mocked :
GuestCartHandler interface , that allowed me to not call the actual implementation
Mocked sql connection using "github.com/DATA-DOG/go-sqlmock" package. This helped me to avoid establishing actual db client (so, no dependency of database while unit testing)
Let me know if you get the idea conceptually or do you need some more clarification.

If you have methods on types in package user let's say, ex.
package user
type User struct {
name string
func (u *User) GetUserProfile() UserProfile{}
And now on import in catalog package :
package catalog
import user
func getUserCatalog(user user.User) []catalog {
Now to test getUserCatalog method there are 2 ways:
1. var getUserProfileFunc = user.GetUserProfile
using this approach mock can be easily passed at test run time like:
getUserProfile = func() UserProfile {
return fakeUserProfile
this is the easiest way to test it.
Now there is another way using interface, in package user add an interface like
type UserInterface interface {
GetUserProfile() UserProfile
if User package is a library on which you don't have control then create your own interface, type and use this.
In this case testing in catalog package will become like:
because now methods will be invoked from UserInterface type not from UserType, hence while testing :
UserInterface = fakeUserStruct
and follow below steps
//1. define type of func to return
type typeGetUserProfile func() UserProfile
//2. create a var to return
var mockedGetUserProfile typeGetUserProfile
//3. create a type
type FakeUser struct{}
//4. implement method interface
func (user *FakeUserStruct) GetUserProfile() UserProfile{
return mockedGetUserProfile
now when running test :
mockerGetUserProfile = func() UserProfile {
return fakeUserProfile
There is mock library which helps in creating boilerplate code for mocking. Check this https://github.com/stretchr/testify
There are many other mock library, but I had used this one, this was really cool.
I hope this helps.
if not please let me know, i'll give some example code and push it to Github.
Also please check https://levelup.gitconnected.com/utilizing-the-power-of-interfaces-when-mocking-and-testing-external-apis-in-golang-1178b0db5a32


Mocking a struct with dependencies in Golang

I saw that on here, you can have a framework called Mockery generate mocks for interfaces for you. This is close to a big deal, because I am already using testify, which has built-in mock API (which, until now, I have not used yet).
The drawback, however, is that it requires interfaces, whereas the code under test is a struct, with nested dependencies, both business logic and third-party code. I am not in charge of refactoring the code base (thank God), and am looking to mock this
package context
//ApplicationContext The context to use if the use of an application is needed.
type ApplicationContext struct {
//GetAppId Gets the application id from the session.
func (c *ApplicationContext) GetAppId() int {
if str := c.GetFromSession("ApplicationId"); str != nil {
return str.(int)
return -1
//SetAppId Sets the application id into the session.
func (c *ApplicationContext) SetAppId(id int) {
c.SetToSession("ApplicationId", id)
which extends DatabaseContext, which has Session.Store (third-party dependency that is used by those two functions) along with some other dependencies that are none of my concern.
How could I mock this struct?

How to decide what to mock in Java Unit Tests?

I am trying to write a Unit Tests to a legacy code using Mockito.
But I am not able to understand how do I mock it. Can some please help.
The real problem I am facing is actually I am not able to decide how to make a decision on what exactly is to be mocked? Below is the code. I have looked at numerous videos on YouTube and read many Mockito Tutorials but all of them seem to be guiding mostly about how to use the Mockito Framework.
The basic idea of what to Mock is still unclear. Please guide if you have a better source. I do understand that the code showed below does not really showcase the best coding practice.
public class DataFacade {
public boolean checkUserPresent(String userId){
return getSomeDao.checkUserPresent(userId);
private SomeDao getSomeDao() {
DataSource dataSource = MyDataSourceFactory.getMySQLDataSource();
SomeDao someDao = new SomeDao(dataSource);
Well, a Unittest, as the name implies, tests a unit. You should mock anything that isn't part of that unit, especially external dependencies. For example, a DAO is normally a good example for something that will be mocked in tests where the class under tests uses it, because otherwise you would really have actual data access in your test, making it slower and more prone to failure because of external reasons (for example, if your dao connects to a Datasource, that Datasource's target (for example, the database) may be down, failing your test even if the unit you wanted to test is actually perfectly fine). Mocking the DAO allows you to test things independently.
Of course, your code is bad. Why? You are creating everything in your method by calling some static factory method. I suggest instead using dependency injection to inject the DAO into your facade, for example...
public DataFacade(SomeDao someDao) {
this.someDao = someDao;
This way, when instantiating your DataFacade, you can give it a dao, which means, in your test you can give it a mock, for example...
public void testSomething() {
SomeDao someDaoMock = Mockito.mock(SomeDao.class);
DataFacade toTest = new DataFacade(someDaoMock);
...now you can prepare your mock to do something and then call the DataFace method
Dependency injection frameworks like Spring, Google Guice, etc. can make this even easier to manage, but the first step is to stop your classes from creating their own dependencies, but let the dependencies be given to them from the outside, which makes the whole thing a lot better.
You should "mock" the inner objects that you use in your methods.
For example if you write unit tests for DataFacade->checkUserPresent, you should mock the getSomeDao field.
You have a lot of ways to do it, but basically you can make getSomeDao to be public field, or get it from the constructor. In your test class, override this field with mocked object.
After you invoke DataFacade->checkUserPresent method, assert that checkUserPresent() is called.
For exmaple if you have this class:
public class StudentsStore
private DbReader _db;
public StudentsStore(DbReader db)
_db = db;
public bool HasStudents()
var studentsCount = _db.GetStudentsCount();
if (studentsCount > 0)
return true;
return false;
And in your test method:
var mockedDb = mock(DbReader.class);
var store = new StudentsSture(mockedDb);

Scala - write unit tests for objects/singletons that extends a trait/class with DB connection

Unit test related question
Encountered a problem with testing scala objects that extend another trait/class that has a DB connection (or any other "external" call)
Using a singleton with a DB connection anywhere in my project makes unit-test not be a option because I cannot override / mock the DB connection
This results in changing my design only for test purpose in situations where its clearly needed to be a object
Any suggestions ?
Code snippet for a non testable code :
object How2TestThis extends SomeDBconnection {
val somethingUsingDB = {
getStuff.map(//some logic)
val moreThigs {
//more things
trait SomeDBconnection {
import DBstuff._
val db = connection(someDB)
val getStuff = db.getThings
One of the options is to use cake pattern to require some DB connection and mixin specific implementation as desired. For example:
import java.sql.Connection
// Defines general DB connection interface for your application
trait DbConnection {
def getConnection: Connection
// Concrete implementation for production/dev environment for example
trait ProductionDbConnectionImpl extends DbConnection {
def getConnection: Connection = ???
// Common code that uses that DB connection and needs to be tested.
trait DbConsumer {
this: DbConnection =>
def runDb(sql: String): Unit = {
// Somewhere in production code when you set everything up in init or main you
// pick concrete db provider
val prodDbConsumer = new DbConsumer with ProductionDbConnectionImpl
prodDbConsumer.runDb("select * from sometable")
// Somewhere in test code you mock or stub DB connection ...
val testDbConsumer = new DbConsumer with DbConnection { def getConnection = ??? }
testDbConsumer.runDb("select * from sometable")
If you have to use a singleton/Scala object you can have a lazy val or some init(): Unit method that sets connection up.
Another approach would be to use some sort of injector. For example look at Lift code:
package net.liftweb.http
* A base trait for a Factory. A Factory is both an Injector and
* a collection of FactorMaker instances. The FactoryMaker instances auto-register
* with the Injector. This provides both concrete Maker/Vender functionality as
* well as Injector functionality.
trait Factory extends SimpleInjector
Then somewhere in your code you use this vendor like this:
val identifier = new FactoryMaker[MongoIdentifier](DefaultMongoIdentifier) {}
And then in places where you actually have to get access to DB:
You can supply alternative provider in tests by surrounding your code with:
identifier.doWith(mongoId) { <your test code> }
which can be conveniently used with specs2 Around context for example:
implicit val dbContext new Around {
def around[T: AsResult](t: => T): Result = {
val mongoId = new MongoIdentifier {
def jndiName: String = dbName
identifier.doWith(mongoId) {
It's pretty cool because it's implemented in Scala without any special bytecode or JVM hacks.
If you think first 2 options are too complicated and you have a small app you can use Properties file/cmd args to let you know if you are running in test or production mode. Again the idea comes from Lift :). You can easily implement it yourself, but here how you can do it with Lift Props:
// your generic DB code:
val jdbcUrl: String = Props.get("jdbc.url", "jdbc:postgresql:database")
You can have 2 props files:
Lift will automatically detect run mode Props.mode and pick the right props file to read. You can set run mode with JVM cmd args.
So in this case you can either connect to in-memory DB or just read run mode and set your connection in code accordingly (mock, stub, uninitialized, etc).
Use regular IOC pattern - pass dependencies via constructor arguments to the class. Don't use an object. This gets inconvenient quickly unless you use special dependency injection frameworks.
Some suggestions:
Use object for something that can't have an alternative implementation and if this only implementation will work in all environments. Use object for constants and pure FP non side effecting code. Use singletons for wiring things up at the last moment - like a class with main, not somewhere deep in the code where many components depend on it unless it has no side effects or it uses something like stackable/injectable vendor providers (see Lift).
You can't mock an object or override its implementation. You need to design your code to be testable and some of the options for it are listed above. It's a good practice to make your code flexible with easily composable parts not only for the purposes of testing but also for reusability and maintainability.

How to unit test a class that consumes a web service?

I have a class (lets call it A) that:
In the constructor takes a config and based on it, creates a stub of
a web service and stores a reference to it in a private field.
Has a few methods that call web methods and some stuff inbetween.
I started to create a unit test that:
Creates an instance of a class A with a dummy configuration.
Through reflection it injects the mocked web service stub.
Although that web service has plenty of methods.
Should I mock them all (in every test, with different data)?
Or maybe I should create another layer that encapsulates only the web methods that are being used?
Or there is another approach?
You should create a wrapper interface around your webservice, and make your class under test take a dependency on that interface, rather than directly on the webservice; you can then mock the interface. Only make that interface expose the methods of the webservice that you find interesting. This is known as a facade pattern, and is detailed here.
Without having a clue about what you're testing, aim for something like this:
public interface IWebserviceWrapper
Whatever DoStuff(int something);
public class WebserviceWrapper : IWebserviceWrapper
private WebService _theActualWebservice;
public WebserviceWrapper(Webservice theService)
_theActualWebService = theService;
public Whatever DoStuff(int something)
return _theActualWebservice.DoSomething(something);
Then your test would look like this (in this case, using MOQ)
public void Test_doing_something()
Mock<IWebserviceWrapper> _serviceWrapperMock = new Mock<IWebserviceWrapper>();
_serviceWrapperMock.SetUp(m => m.DoStuff(12345)).Returns(new Whatever());
var classUnderTest = new ClassUnderTest(_serviceWrapperMock.Object);
var result = classUnderTest.Dothings(12345);
Short answer Yes :). Long answer you should use some kind of mocking lib for example: http://code.google.com/p/mockito/ and in your unit test mock the WS stub and pass it to the tested class. That is the way of the force :)
When you unit test a class, you always want to make sure to only test that class and not include its dependencies. To do that, you will have to mock your WS to have it return dummy data when methods are called. Depending on your scenarios, you do not have to mock ALL the methods for each test, I would say only those that are used.
For an example about mocking, you can read this article: http://written-in-codes.blogspot.ca/2011/11/unit-tests-part-deux.html

Unit Testing Procedures (As opposed to functions)

I am new to unit testing, and would like to know how you would go about unit testing a procedure (in this case a procedure a function that "does something" rather than "return something".
I know that the general idea of testing a function that returns an answer is something like
assert(yourfunction(sample, inputs) == expected_answer);
but am wondering how this would work if something does not return or merely returns a status code.
You need to be able to test what it does. For example, does your procedure add something to a collection? Set a property? Create a file?
Whatever it is, presumably that change is visible somehow. You just need to work out how to check that effect. Of course, that can be easier said than done sometimes, which is why a functional approach is easier to test when it's suitable :) In particular, effects which modify external resources (the file system, databases etc) and effects which depend on external resources (ditto) are harder to test than those which only change things in a fairly "local" way.
In some cases, what a procedure does is call methods on other dependencies. In such cases, if you're using a dependency injection approach, you can pass in mocks of those dependencies, and use assertions or expectations to make sure that the correct methods are called on the dependencies, with the correct parameters.
For procedures, the "do something" usually involves API calls or other object manipulations.
For example, a procedure may write a row to a file. It uses File I/O API calls (or a File IO object) to do this "write a row".
What you want to do is create "mock" object to stand in for the File. The Mock object has just enough functionality to collect the test results and make them visible to an assertion. Don't overwrite your mock objects, it's a rat-hole of lost time.
In Python, we do things like this.
class MockFile( object ):
def __init__( self, aFileName, aMode ):
self.name= aFileName
self.mode= aMode
self.buffer= None
def write( self, aRow ):
self.buffer= str(aRow)
Now we can provide this mock file to our procedure instead of a real file. Ans we can make assertions about what happened.
class TestSomeProcedure( unittest.TestCase ):
def testWrite( self ):
mockFile= MockFile( "name", "w" )
theProcedureImTesting( args, args, args, mockFile )
self.assertEquals( "The Row It Was Supposed to Write\n", mockFile.buffer )
There are many different cases:
Case 1:
public class A
public void Foo()
protected virtual void Init()
Do something;
public class ATests
public void Foo_test()
A aStub = new A_Stub();
public class A_Stub : A
public bool wasInit;
protected override void Init()
wasInit = true;
Case 2:
When your method depends on another object instead executing a member that belong to the same class. In this case I would recommend to use a Mock framework. I personaly using Rhino.Mocks. You can follow this link to see Rhino.Mocks examples.