How do I grep a string using the previous output for my next argument? - regex

There is a string located within a file that starts with 4bceb and is 32 characters long.
To find it I tried the following
find / -type f 2>/dev/null | xargs grep "4bceb\w{27}" 2>/dev/null
after entering the command it seems like the script is awaiting some additional command.

Your command seems alright in principle, i.e. it should correctly execute the grep command for each file find returns. However, I don't believe your regular expression (respectively the way you call grep) is correct for what you want to achieve.
First, in order to get your expression to work, you need to tell grep that you are using Perl syntax by specifying the -P flag.
Second, your regexp will return the full lines that contain sequences starting with "4bceb" that are at least 32 characters long, but may be longer as well. If, for example your ./test.txt file contents were
othertext 4bcebZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ32 evenmoretext
your output would include all lines except the first one (in which the sequence is shorter than 32 characters). If you actually want to limit your results to lines that just contain sequences that are exactly 32 characters long, you can use the -w flag (for word-regexp) with grep, which would only return lines 2 and 5 in the above example.
Third, if you only want the match but not the surrounding text, the grep flag -o will do exactly this.
And finally, you don't need to pipe the find output into xargs, as grep can directly do what you want:
grep -rnPow / -e "4bceb\w{27}"
will recursively (-r) scan all files starting from / and return just the ones that contain matching words, along with the matches (as well as the line numbers they were found in, as result of the flag -n):


What is the difference b/w two sed commands below?

Information about the environment I am working in:
$ uname -a
AIX prd231 1 6 00C6B1F74C00
$ oslevel -s
Code Block A
( grep schdCycCleanup $DCCS_LOG_FILE | sed 's/[~]/ \
/g' | grep 'Move(s) Exist for cycle' | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g' ) > cycleA.txt
Code Block B
( grep schdCycCleanup $DCCS_LOG_FILE | sed 's/[~]/ \n/g' | grep 'Move(s) Exist for cycle' | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g' ) > cycleB.txt
I have two code blocks(shown above) that make use of sed to trim the input down to 6 digits but one command is behaving differently than I expected.
Sample of input for the two code blocks
Mar 25 14:06:16 prd231 ajbtux[33423660]: 20160325140616:~schd_cem_svr:1:0:SCHD-MSG-MOVEEXISTCYCLE:200705008:AUDIT:~schdCycCleanup - /apps/dccs/ajbtux/source/SCHD/schd_cycle_cleanup.c - line 341~ SCHD_CYCLE_CLEANUP - Move(s) Exist for cycle 389210~
I get the following output when the sample input above goes through the two code blocks.
cycleA.txt content
cycleB.txt content
I understand that my last piped sed command (sed 's/[^0-9]*//g') is deleting all characters other than numbers so I omitted it from the block codes and placed the output in two additional files. I get the following output.
cycleA1.txt content
SCHD_CYCLE_CLEANUP - Move(s) Exist for cycle 389210
cycleB1.txt content
Mar 25 15:27:58 prd231 ajbtux[33423660]: 20160325152758: nschd_cem_svr:1:0:SCHD-MSG-MOVEEXISTCYCLE:200705008:AUDIT: nschdCycCleanup - /apps/dccs/ajbtux/source/SCHD/schd_cycle_cleanup.c - line 341 n SCHD_CYCLE_CLEANUP - Move(s) Exist for cycle 389210 n
I can see that the first code block is removing every thing other that (SCHD_CYCLE_CLEANUP - Move(s) Exist for cycle 389210) and is using the tilde but the second code block is just replacing the tildes with the character n. I can also see that it is necessary in the first code block for a line break after this(sed 's/[~]/ ) and that is why I though having \n would simulate a line break but that is not the case. I think my different output results are because of the way regular expressions are being used. I have tried to look into regular expressions and searched about them on stackoverflow but did not obtain what I was looking for. Could someone explain how I can achieve the same result from code block B as code block A without having part of my code be on a second line?
Thank you in advance
This is an example of the XY problem ( You're asking for help to implement something that is the wrong solution to your problem. Why are you changing ~s to newlines, etc when all you need given your posted sample input and expected output is:
$ sed -n 's/.*schdCycCleanup.* \([0-9]*\).*/\1/p' file
$ awk -F'[ ~]' '/schdCycCleanup/{print $(NF-1)}' file
If that's not all you need then please edit your question to clarify your requirements for WHAT you are trying to do (as opposed to HOW you are trying to do it) as your current approach is just wrong.
Etan Reisner's helpful answer explains the problem and offers a single-line solution based on an ANSI C-quoted string ($'...'), which is appropriate, given that you originally tagged your question bash.
(Ed Morton's helpful answer shows you how to bypass your problem altogether with a different approach that is both simpler and more efficient.)
However, it sounds like your shell is actually something different - presumably ksh88, an older version of the Korn shell that is the default sh on AIX 6.1 - in which such strings are not supported[1]
(ANSI C-quoted strings were introduced in ksh93, and are also supported not only in bash, but in zsh as well).
Thus, you have the following options:
With your current shell, you must stick with a two-line solution that contains an (\-escaped) actual newline, as in your code block A.
Note that $(printf '\n') to create a newline does not work, because command substitutions invariably trim all trailing newlines, resulting in the empty string in this case.
Use a more modern shell that supports ANSI C-quoted strings, and use Etan's answer. tells me that ksh93 is available as an alternative shell on AIX 6.1, as /usr/bin/ksh93.
If feasible: install GNU sed, which natively understands escape sequences such as \n in replacement strings.
[1] As for what actually happens when you try echo 'foo~bar~baz' | sed $'s/[~]/\\\n/g' in a POSIX-like shell that does not support $'...': the $ is left as-is, because what follow is not a valid variable name, and sed ends up seeing literal $s/[~]/\\\n/g, where the $ is interpreted as a context address applying to the last input line - which doesn't make a difference here, because there is only 1 line. \\ is interpreted as plain \, and \n as plain n, effectively replacing ~ instances with literal \n sequences.
GNU sed handles \n in the replacement the way you expect.
OS X (and presumably BSD) sed does not. It treats it as a normal escaped character and just unescapes it to n. (Though I don't see this in the manual anywhere at the moment.)
You can use $'' quoting to use \n as a literal newline if you want though.
echo 'foo~bar~baz' | sed $'s/[~]/\\\n/g'

export filenames to temp file bash

I have a lot of files in multiple directories that all have the following setup for the filename:
I want to delete the trailing "_01" off of each file name and export them to a temp file. How exactly would I delete the trailing "_01" as well as export? I am rather new to scripting so any help would be greatly appreciated!
As you've tagged with bash, I'll assume that you can use globstar
shopt -s globstar # enable globstar
for f in **_[0-9][0-9]; do echo "${f%_*}"; done > tmp
With globstar enabled, the pattern **_[0-9][0-9] matches any file ending in _, followed by any 2 digit number, in the current directory and any subdirectories. ${f%_*} removes the end of the file name using bash's built-in string manipulation functionality.
Better yet, as Charles Duffy suggests (thanks), you can use an array instead of a loop:
files=( **_[0-9][0-9] ); printf '%s\n' "${files[#]%_*}"
The array is filled the filenames that match the same pattern as before. ${files[#]%_*} removes the last part from each element of the array and passes them all as arguments to printf, which prints each result on a separate line.
Either of these approaches is likely to be quicker than using find as everything is done in the shell, without executing any separate processes.
Previously I had suggested to use the pattern **_{00..99}, although this is not ideal for a couple of reasons. It is less efficient, as it expands to **_00, **_01, **_02, ..., **_99. Also, any of those 100 patterns that don't match will be included literally in the output unless another option, nullglob is enabled.
It's up to you whether you use [0-9] or [[:digit:]] but the advantage of the latter is that it matches all characters defined to be a digit, which may vary depending on your locale. If this isn't a concern, I would go with the former.
If I understand you correctly, you want a list of the filenames without the trailing _01. The following would do that:
find . -type f -name '*_01' | sed 's/_01$//' > tmp.lst
find . -type f -name '*_01' looks for all the files in the current directory, and its descendent directories, for files with names ending in _01.
| is the so-called pipe, handing the results of the left-hand call to the right-hand call.
sed 's/_01$//' removes the _01 from the end of each filename.
> tmp.lst writes the result into the file tmp.lst
These are all pretty basic parts of working with bash and its likes, so it might be a good idea to look at a tutorial or two and familiarize yourself with those and a few others ;)

Find non-ASCII codepoints in a file

I am currently using this regex to find the non-ASCII code points in a file, no matter what encoding:
$ cat test.txt | hd | grep -P " [8-9a-f][\da-f]"
Is there a better, more concise, or less hacky method? I usually use grep -P "[^\x00-\x7f]" to find the offensive characters but here I am looking for the offensive code points.
Note that the current hacky method does have the nice side effect of showing the surrounding ASCII characters, which is very nice for context.
Using hd, this should be faster:
hd test.txt |grep -w '[89a-f][0-9a-f]'
(grep -P invokes libpcre and is slower. grep -w searches just "words" and will default to standard posix regex, which is nearly as fast as a -F plain text query. Removing the cat from the pipe also saves (trivial) effort.)
If you didn't want the context, you could give grep the -o flag. If you want the context called out more clearly, consider --color (or even --color=always if you're piping the output somewhere and don't mind the coloring control characters). You may also find grep's -n flag useful, which will give you line numbers.
I think you can use grep's -a flag to achieve what you're looking for in a single command (this forces everything to be read as text rather than the useless "Binary file test.txt matches" output), though you may not like what the output does to your terminal. Maybe pipe it into a file and then view that file with vim (which, unlike less, won't render control characters):
grep -aP '[^\x00-\x7f]' test.txt > found-highchars
view found-highchars
This may or may not be faster than piping through hd and grep.

Grep returning regex results in recursive search

I've constructed a grep command that I use to search recursively through a directory of files for a pattern within them. The problem is that grep only returns back the file names the pattern is in, not the exact match of the pattern. How do I return the actual result?
File somefile.bin contains somestring0987654321�123�45� in a directory with one million other files
$ grep -EsniR -A 1 -B 1 '([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\x00([0-9]+)\x00([0-9]+)\x00' *
Current result:
Binary file somefile.bin matches
The desired result (or close to it):
Binary file somefile.bin matches
<line above match>
<line below match>
You can try the -a option:
File and Directory Selection
-a, --text
Process a binary file as if it were text; this is equivalent to
the --binary-files=text option.
If the first few bytes of a file indicate that the file contains
binary data, assume that the file is of type TYPE. By default,
TYPE is binary, and grep normally outputs either a one-line
message saying that a binary file matches, or no message if
there is no match. If TYPE is without-match, grep assumes that
a binary file does not match; this is equivalent to the -I
option. If TYPE is text, grep processes a binary file as if it
were text; this is equivalent to the -a option. Warning: grep
--binary-files=text might output binary garbage, which can have
nasty side effects if the output is a terminal and if the
terminal driver interprets some of it as commands.
But the problem is that in binary files there are no lines, so I'm not sure what you'd want the output to look like. You'll see random garbage, maybe the whole file, some special characters messing with your terminal may be printed.
If you want to restrict the output to the match itself, consider the -o option:
-o, --only-matching
Print only the matched (non-empty) parts of a matching line,
with each such part on a separate output line.
The context control is limited to adding a certain number of lines before or after the match, which will probably not work well here. So if you want a context of certain number of bytes, you'll have to change the pattern itself.
grep -rnw "<regex>" <folder>
Much easier. More examples here -->

Unpredictable behavior in sed interpreters output from multiple expressions

Why does GNU sed sometimes handle substitution with piped output into another sed instance differently than when multiple expressions are used with the same one?
Specifically, for msys/mingw sessions, in the /etc/profile script I have a series of manipulations that "rearrange" the order of the environment variable PATH and removes duplicate entries.
Take note that while normally sed treats each line of input seperately (and therfore can't easily substitute '\n' in the input stream, this sed statement does a substitution of ':' with '\n', so it still handles the entire input stream like one line (with '\n' characters in it). This behavior stays true for all sed expressions in the same instance of sed (basically until you redirect or pipe the output into another program).
Here's the obligatory specs:
Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1
HP Pavilion dv7-6b78us
MinGW-w64 (x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc- mounted on /mingw/
MSYS (20111123) mounted on / and on /usr/
$ uname -a="MINGW32_NT-6.1 CHRIV-L09 1.0.17(0.48/3/2) 2011-04-24 23:39 i686 Msys"
$ which sed="/bin/sed.exe" (it's part of MSYS)
$ sed --version="GNU sed version 4.2.1"
This is the contents of PATH before manipulation:
PATH='.:/usr/local/bin:/mingw/bin:/bin:/c/PHP:/c/Program Files (x86)/HP SimplePass 2011/x64:/c/Program Files (x86)/HP SimplePass 2011:/c/Windows/system32:/c/Windows:/c/Windows/System32/Wbem:/c/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0:/c/si:/c/android-sdk:/c/android-sdk/tools:/c/android-sdk/platform-tools:/c/Program Files (x86)/WinMerge:/c/ntp/bin:/c/GnuWin32/bin:/c/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server5.5/bin:/c/Program Files (x86)/WinSCP:/c/Program Files (x86)/Overlook Fing 2.1/bin:/c/Program Files/7-zip:.:/c/Program Files/TortoiseGit/bin:/c/Program Files (x86)/Git/bin:/c/VS10/VC/bin/x86_amd64:/c/VS10/VC/bin/amd64:/c/VS10/VC/bin'
This is an excerpt of /etc/profile (where I have begun the PATH manipulation):
set | grep --color=never ^PATH= | sed -e "s#^PATH=##" -e "s#'##g" \
-e "s/:/\n/g" -e "s#\n\(/[^\n]*tortoisegit[^\n]*\)#\nZ95-\1#ig" \
-e "s#\n\(/[a-z]/win\)#\nZ90-\1#ig" -e "s#\n\(/[a-z]/p\)#\nZ70-\1#ig" \
-e "s#\.\n#A10-.\n#g" -e "s#\n\(/usr/local/bin\)#\nA15-\1#ig" \
-e "s#\n\(/bin\)#\nA20-\1#ig" -e "s#\n\(/mingw/bin\)#\nA25-\1#ig" \
-e "s#\n\(/[a-z]/vs10/vc/bin\)#\nA40-\1#ig"
The last sed expression in that line basically looks for lines that begins with "/c/VS10/VC/bin" and prepends them with 'A40-' like this:
I like my sed expressions to be flexible (path structures change), but I don't want it to match the lines that end with amd64 or x86_amd64 (those are going to have a different string prepended). So I change the last expression to:
-e "s#\n\(/[a-z]/vs10/vc/bin\)\n#\nA40-\1\n#ig"
This works:
Then, (to match any "line" matching the pseudocode "/x/.../bin") I change the last expression to:
-e "s#\n\(/[a-z]/.*/bin\)\n#\nA40-\1\n#ig"
Which produces:
??? - sed didn't match any character ('.') any number of times ('*') in the middle of the line ???
But, if I pipe the output into a different instance of sed (and compensate for sed handling each "line" seperately) like this:
| sed -e "s#^\(/[a-z]/.*/bin\)$#A40-\1#ig"
I get:
sed: -e expression #1, char 30: unterminated `s' command
??? How is that unterminated? It's got all three '#' characters after the s, has the modifiers 'i' and 'g' after the third '#', and the entire expression is in double quotes ('"'). Also, there are no escapes ('\') immediately preceding the delimiters, and the delimiter is not a part of either the search or the replacement. Let's try a different delimiter than '#', like '~':
I use:
| sed -e "s~^(/[a-z]/.*/bin)$~A40-\1~ig"
and, I get:
And, that is correct! The only thing I changed was the delimeter from '#' to '~' and it worked ???
This is not (even close to) the first time that sed has produced unexplainable results for me.
Why, oh, why, is sed NOT matching syntax in an expression in the same instance, but IS matching when piped into another instance of sed?
And, why, oh, why, do I have to use a different delimeter when I do this (in order not to get an "unterminated 's' command"?
And the real reason I'm asking: Is this a bug in sed, OR, is it correct behavior that I don't understand (and if so, can someone explain why this behavior is correct)? I want to know if I'm doing it wrong, or if I need a different/better tool (or both, they don't have to be mutually exclusive).
I'll mark a response it as the answer if someone can either prove why this behavior is correct or if they can prove why it is a bug. I'll gladly accept any advice about other tools or different methods of using sed, but those won't answer the question.
I'm going to have to get better at other text processors (like awk, tr, etc.) because sed is costing me too much time with it's unexplainable results.
P.S. This is not the complete logic of my PATH manipulation. The complete logic also finishes prepending all the lines with values from 'A00-' to 'Z99-', then pipes that output into 'sort -u -f' and back into sed to remove those same prefixes on each line and to convert the lines ('\n') back into colons (':'). Then "export PATH='" is prepended to the single line and "'" is appended to it. Then that output is redirected into a temporary file. Next, that temporary file is sourced. And, finally, that temporary file is removed.
The /etc/profile script also displays the contents of PATH before and after sorting (in case it screwed up the path).
P.P.S. I'm sure there is a much better way to do this. It started as some very simple sed manipulations, and grew into the monster you see here. Even if there is a better way, I still need to know why sed is giving me these results.
sed -e "s#^\(/[a-z]/.*/bin\)$#A40-\1#ig"
is unterminated because the shell is trying to expand "$#A". Put your expressions in single quotes to avoid this.
The expression
-e "s#\n\(/[a-z]/.*/bin\)\n#\nA40-\1\n#ig"
fails, or doesn't do what you expect, because . matches the newline in a multi-line expression. Check your whole output, the A40- is at the very beginning. Change it to
-e "s#\n\(/[a-z]/[^\n]*/bin\)\n#\nA40-\1\n#ig"
and it might be more what you expect. This may very well be the case with most of your issues with multi-line modifications.
You can also put the statements, one per line, into a standalone file and invoke sed with sed -f editscript. It might make maintenance of this a bit easier.