Django: Error with inserting dictionary to my_model.objects.raw() method - django

I'm performing a query in a function inside the as follows:
input_dict = {'id': 'id',
'table': 'my_table',
'first_col': 'my_first_col',
'first_name': 'my_first_name'}
query = '''
SELECT %(id)s
FROM %(table)s
WHERE %(first_col)s = %(first_name)s '''
qs = my_model.objects.raw(query, input_dict)
which prints:
qs: <RawQuerySet:
FROM my_table
WHERE my_first_col = my_first_name >
However, when I try to run this line:
ids = [ for item in qs]
it gives me an error:
psycopg2.errors.SyntaxError: syntax error at or near "'my_table'"
LINE 3: FROM 'my_table'
and also:
django.db.utils.ProgrammingError: syntax error at or near "'my_table'"
LINE 3: FROM 'my_table'
What should I do?

django are not able to excecut your query.
I believe what you trying to acheive via the raw function it is not possible.
read the docs for better understanding how the function work
your dynamic options are realted either to the table fields and the where params:
the select fields
you can map fields in the query to model fields using the translations
argument to raw()
like :
name_map = {'first': 'first_name', 'last': 'last_name', 'bd': 'birth_date', 'pk': 'id'}
Person.objects.raw('SELECT * FROM some_other_table', translations=name_map)
the where params
If you need to perform parameterized queries, you can use the params
argument to raw()
lname = 'Doe'
Person.objects.raw('SELECT * FROM myapp_person WHERE last_name = %s', [lname])
at the end of the day, this will work, although it's not recomended unless you know exactly what you are doing as it might expose your system to sql attacks
query = '''
SELECT %(id)s
FROM %(table)s
WHERE %(first_col)s = %(first_name)s '''
query = query%input_dict
qs = my_model.objects.raw(query)


Overriding get_queryset, but get empty result set

So I have a database of books, and I want to search it based on filters and keywords so I've overridden the get_queryset method in my BookSearch view:
class BookSearch(generics.ListAPIView):
serializer_class = ProductDetailViewSerializer
model = ProductDetailView
def get_queryset(self):
queryset = None
categories = self.kwargs['categories'].rstrip()
keywords = self.kwargs['keywords'].rstrip()
if isinstance(categories, str) and isinstance(keywords, str):
book_filter = BookFilter(categories)
sql = self.get_sql(categories, keywords, book_filter)
queryset = ProductDetailView.objects.filter(
id__in=RawSQL(sql, book_filter.params)
message = f"{queryset.query}"
log_to_file('BookSearch.log', 'BookSearch.get_queryset', message)
return queryset
That log_to_file call logs the query that django uses, which I've abbreviated here
but is as follows:
SELECT `jester_productdetailview`.`id`,
FROM `jester_productdetailview`
WHERE `jester_productdetailview`.`id` IN (
select id from jester_productdetailview
where ( authors like '%Beatrix%' or
illustrators like '%Beatrix%' or
title like '%Beatrix%' ) )
ORDER BY `jester_productdetailview`.`title` ASC
If I run that query in my database manually, I get 186 rows:
'119371','9780723259572','A Beatrix Potter Treasury'
'130754','9780241293348','A Christmas Wish'
'117336','9780241358740','A Pumpkin for Peter' ...
To get the query above, I call the view through the API, yet by the time the queryset is returned, there are no results ???{"filter": "all"}/Beatrix/
returns []
You are returning queryset only within the if condition only. By default, the function is sending None. Return the queryset outside the if condition as well.

Using distinct on annotations

I am trying to get a distinct list of items. The db has a created field which is datetime and I need it as a date for my query. So I added an annotation. The problem is that distinct won't work on the annotation...
distinct_failed_recharges = recharges.filter(
'created_date', 'sim', 'product_type', 'failure_reason'
).values_list('id', flat=True)
This is the error that I get:
django.core.exceptions.FieldError: Cannot resolve keyword 'created_date' into field
I get the same error in django 1.11 doing:
qs = queryset.annotate(day=TruncDay('date')).distinct('day')
ids = list(qs.values_list('id', flat=True))
results with this error:
FieldError: Cannot resolve keyword 'day' into field.
This is very weird since I try to evaluate 'id'...
The only workaround that I've found is:
qs = queryset.annotate(day=TruncDay('date')).distinct('day')
objects_list = list(qs)
ids = [ for object in objects_list]
This is very inefficient, but hopefully my list is not too long...

Subquery select where clause

I have this sql statement:
SELECT * FROM result WHERE bet_id IN (SELECT id FROM bet WHERE STATUS="Active")
and this is my view:
def manageresult(request):
if 'usid' in request.session:
result = Result.objects.all()
admin = Admin.objects.get(id=request.session['usid'])
return render(request, 'manageresult.html', {'result':result,'admin':admin})
return redirect('login')
How to change result = Result.objects.all() to that sql statement?
This is bet model:
class Bet(models.Model):
status = models.CharField(max_length=20, default="Active")
This is Result model:
class Result(models.Model):
bet = models.OneToOneField(Bet, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
disclaimer: when writing this answer, the models in question were not known
In case the Result model has a ForeignKey to Bet, you can filter by joins - it would make it more like
result = Result.objects.filter(bet__status='Active')
which would translate to the below SQL query
SELECT result.* FROM result INNER JOIN bet on result.bet_id = WHERE bet.STATUS="Active"
See Django's documentation on Lookups that span relationships
If that is not the case, Todor's answer is the way to go
You can use bet__status=...:
result = Result.objects.filter(bet__status='Active')
You can make querysets nested
result = Result.objects.filter(bet__in=Bet.objects.filter(status='active'))

How to make a generic variable in a query

I have this query:
search = request.GET['q']
Entries = Entry.objects.filter(Q(field1__icontains=search), Q(field2__icontains=search), Q(field3__icontains=search))
Is there an elegant way to make this cleaner? (I mean make somthing generic like Q(var_field__icontains=search) and the var_field will be retrived from a requested post that is one of these values field1, field2, field3).
So, is this working for you?
search = request.GET['q']
fieldnames = ('field1', 'field2', 'field3')
filters = reduce(operator.and_,
(Q(**{'{}__icontains'.format(fieldname): search})
for fieldname in fieldnames))
Entries = Entry.objects.filter(filters)

Django set form initial data in view

I'm trying to populate a django modelform with initial data provided from an external source. To achieve that I start by pull all the needed data from the external source:
url =('')
data = urllib2.urlopen(url)
result = json.load(data)
api_data_name = result['properties']['name']
api_data_type = result['properties']['type']
Followed by populating a dict which will serve as initial data to my form:
data = {}
for field in my_model._meta.fields:
if == 'name':
data[] = api_data_name
form = MyEditForm(initial=data)
Then I'm passing the form to the template and the initial data is populating my text fields as expected, but now I need to be able to set a value of a select field based on a string I receive from my external source and Im not getting how can I achieve that, since doing something like:
if == 'type':
data[] = api_data_type
Wont do the job cause the select element has "0", "1", "2", etc as options value and not the long description i get from api_data_type variable.
How can I get the long_description from all the options <option value="1">long_description</option> of my select field in my view so i can compare each one with api_data_type?
Heres a sample of my and
TYPE = (
class MyModel(models.Model):
class MyEditForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = MyModel
widgets = {
'type': Select(attrs={'class':'select-small span2'}),
Found out how to accomplish what I asked.
# For select fields
if == 'classification':
for choice in field.choices:
if choice[1].lower() == api_poi_classification.lower():
data[] = choice[0]
And for any of ya trying to populate many-to-many fields (as checkboxes in my case)
# Many to many fields populate
for field in hotel_poi._meta.many_to_many:
if == 'views':
if u'Vista' in api_poi_review_fields:
api_vistas = api_poi_review[u'Vista']
# The api_vistas string comes from api in the format (v1; v2; v3; v4)
views = api_vistas.split(';')
choices = field.get_choices()
temp = []
for view in views:
for choice in choices:
if view.lower().strip() == choice[1].lower().strip():
All of this could be avoided if I had direct database access... In that case i would just need to set an object instance like m = MyModel.objects.filter(id=1) and call form = MyEditForm(instance=m)
But that was not the case and that's what makes this question a bit particular.