Button as Link that routes to express semantic-ui react - semantic-ui-react

I have a header in a react app that is using semantic-ui react. I want to route my login button to a backend express route (/auth/login). I tried the composition method by passing in {Link} from react-router-dom, but this is not routing to the express route, rather looking at the React routing.. in hindsight, this is of course how it should work..
This leaves me with the question though, how can I pass in a link to the backend api's for this button component? If I pass in 'a' and a path, this renders as a hyperlink but the path isn't passed in.
What is the prop I need to pass in to make this work as I can't see one that makes sense in the semantic-ui docs on buttons.. Or am I doing this the completely wrong way (this has happened before surprisingly)?
My login component is below..
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import { Button, Icon } from 'semantic-ui-react';
export default class LoginButtonNav extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Button primary animated="vertical" as='a' path='/auth/login'>
<Button.Content visible>Login</Button.Content>
<Button.Content hidden>
<Icon name="cloud" />

Okay, rubber ducked this one myself, passing in a value for href solved it!
Correct component:
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import { Button, Icon } from 'semantic-ui-react';
export default class LoginButtonNav extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Button primary animated="vertical" as='a' href='/auth/login'>
<Button.Content visible>Login</Button.Content>
<Button.Content hidden>
<Icon name="cloud" />
Still interested if there's a better way to do this..

I want to share my mistake and thank OP for posting the answer. Below is what I did and you should NOT do it like this:
<Link to="/yourURL/">Nav Button</Link>
This works technically but creates a unique problem where user MUST click on the text directly ("Nav Button" in this case) because the button itself is not rendered as a hyperlink. So if you click within the button but not the text itself, it won't navigate. It would even create an odd behavior where if you have another button next to it. Say, you have a "Submit" and a "Cancel" button where the Cancel button navigates user to the previous URL, if you click within the Cancel button but not the "Cancel" text, it would trigger the Submit button action instead. Hope this helps someone learning React!


How to properly set state to allow React Bootstrap Modal to work on mapped data?

Trying to build a D.R.Y. list of vocabulary terms with React Bootstrap (v.2.2.3) using Bootstrap 5.1.
I bring in my data:
import vocData from '../data/vocData'
My component:
const VocList = () => {
const [show, setShow] = useState(false)
const handleClose = () => setShow(false)
return (
<ul className="list-inline">
{Object.keys(vocData).map((item, key) => (
<React.Fragment key={key}>
<li className="list-inline-item voc-item">
<Modal.Header closeButton>
<Modal.Title id={`contained-modal-title-${vocData[item].href}`}>
I can see my list of vocabulary terms is working but my modal is not appearing when I click the button. I've tried to research and read through:
React-Bootstrap Multiple Modal
React-bootstrap Modal component opens/closes all modals when I map through a list
How do I get my react app to display object information in my bootstrap modal when they click on a list item?
How to use React-Bootstrap modals inside a map array method to display AJAX data on button click in React?
how to show react bootstrap modal inside the function
but I'm unable to find an answer.
How can I dynamically setState and be able to render my modal for that vocabulary term in my list?
Try to use Modal only once and not render it many times. You can show only one Modal at time anyway. I have created a subcomponent for clarity.
There are many ways how to play with state. Here the initial state is null and hides the modal. When we click on button we set state with one vocData entry. This also toggles the visibility of Modal.
Finally, when we close its again, we set our state to null. In this way we use one state for two purposes - control vision and rendering of Modal and holding data for it.

Return Output of some function or event to some new page or template in Meteor with Iron:router

I am working on some project, i want to return filtered data to some new page, what i am facing right now is, that output is shown on same template, so lot of extra stuff occurs which i do not want. I want to redirect it using router, but this filter function is a part of images_thumbnail.
Client > main.html
<template name="images_thumbnail">
//lot of stuff + images
{{#each images}} //show all images from public folder
<img src=""some_image.jpg" alt="img_title" />
<a href="#" class="js-set-genre-filter">
{{img_genre}} //image_genre associated with this image
When I click image genre (say Thriller, Comedy, etc.), image filter is set
Client > main.js
Router.route('/images', function(){
to: 'header'
this.render('owl_carousel', {
to: 'carousel'
//images_thumbnail template along with navbar, carousel
this.render('images_thumbnail', {
to: 'body'
'click .js-set-genre-filter':function(event){
Session.set("genreFilter", this.img_genre);
console.log(this.img_genre); //gives Comedy/Thriller
return Images.find({img_genre: Session.get("genreFilter")};
//This is the output, but i want to redirect it to some
//new template, instead of images_thumbnail template
When no filter is set
Output when no Filter is set, Navigation bar, Carousel, rest stuff is visible
Filter output, when genreFilter is set
Navigation bar, button, Headings are shown which are not needed for this content
I don't think I understand fully what you want,
if you want to redirect your route to another at the point of your code,
simply use Router.go('/newPath')
In addition,
Iron router was great package still,
but Meteor Developer Group(MDG) and a lot of people changed to use FlowRouter
because of maintanence and to focus on routing itself. (Iron Router controls pub/sub and lifecycle too much.)
So consider to FlowRouter too-

Integrating ember-modal-dialog inside a site header Ember 2.0

I'm very new to the Ember framework and I have a question regarding getting a modal setup. I have the site-header as a component. When I click a login button I'd like for a modal to popup. I found the Ember Modal Dialog
plugin and was able to set it up so that there is a modal always shown in application.hbs. However, I'm having trouble understanding a couple of things but first here are my files.
{{#if isShowingModal}}
{{#modal-dialog close="toggleModal"
Oh hai there!
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
isShowingModal: false,
actions: {
toggleModal: function() {
So, I have this code for the button in my site-header.hbs:
<li class="login-button"><button class="btn btn-block btn-danger" {{action 'toggleModal'}}>Login</button></li>
As I understand it, action is saying to find toggleModal property in the site-header.js and execute the function above which does the property toggling.
However, how does application.hbs "see" the value of isShowingModal? Can it even see that value since the modal isn't showing up?
When most developers have modals, do they all go inside application.hbs since you want them to appear in the middle of the screen {{outlet}} area? How can you improve the process for including multiple modals?
What changes should I make to make the modal show up when the user clicks a button in the header?
Ok give this a try. In site-header.js
export default Ember.Component.extend({
actions: {
toggleModal() {
{{site-header toggleModal='toggleModal'}}
{{#if isShowingModal}}
{{#modal-dialog close="toggleModal"
Oh hai there!
The application controller
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
actions: {
toggleModal() {
So the action is sent from the site-header component to the site-header component. From there it gets sent to the application controller. In application.hbs, toggleProperty='toggleProperty' connects the action from the component to the controller's action hash. In the controller action hash, it gets handled by toggleModal() and toggles the isShowingModal property. When the modal is closed, ember-modal-dialog fires an close action that is handled by the toggleModal() which again toggles the isShowingModal property.
Application template cannot see the properties of site-header. Only site-header component can see its properties. There are other methods to access them.
It is not necessary to include all modals in application. The plugin will most probably handle the positioning. In your case, you can move the modal code to the site-header component also.
Put the modal code in your site-header template. (or) You can have isShowingModal variable in application, send an action from site-header to application and toggle its value.

toastr and ember.js

Is the popup library toastr not going to work with Ember because of direct dom manipulation that ember doesn't like?
Are there any other libraries like this one that work nicely with ember?
Even through the working example posted below I could not get this to work locally. I finally used Pine Notify which worked straight away.
This works fine in Ember, you just have to handle the event in the right place. The "right place" depends on your implementation. If you want this to be fired from a button within your view, you'll need to use the {{action}} helper passing the action name. Example:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" >
<button class="btn btn-info" {{action showInfo}}>Info</button>
In the template above, I'm saying that the button should fire the showInfo event, so the Controller responsible for this view should have a function with the same name:
App.ApplicationController = Em.ArrayController.extend({
showInfo: function() {
toastr.info('This is some sample information');
You can also have the view handle the event; the code below defines a click event, so if you click anywhere in the view, it would run your function:
App.OtherView = Em.View.extend({
click: function(e) {
toastr.error('This is some sample error');
and in your Handlebars template, you don't have do tell the action since you are already saying in the view class that you want to handle the click event for that view, so you can simple render the view and style it:
{{#view App.OtherView class="btn btn-danger"}}
Here's a sample in JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/schawaska/YZwDh/
I recommend that you read the Ember Guide about the {{action}} helper

binding context to action in ember textfield

I've got an ember application that needs to manage multiple chat windows. A window for each active chat is created within an {{#each}} loop. This is straightforward enough. The place that I'm having trouble is sending the chat message when the user presses enter.
The window looks like this
{{#each chats}}
... stuff to display already existing chats...
{{view Ember.TextField valueBinding="text" action="sendChat"}}
<button {{action sendChat this}}> Send </button>
This works fine for the button, since I can pass this to it. By default the function defined in the textfield view action just gets the text within that textfield, which is not enough in this case. Since there can be multiple chat windows open, I need to know which window the message was typed into. Is it possible to pass this to the textfield action function? (or can you suggest a different way to solve this problem?)
Add contentBinding="this" to the definition of the view, like:
{{view Ember.TextField valueBinding="text" action=sendChat contentBinding="this"}}
Ember master already has this change, but the official downloadable verstion still don't.. so you will need to subclass the Ember.TextField and change its insertNewline to achieve required functionality:
App.ActionTextField = Em.TextField.extend({
insertNewline: function(event) {
var controller = this.get('controller'),
action = this.get('action');
if (action) {
controller.send(action, this.get('value'), this);
if (!this.get('bubbles')) {
After that, the action handler will receive additional argument, the view:
{{view App.ActionTextField valueBinding="text" action=sendChat myfieldBinding="this"}}
and in controller:
sendChat: function (text, view) {
var myField = view.get('myfield');
//do stuff with my field
You may use ember master instead of subclassing Ember.TextField..
I hope the ember guys will release the next version soon..
I know this question has been answered but I said let me add some information that may help out someone in the situation of actions and TextField. One word "Component". TextField in Ember is a Component so if you think of TextField from that perspective it may help when it comes to sending actions and using TextField in an application.
So when you say App.SomeTextField = Ember.TexField.extend({...});App.SomeTextField is subclassing Ember.TextField (remember which is a component). You could add your logic inside and that works and you could access it from your template such as {{view App.SomeTextField}}
You may be thinking I see the word 'view' this guy sucks, TextField is a View. Well, it is sort of a View because Ember Components are a subclass of Ember.View so they have all that Views have. But there are some important things to keep in mind Components un-like Views do not absorb their surrounding context(information/data), they lock out everything and if you want to send something from the outside surrounding context you must explicitly do so.
So to pass things into App.SomeTextField in your template where you have it you would do something like {{view App.SomeTextField value=foo action="sendChat"}} where you are passing in two things value, and action in this case. You may be able to ride the fine line between View/Component for a bit but things come crashing why is your action not sending?
Now this is where things get a little trippy. Remember TextField is a Component which is subclassed from View but a View is not a Component. Since Components are their own encapsulated element when you are trying to do this.get('controller').send('someAction', someParam), "this" is referring to the Component its self, and the controller is once again the component its self in regards to this code. The action that you are hoping will go to the outside surrounding context and your application will not.
In order to fix this you have to follow the protocol for sending actions from a Component. It would be something like
App.SomeTextField = Ember.TextField.extend({
//this will fire when enter is pressed
insertNewline: function() {
//this is how you send actions from components
//we passed sendChat action in
//Your logic......then send...
Now in the controller that is associated with where your SomeTextField component/view element is you would do
App.SomeController = Ember.Controller.extend({
//In actions hash capture action sent from SomeTextField component/view element
actions: {
sendChat: function() {
//Your logic well go here...
Now I said to think of TextField as a Component but I have been riding the tail of the view and declaring {{view AppSomeTextField...}}. Lets do it like a component.
So you would have in your template where you want to use it
//inside some template
Then you get a specfic template for the component with the name:
//template associated with component
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="components/some-text-field">
Add what you want
In your JS declare your component:
//important word 'Component' must be at end
App.SomeTextFieldComponent = Ember.TextField.extend({
//same stuff as above example
Since we on a role you could probably get the same functionality using Ember input helpers. They are pretty powerful.
{{input action="sendChat" onEvent="enter"}}
Welp hopefully this information will help someone if they get stuck wondering why is my action not sending from this textField.
This jsBin is a sandBox for Components/Views sending actions etc....Nothing too fancy but it may help someone..
Peace, Im off this...