Where can I keep settings data for a reusable app - django

I'd like to push some utilites of mine, template tags, filters etc. to a reusable app.
But this app will needs a huge amount of settings. Maybe 100-200 lines.
I'm thinking of placing a file called something "my_omnibus.py" next to project's settings.py
Is a good idea? If it is, could you tell me how to import that file into the reusable app if the name of the project may change.
If it is not, where can I keep the constants?

In your app's root directory, create a settings.py and dump all settings there. In that app, use relative imports e.g. from .settings import SETTING_A.
You shouldn't create settings next to project's settings.py module because those settings are only relevant to one app. You should only do such a thing only if those settings are going to be used by all apps (an example would be celery application configuration).


Why is the urls.py file not created automatically?

Almost every video which I saw about Django (for beginners), people who create applications using the startapp command and add their urls.py file manually in their application. My question is, if urls.py is so important for views and for our app why it's not creating automatically when we run startapp command!
Not every app directly serves the end user
URLs.py is only useful for routing users to pages which primarily have to do with that app. However, many apps may only do internal things. I have an app in one of my projects that handles badges and rewards, but there is no page which corresponds to any of that because it all shows exclusively as part of the profile pages (and the routing is handled within the profile app).
It just isn't always needed and that is why it is not always included.
Simply you don't have to serve each of your app to the end-users. You may have apps responsible for only your inner interactions. So it is not logical to put urls.py in each and every app.
It vary on how you use your routing.
django give project wide urls.py by default when you create the project using django-admin startproject command. so you can create all your project's urls on this file.
And not all app intended to server user directly using urls.
Whether i also prefer to create separate urls.py and api-urls.py routers for every app and include in main urls.py

Multiple websites using the same app - how to set this up?

I have an app that shows products available in the US. If i want to change the country, I simply modify the value of a variable in my settings.py file.
Now... each country I serve needs to have its own site, e.g. example.co.uk, example.ca, etc. They'll all be hosted on the same server and use the same database. The views, static files,etc. would be almost the same for each country.
What's the best way of setting this up? Should I have one main app and then have per-country apps that extend the app?
(Using Django 1.6.2/Python 2.7)
I recently had something similar to do.
I have for each domain a specific setting file with an unique SITE_ID and also a wsgi file per site. Then in my http.conf (I'm using apache on webfaction) i set up multiple VirtualHost instances, each pointing out to the specific wsgi file.
My configuration looks something like this:
Maybe try django-dynamicsites, not sure how well it will work with 1.6.2, I've used it on a project a few versions back. It worked great, you could override settings, urls and templates for each site and share everything else.
There is another project called django-dynamicsites-lite that looks a bit more recent.

Django dynamic settings infrastructure and best practices

Django settings includes a list of python variables that are used for a plethora of things from database settings to installed apps. Even many of the reusable apps make some of the settings required.
With a dozens of sites, it is hard to manage the settings of all the projects.
Fortunately settings is just a python module with variables, so you can do any magic to populate the variables you want.
What practices have you followed or you think can be used to separate various related settings into different files?
Apparently, the existing enterprisey practice is that a developer creates a war and the ops department slaps it to the bluefish and takes care of all the database(and such) ops stuff (according to Jacob's email).
What dynamic settings.py can you create that will aid the existing enterprise practices?
Often I've seen settings files with something like:
from localsettings import *
and in localsettings.py things like database connections and DEBUG values are defined. localsettings.py is (or may be) different for each deployment environment (dev/staging/production etc), and doesn't live in source control with everything else.
Something I've found helpful lately is putting this in my settings.py:
from localsettings import *
except ImportError:
from default_localsettings import *
in default_localsettings.py I define a bunch of defaults (DEBUG = True, use a sqlite database in the same directory as default_localsettings.py etc).
This might not be useful once you've got things set up, but I've found it useful just to be able to check my project out of source control and have it work straightaway using runserver, without having to set anything up.
Follow this settings override example to handle dev, staging, and production environments.
(archived version at Wayback Machine)
Personally, I like it to make a module out of settings like
The file __init__.py looks like:
from .settings import *
from .local import *
You have adopt the variable BASE_DIR to point to the directory one level higher.
Using this procedure, you don't have to adopt anything else like the import mechanism. Just use from django.conf import settings. All settings in local.py overwrite the ones in settings.py.
However, this possible solution may be combined with the other answers given above.

How do you setup a Django project with different sites using the same data?

I'm currently looking at the the documentation for Django sites:
which explains how to associate content with multiple sites. The example used is LJWorld.com and Lawrence.com.
What does the Django project structure look like for the above? Is each site an app on its own, for instance:
If ljworld has SITE_ID=1 and lawrence has SITE_ID=2, does the SITE_ID variable has to be explicitly set in ljworld/settings.py and lawrence/settings.py?
How do you run the dev server of either ljworld or lawrence?
I used two sites with shared content in the above. What should be done if there are n different sites who are sharing the same content? Do I really need n different Django projects on n different servers, all connected to the same database server?
Moreover, if I need to make a change in settings.py which should affect all those web sites, it will be very tedious to change each of those files manually.
No, each site is not an app on its own; each site is a project on its own. The whole idea is to have different projects with a (fully or partially) shared content. So you might have a structure such as:
You would normally use two Web servers to serve the projects - though normally both would refer to the same DB server. Naturally you can also have apps which are shared between the two projects - just keep them somewhere in the server's PYTHONPATH.
"Two Web servers" of course doesn't necessarily mean two physically different servers. They could well be two virtual hosts running under the same Web server instance - heck, you could even map the two projects to two different directories under the same virtual host.
For shared settings, you could use the same technique as for shared apps. Have a global_settings module which contains the shared settings available somewhere on the PYTHONPATH and import it from each of the settings.py.
And if you wanted something really hackish, you could probably even drop all the different projects, use just one and create a middleware that changes settings on the fly. But I would advise against it.

Making static file serve location configurable in Django?

I'm developing with Django on my computer, and the location of all my static files are different than on my host. Is there a way to make this a configurable parameter?
For example, on my computer, I have to include jquery.js in my templates, which is located in /includes/jquery.js, but on my host, it's located at ../static/jquery.js, but I don't want to make all of these changes for every template page.
There are two questions here. The first is how to configure where Django finds static files, and the URL prefixes used when linking to/including static resources. The answer to that question is to use the MEDIA_URL and MEDIA_ROOT settings to control the URL mapping and on-disk path info for static media. See the Django setting reference docs for more info on that task.
Then, your second implicit question is how to maintain different settings for your local development environment and the production deployment. There are many different "recipes" for maintaining multiple parallel configuration environments for Django projects, but I find the simplest method to simply be adding something like this to the bottom of my settings.py:
from settings_local.py import *
except ImportError:
Then, if either system (dev or production) has a file called settings_local.py in the root project directory, configuration options set there will override those made in the main settings.py. I then usually add the local file to the ignore list for my version control, and put machine-dependent or security-sensitive data (like database passwords) into it, while the bulk of the configuration can live in the main version-controlled settings.py.
Well, Django config files are python scripts, so you have a great fidelity in them. For example, you may want to create list of locations for every host, and read them in your configuration files.
See the djangodose article on configuring development and production environments and specifically the fourth comment. The instructions given specifically address your question of keeping all settings in the VCS - But what if I'm changing the file that has this configurable location? I don't want to put it on my ignore list.