DialogFlow, modify user request - google-cloud-platform

for my dialogflow project I would like to intercept the user request before the dialogflow responds with the appropriated intent.
My goal:
-The user sends a request with an input message
-I access this message, I transform it (I apply a function to it) and then it is delivered to the dialogflow (so dialog.
I'm using a webhook linked to an specific intent. I'm using cloud functions to handle the webhook.
I would like to access the request using this webhook, modify the original request and allow dialogflow to respond according to this new modified request.
I hope I've made myself clear.
Thank you very much in advance!

I think it is not possible using a webhook, I suggest you to take a look at the Dialogflow fulfillment documentation. As you can see in the architecture representation, your webhook is behind of the intent matched, so the user request has been processed by Dialogflow and the fulfillment will perform actions based on the matched intent, so you only be able to modify the task on the service that you defined within the fulfillment and its response.
You could be able to do this according to your use-case, if you're using a custom development to make calls to the Dialogflow API, you can add an additional step between End-User and Dialogflow where you could intercept the user request, modify it and then send it to the Dialogflow API.
If you’re using any integrations such as Action on Google or Dialogflow Hangouts, this will not be possible since these services are the ones that manage the calls to the Dialogflow API.


make a dialogflow webhook receiver in django

Hi I'm setting up a chatbot using dialogflow, what I want is to integrate dialogflow with django so that a search function in the django server is executed and the result of the research is passed to the chatbot, I made a webhook to the django server in dialogflow using the url "https://0e3c393b.ngrok.io/webhook" but I dont know how make a webhook receiver in django, Any recommendations ?
You should treat it like any other endpoint on django, you will get a request from Dialogflow with a JSON content body, and you will need to reply back with JSON in a specific format. When you want the search behaviour on the chatbot, at that specific intent or flow, have the action be to use a webhook request.
You can find more information here.

Can I send an HTTP request to an Alexa's Skill Endpoint in order to trigger a reprompt in Alexa?

The scenario would be this.
I would start the skill with the corresponding command ("Alexa, do whatever.."), handle the subsequent LaunchRequest in the Skill Endpoint, and later (minutes later), Alexa would prompt the user with some question.
I'd like to know if I can trigger that late prompt (reprompt actually) in Alexa by sending a request to the corresponding Endpoint from a third Web Service. I guess I can handle HTTP request in the Endpoint (AWS Lambda function or whatever), but I don't know if I can trigger reactions in Alexa withouth it starting them first.
I don't think this would be allowed as it would break a fundamental privacy issue whereby interactions need to be initiated by the user and so be against the Alexa TOS.
If your "reprompt" doesn't actually require some 3rd party trigger e.g if you don't what to run something in response to a code event, then you could look at the reminders API.
You do need to request their permission initially to do this, so it would potentially change your flow somewhat, but then you could prompt them to re-engage with your skill this way.

Distinguish API keys used in Google Cloud Translation API requests

I have an application that uses Google Cloud Translation API for translating contents from a source language to the languages used by the different users.
Since there are several clients for the API, I would like to distinguish the request numbers for different clients, like making a distinction between Android and iOS clients.
There's a dashboard in Google Cloud Translation API Overview page that contains the Traffic chart with a By credential option, which should be able to distinguish the request numbers by their credentials (in our case, API keys.) Unfortunately, it doesn't, the only option available there being Unspecified.
Moreover, even if I change the filter of credentials to No selection, the Traffic map is still the same!
I have also attached the project's credential list, where only API keys are used.
Please help me how to know the request numbers by different API keys, thanks.
Here are how I send requests to Google Cloud Translation API.
I tried with Postman and Swift code in iOS (what I actually do in my project.) Sent GET/POST requests to the API with API keys and POST requests with service account token, but neither API keys nor service account shown in request logs as the first picture.
Request with API key in GET
Request with API key in POST
Request with service account token in POST
Swift code
I have also done some requests to Translation API using different credentials. After doing the requests, I have checked my dashboard and I encountered the same situation as you, with all requests marked as Unspecified when choosing the By credential option.
As it turns out, there is an issue related to this situation, as this is not the expected behavior. This has been notified and it will be sorted out by the Google team. You can keep track on any updates related to this issue here. If you click the star button on this site, you will get email notifications whenever any progress has been made. Please bear in mind that it may take some time for this issue to be resolved.
In the meantime, you may consider tracking the client information through the statistics of the applications that make requests to the API, if possible. Thanks for your help on finding this issue.

GCP - Verify ownership of a cloud function https endpoint for a PubSub push

Pretty sure there's no way to do this but would be great to reach out to see if anyone else has any ideas.
What I'm trying to do is this:
I have 2 microservices hosted on Google Cloud Platform as cloud
My first microservices does stuff and fires a PubSub
message with topic [x]
I'd like to set my second microservice up as a
push subscriber to the topic [x]. I know I can do this by deploying
the 2nd cloud function with a subscription trigger but I don't want
to do this as there's no decent way to acknowledge/reject the message
(see this post: Google Cloud Functions to only Ack Pub/Sub on success).
Therefore I've deployed my 2nd function as having a HTTP trigger. I've then tried
to configure the push subscription in the GCP console to this
endpoint URL. Of course, this isn't working because the
https://[cloud-subdomain].cloudfunctions.net/ isn't a verified
I guess it's just not possible to do what I'm trying to and instead need to create my 2nd microservice in app engine or elsewhere where i can verify a domain.
Thanks in advance!
Site Verification using HTML tag method
Not just domain registrar based verification, you can verify your site using any of the methods listed here. I agree most of these will not work with Cloud Functions, but it is possible to get HTML Tag based verification working in matter of minutes with Cloud functions.
You will need to add the given meta attribute in the HTML response just before the body attribute.
<meta name="google-site-verification" content="VERIFICATION_TAG" />
Also, Google verifies the domain periodically (even after initial success) and hence you will have to continue returning this response as long as you want to have the URL verified.
How long does verification last?
Google periodically checks if your verification is valid in a way
appropriate to your verification method (for example, by checking for
the presence of an HTML tag on your site). If verification can no
longer be confirmed, your permissions on that property will expire
after a certain grace period.
Implement retry mechanism within your Cloud function
This is same as the option explained in the other answer you linked, and IMO simpler. Take currentRetryAttempt as one parameter of the request and increment this value every time you queue up a retry request recursively back to the same function when you're timing out. You will need to check currentRetryAttempt against a maxRetriesAllowed value before queuing up a new retry request.
It does not impose any restrictions on the responses from your Cloud function unlike the previous option.
I published a detailed description of how to send messages from a pubsub topic in project A to a cloud function in project B. Including push endpoint configuration, domain verification and a python code example. This can be found in the following stackoverflow post:
Google pubsub into HTTP triggered cloud function?

Aftership webhook tracking API

I am developing one e-commerce app project where I have to track the order status. I use Aftership Webhook API. Webhook provides a tracking event updates to our specified webhook URL(defined in our server). I read documentation but I dont know the proper approach to test the API. and in documentation it is also not defined. Can anyone tell or suggest me how can I test or track the updates.
To test Aftership API, first, you can follow the API reference to get your API key. And to tracking an order with webhook, your need to do the POST /trackings to https://api.aftership.com/v4 beforehand with body like(you can add optional parameter to the request body):
{"tracking": {"tracking_number": "<order tracking number>"}
And then you can follow the webhook documentation and add your webhook URL and configure the types of updates you want to get. At this point, you should be able to see the tracking update HTTP request coming into your webhook URL. Remember it will only send callback request when there is tracking status update.
Also, you can use other tracking APIs to get the status, update the tracking or delete it now.