C++ usage of allocated memory inside structs - c++

So, i was doing some harcker rank exercisies, and i found this exercise.
In short it is an Interval Schedulling problem, but my doubt is about pointers and data structure.
This code below is a simple version of my doubt.
My doubt is in the initialize function. When the program finishes it the ptr pointer variable has only one instance of arrayOfA, the first entry only and i wanted to have the size of N.
So what i did get wrong about this data structure and it`s pointers?
I don't want to use another lib as vector and stuff because i think there is no need of it.
#include <iostream>
struct A
unsigned int startTime;
unsigned int duration;
unsigned int endTime;
struct B
int size;
A* arrayOfA = new A[size];
B* initialize(int start_time[], int duration[], int n)
B* pointer = new B();
pointer->size = n;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
pointer->arrayOfA[i].startTime = start_time[i];
pointer->arrayOfA[i].duration = duration[i];
pointer->arrayOfA[i].endTime = start_time[i] + duration[i];
return pointer;
int main()
int n = 6;
int arrayOfStart[] = { 1, 3, 0, 5, 5, 8 };
int arrayOfDuration[] = { 1, 1, 6, 2, 4, 1 };
B* ptr;
ptr = initialize(arrayOfStart, arrayOfDuration, n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
std::cout << ptr->arrayOfA[i].startTime << std::endl;

I don't want to use another lib as vector and stuff because i think there is no need of it
The fact that you got this simple example wrong - and that this simple example is actually not that simple to implement correctly - is solid evidence that you are wrong.
The whole point of having standard libraries is that there is rarely a good reason to implement these things by hand, and it's easy to get them wrong. And std::vector is not "another lib", it is provided by the standard library for a reason.
the ptr pointer variable has only one instance of arrayOfA
it's only supposed to have one array. You mean, presumably, that the array is the wrong size? How did you tell? What happened when you tried to read all 6 elements?
Anyway, the immediate problem is
A* arrayOfA = new A[size];
... this should go in a constructor. You have to defer evaluation until after you know the value of size.
Then you should also write a destructor, and then you should write the copy constructor, copy assignment operator, and move equivalents.
But if you learned, and used, std::vector instead - you would have finished the problem in the time it took to debug your array handling code.
The whole point of providing libraries of common tools is that you can learn them once and re-use your knowledge. If you write your own bare array code in every hackerrank problem, you can easily encounter different bugs in each one, and you're not accumulating any knowledge you can re-use in the next.

Given this struct:
struct B
int size;
A* arrayOfA = new A[size];
a default B will have a pointer pointing to an array of size elements. Since size is not initialized, this invokes undefined behavior.
Instead, you can do:
struct B
int size;
A* arrayOfA;
and after you set the size member, you can allocate the appropriate memory:
pointer->size = n;
pointer->arrayOfA = new A[pointer->size];
Also, don't forget to delete this memory when it's no longer needed by the program.


Normal array declaration vs. dynamic array declaration

I just started learning C++. I learned the easy way of declaring arrays and now I'm confused about the usage of
int* foo = new int[n];
and how it is different from
int foo [n];
I tried testing with code but couldn't find any difference. I read from sources that using "new" requires me to manually de-allocate the memory after I don't need it anymore. In that case, there is no advantage in using "new" or dynamic memory allocation at all. Am I missing something here?
I tried running this:
#include <iostream>
int main() {
int n;
std::cout << "array size" ;
std::cin >> n ;
std::cout << n ;
int foo [n]; //line A
// int* foo = new int[n]; //line B
foo[6] = 30;
Commenting out line B to run line A, or vice versa, gave the exact same result.
There are several ways these are different. First, let's talk about this one:
int n = 10;
int array[n];
This is not part of the ANSI C++ standard and may not be supported by all compilers. You shouldn't count on it. Imagine this code:
int n = 10;
int array[n];
n = 20;
How big is array?
Now, this is the way you can do it (but it's still problematic):
int n = 10;
int * array = new int[n];
Now, that is legal. But you have to remember later to:
delete [] array;
array = nullptr;
Now, there are two other differences. The first one allocates space on the stack. The second allocates space on the heap, and it's persistent until you delete it (give it back). So the second one could return the array from a function, but the first one can't, as it disappears when the function exits.
HOWEVER... You are strongly, strongly discouraged from doing either. You should instead use a container class.
#include <array>
std::array<int, n> array;
The advantages of this:
It's standard and you can count on it
You don't have to remember to free it
It gives you range checking

Why pointer to pointer?

A very general question: I was wondering why we use pointer to pointer?
A pointer to pointer will hold the address of a pointer which in turn will point to another pointer. But, this could be achieved even by using a single pointer.
Consider the following example:
int number = 10;
int *a = NULL;
a = &number;
int *b = a;
int *pointer1 = NULL;
pointer1 = b; //pointer1 points to the address of number which has value 10
int **pointer2 = NULL;
pointer2 = &b; //pointer2 points to the address of b which in turn points to the address of number which has value 10. Why **pointer2??
return 0;
I think you answered your own question, the code is correct, what you commented isn't.
int number = 10; is the value
int *pointer1 = b; points to the address where int number is kept
int **pointer2 = &b; points to the address where address of int number is kept
Do you see the pattern here??
address = * (single indirection)
address of address = ** (double indirection)
The following expressions are true:
*pointer2 == b
**pointer2 == 10
The following is not!
*pointer2 == 10
Pointer to pointer can be useful when you want to change to what a pointer points to outside of a function. For example
void func(int** ptr)
*ptr = new int;
**ptr = 1337;
int main()
int* p = NULL;
std::cout << *p << std::endl; // writes 1337 to console
delete p;
A stupid example to show what can be achieved :) With just a pointer this can not be done.
First of all, a pointer doesn't point to a value. It point to a memory location (that is it contains a memory address) which in turn contains a value. So when you write
pointer1 = b;
pointer1 points to the same memory location as b which is the variable number. Now after that is you execute
pointer2 = &b;
Then pointer2 point to the memory location of b which doesn't contains 10 but the address of the variable number
Your assumption is incorrect. pointer2 does not point to the value 10, but to the (address of the) pointer b. Dereferencing pointer2 with the * operator produces an int *, not an int.
You need pointers to pointers for the same reasons you need pointers in the first place: to implement pass-by-reference parameters in function calls, to effect sharing of data between data structures, and so on.
In c such construction made sense, with bigger data structures. The OOP in C, because of lack of possibility to implement methods withing structures, the methods had c++ this parameter passed explicitly. Also some structures were defined by a pointer to one specially selected element, which was held in the scope global to the methods.
So when you wanted to pass whole stucture, E.g. a tree, and needed to change the root, or 1st element of a list, you passes a pointer-to-a-pointer to this special root/head element, so you could change it.
Note: This is c-style implementation using c++ syntax for convienience.
void add_element_to_list(List** list, Data element){
Data new_el = new Data(element); // this would be malloc and struct copy
*list = new_el; //move the address of list, so it begins at new element
In c++ there is reference mechanismm and you generally you can implement nearly anything with it. It basically makes usage of pointers at all obsolete it c++, at least in many, many cases. You also design objects and work on them, and everything is hidden under the hood those two.
There was also a nice question lately "Why do we use pointers in c++?" or something like that.
A simple example is an implementation of a matrix (it's an example, it's not the best way to implement matrices in C++).
int nrows = 10;
int ncols = 15;
double** M = new double*[nrows];
for(unsigned long int i = 0; i < nrows; ++i)
M[i] = new double[ncols];
M[3][7] = 3.1416;
You'll rarely see this construct in normal C++ code, since C++ has references. It's useful in C for "passing by reference:"
int allocate_something(void **p)
*p = malloc(whatever);
if (*p)
return 1;
return 0;
The equivalent C++ code would use void *&p for the parameter.
Still, you could imagine e.g. a resource monitor like this:
struct Resource;
struct Holder
Resource *res;
struct Monitor
Resource **res;
void monitor(const Holder &h) { res = &h.res; }
Resource& getResource() const { return **res; }
Yes, it's contrived, but the idea's there - it will keep a pointer to the pointer stored in a holder, and correctly return that resource even when the holder's res pointer changes.
Of course, it's a dangling dereference waiting to happen - normally, you'd avoid code like this.

Assigning pointers to arrays in C++

I want to do something like this below:
int main() {
int a[10];
int *d = generateArrayOfSize(10) // This generates an array of size 10 on the heap
a = d;
print(a); // Prints the first 10 elements of array.
However above code gives compilation error (incompatible types in assignment of ‘int*’ to ‘int [10]’).
What can I do to make the above code to work?
Arrays are non-assignable and non-copyable, so you'd have to copy each element by hand (in a loop), or using std::copy.
If you're using C++, then use C++ arrays rather than C style arrays and pointers. Here's an example
#include <array>
#include <iostream>
template<size_t N>
std::array<int, N> generateArrayOfSize(void)
std::array<int, N> a;
for (int n=0; n<N; ++n)
a[n] = n;
return a;
template<size_t N>
void print(std::array<int, N> const &a)
for (auto num : a)
std::cout << num << " ";
int main() {
std::array<int, 10> a;
std::array<int, 10> d = generateArrayOfSize<10>();
a = d;
print(a); // Prints the first 10 elements of array.
which outputs 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Arrays are not pointers.
You can't do :
int a[10];
int *d;
a = d;
Change it to :
int *a;
int *d;
a = d;
Main differences between arrays and pointers in C programming :
Pointer | Array
A pointer is a place in memory that keeps | An array is a single, pre allocated chunk
address of another place inside | of contiguous elements (all of the same
| type), fixed in size and location.
A pointer can point to a dynamically | They are static in nature. Once memory is
allocated memory. In this case, the memory | allocated , it cannot be resized or freed
allocation can be resized or freed later. | dynamically.
You have a quite good explanation here : https://stackoverflow.com/a/7725410/1394283
An array is not a pointer (although a name of an array often decays to a pointer to its first element).
To make the above code to work, you can declare a as a pointer: int *a;. The print function takes an int* (or a decayed array) anyway.
If you really want to have two arrays and copy contents from one array to another, you should copy the data in a loop.
This will print in this way when you assign a string reference to a pointer you have to use *ptr to print the value of a pointer otherwise in your case print(d) that is like cout< in c++ it will only print the location of the d[0].
int ary[5]={1,2,3,4,5};
int *d;
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
Because array names are non-modifiable. So you can't do
a = d;
Declare it as a pointer like this:
int *a;
Little rusty with my C++ but try something like this.
int main() {
int *a;
int *d = generateArrayOfSize(10) // This generates an array of size 10 on the heap
a = d;
print(a); // Prints the first 10 elements of array.
In C, it was always true when Thing X[10]; was declared, X was the constant address of the first element(i.e. &X[0]). So you could then say:
Thing *Y = X; // Equivalent to (Thing *Y = &X[0];)
But in C++, the compiler "remembers" that the Thing array X has 10 elements, and some C++ imposed type checking rules break. Imagine we add Thing Z[20]; to the discussion.
Thing *Y = X; and Thing *Y = Z; if both allowed, would imply that a single variable could be set to Thing Arrays of length 10 and 20, which are very different (ahem) "things", as a quick look at a 2D array will reveal. This sort of justifies why the C language assumed equivalent of X and &X[0] is broken in C++.
Well, at least for some versions of C++. So best not to assume it, and use
Thing *Y = &x[0]; and Thing *Y = &Z[0] instead;
This approach has two advantages. It does what is wanted, and it actually compiles. :-)

using Pointers to a series of integers in C++

I am trying to make a c++ program with a class which holds integers on the "heap" and has only one method, pop() which returns the first item in the class and removes it. This is my code so far:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class LinkList {
int *values; //pointer to integers stored in linklist
int number; // number of values stored in linklist
LinkList(const int*, int); // Constructor (method declaration)
int pop(); // typically remove item from data structure (method declaration)
LinkList::LinkList(const int *v, int n){
number = n;
*values = *v;
int mypointer = 1;
while (mypointer<n) {
*(values+mypointer) = *(v+mypointer);
int LinkList::pop() {
if (number>0) {
int returnme = *values; //get the first integer in the linklist
values++; //move values to next address
return returnme;
else {return -1;}
int main() {
int test[] = {1,2,3,4,5};
LinkList l1(test,5);
cout << l1.pop() << endl;
LinkList l2(test,5);
cout << l2.pop() << endl;
return 0;
The issue is that its failing at the line *values = *v, if i remove the 4th and 5th lines from the main method, I no longer get this issue, so its go to be a memory management thing.
What I want to do is to get values to point to a continuous bit of memory with integers in. I have tried to use arrays for this but keep just getting random memory addresses returned by pop()
Background: normal I programming in java, I've only be using C/C++ for 2 months, I'm using eclipse IDE in ubuntu, I can make very basic use of the debugger but currently I dont have functioning scroll bars in eclipse so I can't do somethings if they dont fit on my screen.
You are dereferencing an uninitialized pointer (values) at the line *values = *v; which is undefined behavior (UB). What this line says is "get the integer that values points to and assign to it the value pointed by v". The problem with this logic is that values doesn't yet point to anything. The result of this UB is the crash that you receive.
There are many other problems with this code, such as passing a const int* to the constructor with the intent of modifying those values. The biggest problem is that this is not an actual linked list.
*values = *v;
You dereference the values pointer in this line before initializing it. This is the source of the later errors, and the non-errors in the first three lines of main are simply due to luck. You have to allocate space via values = new int[n] and deallocate it in the destructor via delete[] values. std::vector does this work in a clean and exception-safe way for you.
Perhaps the problem is that you're incrementing an integer - mypointer, rather than a a pointer. If the integer requires more than one byte of space, then this might lead to errors. Could you try declaring a pointer and incrementing that instead?
The values member variable is a pointer to uninitialized memory. Before you start copying numbers into it you have to point it to valid memory. For example:
LinkList::LinkList(const int *v, int n){
number = n;
values = new int[n]; // allocate memory
int mypointer = 0;
while (mypointer<n) {
*(values+mypointer) = *(v+mypointer);
LinkList::~LinkList() {
delete values; // release memory
Also, why do you call this a linked list while in fact you are using a memory array to store your numbers?

Dealing with array size

I happened to ask myself a question about arrays in c++.
Well, we all know that arrays are fixed collections of something, I say fixed because it is necessary to declare array length when defining arrays.
Well, let's consider an example:
char myarray[10] = {'\0'};
int sz = sizeof(myarray); // It is supposed to be 10
Well, it is correct, 10 is the number returned by sizeof. This can be done by the compiler because he knows how much space it placed for that variable.
Now consider what happens in this situation:
void dosome(mystruct* arr) {
int elements = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(mystruct);
for (int i = 0; i < elements; i++) {
// Do something hoping no overflow will ever occur
Nice... but I suppose it can be overflow prone. If I pass to this function an array I created in a "normal" way, everything should be fine:
mystruct array[20];
No problem. But if I do this:
mystruct* array = (mystruct*)malloc(80*sizeof(mystruct));
WHAT HAPPENS???????????????????
I would like to understand how sizeof behaves, this function is evaluated at compile time right??? ok, what happens when I use not an array, but something very cumbersome like a block of data like that one? furthermore, I could realloc it woth another call to malloc and ask to dosome to process that datablock again. Will it work?
I could try it physically, but I would get some exact answer about the behavioir of sizeof.
Thank you.
it's wrong starting from the mystruct array[20] example. Because the function receives a pointer type, and not an array type, it cannot deduce the number of elements in the array. you are actually getting the size of a mystruct* when you perform sizeof(arr).
You can use templates to write functions which take arrays as parameters, but the suggested way in C++ is to use vectors, if I am not wrong.
The "way" to receive arrays as parameters would be to write something like:
template <int N> void somefunction(int (&v)[N]);
EDIT corrected the function declaration. oops.
void dosome(mystruct* arr) {
int elements = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(mystruct);
for (int i = 0; i < elements; i++) {
// Do something hoping no overflow will ever occur
What type does arr have in this example? mystruct*! And it's size is most likely 4 or 8. If you want to pass statically/automatically allocated arrays (not new'd) to functions preserving the size so that your trick works, pass by REFERENCE!
template <int N>
void dosome(mystruct (& arr) [N]) {
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
// Do something . No overflow will occur
Also note this
int a[20];
sizof a; //equals to 20*sizeof(int)
int* b = new int [20];
sizeof b; //equals to sizeof pointer, most likely 4
sizeof is a compile-time operator. And here it computes only the size of a pointer.