What happens to the data when uploading it to gcp bigquery when there is no internet? - google-cloud-platform

I am using GCP Bigquery to store some data. I have created a pub/sub job for the Dataflow of the event.Currently, I am facing a issue with data loss. Sometimes, due to "no internet connection" the data is not uploaded to bigquery and the data for that time duration is lost. How can i overcome this situation.
Or what kind of database should i use to store data offline and then upload it online whenever there is connectivity.
Thank You in advance!

What you need to have is either a retry mechanism or a persistent storage. There can be several ways to implement this.
You can use a Message Queue to store data and process. Choice of message queue can be either cloud based like AWS SQS, Cloud Pub/Sub(GCP) or a hosted one like Kafka, RabbitMq.
Another but a bit unoptimized way could be to persist data locally till it is successfully uploaded on the cloud. Local storage can be either some buffer or database etc. If upload is failed you, retry again from the storage. This is something similar to Producer Consumer Problem.

You can use a Google Compute Engine to store your data and always run your data loading job from there. In that case, if your internet connection is lost, data will still continue to load into BigQuery.

By what I understood you are publishing data to PubSub and Dataflow does the rest to get the data inside BigQuery, is it right?
The options I suggest to you:
If your connection loss happens occasionally and for a short amount of time, a retry mechanism could be enough to solve this problem.
If you have frequent connection loss or connection loss for large periods of time, I suggest that you mix a retry mechanism with some process redundancy. You could for example have two process running in different machines to avoid this kind of situation. Its important to mention that for this case you could also try only a retry mechanism but it would be more complex because you would need to determine if the process failed, save the data somewhere (if its not saved) and trigger the process again in the future.
I suggest that you take a look in Apache Nifi. Its a very powerful data flow automation software that might help you solving this kind of issue. Apache Nifi has specific processors to push data directly to PubSub.
As a last suggestion, you could create an automated process to make data quality analysis after the data ingestion. Having this process you could determine more easily if your process failed.


Can Google Dataflow connect to API data source and insert data into Big Query

We are exploring few use cases where we might have to ingest data generated by the SCADA/PIMS devices.
For security reason, we are not allowed to directly connect to OT devices or datasources. Hence, this data has REST APIs which can be used to consume the data.
Please suggest if Dataflow or any other service from GCP can be used to capture this data and put it into Big Query or any other relevant target service.
If possible, please share any relevant documentation/link around such requirements.
Here is what you need to know: when you write an Apache Beam pipeline, your processing logic lives in DoFn that you create. These functions can call any logic you want. If your data source is unbounded or just big, then you will author a "splittable DoFn" that can be read by multiple worker machines in parallel and checkpointed. You will need to figure out how to provide exactly-once ingestion from your REST API and how to not overwhelm your service; that is usually the hardest part.
That said, you may wish to use a different approach, such as pushing the data into Cloud Pubsub first. Then you would use Cloud Dataflow to read the data from Cloud Pubsub. This will provide a natural scalable queue between your devices and your data processing.
You can capture data with PubSub and direct it to be processed in Dataflow and then saved into BigQuery (or storage), with a specific IO connector.
Stream messages from Pub/Sub by using Dataflow:
Google-provided streaming templates (for Dataflow): PubSub->Dataflow->BigQuery:
Whole solution:

Mirror Marketo Data in S3 Bucket for Visualization

I am looking to get all of the Activity and Lead data in Marketo to be mirrored in an AWS S3 bucket so that I can build dashboards on it in Quicksight, so preferably I'd like to stream the data from Marketo into S3 in real-time, and then use Glue and Athena to connect the data to Quicksight. However, the only way to get large volumes of data out of Marketo appears to be their Bulk Extract tool (one for Leads, one for Activity data).
The problem is that these API interfaces make any attempt at near real-time streaming really clunky. Currently, I have Lambda functions being triggered every hour to pull the most recent hour of Lead/Activity data and saving it as a gzipped CSV in S3. But Marketo's Bulk Extract tool has a request queue and requests often take longer than 15 minutes to process (15 minutes being Lambda's max timeout length). So at least once a day my requests are getting dropped.
The solution seems to be to instead run this on an EC2 instance that can juggle multiple requests and patiently wait for Marketo's queue. But I'd rather not get into all the async and error-handling issues that that approach may entail if there is an easier way to accomplish this.
As an alternative solution, Amazon Appflow integrates with Marketo. But last I checked, it only works with Lead data, not Activity data. And there are restrictions on the filters you have to apply to the Lead data that make it clunky to work with anyway.
On Google I have found several companies that claim to offer seamless, reliable Marketo-to-S3 ETL, but I haven't yet researched their pricing or quality.
If anyone knows of a good approach to set up reliable and cost-efficient ETL between Marketo and S3 in a short period of time, I would very much appreciate it.
In a case like this, I would be tempted to recommend using an EC2 instance to run Singer with a Marketo input and CSV output, then set up something to move the CSV over to S3 as needed. That would be the absolute cheapest ETL solution, but this does suppose you have some comfort and familiarity with Python.
Also worth noting is that Stitch, Singers's paid product equivalent, supports native S3 export--you could always first test with a non-Marketo data source and see if that performs the way you'd like if you prefer money over time.

How can I implement Amazon EMR to read data from my API calls?

All the examples i've seen are with Java programs?
I want to be able to track the a user's behaviour while navigating my website by looking at all the API calls made by that user. All the API calls are based on data stored in a SQL database.
I also for example want to check all the keywords passed to my search API to have a list of most search terms.
I thought about using Oozie but does anyone have any other suggestions ?
There are several option for analyzing the data in your database.
Normal SQL experimentation
I'd suggest starting with normal SQL statements against your database to experiment with finding what data is of interest. This might be a little slow if you have millions of records, but gives you full flexibility to play around with the data.
Amazon EMR
Once you have identified the types of analysis you'd like to run on a regular basis (eg daily or weekly), you could launch an EMR cluster to perform analysis. Please note that this is a powerful but rather complex toolset and the time required to fully utilize it might not be worthwhile.
You can launch a transient cluster, which means that the cluster terminates once it has finished the jobs it has been given. Thus, the cluster can be triggered via a scheduled API call and will automatically terminate.
Amazon Athena
Amazon Athena provides an SQL interface to data stored in Amazon S3. The common use-case is to analyze log files that are in S3 without having to load them into a database. Athena is powerful and processes data in parallel to give results back very quickly.
Bottom line: Start simple. Play with the existing data to figure out what you'd like to discover. Then optimize.

Store streaming data - fast, cheap, reliable and good for batch consumption

I have a (spring-boot) web service that generates a json response for each request. This response, while returned to the querying user, also needs to be archived somewhere (so that we know what we responded with to the user).
The service needs to support 4,000 requests/second. As such, we need the archival method to be fast. The archived data would later be consumed by a map-reduce (batch) job.
I want to know which solution to use - Kafka, S3, or any other solution. The service has been deployed to AWS. So solutions within AWS are ideal.
The requirements are as follows:
Writes should be fast 94K req/s at least).
Writes should be non-blocking (so that the service response time is not affected).
Reads need not be fast but should be suitable for consumption by map-reduce jobs.
Data should be resilient to server crashes etc.
Should not be too expensive to write/store and read.
There is no data retirement plan, i.e. the data needs to persist until the end of time.
Which solutions do you recommend?
Some of your requirements like "should not be too expensive" are a bit vague. In the end, you are going to need to evaluate a service against all of your exact requirements yourself.
Given that qualification, I would look into streaming the data to Kenesis with the goal of archiving the data to S3. I recommend reading this blog post from AWS to get an idea of how to achieve this.

Kafka Storm HDFS/S3 data flow

It is unclear if you can do a fan-out (duplication) in Kafka like you can in Flume.
I'd like to have Kafka save data to HDFS or S3 and send a duplicate of that data to Storm for real time processing. The output of Storm aggregations/analysis will be stored in Cassandra. I see some implementations flowing all data from Kafka into Storm and then two outputs from Storm. However, I'd like to eliminate the dependency of Storm for the raw data storage.
Is this possible? Are you aware of any documentation/examples/implementations like this?
Also, does Kafka have good support for S3 storage?
I saw Camus for storing to HDFS -- do you just run this job via cron to continually load data from Kafka to HDFS? What happens if a second instance of the job starts before the previous has finished? Finally, would Camus work with S3?
Thanks -- I appreciate it!
Regarding Camus,
Yeah, a scheduler that launches the job should work.
What they use at LinkedIn is Azkaban, you can look at that too.
If one launches before the other finishes, some amount of data will be read twice. Since the second job will start reading from the same offsets used by the first one.
Regarding Camus with S3, currently I dont think that is in place.
Regarding Kafka support for S3 storage, there are several Kafka S3 consumers you can easily plugin to get your data saved to S3. kafka-s3-storage is one of them.
There are many possible ways to feed storm with translated data. The main question that is not clear to me is what the dependency you wish to eliminate and what tasks you wish to keep storm from doing.
If it is considered ok that storm would receive an xml or json, you could easily read from the original queue using two consumers. As each consumer controls the messages it reads, both could read the same messages. One consumer could insert the data to your storage and the other will translate the information and send it to storm. There is no real complexity with the feasibiliy of this, but, I believe this is not the ideal solution due to the following reasons:
Maintainability - a consumer needs supervision. You would therefor need to supervise your running consumers. Depending on your deployment and the way you handle data types, this might be a non-trivial effort. Especially, when you already have storm installed and therefore supervised.
Storm connectiviy - you still need to figure out how to connect this data to storm. Srorm has a kafka spout, that i have used, and works very well. But, using the suggested architecture , this means an additional kafka topic to place the translated messages on. This is not very efficient as the spout could also read information directly from the original topic and translate it using a simple bolt.
Suggested way to handle this would be to form a topology, using kafka spout to read raw data and one bolt to send the raw data to storage and another one to translate it. But, this solution depends on the reasons you wish to keep storm out of the raw data business.
Kafka actually retains events for a configurable period of time -- events are not purged immediately upon consumption like other message or queue systems. This allows you to have multiple consumers that can read from Kafka either at the beginning (per the configurable retention time) or from an offset.
For the use case described, you would use Camus to batch load events to hadoop, and Storm to read events off the same Kafka output. Just ensure both processes read new events before the configurable retention time expires.
Regarding Camus, ggupta1612 answered this aspect best
A scheduler that launches the job should work. What they use at LinkedIn is Azkaban, you can look at that too.
If one launches before the other finishes, some amount of data will be read twice. Since the second job will start reading from the same offsets used by the first one.