Run visual simulation from OpenGL running on Ubuntu terminal from Windows - opengl

I built a simulation code using OpenGL X11 GLUT GLEW and bullet-physics on Linux. The code and the visuals run really nicely on a pure Linux environment.
Now, I built the code on a windows machine using an Ubuntu terminal (downloaded from Microsoft Store). When I run the code, I get a cannot connect to X server message
After some reading, I found (and learned) that on Windows you could install Xming as the visualization server, while exporting DISPLAY=localhost:0 on the Linux side. After doing this, I get the message: No appropriate visual found
How can I solve this? I tried what this question mentions: How can I run an OpenGL application installed on a linux machine from my windows machine?, but on the Putty section I got lost. If somebody could list some specific steps, I would highly appreciate it.

Windows does not have a X server nor client. You have several options:
Install a X server and client for Windows.
Run the program on Linux and connect to it via a X client for Windows.
Replace the X11 code with Windows code.
Use a library that abstracts you from details such as SDL.


Can I remote debug a C++ makefile project from a windows vm using Eclipse?

I am on a Windows VM which has eclipse installed.
I connect to a remote centos machine using putty (yes command line)
I work on a large C++ makefile project there.
I have learnt to use gdb within putty and everything is ok.
Is there any way I can use Eclipse present in my Windows to debug the C++ makefile project present in my remote CentOS machine ?
I have the following installed on my windows VM
I wont be able to install anything else.
I also wont be able to install anything else into my centos machine unless I can justify the reason.
I believe this is NOT an exact duplicate.
I searched high and low for a solution to this, most answers seem to be for a different application or requires some additional installations or maybe the instructions are not clear.
Please provide me a step to step guide as I am new to Eclipse, and 2yrs old into linux.
Basically a windows programmer, I have seen a VS solution to remote debugging, but I wont be able to install VS into my remote machine so thats out of question.
So the above ... or ... any GUI (Visual Studio kind) type solution that would make the remote command line GDB ... a breeze.

Running qt creator via remote desktop

We are developing a software using QT creator. The software is meant to run on windows and on an ARM mini-computer running Debian. To test the software on the mini-computer, we logged in on the mini computer using ssh and an exported display. Some programs like Inkscape run fine, but we can't get to run QT Creator. It always displays the following errors:
No tool chain set from kit "Desktop".
No tool chain set from kit "Desktop".
Cant find EGLConfig, returning null config
Unable to find an X11 visual which matches EGL config 0
Could not initialize OpenGL for RasterGLSurface, reverting to RasterSurface.
Cant find EGLConfig, returning null config
Unable to find an X11 visual which matches EGL config 0
Could not initialize OpenGL
We also tried to log in from another x86 linux computer, but this created the same errors. Thus we suppose that the problems are linked to the architecture. Does anybody know how to solve this issue?
EDIT: We just tried to access QT creator from another ARM Debian mini-computer and it also fails. Thus it does not seem to be related to the architecture as we first suspected.
(We could of course do cross compiling and remote debugging, but we try to avoid this)
Try loading qtcreator without the Welcome addon:
qtcreator -noload Welcome
The Welcome addon uses OpenGL which probably isn't supported by X forwarding.

Debugging in eclipse

My development server is linux server.I access linux server in windows through putty..Recently i started using eclipse CDT for c++ developmet.I add the projects to eclipse through network share(samba).I can also compile the program through eclipse by adding linux server which gives me inbuily putty acesss(no need for me to again login to putty).My problem now is there any way i can do debugging in eclipse also???.Right now all my coding and compiling works are done in eclipse itself only thing missing is debugging.
Have you tried remote debugging? I don't know how your server is set up, but perhaps try what this article is suggesting

linux development on windows

We develop C++ code primarily on a headless linux x64 server with VI. We are provided with windows desktops and I was wondering how others in similar situation work? Do you just use windows to remote into linux box or is there a way to develop on windows.
Two solutions that come to my mind are:
Run a linux VM on windows desktop.
Cygwin. (not sure about it).
Any others?
There is a VIM port for windows. As an everyday user I can say that the experience is seamless, except for using windows path separators.
There are other options to consider:
MSYS supplies you with a set of GNU tools compiled natively for windows, including a shell, ssh/scp
MinGW gets you a Windows port of gcc.
UnxUtilx is another set of GNU tool ports, but with no recent activity.
As others have mentioned, putty gets you ssh/scp, purpose-built for windows.
The only C++ app I currently develop is Qt based and cross platform so I tend to develop in Windows using Visual Studio and then test on linux. For testing on linux I mostly use putty, vi and make but if I need to use a debugger I use nemiver and xming with putty exporting the x session to the PC for xming to render.
Do you just use windows to remote into linux box or is there a way to develop on windows. -- yes mostly I do that.
winscp is a tool that lets you do your text-editing locally in your editor of choice, whether it be emacs for windows or gedit or notepad, and save remotely.
When I worked in an environment like that, I installed Cygwin/X and putty on my windows box. You use putty to connect to the Linux box with the Connection --> SSH --> X11 --> "Enable X11 forwarding" turned on. You
Install Cygwin including Cygwin/X — download the installer, make sure the xinit package is selected in the things to install, and hit go!
Install PuTTY and enable X forwarding in your session settings. PuTTY will automagically set your DISPLAY environment variable correctly.
Start your X server on Windows (Start -> Programs -> Cygwin/X -> XWin Server ) — you may want to copy this to your Startup group so it runs whenever you log in.
Use PuTTY to connect to your *nix box and fire up an X Windows program — remember to "amp it off"
You can use whatever X programs are available on the Linux machine seamlessly on your local client desktop. You can do it with Eclipse or gvim or kate.
Another thing I've had good luck with is using Samba on the Linux box to share my source tree, and then mapping a drive in Windows to that share, using native Windows tools to edit it.

How to debug a linux C++ program from Windows with Eclipse?

I use a headless (i.e. no screen) remote ubuntu server x64 for developping a C++ application (with no UI either).
I want to conveniently (IDE like, not command line) debug this program from windows (7/64), with Eclipse if possible. I have a windows share between the two and full root access on both machines.
So far I have heard of two solutions :
Remote gdb
Remote X server
I have worked on solution 1 : built a cross gdb, copied my program and libs on windows. I'm able to remote-gdb from cygwin command line, but not from eclipse (stuck at "launching... 85%" with no error message nor log)
I have also worked on solution 2 : installed xauth, set X forwarding, installed xming on my windows, set DISPLAY on the linux box. But no effect "can't open DISPLAY xxx" with no easy troubleshoot.
When googling for those problems, I only find outdated pages or different problems.
Did anyone do it ? Can you share advices or fresh pointers on how to remote debug a C++ linux app from Windows ?
I suggest to install an X11 server on your Windows machine (e.g. Xming perhaps?) and to do ssh -X with some X11 client applications (like emacs, ddd if needed, xterm) on your Linux server. Don't use a complex thing like Eclipse. You could just use emacs (remotely on the Linux server, displaying on the Windows desktop X11 server)...
Once emacs works well (running on the remote Linux server, displaying on the Windows desktop X11 server), you can run gdb inside it.
To get ssh -X working, you need to configure it appropriately. Maybe you forgot that step. To test it, just use ssh -X yourlinuxhost xterm, and work on configuration till that step works.
Of course you could also install Linux on your laptop or desktop, perhaps inside a virtual machine above your Windows.
NB. I never used Windows, but I do know that some X11 servers exist for it.
There is a eclipse plugin RSE (Remote System Explorer), it can pretty much do what you are expecting. The code base can be in linux server, eclipses uses telnet / ssh to login. Execution again can happen on a server, native gdb is used to debug.
You can use the following simple plugin for Eclipse.
It needs just ssh connection to the server and it cares about anything else