terraform module - how to put policy in a variable - amazon-web-services

I have this snipit of code im using as my module.
What I am wondering is how can I make the policy
resource "aws_iam_role_policy" "role" {
name = var.name
role = var.role
policy = file("${path.module}/mypolicy.json")
here is my code I create my TF from:
module "aws_iam_role_policy" {
source = "../modules/mypolicypolicy/"
name = "mypolicy"
role = module.myrole.myroleout
What i want to know is the best way to reference 'policy' in my module, and the code I run to actually create the policy based off my module. I do not want to hard code the actual json in my module. How can I make this more reusable for later use for other policies?

What about passing the path to policy as a variable to your module?
In module:
variable "iam_policy_path" {
default = "./mypolicy.json"
resource "aws_iam_role_policy" "role" {
name = var.name
role = var.role
policy = file(var.iam_policy_path)
And then in the parent module you just provide new path if needed?
module "aws_iam_role_policy" {
source = "../modules/mypolicypolicy/"
name = "mypolicy"
role = module.myrole.myroleout
iam_policy_path = "new_policy_path.json"


Terraform loop through multiple providers(accounts) - invokation through module

i have a use case where need help to use for_each to loop through multiple providers( AWS accounts & regions) and this is a module, the TF will be using hub and spoke model.
below is the TF Pseudo code i would like to achieve.
app_accounts = [
{ "account" : "53xxxx08", "app_vpc_id" : "vpc-0fxxxxxfec8", "role" : "xxxxxxx", "profile" : "child1"},
{ "account" : "53xxxx08", "app_vpc_id" : "vpc-0fxxxxxfec8", "role" : "xxxxxxx", "profile" : "child2"}
below are the provider and resource files, pleas ignore the variables and output files, as its not relevant here
provider "aws" {
for_each = var.app_accounts
alias = "child"
profile = each.value.role
here is the main resouce block where i want to multiple child accounts against single master account, so i want to iterate through the loop
resource "aws_route53_vpc_association_authorization" "master" {
provider = aws.master
vpc_id = vpc_id
zone_id = zone_id
resource "aws_route53_zone_association" "child" {
provider = aws.child
vpc_id = vpc_id
zone_id = zone_id
any idea on how to achieve this, please? thanks in advance.
The typical way to achieve your goal in Terraform is to define a shared module representing the objects that should be present in a single account and then to call that module once for each account, passing a different provider configuration into each.
terraform {
required_providers {
aws = {
source = "hashicorp/aws"
provider "aws" {
alias = "master"
# ...
provider "aws" {
alias = "example1"
profile = "example1"
module "example1" {
source = "./modules/account"
account = "53xxxx08"
app_vpc_id = "vpc-0fxxxxxfec8"
providers = {
aws = aws.example1
aws.master = aws.master
provider "aws" {
alias = "example2"
profile = "example2"
module "example2" {
source = "./modules/account"
account = "53xxxx08"
app_vpc_id = "vpc-0fxxxxxfec8"
providers = {
aws = aws.example2
aws.master = aws.master
The ./modules/account directory would then contain the resource blocks describing what should exist in each individual account. For example:
terraform {
required_providers {
aws = {
source = "hashicorp/aws"
configuration_aliases = [ aws, aws.master ]
variable "account" {
type = string
variable "app_vpc_id" {
type = string
resource "aws_route53_zone" "example" {
# (omitting the provider argument will associate
# with the default provider configuration, which
# is different for each instance of this module)
# ...
resource "aws_route53_vpc_association_authorization" "master" {
provider = aws.master
vpc_id = var.app_vpc_id
zone_id = aws_route53_zone.example.id
resource "aws_route53_zone_association" "child" {
provider = aws.master
vpc_id = var.app_vpc_id
zone_id = aws_route53_zone.example.id
(I'm not sure if you actually intended var.app_vpc_id to be the VPC specified for those zone associations, but my goal here is only to show the general pattern, not to show a fully-working example.)
Using a shared module in this way allows to avoid repeating the definitions for each account separately, and keeps each account-specific setting specified in only one place (either in a provider "aws" block or in a module block).
There is no way to make this more dynamic within the Terraform language itself, but if you expect to be adding and removing accounts regularly and want to make it more systematic then you could use code generation for the root module to mechanically produce the provider and module block for each account, to ensure that they all remain consistent and that you can update them all together in case you need to change the interface of the shared module in a way that will affect all of the calls.

Terraform GCP executes resources in wrong order

I have this main.tf file:
provider "google" {
project = var.projNumber
region = var.regName
zone = var.zoneName
resource "google_storage_bucket" "bucket_for_python_application" {
name = "python_bucket_exam"
location = var.regName
force_destroy = true
resource "google_storage_bucket_object" "file-hello-py" {
name = "src/hello.py"
source = "app-files/src/hello.py"
bucket = "python_bucket_exam"
resource "google_storage_bucket_object" "file-main-py" {
name = "main.py"
source = "app-files/main.py"
bucket = "python_bucket_exam"
When executed first time It worked fine, but after terraform destroy and again terraform plan -> terraform apply I've noticed that terraform tries to create object before actually creating a bucket:
Ofc it cant't create object inside something that does'nt exist. Why is that?
You have to create a dependency between your objects and your bucket (see code below). Otherwise, Terraform won't know that it has to create bucket first, and then objects. This is related to how Terraform stores the resources in a directed graph.
resource "google_storage_bucket_object" "file-hello-py" {
name = "src/hello.py"
source = "app-files/src/hello.py"
bucket = google_storage_bucket.bucket_for_python_application.name
resource "google_storage_bucket_object" "file-main-py" {
name = "main.py"
source = "app-files/main.py"
bucket = google_storage_bucket.bucket_for_python_application.name
By doing this, you declare an implicit order : bucket, then objects. This is equivalent to using depends_on in your google_storage_bucket_objects, but in that particular case I recommend using a reference to your bucket in your objects, rather than using an explicit depends_on.

How to make gcp cloud function public using Terraform

I will start by saying I am very new to both GCP and Terraform, so I hope there is a simple answer that I have just overlooked.
I am trying to create a GCP cloud function and then make it public using Terraform. I am able to create the function but not make it public, despite closely following the documentation's example: https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/google/r/cloudfunctions_function.html
I receive the error "googleapi: Error 403: Permission 'cloudfunctions.functions.setIamPolicy' denied on resource ... (or resource may not exist)" when the google_cloudfunctions_function_iam_member resource is reached.
How can I make this function public? Does it have something to do with the account/api key I am using for credentials to create all these resources?
Thanks in advance.
my main.tf file:
provider "google" {
project = "my-project"
credentials = "key.json" #compute engine default service account api key
region = "us-central1"
terraform {
backend "gcs" {
bucket = "manually-created-bucket"
prefix = "terraform/state"
credentials = "key.json"
# create the storage bucket for our scripts
resource "google_storage_bucket" "source_code" {
name = "test-bucket-lh05111992"
location = "us-central1"
force_destroy = true
# zip up function source code
data "archive_file" "my_function_script_zip" {
type = "zip"
source_dir = "../source/scripts/my-function-script"
output_path = "../source/scripts/my-function-script.zip"
# add function source code to storage
resource "google_storage_bucket_object" "my_function_script_zip" {
name = "index.zip"
bucket = google_storage_bucket.source_code.name
source = "../source/scripts/my-function-script.zip"
#create the cloudfunction
resource "google_cloudfunctions_function" "function" {
name = "send_my_function_script"
description = "This function is called in GTM. It sends a users' google analytics id to BigQuery."
runtime = "nodejs10"
available_memory_mb = 128
source_archive_bucket = google_storage_bucket.source_code.name
source_archive_object = google_storage_bucket_object.my_function_script_zip.name
trigger_http = true
entry_point = "handleRequest"
# IAM entry for all users to invoke the function
resource "google_cloudfunctions_function_iam_member" "invoker" {
project = google_cloudfunctions_function.function.project
region = "us-central1"
cloud_function = google_cloudfunctions_function.function.name
role = "roles/cloudfunctions.invoker"
member = "allUsers"
It seems the only problem with that example from the terraform site are the " Cloud Functions IAM resources" which have been modified since Nov 2019. Now you have to specify these resources as explained here. Now for your user case (public cloud function) I'd recommend you to follow this configuration and just change the "members" attribute to "allUsers" so it'd be something like this
resource "google_cloudfunctions_function_iam_binding" "binding" {
project = google_cloudfunctions_function.function.project
region = google_cloudfunctions_function.function.region
cloud_function = google_cloudfunctions_function.function.name
role = "roles/cloudfunctions.invoker"
members = [
Finally, you can give it a test and modify the functions you've already created here at the #Try this API" right panel and enter the proper resource and request body like this (make sure to enter the "resource" parameter correcly):
"policy": {
"bindings": [
"members": [
"role": "roles/cloudfunctions.invoker"
In addition to adjusting the IAM roles how #chinoche suggested, I also discovered that I needed to modify the service account I was using to give it poject owner permissions. (I guess the default one I was using didn't have this). I updated my key.json and it finally worked.

Terraform Create resource in Child AWS Account

My goal is to create a Terraform Module which creates a Child AWS account and creates a set of resources inside the account (for example, AWS Config rules).
The account is created with the following aws_organizations_account definition:
resource "aws_organizations_account" "account" {
name = "my_new_account"
email = "john#doe.org"
And an example aws_config_config_rule would be something like:
resource "aws_config_config_rule" "s3_versioning" {
name = "my-config-rule"
description = "Verify versioning is enabled on S3 Buckets."
source {
owner = "AWS"
source_identifier = "S3_BUCKET_VERSIONING_ENABLED"
scope {
compliance_resource_types = ["AWS::S3::Bucket"]
However, doing this creates the AWS Config rule in the master account, not the newly created child account.
How can I define the config rule to apply to the child account?
So, I was actually able to achieve this by defining a new provider in the module which assumes the OrganizationAccountAccessRole inside the newly created account.
Here's an example:
// Define new account
resource "aws_organizations_account" "my_new_account" {
name = "my_new_account"
email = "john#doe.org"
provider "aws" {
/* other provider config */
assume_role {
// Assume the organization access role
role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::${aws_organizations_account.my_new_account.id}:role/OrganizationAccountAccessRole"
alias = "my_new_account"
resource "aws_config_config_rule" "s3_versioning" {
// Tell resource to use the new provider
provider = aws.my_new_account
name = "my-config-rule"
description = "Verify versioning is enabled on S3 Buckets."
source {
owner = "AWS"
source_identifier = "S3_BUCKET_VERSIONING_ENABLED"
scope {
compliance_resource_types = ["AWS::S3::Bucket"]
However, it should be noted that defining the provider inside the module leads to a few quirks, notably once you source this module you cannot delete this module. If you do it will throw a Error: Provider configuration not present since you will have also removed the provider definition.
But, if you don't plan on removing these accounts (or are okay with doing it manually when needed) then this should be good!

Replicate infrastructure using Terraform module throws error for same name IAM policy

I have created basic infrastructure as below and I'm trying to see if modules works for me to replicate infrastructure on AWS using Terraform.
variable "access_key" {}
variable "secret_key" {}
provider "aws" {
access_key = "${var.access_key}"
secret_key = "${var.secret_key}"
alias = "us-east-1"
region = "us-east-1"
variable "company" {}
module "test1" {
source = "./modules"
module "test2" {
source = "./modules"
And my module is as follows:
resource "aws_iam_policy" "api_dbaccess_policy" {
name = "lambda_dbaccess_policy"
policy = "${file("${path.module}/api-dynamodb-policy.json")}"
But somehow when I use same module in my main.tf it is giving me an error for same named resource policy. How should I handle such a scenario?
I want to use same main.tf for prod/stage/dev environment. How do I achieve it?
My actual module looks like the code in this question.
How do I make use of modules and be able to name module resources dynamically? e.g. stage_iam_policy / prod_iam_policy etc. Is this the right approach?
You're naming the IAM policy the same regardless of where you use the module. With IAM policies they are uniquely identified by their name rather than some random ID (such as EC2 instances which are identified as i-...) so you can't have 2 IAM policies with the same name in the same AWS account.
Instead you must add some extra uniqueness to the name such as by using a parameter to the module appended to the name with something like this:
module "test1" {
source = "./modules"
enviroment = "foo"
module "test1" {
source = "./modules"
enviroment = "bar"
and in your module you'd have the following:
variable "enviroment" {}
resource "aws_iam_policy" "api_dbaccess_policy" {
name = "lambda_dbaccess_policy_${var.enviroment}"
policy = "${file("${path.module}/api-dynamodb-policy.json")}"
Alternatively if you don't have some useful thing you can use such as name or environment etc then you could just straight up use some randomness:
resource "random_pet" "random" {}
resource "aws_iam_policy" "api_dbaccess_policy" {
name = "lambda_dbaccess_policy_${random_pet.random.id}"
policy = "${file("${path.module}/api-dynamodb-policy.json")}"