TCP - What if client call close() before server accept() - c++

In C/C++, if client and server finished 3-way handshake and this connection was sitting in server's backlog (listening queue). Before server calls accept(), what gonna happen if client calls close(). Will this connection get removed from backlog?
The real world situation is that, server sometimes is too busy to accept every connection immediately. So there will be some connections waiting in backlog. The client has a timeout for the first response from server. If the timeout happens, it will call close() then retry or whatever. At this moment, I am wondering if the backlog of server will remove the connection from backlog.
Please share your idea. Appriciate it!

Generally speaking, if a client calls close(), the clients protocol stack will send a FIN to indicate that the client is done sending, and will wait for the server to send a FIN,ACK back to the client (which won't happen before the server accepts the connection, as we shall see), and then the client will ACK that. This would be a normal termination of a TCP connection.
However, since a TCP connection consists of two more or less independent streams, sending a FIN from the client really is only a statement that the client is done sending data (this is often referred to as "half closed"), and is not actually a request at the TCP protocol level to close the connection (although higher level protocols often will interpret it that way, but they can only do so after the connection has been accepted and they have had a read return 0 bytes in order to learn that the client is done writing). The server can still continue to send data, but since the client has called close(), it is no longer possible for this data to be delivered to the client application. If the server sends further data, the protocol stack on the client will respond with a reset, causing an abnormal termination of the TCP connection. If the client actually wished to continue receiving data from the server after declaring that it was done sending data, it should do so by calling shutdown(sock,SHUT_WR) rather than calling close().
So what this means is that the connections that time out and that are normally closed by clients will generally remain active at the server, and the server will be able to accept them, read the request, process the request, and send the reply and only then discover that the application can no longer read the reply when the reset is returned from the client. The reason I say "generally" is that firewalls, proxies, and OS protocol stacks all place limits on how long a TCP connection can remain in a half closed state, generally in violation of the relevant TCP RFCs but for "valid" reasons such as dealing with DDOS.
I think your concern is that a server that is overloaded will be further overloaded by clients timing out and retrying, which in my view is correct based on my preceding explanation. In order to avoid this, a client timing out could set SO_LINGER to 0 prior to calling close() which would cause a reset to be sent to cause an immediate abnormal termination. I would also suggest using an exponential back-off on timeout to further mitigate the impact on an overloaded server.

Once the 3way handshake is complete, the connection is in an ESTABLISHED state. On the client side, it can start sending data immediately. On the server side, the connection is placed in a state/queue that accept() can then pull from so the application can use the connection (see How TCP backlog works in Linux).
If the server doesn't accept() the connection, the connection is still ESTABLISHED, it's inbound buffer will simply fill up with whatever data the client sends, if any.
If the client disconnects before accept() is called, then the connection still enters the CLOSED state, and will be removed from the queue that accept() pulls from. The application will never see the connection.


How to detect a connection failure in Indy TCP Client

I have made a client and a server using Indy TIdTCPClient and TIdTCPServer in C++Builder 11 Alexandria.
I can start the server and connect the client to it correctly, but if I set the server MaxConnections to a value N and I try to connect to it with the N+1 client, the connection does not fail, apparently.
For example: I set MaxConnections=1 in the server, the first client connects to it and the server OnConnect event is raised, while in the client OnStatus event I get two messages:
message 1: Connecting to
message 2: Connected.
I try to connect the second client: the server OnConnect event is NOT raised (and this is what I expect) but in the client OnStatus event I get the same two messages (and this is not what I expect):
message 1: Connecting to
message 2: Connected.
Then, the first client can exchange data with the server, and the second client can't (this seems right).
I don't understand why the second client connection does not fail explicitly, am I doing something wrong?
You are not doing anything wrong. This is normal behavior for TIdTCPServer.
There is no cross-platform socket API at the OS level 1 to limit the number of active/accepted connections on a TCP server socket, only to limit the number of pending connections in the server's backlog. That limit is handled by the TIdTCPServer::ListenQueue property, which is 15 by default (but this is more of a suggestion than a hard limit, the underlying socket stack can override this, if it wants to).
As such, the TIdTCPServer::MaxConnections property is implemented by simply accepting any client from the backlog that attempts to connect, and then immediately disconnects that client if the MaxConnections limit is exceeded.
So, if you try to connect more clients to TIdTCPServer than MaxConnections allows, those extra clients will not see any failure in connecting (unless the backlog fills up), but the server will not fire the OnConnect event for them. From the clients' perspectives, they actually did connect successfully, they were fully accepted by the server's underlying socket stack (the TCP 3way handshake is complete). However, they simply will not process the disconnect until they try to actually communicate with the server, then they will detect the disconnect, usually in the form of an EIdConnClosedGracefully exception (but that is not guaranteed).
1: on Windows only, there is a WSAAccept() function which has a callback that can reject pending connections before they leave the backlog queue. But Indy does not make use of this callback at this time.
Different TCP stacks exhibit different behavior. Your description is consistent with a TCP stack that simply ignores SYNs to a socket that has reached the maximum configured limit of pending and/or accepted connections: the SYN packet is simply dropped on the floor and not acknowledged.
The nature of TCP is that it's supposed to handle network drops. The sender does not immediately bail out, but will keep trying to connect, for some period of time. This part is consistent with all TCP implementations.
If you want your client to quickly fail a connection that does not get established within some set period of time you'll need to implement a manual timeout yourself.

C++ Socket Recv() and Network Interface going down

I have written a client using plain sockets in C to connect to a remote machine to maintain a persistent connection so as to receive push messages. Everything works great. To make it persistent, I have set Keepalive and waiting on recv() function in a loop.
The problem is, when the network interface goes down, the recv() does not return. As I understand from socket documentation that the peer has to disconnect for recv() to return. Network Interface going down is not the same as peer disconnecting.
The need here is that if the network interface goes down, I need to schedule a reconnect so that the channel gets established.
Any thoughts on this please?
Use whatever mechanism you wish to force the receive operation to timeout. Depending on the specifics of your use case, you may wish to disconnect if a timeout occurs or you may wish to send something to check the status of the connection.
Whatever protocol you are using on top of TCP should be documented and the documentation should specify how disconnects are detected. You must send to detect a connection loss, so every protocol designed to operate on top of TCP should be designed with this in mind.

TIME_WAIT with boost asio

I tried the official tcp echo server example server and client. With netstat -ano | findstr TIME_WAIT I can see the client causes a TIME_WAIT every time, while the server disconnects cleanly.
Is there anyway to prevent the TIME_WAIT or CLOSE_WAIT, that disconnect cleanly for both sides?
Here's the captured packets, seems the last ACK is sent correctly, but still there is TIME_WAIT on client side.
CLOSE_WAIT is a programming error. The local application has received an incoming close but hasn't closed this end.
TIME_WAIT comes after a clean disconnect by both parties, and it only lasts a few minutes. The way to avoid it is to be the end that receives the first close. Typically you want to avoid it at the server, so you have the client close first.
A long lingering CLOSE_WAIT is really a programming error (the OS performs the connection shutdown, but your application doesn't remember to free the socket in a timely manner -- or at all).
TIME_WAIT, however, is not really an exceptional condition. It is necessary to provide a clean closing on a connection that might have lost the very last ACK segment during the normal connection shutdown. Without it, the retransmition of the FIN+ACK segment would be responded with a connection reset, and some sensitive applications might not like it.
The most common way to have a smaller number of sockets in TIME_WAIT state is to shorten its duration globally, by tuning a global OS-level parameter. IIRC, there is also a way to disable it completely on a single socket through setsockopt() (I don't remember what option, however), but then you might occasionally send possibly unwanted RST segments to peers that lose packets during connection shutdown.
As to why you see them only on one of the sides of the connection, it is probably on the side that requested to close the connection first. It is it that sends the first FIN, receives the FIN+ACK, and sends the last ACK. If that last ACK is lost, it will receive the FIN+ACK again, and should resend the ACK, not RST. The other side, however, knows for sure that the connection is completely finished when the last ACK arrives, and then there is no need to wait for anything else on that socket -- if anything arrives to that host with the same pair of address+TCP port endpoints as the just-closed socket, than it should either be a new connection request (in which case a new connection might be opened), or it is some TCP state machine violation (and must be responded to with RST, or maybe some ICMP prohibited message).

Is it better to keep a socket open for frequent requests, or to close the socket each time

I'm writing a program that will do 1 GET request a second to a server. I am using a socket (QTcpSocket), and I want to know if I should include "Connection: Close" within my request and then recreate the socket for each request, or if it is better to simply keep the socket alive because I am repeating the same request once every second.
Establishing a TCP connection takes more than one round-trip. If your connection happens to be a SSL connection, there are several more round-trips. If you plan to communicate with the same destination multiple times, it probably pays off to establish a connection and use while it is still up. You should probably make your code such that sending a request is independent of the connection currently being up and have it [re-] establish a connection when needed.
Opening a socket requires 3 packet exchanges, and closing it requires 4. You should aim to keep connections open rather than incur this overhead on every transaction.

What is the best way to implement a heartbeat in C++ to check for socket connectivity?

Hey gang. I have just written a client and server in C++ using sys/socket. I need to handle a situation where the client is still active but the server is down. One suggested way to do this is to use a heartbeat to periodically assert connectivity. And if there is none to try to reconnect every X seconds for Y period of time, and then to time out.
Is this "heartbeat" the best way to check for connectivity?
The socket I am using might have information on it, is there a way to check that there is a connection without messing with the buffer?
If you're using TCP sockets over an IP network, you can use the TCP protocol's keepalive feature, which will periodically check the socket to make sure the other end is still there. (This also has the advantage of keeping the forwarding record for your socket valid in any NAT routers between your client and your server.)
Here's a TCP keepalive overview which outlines some of the reasons you might want to use TCP keepalive; this Linux-specific HOWTO describes how to configure your socket to use TCP keepalive at runtime.
It looks like you can enable TCP keepalive in Windows sockets by setting SIO_KEEPALIVE_VALS using the WSAIoctl() function.
If you're using UDP sockets over IP you'll need to build your own heartbeat into your protocol.
Yes, this heartbeat is the best way. You'll have to build it into the protocol the server and client use to communicate.
The simplest solution is to have the client send data periodically and the server close the connection if it hasn't received any data from the client in a particular period of time. This works perfectly for query/response protocols where the client sends queries and the server sends responses.
For example, you can use the following scheme:
The server responds to every query. If the server does not receive a query for two minutes, it closes the connection.
The client sends queries and keeps the connection open after each one.
If the client has not send a query for one minute, it sends an "are you there" query. The server responds with "yes I am". This resets the server's two minutes timer and confirms to the client that the connection is still available.
It may be simpler to just have the client close the connection if it hasn't needed to send a query for the past minute. Since all operations are initiated by the client, it can always just open a new connection if it needs to perform a new operation. That reduces it to just this:
The server closes the connection if it hasn't received a query in two minutes.
The client closes the connection if it hasn't needed to send a query in one minute.
However, this doesn't assure the client that the server is present and ready to accept a query at all times. If you need this capability, you will have to implement an "are you there" "yes I am" query/response into your protocol.
If the other side has gone away (i.e. the process has died, the machine has gone down, etc.), attempting to receive data from the socket should result in an error. However if the other side is merely hung, the socket will remain open. In this case, having a heartbeat is useful. Make sure that whatever protocol you are using (on top of TCP) supports some kind of "do-nothing" request or packet - each side can use this to keep track of the last time they received something from the other side, and can then close the connection if too much time elapses between packets.
Note that this is assuming you're using TCP/IP. If you're using UDP, then that's a whole other kettle of fish, since it's connectionless.
Ok, I don't know what your program does or anything, so maybe this isn't feasible, but I suggest that you avoid trying to always keep the socket open. It should only be open when you are using it, and should be closed when you are not.
If you are between reads and writes waiting on user input, close the socket. Design your client/server protocol (assuming you're doing this by hand and not using any standard protocols like http and/or SOAP) to handle this.
Sockets will error if the connection is dropped; write your program such that you don't lose any information in the case of such an error during a write to the socket and that you don't gain any information in the case of an error during a read from the socket. Transactionality and atomicity should be rolled into your client/server protocol (again, assuming you're designing it yourself).
maybe this will help you, TCP Keepalive HOWTO
or this SO_SOCKET