Getting Relationship properties using spring data neo4j node repository - spring-data-neo4j

If we have a Company Node like this which is linked to another Node (Location) using OWNS relationship.
#NodeEntity ("Company")
public class Company {
private String companyId;
private String partyId;
#Relationship (type = "OWNS", direction = Relationship . OUTGOING )
private Set<Location> ownedLocations;
OWNS relationship
#RelationshipEntity (type = "OWNS")
public class Owns {
private String ownsProperty;
private Company company;
private Location location;
Here is the Repository
public interface CompanyRepository extends Neo4jRepository<Company, String> {
#Query ("match (c:Company)-[x:OWNS]-(y) where c.partyId = $0 return c,x,y")
Stream<Company> getCompaniesWithRelationsByPartyId(final String partyId);
So when i run this query i am getting only Company and Location entities but no OWNS ownsProperty. How to get relationship properties using above repository?
NOTE: I don't want to use #QueryResult
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You have to define the Owns relationship entity as the type for the relationship in the Company like this
#Relationship (type = "OWNS", direction = Relationship . OUTGOING )
private Set<Owns> ownedLocations;


How to add multiple wrapper lists into single list

I have created apex class to pull multiple object records into single list. Where objects does not have any relationship (lets say account, contact, lead. Consider account and contact dont have any relationship). I used for loop seperately for each object and saved into wrapperlist. For three objects I have three wrapper list. Now big challenge is I need to add three wrappers(wrapAccount, wrapContact, wrapLead) into single list. So in that list I need all three objects records.
public static List<sObject> wrapData() {
List<WrapperContact> wrapContact = new List<WrapperContact>();
List<WrapperAccount> wrapAccount = new List<WrapperAccount>();
List<WrapperLead> wrapLead = new List<WrapperLead>();
for(Contact ct : [select id, name from Contact LIMIT 10]){
wrapContact.add(new WrapperContact(ct));
for(Account acct : [select id, name from Account LIMIT 10]){
wrapAccount.add(new WrapperAccount(acct));
for(Lead ld : [select id, name from Lead LIMIT 10]){
wrapLead.add(new WrapperLead(ld));
List<SObject> s = new List<SObject>{
new Contact(),
new Account(),
new Lead()
public class WrapperAccount{
public Account ac{get;set;}
public WrapperAccount(Account acct){
public class WrapperContact{
public Contact cont{get;set;}
public WrapperContact(Contact ct){
public class WrapperLead{
public Lead ldd{get;set;}
public WrapperLead(Lead ld){
An example of what I mean:
public class tester {
public static List<Wrapper> wrapData() {
List<Wrapper> wrap = new List<Wrapper>();
for(Contact ct : [select id, name from Contact LIMIT 10]){
wrap.add(new Wrapper(ct,'contact'));
for(Account acct : [select id, name from Account LIMIT 10]){
wrap.add(new Wrapper(acct,'account'));
for(Lead ld : [select id, name from Lead LIMIT 10]){
wrap.add(new Wrapper(ld, 'lead'));
return wrap;
public class Wrapper{
public sObject ac{get;set;}
public string objType{get;set;}
public Wrapper(sObject obj, string objtype){
objType= objtype;
You can then loop through the returned wrapData and display them as you like using a switch and converting them to the correct type. There may be better methods though.

Unable to make general purpose query, without Domain entity

I am new to springbootneo4j. I have difficulties making general purpose queries. I want to be able to make any kind of query and get result without domain entity.
I am making a query like this in repository class:
#Query("MATCH (p:Employee) RETURN ID(p) as id, as name, p.salary as salary ")
that is not working, but the following query is working:
#Query("MATCH (p:Employee) RETURN p ")
My domain entity class is something like this:
public class Employee {
private Long id;
private String name;
private int salary;
#Relationship(type = "IS_BOSSOF", direction = Relationship.UNDIRECTED) Set<Employee> reporties = new HashSet<>();
public Employee() {}
// some more code
Create a command is like this:
(laksmi:Employee{name:"Laksmi",salary:200}),(ashwini:Employee{name:"AshwiniV",salary:300}), (harish:Employee{name:"Harish",salary:400}), (jay)-[:IS_BOSSOF]->(mukesh), (xyz)-[:IS_BOSSOF]->(mukesh), (harish)-[:IS_BOSSOF]->(ashwini),
Whenever you are distributing properties you need to use #QueryResult annotation on your class

Designing Model with foreign key

I am building an ORM by using Unit or Work and Repository using Dapper. I have searched the internet on this problem and no luck.
I have the following tables:
As you can see, Instance has Entity inside. I have 2 approaches:
Approach 1:
public class Entity
public int Id {get;set;}
public string Name {get;set;}
public class Instance
public int Id {get;set;}
public Entity Entity {get;set;}
public string Name {get;set;}
How can I get value for Entity with this approach?
Approach 2 (according to this link):
public class Entity
public int Id {get;set;}
public string Name {get;set;}
public class Instance
public int Id {get;set;}
public int EntityId {get;set;}
public string Name {get;set;}
Which design is better for use?
You can use QueryMultiple if you want to fetch the data from two different tables and fill it up in two different POCO classes. Following is copied from here:
string sql = "SELECT * FROM Invoice WHERE InvoiceID = #InvoiceID; SELECT * FROM InvoiceItem WHERE InvoiceID = #InvoiceID;";
using (var connection = My.ConnectionFactory())
using (var multi = connection.QueryMultiple(sql, new {InvoiceID = 1}))
var invoice = multi.Read<Invoice>().First();
var invoiceItems = multi.Read<InvoiceItem>().ToList();
Both the models you mentioned in your code can be handled with this approach.
As an alternative approach, you can combine your two POCOs in one or you can use inheritance as well. But, looking at your data model, I do not think this is applicable to this particular case.
Which design is better for use?
Up to you. Whatever suits your project needs keeping down the unnecessary complexities is good for you.

JPA OneToOne bi-directional

I have two entities and they are related to each other through a one to one relationship. User is the owner of Balance. I set Hibernate to automatically create tables and this does not seem to be working. The problem may be caused by other causes but I'd like to make sure that I have the one to one relationship configured correctly first.
Can you please check the following entities and tell me if they are correct?
#Table(name = "users")
public class User implements Serializable {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private long id;
#JoinColumn(name = "balance_id", referencedColumnName = "id")
private Balance balance;
#Table(name = "balances")
public class Balance implements Serializable{
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private long id;
#OneToOne(mappedBy = "users")
private User user;
No, it's not correct. The value of mappedBy must be the name of the attribute, in the other entity, which is the owner side of the association:
#OneToOne(mappedBy = "balance")

Mapping Extra Attribute in a Join Table JPA 2

I am trying to model this relationship following this link
Its the usual Many to Many relationship between Order and Products but I dont know how to add the extra columns in the Join table.
#Table(name = "Orders")
public class Order {
#ManyToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
#JoinTable(name = "ORDER_LINES", joinColumns = { #JoinColumn(name = "ORDER_ID") }, inverseJoinColumns = { #JoinColumn(name = "PROD_ID") })
private Set<Product> products;
public class Product {
private Set<Order> orders;
How to add Join Table extra attribute in JPA 2.0?
There is no concept of having additional persistent attribute in relation in JPA (2.0). That's why relation with property is actually intermediate entity.
From both Order and Product entities, you need one-to-many relationship to new entity. Because of bidirectional relationship, new entity will have many-to-one relationships to Order and Product.
You need to go for something like this (shows only relationships, id's and other mappings stripped away):
public class OrderItem {
private Order order;
private Product product;
public class Order {
#OneToMany (mappedBy = "order")
private Set<OrderItem> orderItems;
public class Product {
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "product")
private Set<OrderItem> orderItems;