I have multiple files I have to mock in a test file, which looks quite unsightly and was wondering if they can be combined, or looped through and set? Or how would you organise the file?
jest.mock('path/to/module/one', () = 'mockModuleOne');
jest.mock('path/to/module/two', () = 'mockModuleTwo');
jest.mock('path/to/module/three', () = 'mockModuleThree');
// etc etc x 10
// Eventually test describe blocks
I'd like to be able to do something like:
'path/to/module/one': () = 'mockModuleOne',
'path/to/module/two': () = 'mockModuleTwo'
I tried creating an array of file paths and names to loop and set the mock, but jest didn't like that by flagging: The module factory of jest.mock() is not allowed to reference any out-of-scope variables.
I have many test suites. I wanna to run a singe one and skip all the others, and I would like to do this on the code level.
I know I can do this using .only() and .skip() in a test file, but that supports only the tests / describes defined in that file.
Is there a way to do this globally? Like is there something like .only() which - when called on the top level describe - runs only that test suite and all others are skipped?
Or: when called on a single test ( it().only() ), then only that test runs and nothing else?
I see nothing like this in the API, but maybe Jest can be configured to work this way?
Is this possible with Jest or is this something I can only do via CLI?
If I understand correctly: You want to run just one test suite/file.
You can do this from the command line with jest path/to/filename.test.js.
Within a file, you can use test.only(name, fn, timeout) to only run that test. This won't stop Jest from moving on to the next testing file though.
Full Jest CLI docs
As far as I am aware, you cannot do this from within the test file itself.
The closest I can think of would be to set the `testmatch' in Jest's config to a pattern that only matches the file(s) you want run.
"name": "my-project",
"jest": {
"testmatch": "**/my.test.js"
I think if you adapt this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/59487370/14553660 it should give you what you need.
For example:
import { signuptests } from './signup.test.js'
import { logintests } from './login.test.js'
import { logouttests } from './logout.test.js'
describe('Signup', signuptests)
describe.only('Login', logintests)
describe('Logout', logouttests)
export const signuptests = () => {
it('Should have login elements', () => {});
it('Should Signup', () => {}});
export const logintests = () => {
it.only('Should Login', () => {}});
export const logouttests = () => {
it('Should Logout', () => {}});
You will be able to use .only at the top level - in the testsuite file - to determine which test files are run, and you can also use .only within each individual test file (e.g. within login.test.js) to only run one particular test from that file.
I don't know that there is a limit to nesting describe blocks, so I imagine you could even make a 'master-testsuite' that imports different testsuites (which in turn import different test files...etc)
I am writing unit tests and I want to test an img atrributes. However, when I make an assertion, I get mocked img attributes which is under __mocks__>fileMock.js. Because I mock files, I only get mocked file atrributes. How can I skip mocked files in my tests?
describe('Buttons', () => {
test('Clear filters work after filtering tools, workflows and using searchbar', async () => {
render(<HeaderBar {...defaults} />);
const clearFilterButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'Clear Filters' });
const toolsButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'TOOLS' });
const selectedTools = await within(toolsButton).findByRole('img');
expect(selectedTools).toHaveAttribute('src', 'images/tools-selected.png');
And test result is :
Buttons › Clear filters work after filtering tools, workflows and using searchbar
expect(element).toHaveAttribute("src", "images/tools-selected.png") // element.getAttribute("src") === "images/tools-selected.png"
Expected the element to have attribute:
39 | const toolsButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'TOOLS' });
40 | const selectedTools = await within(toolsButton).findByRole('img');
> 41 | expect(selectedTools).toHaveAttribute('src', 'images/tools-selected.png');
I need to test real image, and skip mocking that img in my test.
It sounds like you have a manual user module mock defined in a __mock__ folder next to your actual code.
In that case the mock is used in any test file where you call jest.mock('moduleName') unless automock is set to true in which case the mock will always be used.
If you are explicitly mocking the file using jest.mock('moduleName') then simply remove that from the test file where you want to use the actual code instead of the mock.
If you have automock set to true in your Jest config then you can tell Jest to use the original code file in a given test by using jest.unmock('moduleName').
Apparently mock.mockRestore() does not restore the original implementation of a mock created using jest.mock()
// a.js
export default class A {}
// b.js
import A from './a';
export default class B extends A {}
// test.js
import A from './a';
import B from './b';
const b = new B();
test('instanceOf', () => {
expect(b).toBeInstanceOf(A); // fails
mockFn.mockRestore only works for a mock function created with jest.spyOn:
const obj = {
func: () => 'original'
test('func', () => {
const mock = jest.spyOn(obj, 'func');
expect(obj.func()).toBe('mocked'); // Success!
expect(obj.func()).toBe('original'); // Success!
jest.spyOn wraps the original function and provides mockRestore as a way to restore the original function.
jest.mock calls work a little differently.
Jest takes over the require system and jest.mock tells Jest that it should return the module mock instead of the actual module whenever it is required.
This means that the module mock doesn't wrap the original module, it completely replaces the original module in the require system. So mockRestore may be defined on mock functions within the module mock, but calling it doesn't restore the original implementation.
jest.mock is typically used when you want to mock an entire module for the whole test.
It is particularly useful when using ES6-style import statements since babel-jest hoists jest.mock calls and they run before anything else in the test file (including any import statements):
import A from './a'; // <= A is already mocked...
jest.mock('./a'); // <= ...because this runs first
test('A', () => {
// ...
There isn't an easy way to restore the original module during a test that uses jest.mock since its primary use is to mock a module for an entire test.
If you are trying to use both a mock and the original implementation during the same test there are a few options:
Mock one particular function using jest.spyOn and restore it using mockRestore
Use jest.doMock to avoid the hoisting behavior of jest.mock...just note you also need to use require within the scope that uses jest.doMock instead of using a top-level import
Use jest.requireActual at any time to require the original module
Assuming you cant use spyOn,
you can do something like this:
// test.js
import A from './a';
A.mockImplementation(params => 'mockVal');
const actualA = jest.requireActual('./a');
test('instanceOf', () => {
A.mockRestore(); // acts like mockReset()
A.mockImplementation((params) => {
return actualA(params);
I'm trying to test a directive using Karma and Jasmine that does a couple of things. First being that it uses a templateUrl and second that it defines a controller. This may not be the correct terminology, but it creates a controller in its declaration. The Angular application is set up so that each unit is contained within its own module. For example, all directives are included within module app.directive, all controllers are contained within app.controller, and all services are contained within app.service etc.
To complicate things further, the controller being defined within this directive has a single dependency and it contains a function that makes an $http request to set a value on the $scope. I know that I can mock this dependency using $httpBackend mock to simulate the $http call and return the proper object to the call of this function. I've done this numerous times on the other unit tests that I've created, and have a pretty good grasp on this concept.
The code below is written in CoffeeScript.
Here is my directive:
.directive 'exampleDirective', [() ->
restrict: 'A'
templateUrl: 'partials/view.html'
scope: true
controller: ['$scope', 'Service', ($scope, Service) ->
$scope.model = {}
$scope.model.value_one = 1
# Call the dependency
.success (data) ->
$scope.model.value_two = data
.error ->
$scope.model.value_two = 0
Here is the dependency service:
.factory 'Service', ['$http', ($http) ->
getValue: () ->
options.method = "GET"
options.url = "example/fetch"
$http _.defaults(options)
Here is the view:
{{model.value_one}} {{model.value_two}}
I've simplified this quite a bit, as my goal is only to understand how to wire this up, I can take it from there. The reason I'm structuring it this way is because I did not initially create this. I'm working on writing tests for an existing project and I don't have the ability to configure it any other way. I've made an attempt to write the test, but cannot get it to do what i want.
I want to test to see if the values are being bound to the view, and if possible to also test to see if the controller is creating the values properly.
Here is what I've got:
'use strict'
describe "the exampleDirective Directive", ->
beforeEach module("app.directive")
beforeEach module("app/partials/view.html")
ServiceMock = {
getValue : () ->
options.method = "GET"
options.url = "example/fetch"
$http _.defaults(options)
#use the mock instead of the service
beforeEach module ($provide) ->
$provide.value "Service", ServiceMock
$httpBackend = null
scope = null
elem = null
beforeEach inject ($compile, $rootScope, $injector) ->
# get httpBackend object
$httpBackend = $injector.get("$httpBackend")
$httpBackend.whenGET("example/fetch").respond(200, "it works")
#set up the scope
scope = $rootScope
#create and compile directive
elem = angular.element('<example-directive></example-directive>')
I don't know how close I am, or if this is even correct. I want to be able to assert that the values are bound to the view correctly. I've used Vojtajina's example to set up html2js in my karma.js file to allow me to grab the views. I've done a lot of research to find the answer, but I need some help. Hopefully a programmer wiser than I can point me in the right direction. Thank you.
Create the element in karma, then use the .controller() function with the name of your directive to grab the controller. For your example, replace the last couple of lines with these:
elem = angular.element('<div example-directive></div>');
var controller = elem.controller('exampleDirective');
Note, that given how you defined your directive, it should be by attribute, and not as an element. I'm also not 100% sure, but I don't think you need the scope.$digest; usually I just put anything that needs to be applied into a scope.$apply(function() {}) block.
So I'm new to the whole testing thing (I've been one of those people who has said 'I should write unit tests...' but never ended up ever doing it :-p).
I'm now writing unit tests for this project. I'm using testacular + Jasmine, with browserify to compile things. I was having no problems until I started trying to do a lot AngularJS injection-stuff.
Right now I'm simply trying to do a test of ng-model to get my head around all of it.
I have a testacular.conf file which includes everything necessary:
files = [
'./tests.js' //compiled by browserify
I have my controller defined (MainCtrl.coffee)
MainCtrl = ($scope, $rootScope) ->
$scope.hello = 'initial'
module.exports = (angularModule) ->
angularModule.controller 'MainCtrl', ['$scope', '$rootScope', MainCtrl]
return MainCtrl
And I have my test itself: (_MainCtrlTest.coffee, in same directory as MainCtrl.coffee)
testModule = angular.module 'MainCtrlTest', []
MainCtrl = require('./MainCtrl')(testModule)
describe 'MainCtrlTest', ->
scope = null
elm = null
ctrl = null
beforeEach inject ($rootScope, $compile, $controller) ->
scope = $rootScope.$new()
ctrl = $controller MainCtrl, $scope: scope
elm = $compile('<input ng-model="hello"/>')(scope)
describe 'value $scope.hello', ->
it 'should initially equal input value', ->
expect(elm.val()).toBe scope.hello
it 'should change when input value changes', ->
scope.$apply -> elm.val('changedValue')
expect(scope.hello).toBe elm.val()
The test fails immediately, with the input's elm.val() returning blank, and scope.hello returning the intended value ('initial', set in MainCtrl.coffee)
What am I doing wrong here?
To get this working, you need to do scope.$apply():
it 'should initially equal input value', ->
expect(elm.val()).toBe scope.hello
Don't test the framework, test your code
Your test is trying to test whether Angular's binding, and ng-model works. You should rather trust the framework and test your code instead.
Your code is:
the controller (setting initial scope.hello value)
html templates (and all the binding, directives in there)
You can test the first one very easily, without even touching any DOM. That's the beauty of AngularJS - strong separation of view/logic.
In this controller, there is almost nothing to test, but the initial value:
it 'should init hello', ->
expect(scope.hello).toBe 'initial'
To test the second one (template + binding), you want to do an e2e test. You basically want to test, whether the template doesn't contain any typos in binding etc... So you wanna test the real template. If you inline a different html during the test, you are testing nothing but AngularJS.