C++11 GCC 4 Fast Optimization don't store implementation class from abstract class in the stack - c++

So guys, I have an abstract class, other class that stores an implementation from this class in the stack (I don't want heap allocations and I don't know other way to do it without making the caller explicitly declares the implementation) and another that stores a reference of this interface class. But, it seems that GCC don't store the implementation class in the stack and when the interface class is used probably the implementation class vtable is not found.
Basically, everything works fine when compiled with GCC 4.8.1 without optimizations, but when I try to use it, the program crashes and then returns 139.
I don't know why GCC 4 doesn't support it, while GCC 5 does, but I see that they generate different instructions.
Compiler Explorer: https://godbolt.org/z/Wfvj65
#include <cstdio>
#define FORCEINLINE inline __attribute__((always_inline))
class IFormatter
virtual void Format(const void* InData) const = 0;
template<typename T>
class TFormatter :
public IFormatter
TFormatter() = delete;
using Scalar = float;
// Implemented, fine.
struct RVector2
Scalar X;
Scalar Y;
// Not implemented, get error.
struct RVector3
Scalar X;
Scalar Y;
Scalar Z;
class TFormatter<RVector2> :
public IFormatter
virtual void Format(const void*) const override
template<typename T>
class TCustom
FORCEINLINE TCustom(const T& InValue) :
FORCEINLINE const T* Data() const
return &Value;
FORCEINLINE const IFormatter& Formatter() const
return Format;
const T& Value;
TFormatter<T> Format;
template<typename T>
FORCEINLINE TCustom<T> MakeCustom(const T& InValue)
return TCustom<T>{ InValue };
class RCustom
FORCEINLINE RCustom(const void* InValue, const IFormatter& InFormatter) :
template<typename T>
FORCEINLINE RCustom(TCustom<T> const& InCustom) :
RCustom(InCustom.Data(), InCustom.Formatter())
FORCEINLINE const IFormatter& Get() const
return Formatter;
const void* Data;
const IFormatter& Formatter;
int main()
const RVector2 Vector{};
const RCustom Custom = MakeCustom(Vector);
return 0;

As one of the comments said there is something weird going on with storing TCustom in the unrelated type RCustom. The implicit constructor RCustom(TCustom) threw me off.
The issue is quite subtle. If something works with -O0 but not with -Ofast (or -O2/-O3), most of the time something funny is happening with the memory. As Benny K said, in your case the issue is that RCustom only stores a reference to IFormatter:
class RCustom {
const IFormatter& Formatter; // Asking for problems
This is seems like an innocent &, but in fact this is dangerous. Because the validity of this member is dependent on the lifetime of an external object. There are a few possibilities to fix this. You could save a copy of the TFormatter in RCustom (instead of a reference):
template<typename T>
class RCustom {
const TFormatter<T> Formatter;
But this also means you have to give up the abstract interface IFormatter for the concrete one TFormatter<T>. To work with virtual methods in C++ you need a pointer, but using a raw-pointer will introduce the same memory problems as the references. So I suggest you use smart pointers:
class RCustom {
std::shared_ptr<const IFormatter> Formatter;
PS: to be precise about what's going wrong: In MakeCustom() you initialize a TCustom object which initializes and copies an instance of TFormatter. Next a reference to the instance of TFormatter in TCustom is saved in RCustom. Now this RCustom object is returned and the function MakeCustom() is cleaned up. In this cleaning process TCustom is destroyed, and so is the TFormatter-member. But the RCustom still retains a reference to this invalid memory. In C++ the difference between an & and no & is rather important.


Map of template function

I have a class like this:
class factory;
using factory_ptr = std::unique_ptr<IComponent> (factory::*)() const noexcept;
class factory {
~factory() = default;
std::unique_ptr<Chipset> &create(const std::string &type);
template<class T>
std::unique_ptr<T> Tcreate() const noexcept;
std::map<std::string, factory_ptr> m_fac;
#include "factory.inl"
My template function Tcreate is just:
template<class T>
std::unique_ptr<T> factory::Tcreate() const noexcept {
return std::make_unique<T>();
And the other function are just:
factory::factory() {
m_fac.emplace("4001", &factory::Tcreate<chipset4001>);
m_fac.emplace("4008", &factory::Tcreate<chipset4008>);
m_fac.emplace("4011", &factory::Tcreate<chipset4011>);
m_fac.emplace("4030", &factory::Tcreate<chipset4030>);
m_fac.emplace("4069", &factory::Tcreate<chipset4069>);
m_fac.emplace("4071", &factory::Tcreate<chipset4071>);
m_fac.emplace("4081", &factory::Tcreate<chipset4081>);
m_fac.emplace("4512", &factory::Tcreate<chipset4512>);
std::unique_ptr<Chipset> &factory::create(const std::string &type) {
if (m_fac.find(type) == m_fac.end()) {
throw nts::exception("can't find the chipset: " + type, "FactoryCreate");
return (this->*(m_fac.find(type)->second))();
Every chipset like chipsetXXXX are a class like:
class chipsetXXXX : Chipset {}
What I want to do here with this code is to generate an std::unique_ptr<> of a certain chipset linked with a string (cf. factory::m_fac), but when I run it a lot of error message pop on my terminal (more than what my terminal can handle). but i can't figured out what go wrong with it.
The issue is that your Tcreate function does not have the required signature. You're trying to create a map of functions which return an std::unique_ptr<IComponent>, but Tcreate() returns std::unique_ptr<T>.
I'm assuming Chipset inherits from IComponent. And as you note each T inherits from Chipset. So the conversion from e.g. std::unique_ptr<chipset4001> to std::unique_ptr<IComponent> is certainly possible, but that doesn't mean that the signature matches. E.g. a pointer to a function double do_thing () can't be assigned to a function pointer expecting an int (*) ().
So the solution is to change the return type of Tcreate to std::unique_ptr<IComponent>:
template<class T>
std::unique_ptr<IComponent> factory::Tcreate() const noexcept {
return std::make_unique<T>();
However, when you do that, you'll now get a compile error in create(), because that tries to return an std::unique_ptr<Chipset>. It's up to you to decide what to do there. Either return std::unique_ptr<IComponent>, or change factory_ptr to be a pointer to a function returning std::unique_ptr<Chipset> (and of course change Tcreate() accordingly).

Debugging crash in small object optimization for type erasure

I'm implementing a class that performs type erasure for small objects and have encountered a segmentation fault which I do not understand.
The following program:
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
struct small_object
template<class T>
small_object(const T& value)
new(&storage_) concrete<T>(value);
void print() const
// XXX crash here
struct abstract
virtual ~abstract(){}
virtual void print() const = 0;
template<class T>
struct concrete
concrete(const T& value) : value_(value) {}
void print() const
std::cout << value_ << std::endl;
T value_;
abstract& get_abstract()
return *reinterpret_cast<abstract*>(&storage_);
const abstract& get_abstract() const
return *reinterpret_cast<const abstract*>(&storage_);
typename std::aligned_storage<4 * sizeof(void*)> storage_;
int main()
small_object object(13);
// XXX i expect this line to print '13' to the terminal but it crashes
return 0;
Crashes at the lines indicated by XXX.
I believe the issue is that the virtual call to .print() is not being dynamically dispatched correctly, but I don't understand why.
Can anyone tell what am I missing?
You didn't derive concrete<T> from abstract, so no vtable is being created when you construct the object using placement new. Therefore, when you try to invoke the virtual function, it will fail; concrete<T> and abstract are actually completely unrelated types in this example.
I would recommend using the override keyword if you're using C++11 or newer to allow the compiler to generate an error in cases like this.
std::aligned_storage<4 * sizeof(void*)> storage_;
This creates storage of one byte.
The template argument does not set the size of the declared object, but rather the size of an object that can be allocated in a suitably-sized array of this type. Hence, you need
std::aligned_storage<4 * sizeof(void*)> storage_[4 * sizeof(void*)];
GCC 6.2.0 warns you about this:
warning: placement new constructing an object of type ‘small_object::concrete<int>’ and size ‘16’ in a region of type ‘std::aligned_storage<32ul>’ and size ‘1’ [-Wplacement-new=]
(You still need to derive concrete from abstract).

C++ Reference Handle

concerning code from Accelerated C++:
template <class T> class Ref_handle {
Ref_handle(): refptr(new size_t(1)), p(0) { }
Ref_handle(T* t): refptr(new size_t(1)), p(t) { }
Ref_handle(const Ref_handle& h): refptr(h.refptr), p(h.p)
++*refptr; //???
T* p;
size_t* refptr;
I understand the principle of handle, but I don't understand why compiler allows this kind op copy constructor. It copies pointers, but since it's pointing to a same size_t object, it's actually changing its value, although we "promised" with const that we won't change it.

C++ Push Multiple Types onto Vector

Note: I know similar questions to this have been asked on SO before, but I did not find them helpful or very clear.
Second note: For the scope of this project/assignment, I'm trying to avoid third party libraries, such as Boost.
I am trying to see if there is a way I can have a single vector hold multiple types, in each of its indices. For example, say I have the following code sample:
vector<something magical to hold various types> vec;
int x = 3;
string hi = "Hello World";
MyStruct s = {3, "Hi", 4.01};
I've heard vector<void*> could work, but then it gets tricky with memory allocation and then there is always the possibility that certain portions in nearby memory could be unintentionally overridden if a value inserted into a certain index is larger than expected.
In my actual application, I know what possible types may be inserted into a vector, but these types do not all derive from the same super class, and there is no guarantee that all of these types will be pushed onto the vector or in what order.
Is there a way that I can safely accomplish the objective I demonstrated in my code sample?
Thank you for your time.
The objects hold by the std::vector<T> need to be of a homogenous type. If you need to put objects of different type into one vector you need somehow erase their type and make them all look similar. You could use the moral equivalent of boost::any or boost::variant<...>. The idea of boost::any is to encapsulate a type hierarchy, storing a pointer to the base but pointing to a templatized derived. A very rough and incomplete outline looks something like this:
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
class any
struct base {
virtual ~base() {}
virtual base* clone() const = 0;
template <typename T>
struct data: base {
data(T const& value): value_(value) {}
base* clone() const { return new data<T>(*this); }
T value_;
base* ptr_;
template <typename T> any(T const& value): ptr_(new data<T>(value)) {}
any(any const& other): ptr_(other.ptr_->clone()) {}
any& operator= (any const& other) {
return *this;
~any() { delete this->ptr_; }
void swap(any& other) { std::swap(this->ptr_, other.ptr_); }
template <typename T>
T& get() {
return dynamic_cast<data<T>&>(*this->ptr_).value_;
int main()
any a0(17);
any a1(3.14);
try { a0.get<double>(); } catch (...) {}
a0 = a1;
std::cout << a0.get<double>() << "\n";
As suggested you can use various forms of unions, variants, etc. Depending on what you want to do with your stored objects, external polymorphism could do exactly what you want, if you can define all necessary operations in a base class interface.
Here's an example if all we want to do is print the objects to the console:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
class any_type
virtual ~any_type() {}
virtual void print() = 0;
template <class T>
class concrete_type : public any_type
concrete_type(const T& value) : value_(value)
virtual void print()
std::cout << value_ << '\n';
T value_;
int main()
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<any_type>> v(2);
v[0].reset(new concrete_type<int>(99));
v[1].reset(new concrete_type<std::string>("Bottles of Beer"));
for(size_t x = 0; x < 2; ++x)
return 0;
In order to do that, you'll definitely need a wrapper class to somehow conceal the type information of your objects from the vector.
It's probably also good to have this class throw an exception when you try to get Type-A back when you have previously stored a Type-B into it.
Here is part of the Holder class from one of my projects. You can probably start from here.
Note: due to the use of unrestricted unions, this only works in C++11. More information about this can be found here: What are Unrestricted Unions proposed in C++11?
class Holder {
enum Type {
// Other types you want to store into vector.
template<typename T>
Holder (Type type, T val);
~Holder () {
// You want to properly destroy
// union members below that have non-trivial constructors
operator bool () const {
if (type_ != BOOL) {
throw SomeException();
return impl_.bool_;
// Do the same for other operators
// Or maybe use templates?
union Impl {
bool bool_;
int int_;
string string_;
Impl() { new(&string_) string; }
} impl_;
Type type_;
// Other stuff.

Building boost::options from a string/boost::any map

I have a map which represents a configuration. It's a map of std::string and boost::any.
This map is initialized at the start and I'd like the user to be able to override these options on the command line.
What I'd love to do is build the program options from this map using the options_description::add_option() method. However, it takes a template argument po::value<> whereas all I have is boost::any.
So far, I just have the shell of the code. m_Config represents my configuration class, and getTuples() returns a std::map<std::string, Tuple>. TuplePair is a typedef of std::pair<std::string, Tuple> and the Tuple contains the boost::any I am interested in.
po::options_description desc;
[&desc](const TuplePair& _pair)
// what goes here? :)
// desc.add_options() ( _pair.first, po::value<???>, "");
Is there a way to build it this way, or do I need to resort to doing it myself?
Thanks in advance!
boost::any is not applicable to your problem. It performs the most basic form of type erasure: storage and (type-safe) retrieval, and that's it. As you've seen, no other operations can be performed. As jhasse points out, you could just test every type you want to support, but this is a maintenance nightmare.
Better would be to expand upon the idea boost::any uses. Unfortunately this requires a bit of boiler-plate code. If you'd like to try it, there's a new Boost library being discussed right now on the mailing list (titled "[boost] RFC: type erasure") that is essentially a generalized type erasure utility: you define the operations you'd like your erased type to support, and it generates the proper utility type. (It can simulate boost::any, for example, by requiring the erased type be copy-constructible and type-safe, and can simulate boost::function<> by additionally requiring the type be callable.)
Aside from that, though, your best option is probably to write such a type yourself. I'll do it for you:
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <stdexcept>
namespace po = boost::program_options;
class any_option
any_option() :
mContent(0) // no content
template <typename T>
any_option(const T& value) :
mContent(new holder<T>(value))
// above is where the erasure happens,
// holder<T> inherits from our non-template
// base class, which will make virtual calls
// to the actual implementation; see below
any_option(const any_option& other) :
mContent(other.empty() ? 0 : other.mContent->clone())
// note we need an explicit clone method to copy,
// since with an erased type it's impossible
any_option& operator=(any_option other)
// copy-and-swap idiom is short and sweet
swap(*this, other);
return *this;
// delete our content when we're done
delete mContent;
bool empty() const
return !mContent;
friend void swap(any_option& first, any_option& second)
std::swap(first.mContent, second.mContent);
// now we define the interface we'd like to support through erasure:
// getting the data out if we know the type will be useful,
// just like boost::any. (defined as friend free-function)
template <typename T>
friend T* any_option_cast(any_option*);
// and the ability to query the type
const std::type_info& type() const
return mContent->type(); // call actual function
// we also want to be able to call options_description::add_option(),
// so we add a function that will do so (through a virtual call)
void add_option(po::options_description desc, const char* name)
mContent->add_option(desc, name); // call actual function
// done with the interface, now we define the non-template base class,
// which has virtual functions where we need type-erased functionality
class placeholder
virtual ~placeholder()
// allow deletion through base with virtual destructor
// the interface needed to support any_option operations:
// need to be able to clone the stored value
virtual placeholder* clone() const = 0;
// need to be able to test the stored type, for safe casts
virtual const std::type_info& type() const = 0;
// and need to be able to perform add_option with type info
virtual void add_option(po::options_description desc,
const char* name) = 0;
// and the template derived class, which will support the interface
template <typename T>
class holder : public placeholder
holder(const T& value) :
// implement the required interface:
placeholder* clone() const
return new holder<T>(mValue);
const std::type_info& type() const
return typeid(mValue);
void add_option(po::options_description desc, const char* name)
desc.add_options()(name, po::value<T>(), "");
// finally, we have a direct value accessor
T& value()
return mValue;
T mValue;
// noncopyable, use cloning interface
holder(const holder&);
holder& operator=(const holder&);
// finally, we store a pointer to the base class
placeholder* mContent;
class bad_any_option_cast :
public std::bad_cast
const char* what() const throw()
return "bad_any_option_cast: failed conversion";
template <typename T>
T* any_option_cast(any_option* anyOption)
typedef any_option::holder<T> holder;
return anyOption.type() == typeid(T) ?
&static_cast<holder*>(anyOption.mContent)->value() : 0;
template <typename T>
const T* any_option_cast(const any_option* anyOption)
// none of the operations in non-const any_option_cast
// are mutating, so this is safe and simple (constness
// is restored to the return value automatically)
return any_option_cast<T>(const_cast<any_option*>(anyOption));
template <typename T>
T& any_option_cast(any_option& anyOption)
T* result = any_option_cast(&anyOption);
if (!result)
throw bad_any_option_cast();
return *result;
template <typename T>
const T& any_option_cast(const any_option& anyOption)
return any_option_cast<T>(const_cast<any_option&>(anyOption));
// NOTE: My casting operator has slightly different use than
// that of boost::any. Namely, it automatically returns a reference
// to the stored value, so you don't need to (and cannot) specify it.
// If you liked the old way, feel free to peek into their source.
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <map>
int main()
// (it's a good exercise to step through this with
// a debugger to see how it all comes together)
typedef std::map<std::string, any_option> map_type;
typedef map_type::value_type pair_type;
map_type m;
m.insert(std::make_pair("int", any_option(5)));
m.insert(std::make_pair("double", any_option(3.14)));
po::options_description desc;
BOOST_FOREACH(pair_type& pair, m)
pair.second.add_option(desc, pair.first.c_str());
// etc.
Let me know if something is unclear. :)
template<class T>
bool any_is(const boost::any& a)
boost::any_cast<const T&>(a);
return true;
return false;
// ...
po::options_description desc;
[&desc](const TuplePair& _pair)
desc.add_options() { _pair.first, po::value<int>, ""};
else if(any_is<std::string>(_pair.first))
desc.add_options() { _pair.first, po::value<std::string>, ""};
// ...
// ...
If you have more than a handful of types consider using typelists.