Google Cloud SDK installation fails on Windows - google-cloud-platform

Tried installing Google SDK on Windows 2016 machine using both online and offline install. In both the cases installation fails with below error. Machine is behind firewall.
ERROR: (gcloud.components.update) Failed to fetch component listing from server. Check your network settings and try again.

When the error: "ERROR: (gcloud.components.list)" appears, it means that GCloud is attempting to make a request to the following url: "". It seems that your configuration prevents this URL from being fetched, and there could be many factors for this behavior.
My suggestion is to:
Check if is part of the allowed IPs in your firewall rules.
According to the official documentation if you are behind a proxy/firewall, the components that the Cloud SDK installers download from the internet may not work correctly.
Sometimes this error is caused because SSL Cert Verification is failing for the component listing request from Google's servers. I have found a post where someone from the community resolved this issue.
Also, I found this other thread with a similar problem.
For a simpler installation process when proxy configuration is necessary, you might follow these instructions to install the SDK using self-contained versioned archives.
I have found another post where a user with the same error message was able to resolve it only disabling the IPv6, you can use the follow the next guide to disable your IPv6 on windows


Authentication Error when Trying to Log into WSO2 IoT Server - Device Management Console in wso2-iot-3.3.0

I followed the instructions in the link ( in Windows to start WSO2 IoT server. So, broker, iot-server and analytics are started. But, when I'm trying to log in to the device management console using admin login or the login credentials I created, it gives me an authentication error.
I tried the solutions in this answer (Not able to access WSO2 IoTS Device Management Console in wso2-iot-3.3.0 when logged in 'admin') also (Reducing Java version to 1.8.0_144 and making the compression parameter to off in all the catalina-server.xml files). But any of it didn't work for me.
I have attached the screen shots of the error. Please help me to go through this! Thank you.
Error in browser
Error description in iot-server console-Part 1
Error description in iot-server console-Part 2
This is related to the issue mentioned in the github issue mentioned below and it seems, it is already fixed in latest master.
As a quick workaround you could try to modify the startup script files (bat files in this case) and add the changes mentioned in the above git issue.
For example, you can change the file modules/distribution/src/core/bin/iot-server.bat at line number 73 as below.
FOR %%D in ("%CARBON_HOME%\wso2\lib\commons-lang*.jar") DO set CARBON_CLASSPATH=!CARBON_CLASSPATH!;".\wso2\lib\%%~nD%%~xD"
Similarly do the same change as above for files mentioned below as well.
This should resolve the issues you are facing.
Related github issue -

Error Configuring WSO2 data analytics server

I'm currently experimenting/working on WSO2. What i'm trying to do is to have Data Analytics server configured. I started by following the below specified URL (Quick Steps)
After performing all the steps, i get the following issue on APIM cmd prompt
YES Its pretty evident from the error that no such table exists BUT that is exactly the issue i'm facing. What could really be the cause here?
Consider the following points:
I've not followed ALL the steps mentioned on (BUT are they
In the installation prerequisites for DAS, JDBC-compliant Connector for Java is required which I've not yet installed (BUT its not mandatory at the same time)
Most of the QUICK STEPS for the configuration of DAS in the specified URL i.e. where already in place and i only had to
Set Up JDK, ANT, Maven
enable the analytics section in the API-M_HOME/repository/conf/api-manager.xml
add log4j.rootLogger=, DAS_AGENT to API-M_HOME/repository/conf/
add snappy-java_1.1.1.7.jar to DAS_HOME\repository\components\lib
Yet the issue persists, Do let me know of what you think. Thank you
Since you are following quick start guide please extract the WSO2 API Manager and the WSO2 API-M Analytics distributions (zip files), to the same directory (preferably an empty directory).
Also, you need to generate some traffic to the published APIs in order to analytics server to create this table for the first time.

WSO IS 5.3.0: user dashboard not working out of the box

I'm evaluating WSO2 identity server for a customer of mine and currently we ponder whether to write our own user dashboard or use WSO2's version of it.
According to WSO 5.3.0 it's as easy as opening /dashboard. I don't find anything about how to install or enable the user dashboard and I didn't find a module I could install. Therefore I think that this should work out of the box. Yet, when I open the URL I get an error:
HTTP Status 500 - org.mozilla.javascript.EcmaError: ReferenceError:
"readFile" is not defined. (/dashboard//login.jag#47)
type Status report
message org.mozilla.javascript.EcmaError: ReferenceError: "readFile"
is not defined. (/dashboard//login.jag#47)
description The server encountered an internal error that prevented it
from fulfilling this request. Apache Tomcat/7.0.73
I tried to find the cause of this issue but the log files are in no way more verbose and after looking at the includes of login.ja redFile seems to be defined.
Can anybody please point me towards something that helps me solve this issue?
Thanks in advance!
For some reason (that are still to explore) three modules that were in the installation archive were missing from the actual installation. The modules were: caramel, handlebar and markdown. After installing them from the archive the dashboard started working.
Installing caramel only didn't work and my guess is that markdown is not necessary to run the dashboard but I might be wrong.
I found that is does not work with Safari. Identity Manager does.
I originally tried it on MacBook pro.
When I tried it with Chrome all is well.

Amazon AWS Service Error

I am currently trying to set up a Virtual Machine and a Database Server for my website to launch off of. I decided to go with Amazon's AWS.
I have beeing working through This Tutorial and am at Part 3 now.
I got to the point where I started the Apache Web Server and went to my local DNS name in my browser, and successfully saw the Test Page.
I proceeded forward with Downloading "Drupal" and got to the section where it says "Configure Drupal". I am now trying to load my local DNS name in my browser again, only to get a 500 Server Error.
I'm not sure what could've went wrong, I only entered the commands in the tutorial for the whole section on "Install Drupal".
Thank you
EDIT: Also, what exactly does Drupal do? And do I need to use it?
Drupal is a CMS system, and you don't have to use it. It is only being used to provide an example for a website. Instead of installing Drupal, you can install your own site on the server if you prefer or even something like Wordpress if you're more familiar with that.
However, if you do want to follow the example your best bet for discovering the problem is to look into what the exact error is. You should be able to find more information about that in the log files located in /var/log/httpd. The error log in there should show you more details about what failed.

AWS java project creation error

I have installed aws plugins from
While creating aws java project, next and finish buttons are not enabling.
While opening eclipse, I am getting below errors.
Couldn't read regions file,
Failed to cache regions file,
Unable to check status of AWS SDK for Java download and Unable to refresh security groups: Unable to execute HTTP request: peer not authenticated.
The problem is,your AWS SDK is not installed and updated properly . Just click on >Help in eclipse and then click on >Installation Details and from that reinstall AWS Eclipse plugin .
Please make sure that url of plugin is appropriated for your eclipse version.
It will solve your problem.
Try using a new workspace and you will be good to go.
Let know if the problem still persists.