If... else condition in LUA language - if-statement

I'm new to coding and I recently started to take my baby steps in LUA. I have a small problem so it would be very helpful if you can help me. In my code, I need to code that
If x ~= 1 and x~=2 and x~=3 and x~=4 then (do something) end
is there a faster way not to hardcode that part, not to type the whole thing from x~=1 to x~=4?
Thank you!

If you need something like if x ~= 1 and x~=2 and x~=3 and x~=4 then (do something) end x is usually an integer.
if x < 1 or x > 4 then
-- do your stuff here
Is what you are looking for. If you want to explicitly check wether x is unquald 1,2,3,4 you can simply do something like Egor suggested.
But as you see unless you can describe your conditions in a shorter mathematical way you still have separate unique conditions and you won't come around writing them down.
If you have to check those conditions repeatedly you can use a truth table like in Egor's example or you write a function that returns if that condition is met for its argument.


How to avoid repeated checking of an if-statement when the condition to be checked is deallocated within the if-block?

I have a fortran code using a derived type as follows:
if(type%value(1).LT.0D0 OR type%value(1).GT.1D0) then
if(type%value(1).LT.0D0) then
do something
end if
end if
In this scenario the statement type%value(1).LT.0D0 is checked twice. Is there a way to avoid this? More generally, is there a better approach to validate this?
Well, you have three paths:
type % value(1) < 0
type % value(1) > 1
0 <= type % value(1) <= 1
In all three paths the statements will be different, so you need two if statements.
Do something then deallocate
Only deallocate
How you branch between the three paths is up to you, and the specifics of your code. The way you describe above is totally reasonable. If the evaluation is more computational intensive than a simple floating point comparison, it might be useful to store the results of this comparison in a logical variable, but other than that, it's fine.
Other ways are:
if (type % value(1) .LT. 0D0) then
do something
deallocate(type % value)
elseif (type % value(1) .GT. 1D0) then
deallocate(type % value)
end if
In a sense, this repeats the deallocate statement, but it distinguishes the paths better. I'm testing this out, I don't know the exact Fortran Standard, but my understanding is that if the value is less than 0, then it is deallocated, but the elseif isn't even tested, so it doesn't matter that it's no longer allocated at that point.
Ultimately, your method is fine. Make sure that the code is easy to read for you or whoever has to read the code in the future. I don't see any performance reason to chose one over the other.

Assign variable in list

I've got a problem with Prolog lists.
Let's say I've got this predicate:
array(p, [A,B,C]).
When I do:
I got: X = [_,_,_]
Now, considering I've got this predicate:
p1(1) :- array(p1, [1,B1,C1]).
I expected to get:
X = [1,_,_]
but instead, the result is the same as before. Is such a thing even possible in Prolog? Another question is if somehow we can set these values, could we overwrite these values in the same way? I understand that in the prolog variables are assigned only once but I would like to somehow get a dynamic list.
I'm not sure what you mean by "paradigm," and I'm very unclear on what you're trying to do with this code. If you have this at the toplevel:
array(p, [A,B,C]).
you are defining a fact array/2, which associates p with a list of three uninstantiated variables. Your first query amounts to retrieving this fact.
Your second "paradigm" is really the definition of a rule or predicate p1/1, which takes a single argument, which must be 1 for the rule to fire. The body of this second predicate is a call to the predicate array/2 which is definitely going to fail. I don't see how you could possibly get the same result as before, because you defined array(p, ...) before and now you are looking for array(p1, ...). Furthermore, there is no X in your second query, so there is no reason for X to appear in the result, and it definitely would not, even if you had called array(p, ...) instead of array(p1, ...).
I think what you're trying to do here is probably set up some kind of set of three variables and then unify each of them in turn as you proceed along some calculation. To do something like that is possible and easy in Prolog, but the fact database is not going to participate in this process really. You're going to have to write predicates that pass your variables along to other predicates that will unify them and return them bound. None of this is very hard, but it looks like you're going to have to go back and understand the fundamentals here a little better. You're far enough off track here that I don't think anyone can really answer your question as stated, because there's too much confusion in it.

Is it preferred to use else or else-if for the final branch of a conditional

What's preferred
if n > 0
# do something
elsif n == 0
# do something
elsif n < 0
# do something
if n > 0
# do something
elsif n == 0
# do something
# do something
I was using else for awhile. I recently switched to doing elsif. My conclusions are the first option adds readability at the cost of more typing, but could confuse some people if they expect an else. I don't have enough experience to know if the first option would create more readability or more confusion and if there are other pros/cons I've missed.
For my specific example, where the scope of else is comparable to the previous conditions and what it does catch can be expressed as a simple condition, is using else preferable for the final branch? Also, would a different conditional influence the answer? I wrote the code in Ruby but I assume the answer is language agnostic. If it isn't, I would also like to know why.
You should know every execution path through your conditional logic regardless. That being said, a simple else for the remaining case is usually the most clear. If you only have an else if it makes the next guy scratch his head and wonder if you are missing something. If it makes you feel better to say "else what" then put an inline comment in else # n < 0
edit after your edit:
For my specific example, where the scope of else is comparable to the previous conditions and what it does catch can be expressed as a simple condition, is using else preferable for the final branch? Also, would a different conditional influence the answer? I wrote the code in Ruby but I assume the answer is language agnostic. If it isn't, I would also like to know why.
Yes, else is still preferable. I can't think of any scenario that changes this answer. Having the else implies completeness in your logic. Not having the else will be distracting - others (or you at a later date) will have to spend more time scrutinizing the code to double check to make sure all conditions are being handled. In fact the coding standard I abide by, the Embedded C Coding Standard by BARR Group says this:
"Any if statement with an else if clause shall end with an else clause. ... This is the equivalent of requiring a default case in every switch."
This echos MISRA rule 14.10
All if ... else if constructs shall be terminated with an else clause.
*All of my examples pertain to C, but as you said in the post, this is someone agnostic to the language being used.
I always prefer the plain else - it makes it obvious to anyone that your intention is "if all else fails, do this" (no pun intended).
In your example you only have 3 possible states, but what about if there were more?
If you want the final conditional statement to be a catch-all, then you should use just else. If you would like, for clarity, you could do something like this:
else # n < 0
# do something
(Note the n < 0 is just a comment). A couple reasons for this:
Depending on the language/compiler, there could be a speed improvement
Less likely to make a programming mistake. Your example above is fairly simple, but imagine a situation in which there is a fourth option that you did not consider at the time of programming? In that case, no action would be taken, when you probably meant for it to fall into the else statement.
else creates a catch-all, with only elsifs none of the choices might be executed. Each specific situation needs its own solution, so I would use what is necessary.
else clarifies that it is the only branch of the program at that point. If the execution makes it there, no matter what it should go through the else. If that's your intention, use else, not elseif because although you can make the exact same program using elseif as the last statement, it sort of linguistically implies that it will only conditionally execute that block of code.

can defmacro quota parameter in clojure?

I have a string which will evaluate to true or false, can I use macro and pass the string as parameter? I write the following, but the result is string of (= 0 0) instead of true. How to get true result?
(def a "(= 0 0)")
(defmacro test [code-string] code-string)
(test a)
The purpose is replace dynamic SQL. Currently we store code like 'column_a > 1' in database, and then we will get the code, and assemble a sql like
select case when column_a>1 then 0 else 1 end as result from table
There are many such code, and I hope to use clojure run in parallel to speed it up. To use clojure I could store '(> row["column_a"] 1)' in database, and then in jdbc looping, call (> row["column_a"] 1) to do my logic, like storing some code section in database and need to run it.
As TaylanUB already said, Clojure provides eval to evaluate some expression at run-time. However, using eval is frowned upon unless you have very good reasons to use it. It's not clear what you're really intending to do, so it would be helpful to provide a more real world example. If you don't have one, you don't need eval.
Similarly, macros are used to transform code and are not run at run-time, instead the code to which the macro evaluates gets run. The typical approach would be to try to solve a problem with a mere function, only if a macro would buy you something in terms of applicability to a wider range of code, consider turning the code into a macro. Edit: take a look at some introduction to macros in Clojure, e.g. this part from Clojure from the ground up
No, you cannot directly use a string as code. Defmacro takes s-expressions not strings. Clojure might have something like read which can parse a string and make an s-expression out of it which you might then be able to execute as code via something like eval.
There is usually no good reason to put code in strings or other data structures which will exist during program execution anyway, try to just work with first-class functions instead. Or mention the precise problem you're trying to solve and people might be able to give better answers. This might be an instance of the XY problem.
Note: I don't know Clojure, but all of this is pretty Lisp-generic.
(defn eval-code [code-string]
(eval (read-string code-string)))
(eval-code "(= 0 0)")
;; you don't need macro here.

Short example of regular expression converted to a state machine?

In the Stack Overflow podcast #36 (https://blog.stackoverflow.com/2009/01/podcast-36/), this opinion was expressed:
Once you understand how easy it is to set up a state machine, you’ll never try to use a regular expression inappropriately ever again.
I've done a bunch of searching. I've found some academic papers and other complicated examples, but I'd like to find a simple example that would help me understand this process. I use a lot of regular expressions, and I'd like to make sure I never use one "inappropriately" ever again.
A rather convenient way to help look at this to use python's little-known re.DEBUG flag on any pattern:
>>> re.compile(r'<([A-Z][A-Z0-9]*)\b[^>]*>(.*?)</\1>', re.DEBUG)
literal 60
subpattern 1
range (65, 90)
max_repeat 0 65535
range (65, 90)
range (48, 57)
at at_boundary
max_repeat 0 65535
not_literal 62
literal 62
subpattern 2
min_repeat 0 65535
any None
literal 60
literal 47
groupref 1
literal 62
The numbers after 'literal' and 'range' refer to the integer values of the ascii characters they're supposed to match.
Sure, although you'll need more complicated examples to truly understand how REs work. Consider the following RE:
which is a typical identifier (must start with alpha and can have any number of alphanumeric and undescore characters following, including none). The following pseudo-code shows how this can be done with a finite state machine:
for char in all_chars_in(string):
if state == FIRSTCHAR:
if char is not in the set "A-Z" or "a-z":
error "Invalid first character"
next char
if char is not in the set "A-Z" or "a-z" or "0-9" or "_":
error "Invalid subsequent character"
next char
Now, as I said, this is a very simple example. It doesn't show how to do greedy/nongreedy matches, backtracking, matching within a line (instead of the whole line) and other more esoteric features of state machines that are easily handled by the RE syntax.
That's why REs are so powerful. The actual finite state machine code required to do what a one-liner RE can do is usually very long and complex.
The best thing you could do is grab a copy of some lex/yacc (or equivalent) code for a specific simple language and see the code it generates. It's not pretty (it doesn't have to be since it's not supposed to be read by humans, they're supposed to be looking at the lex/yacc code) but it may give you a better idea as to how they work.
Make your own on the fly!
This is a really nicely put together tool which visualises regular expressions as FSMs. It doesn't have support for some of the syntax you'll find in real-world regular expression engines, but certainly enough to understand exactly what's going on.
Is the question "How do I choose the states and the transition conditions?", or "How do I implement my abstract state machine in Foo?"
How do I choose the states and the transition conditions?
I usually use FSMs for fairly simple problems and choose them intuitively. In my answer to another question about regular expressions, I just looked at the parsing problem as one of being either Inside or outside a tag pair, and wrote out the transitions from there (with a beginning and ending state to keep the implementation clean).
How do I implement my abstract state machine in Foo?
If your implementation language supports a structure like c's switch statement, then you switch on the current state and process the input to see which action and/or transition too perform next.
Without switch-like structures, or if they are deficient in some way, you if style branching. Ugh.
Written all in one place in c the example I linked would look something like this:
token_t token;
state_t state=BEGIN_STATE;
do {
switch ( state.getValue() ) {
switch ( token.getValue() ) {
state = IN_STATE;
} while (state != END_STATE);
which is pretty messy, so I usually rip the state cases out to separate functions.
I'm sure someone has better examples, but you could check this post by Phil Haack, which has an example of a regular expression and a state machine doing the same thing (there's a previous post with a few more regex examples in there as well I think..)
Check the "HenriFormatter" on that page.
I don't know what academic papers you've already read but it really isn't that difficult to understand how to implement a finite state machine. There are some interesting mathematics but to idea is actually very trivial to understand. The easiest way to understand an FSM is through input and output (actually, this comprises most of the formal definition, that I won't describe here). A "state" is essentially just describing a set of input and outputs that have occurred and can occur from a certain point.
Finite state machines are easiest to understand via diagrams. For example:
alt text http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/7571/mathfinitestatemachinedco3.gif
All this is saying is that if you begin in some state q0 (the one with the Start symbol next to it) you can go to other states. Each state is a circle. Each arrow represents an input or output (depending on how you look at it). Another way to think of an finite state machine is in terms of "valid" or "acceptable" input. There are certain output strings that are NOT possible certain finite state machines; this would allow you to "match" expressions.
Now suppose you start at q0. Now, if you input a 0 you will go to state q1. However, if you input a 1 you will go to state q2. You can see this by the symbols above the input/output arrows.
Let's say you start at q0 and get this input
0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1
This means you have gone through states (no input for q0, you just start there):
q0 -> q1 -> q0 -> q1 -> q0 -> q2 -> q3 -> q3
Trace the picture with your finger if it doesn't make sense. Notice that q3 goes back to itself for both inputs 0 and 1.
Another way to say all this is "If you are in state q0 and you see a 0 go to q1 but if you see a 1 go to q2." If you make these conditions for each state you are nearly done defining your state machine. All you have to do is have a state variable and then a way to pump input in and that is basically what is there.
Ok, so why is this important regarding Joel's statement? Well, building the "ONE TRUE REGULAR EXPRESSION TO RULE THEM ALL" can be very difficult and also difficult to maintain modify or even for others to come back and understand. Also, in some cases it is more efficient.
Of course, state machines have many other uses. Hope this helps in some small way. Note, I didn't bother going into the theory but there are some interesting proofs regarding FSMs.