OpenGL geometry shader, setting input size - opengl

I've written my first geometry shader with success. It takes in lines and outputs a little triangle at the center of each.
I could do the same thing for triangles easily enough, but what about a cube? Is there a way to get a geometry shader to operate on an arbitrary number of points, or at the very least more than 3? I know I could compute the center myself and do another drawing operation, but I'd like to know if it's possible inside the shader.

Geometry shaders take as input a primitive, not a number of vertices. I mean yes, a specific primitive is made of a specific number of vertices. But GS's don't take vertex counts; they take primitives.
There are a number of special primitive types that allow GS's to access more vertices than those in the base primitive type. But these are for referencing vertices adjacent to the main primitive's vertices, and it's difficult to try to make them work as a general mechanism for consuming X vertices.
So you can only use a vertex count that matches a primitive's vertex count: 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6. Outside of these specific vertex counts, you can't make a GS do what you're trying to do.
You can attempt to employ tessellation, as patch vertex counts are user-specified (though limited by the implementation). But tessellation is more restrictive in terms of generating vertices.


Patch and Tessellating primitive in OpenGL [duplicate]

When not using tessellation shaders, you can pass a primitive type (GL_TRIANGLES, GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, etc.) to let OpenGL know how the vertex stream is representing geometry faces.
Using tessellation shaders, GL_PATCHES replaces these primitive type enums. This makes sense in my head when processing patches of size 3 or 4, and setting the corresponding layout in the TES to triangles or quads.
But if I have a patch of size 16 (some tutorials do this), how does the TPG know what 3 or 4 vertices form what faces? I've read several times that the order in your vertex buffer does not matter when GL_PATCHES is used, but surely there must be a point where a specific set of 3 vertices is considered a triangle (to pass to e.g. the geometry shader). How is this decided?
The actual tessellation hardware doesn't actually use your patch data. The tessellation unit, the part of the pipeline that actually generates triangles (or lines), operates on an abstract patch. If your TES specifies that the abstract patch is a quad, then the tessellator will perform tessellation on a unit quad.
How many patch vertices you have is completely irrelevant to this process.
The TES is a bit like a vertex shader; it gets called once per vertex. But not per vertex in the GL_PATCHES primitive. It's once per-vertex of the tessellated primitive. So, if you tessellate a quad, and your outer levels are (4, 4, 4, 4) and the inner levels are (4, 4), that will generate 25 vertices. The TES will be called that many times (at least; it can be called multiple times for the same vertex), and it will be told where within the abstract patch that particular vertex is.
The job of the TES is to decide how to use the abstract patch coordinate and the real patch vertex data to generate the actual per-vertex data to be used by the rendering pipeline. For example, if you're creating a Bezier patch, you would have 16 patch vertices. The TES's job would be to take the abstract patch coordinate and use bicubic Bezier interpolation to interpolate the 16 positions on the patch to that particular location in the abstract patch. That becomes the output position. Normals, texture coordinates, and other data can be computed similarly.
The short answer is: The TPG (Tessellation Primitive Generator) doesn't know/care at all about the patch size.
The TPG only cares about the specified input layout of the tessellation evaluation shader (triangle, quad, isoline) and the tessellation levels set by the control shader. It does not have access to the patch itself but generates the tessellation coordinates only based on the type and level used in this tessellation.
The user is than in the tessellation evaluation shader responsible for establishing the relation between the per control point parameters (passed from the tessellation control shader, donated by in/out, somehow similar to varyings) and the gl_TessCoord (coming from the TPG).
Note, that the amount of per control point parameters and the amount of tessellation coordinates is not necessarily the same.
For further reading, the following articles might help:
Primitive Processing in Open GL, especially Figure 8.1

How does tessellation know what vertices belong together in a face, when patch size > 4?

When not using tessellation shaders, you can pass a primitive type (GL_TRIANGLES, GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, etc.) to let OpenGL know how the vertex stream is representing geometry faces.
Using tessellation shaders, GL_PATCHES replaces these primitive type enums. This makes sense in my head when processing patches of size 3 or 4, and setting the corresponding layout in the TES to triangles or quads.
But if I have a patch of size 16 (some tutorials do this), how does the TPG know what 3 or 4 vertices form what faces? I've read several times that the order in your vertex buffer does not matter when GL_PATCHES is used, but surely there must be a point where a specific set of 3 vertices is considered a triangle (to pass to e.g. the geometry shader). How is this decided?
The actual tessellation hardware doesn't actually use your patch data. The tessellation unit, the part of the pipeline that actually generates triangles (or lines), operates on an abstract patch. If your TES specifies that the abstract patch is a quad, then the tessellator will perform tessellation on a unit quad.
How many patch vertices you have is completely irrelevant to this process.
The TES is a bit like a vertex shader; it gets called once per vertex. But not per vertex in the GL_PATCHES primitive. It's once per-vertex of the tessellated primitive. So, if you tessellate a quad, and your outer levels are (4, 4, 4, 4) and the inner levels are (4, 4), that will generate 25 vertices. The TES will be called that many times (at least; it can be called multiple times for the same vertex), and it will be told where within the abstract patch that particular vertex is.
The job of the TES is to decide how to use the abstract patch coordinate and the real patch vertex data to generate the actual per-vertex data to be used by the rendering pipeline. For example, if you're creating a Bezier patch, you would have 16 patch vertices. The TES's job would be to take the abstract patch coordinate and use bicubic Bezier interpolation to interpolate the 16 positions on the patch to that particular location in the abstract patch. That becomes the output position. Normals, texture coordinates, and other data can be computed similarly.
The short answer is: The TPG (Tessellation Primitive Generator) doesn't know/care at all about the patch size.
The TPG only cares about the specified input layout of the tessellation evaluation shader (triangle, quad, isoline) and the tessellation levels set by the control shader. It does not have access to the patch itself but generates the tessellation coordinates only based on the type and level used in this tessellation.
The user is than in the tessellation evaluation shader responsible for establishing the relation between the per control point parameters (passed from the tessellation control shader, donated by in/out, somehow similar to varyings) and the gl_TessCoord (coming from the TPG).
Note, that the amount of per control point parameters and the amount of tessellation coordinates is not necessarily the same.
For further reading, the following articles might help:
Primitive Processing in Open GL, especially Figure 8.1

Supply 4 vertices to geometry shader in OpenGL

I currently have some VAOs and an index list. The idea is to process groups of 4 elements in the geometry shader. The way of picking the groups is if I have the list (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,...) then the groups would be ((1,2,3,4),(5,6,7,8),...).
After spending several hours of coding I realized that geometry shaders don't accept 4 vertex primitives. I would like to know if there is a way around it. Maybe choosing a "provoking vertex" and appending the other 3 to it as added properties in the vertex shader stage (I doubt that's possible, though).
Geometry shaders do accept primitives with 4 vertices as input: GL_LINES_ADJACENCY.
This primitive mode might be meant for lines where you need the two neighboring segments for each segments, but it is not limited to any particular use case - it just provides 4 vertices as input, and can be used as such (it could also be used to emulate the deprecated GL_QUADS primitive mode with geometry shaders).

Get element ID in vertex shader in OpenGL

I'm rendering a line that is composed of triangles in OpenGL.
Right now I have it working where:
Vertex buffer: {v0, v1, v2, v3}
Index buffer (triangle strip): {0, 1, 2, 3}
The top image is the raw data passed into the vertex shader and the bottom is the vertex shader output after applying an offset to v1 and v3 (using a vertex attribute).
My goal is to use one vertex per point on the line and generate the offset some other way. I was looking at gl_VertexID, but I want something more like an element ID. Here's my desired setup:
Vertex buffer: {v0, v2}
Index buffer (triangle strip): {0, 0, 1, 1}
and use an imaginary gl_ElementID % 2 to offset every other vertex.
I'm trying to avoid using geometry shaders or additional vertex attributes. Is there any way of doing this? I'm open to completely different ideas.
I can think of one way to avoid the geometry shader and still work with a compact representation: instanced rendering. Just draw many instances of one quad (as a triangle strip), and define the two positions as per-instance attributes via glVertexAttribDivisor().
Note that you don't need a "template quad" with 4 vertices at all. You just need conceptually two attributes, one for your start point, and one for your end point. (If you work in 2D, you can fuse that into one vec4, of course). In each vertex shader invocation, you will have access to both points, and can construct the final vertex position based on that and the value of gl_VertexID (which will only be in range 0 to 3). That way, you can get away with exactly that vertex array layout of two points per line segment you are aiming for, and still only need a single draw call and a vertex shader.
No, that is not possible, because each vertex is only processed once. So if you're referencing a vertex 10 times with an index buffer, the corresponding vertex shader is still only executed one time.
This is implemented in hardware with the Post Transform Cache.
In the absolute best case, you never have to process the same vertex
more than once.
The test for whether a vertex is the same as a previous one is
somewhat indirect. It would be impractical to test all of the
user-defined attributes for inequality. So instead, a different means
is used.
Two vertices are considered equal (within a single rendering command)
if the vertex's index and instance count are the same (gl_VertexID​
and gl_InstanceID​ in the shader). Since vertices for non-indexed
rendering are always increasing, it is not possible to use the post
transform cache with non-indexed rendering.
If the vertex is in the post transform cache, then that vertex data is
not necessarily even read from the input vertex arrays again. The
process skips the read and vertex shader execution steps, and simply
adds another copy of that vertex's post-transform data to the output
To solve your problem I would use a geometry shader with a line (or line strip) as input and a triangle strip as output. With this setup you could get rid of the index buffer, since it's only working on lines.

Fastest way to draw many textured quads in OpenGL 3+

Since GL_QUADS has been removed from OpenGL 3.1 and above, what is the fastest way to draw lots of quads without using it? I've tried several different methods (below) and have ranked them on speed on my machine, but I was wondering if there is some better way, since the fastest way still seems wasteful and inelegant. I should mention that in each of these methods I'm using VBOs with interleaved vertex and texture coordinates, since I believe that to be best practice (though I may be wrong). Also, I should say that I can't reuse any vertices between separate quads because they will have different texture coordinates.
glDrawElements with GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP using a primitive restart index, so that the index array looks like {0, 1, 2, 3, PRI, 4, 5, 6, 7, PRI, ...}. This takes in the first 4 vertices in my VBO, treats them as a triangle strip to make a rectangle, and then treats the next 4 vertices as a separate strip. The problem here is just that the index array seems like a waste of space. The nice thing about GL_QUADS in earlier versions of OpenGL is that it automatically restarts primitives every 4 vertices. Still, this is the fastest method I can find.
Geometry shader. I pass in 1 vertex for each rectangle and then construct the appropriate triangle strip of 4 vertices in the shader. This seems like it would be the fastest and most elegant, but I've read, and now seen, that geometry shaders are not that efficient compared to passing in redundant data.
glDrawArrays with GL_TRIANGLES. I just draw every triangle independently, reusing no vertices.
glMultiDrawArrays with GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, an array of all multiples of 4 for the "first" array, and an array of a bunch of 4's for the "count" array. This tells the video card to draw the first 4 starting at 0, then the first 4 starting at 4, and so on. The reason this is so slow, I think, is that you can't put these index arrays in a VBO.
You've covered all the typical good ways, but I'd like to suggest a few less typical ones that I suspect may have higher performance. Based on the wording of the question, I shall assume that you're trying to draw an m*n array of tiles, and they all need different texture coordinates.
A geometry shader is not the right tool to add and remove vertices. It's capable of doing that, but it's really intended for cases when you actually change the number of primitives you're rendering dynamically (e.g. shadow volume generation). If you just want to draw a whole bunch of adjacent different primitives with different texture coordinates, I suspect the absolute fastest way would be to use tessellation shaders. Just pass in a single quad and have the tessellator compute texture coordinates procedurally.
A similar and more portable method would be to look up each quad's texture coordinate. This is trivial: say you're drawing 50x20 quads, you would have a 50x20 texture that stores all your texture coordinates. Tap this texture in your vertex program (or perhaps more efficiently in your geometry program) and send the result in a varying to the fragment program for actual rendering.
Note that in both of the above cases, you can reuse vertices. In the first method, the intermediate vertices are generated on the fly. In the second, the vertices' texture coordinates are replaced in the shader with cached values from the texture.