I have a project that uses sound sensors. but the output is not in frequency units. how do I make the coding so that the output is in the form of frequency (hz). I used the Arduino IDE to code it. thanks for your attention
In order to get the spectrum of an audio signal you have to transform it from time domain to frequency domain. This is usually done with the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).
This is a very common thing in the Arduino community. Websearch will overwhelm you with tutorials and other resources.
I've already loaded the .wav audio to the buffer with XAudio2 (Windows 8.1) and to play it I just have to use:
//start consuming audio in the source voice
/* IXAudio2SourceVoice* */ g_source->Start();
//play the sound
I wonder, how can I get the frequency value at given time with XAudio2?
The question does not make much sense, a .wav file contains a great many frequencies. It is the blend of them that makes it sound like music to your ears, instead of just an artificial generated tone. A blend that's constantly changing.
A signal processing step is required to convert the samples in the .wav file from the time domain to the frequency domain. Generally known as spectrum analysis, the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is the standard technique.
A random Google hit on "xaudio2 fft" produced this code sample. No idea how good it is, but something to play with to get the lay of the land. You'll find more about it in this gamedev question.
I am using AIR to do some augmented reality using fudicial marker tracking. I am using FLARToolkit and it works fine, except the frame rate drops to ridiculous lows in certain lighting conditions. This is because Flash only uses the CPU for processing, and every frame it is applying filters, adjusting thresholds, and analyzing the pixels to find the marker pattern. Without any hardware acceleration, it can get really slow.
I did some searching and it looks like the fastest and most stable tracking library is Studierstube ( http://handheldar.icg.tugraz.at/stbtracker.php and http://studierstube.icg.tugraz.at/download.php ). Unfortunately, I am not a C++ developer. But it seems that the tracking is insanely fast using this tracker (especially since it isn't all CPU processing like Flash is).
So my plan is to build (or rather have someone build) a small C++ program that leverages this tracker, and then sends the marker position data every frame (only need 30 FPS) to my Flash client application to display back the video and some augmented reality experiences. I believe this would be done through a socket server or something right? Is this possible and fairly easy for someone who is a decent C++ developer? I would ask him/her but I am in search for such a person.
May this link will be helpful?
As some told here, it'll be done with nativeprocess...
Can I find a way to get frequency of each frame on a audio file like .mp3 or .wav or any other sound format using "fmod" or "cwave" libraries or even other libraries?
How can I find out this frequency in C/C++?
The FFTW library is a set of very fast implementations of different fourier transformations.
If you have a number of samples of digitized audio, you pretty much have, in total, as many frequencies and phases as you've got samples. Suppose you've got just two samples of audio. In order to faithfully represent them, you need one frequency and one phase -- so again, two values. There is no "single" frequency to represent multiple samples of digitized audio.
You can of course, akin to the question of "How can I get the color of a specific video frame?", ask what is the average frequency. Or you can ask what is the most prominent frequency (the one with highest amplitude). Or you can ask what is the frequency that with its harmonics carries the most energy in the signal (assuming the signal was physical, like electrical current sampled in time).
In all those cases, you'd probably want to use a premade library that internally uses the FFT or a similar discrete transform to get the signal from the time domain to a frequency or a similar domain (quefrency domain, for example, and it's not a typo). It's hard to get what you want from a plain FFT, you'd need some mathematical training to process raw FFT results into what you're after. I'm sure there are libraries for it, I just can't think of any right now. Perhaps someone who deals with such work can edit the answer.
I'm going to using openFrameworks to develop a music visualizer--music drive graphics.
I can use Opengl to do the graphics. But the problem is the audio processing part. I have no experience in this field. I once thought I could extract music features-such as pitch, beat, volume to control the graphics. But I now I don't know how to start. I learned fft in math, but I don't know what to do after I get the spectrum of a piece of music, how can I extract those music features after fft? Or how to do the music processing part?
I would begin by playing with ofxFFT and then learning intuitively. Do you have set music you will be using? What are the characteristics you are looking for? You should probably start by looking for specific frequencies - like high, low, mid. You will likely find that depending on the type of sound / music you are playing that you won't always get a connection between what you think it should detect and what it actually detects. The wave is a series of values which you can perform operations on. You could detect the rate at which it changes, how many times it dips above or a below a range, etc.
I'm looking for a C or C++ API that will give me real-time spectrum analysis of a waveform on Windows.
I'm not entirely sure how large a sample window it should need to determine frequency content, but the smaller the better. For example, if it can work with a 0.5 second long sample and determine frequency content to the Hz, that would be wicked-awesome.
I used FFTW a few years ago. It is supposedly fast (though I didn't use it for anything real-time myself) and was certainly pretty easy to use, even on Windows.
Regarding the window size, see the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem.
(I imagine there are other issues involved when using a window on the data, particularly for low frequencies, but I'm no expert and I couldn't find any useful-looking info about this, so maybe I'm wrong.)
For details of how to generate a power spectrum and how to determine frequency resolution of same, please see my answer to this question: How to extract semi-precise frequencies from a WAV file using Fourier Transforms