I'm looking for a way to print tab separated values in aws Athena/presto. The following query doesn't do it:
select 'fielf1\tfield2'
which gives (unsurprisingyl)
while I would like
field1 field2
where the two fields are separated by a tab character.
EDIT: The "standard" syntax proposed by Piotr Findeisen:
SELECT U&'field1\0009field2'
Your query has the following error(s):
Queries of this type are not supported (Service: AmazonAthena; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidRequestException; Request ID: [...])
For the record, a possible solution is:
select 'field1'||chr(9)||'field2'
SELECT U&'field1\0009field2'
See more examples at https://trino.io/docs/current/language/types.html#varchar
I tried to show the len of one string..
SELECT length(fieldA) FROM "data_prod"."myscore" limit 10;
but I receive that error
Your query has the following error(s):
SYNTAX_ERROR: line 1:8: Unexpected parameters (bigint) for function length. Expected: length(varchar(x)) , length(char(x)) , length(varbinary)
This query ran against the "raw_public_data_prod" database, unless qualified by the query. Please post the error message on our forum or contact customer support with Query Id: 92f6401b-108a-4671-951e-3a8e882f3b20.
enter image description here
This is what you are looking for.
SELECT length(cast(fieldA as varchar)) FROM "data_prod"."myscore" limit 10;
length function doesn't work for bigint data type. So you have to cast it as varchar to do so.
AWS Athena trying to run a select query as below to fetch error code from the status column, but getting the below error
The query which I am trying:
select * from s3_accesslog where status = '404'
Error: SYNTAX_ERROR: line 1:78: '=' cannot be applied to integer, varchar(3)
select * from s3_accesslog where status like '%404%'
Error: SYNTAX_ERROR: line 1:71: Left side of LIKE expression must evaluate to a varchar (actual: integer)
Looks like your status codes are stored in the table as integers, if you remove the quotes the query should work.
So try:
select * from s3_accesslog where status = 404
I'm trying to fetch only specific columns(uri,hostheader) from an Athena query where the status column is like 404.
When I execute the query I get the output for uri and hostheader unable to fetch the results for status 404 with the below query.
CAST(status AS VARCHAR) like '%404%'
The solution was to not cast as varchar and instead use the native int type
status = 404
I used AWS Glue Console to create a table from S3 bucket in Athena. You can see a relevant part on the screenshot above. I obfuscated column name, so assume the column name is "a test column". I would like to select the records with value D in that column. The query I tried to run is:
"a test column" = "D"
Nothing is returned. I also tried to use IS instead of =, as well as to surround D with single quotes instead of double quotes within the WHERE clause:
-- Tried this
"a test column" = 'D'
-- Tried this
"a test column" IS "D"
-- Tried this
"a test column" IS 'D'
Nothing works. Can someone help? Thank you.
The error message I got is
Mismatched input 'where' expecting (service: amazon athena; status code: 400; error code: invalid request exception; request id: 8f2f7c17-8832-4e34-8fb2-a78855e3c17d)
Problem with the query syntax. Use single quotes (') when you refer to a string values, because double quotes refer to a column name in your table.
"column_name" = 'D'
The unexpected answer (also apologize if I did not say it clearly in the original post) is that, I cannot add "limit 200" in front of the where clause. I have to add it in the end. Hope it helps others.
I have a redshift table "person" in which a particular column has data something like this
[{"attributeName":"name","attributeMetadata":null,"attributeValue":"KitchenAid - 7-Speed Hand Mixer - White","attributeImageType":"PRODUCT","attributeStatusCodes":[]},
{"attributeName":"PIN CODE","attributeMetadata":null,"attributeValue":"32110","attributeImageType":"IMG","attributeStatusCodes":[]}]
I would like to extract only the dictionary/json/substring containing PIN CODE (see below)
{"attributeName":"PIN CODE","attributeMetadata":null,"attributeValue":"32110","attributeImageType":"IMG","attributeStatusCodes":[]}
I tried the following query and it is giving the following error
select distinct regexp_substr(attributes,'.*({.*?"attributeName":"PIN CODE".*?}).*') from person ;
ERROR: Invalid content of repeat range
error: Invalid content of repeat range
code: 8002
context: T_regexp_init
query: 528401
location: funcs_expr.cpp:130
process: query2_40 [pid=12603]
I guess the problem is occurring because of multiple attributeName in a single column. Is their a way to achieve the desired result.
I am not sure if I understood you correctly, but you can try to use LIKE:
select * from person where attributes LIKE '%"attributeName":"PIN CODE"%';