GraphQL - JWT -change payload of verifyToken mutation - django - django

I wanna change the payload of verifyToken mutation. So instead of returning email I wanna return id or the whole object
import graphql_jwt
class Query(AccountsQuery, ObjectType):
# This class will inherit from multiple Queries
# as we begin to add more apps to our project
class Mutation( AccountsMutation, ObjectType):
# This class will inherit from multiple Mutations
# as we begin to add more apps to our project
token_auth = graphql_jwt.ObtainJSONWebToken.Field()
verify_token = graphql_jwt.Verify.Field()
refresh_token = graphql_jwt.Refresh.Field()
schema = Schema(query=Query, mutation=Mutation)
I've seen this:
But I dont know how I can implement that - if it's a correct approach
Any ideas how I could do that?

To modify the payload of your token, you have to create a custom jwt_payload function and you must add the path of the function to the JWT_PAYLOAD_HANDLER in your settings.GRAPHQL_JWT
'JWT_PAYLOAD_HANDLER': 'polls.schema.jwt_payload',
import graphql_jwt
from datetime import datetime
from projectname.settings import GRAPHQL_JWT
def jwt_payload(user, context=None):
username = user.get_username()
payload = {
user.USERNAME_FIELD: username,
'exp': datetime.utcnow() + GRAPHQL_JWT['JWT_EXPIRATION_DELTA'],
original jwt payload function
Note that in your case the user.USERNAME_FIELD is your email field, it's the default field in your payload (it's also the field you need to get the token), you can remove it or you can edit it by following the django documentation, if you declare a custom USERNAME_FIELD you can choose from all columns in the 'auth_user' table, but you have to declare it bevor you run python migrate for the first time


How to use different Pydantic Models in a view

Im currently trying to understand the Pydantic FastAPI setup within my Django app and have the following issue:
When I create a new Order object, I want to return the newly created object using a different Pydantic model as I use for the creation (as after the creation I now have the ID of the order that I can also return).
# routes
# Create a new Order"/create/", response_model=schemas.OrderResponse)
def create_orders(order: schemas.OrderBase):
return views.create_order(order=order)
from uuid import UUID
from . import models, schemas
# Create a new order
def create_order(order: schemas.OrderBase):
new_order = models.Order.objects.get_or_create(order)
return new_order
# pydantic models
from uuid import UUID
from pydantic import BaseModel
# Base Class for Model "Order"
class OrderBase(BaseModel):
product: str
period: str
power: int
side: str
class Config:
orm_mode = True
class OrderResponse(OrderBase):
id: UUID
When I now send an API request with this body:
"product": "Base",
"period": "Hour",
"power": 10,
"side": "Buy"
I get this error -- how to set it up such that when creating the instance it doesnt validate for the UUID and after creation and when returning the instance it includes the UUID in the response?
pydantic.error_wrappers.ValidationError: 5 validation errors for OrderResponse
response -> product
field required (type=value_error.missing)
response -> period
field required (type=value_error.missing)
response -> power
field required (type=value_error.missing)
response -> side
field required (type=value_error.missing)
response -> id
field required (type=value_error.missing)
It seems like converting your django model instance to pydantic automatically is not supported on fastAPI.
So I add a code that convert your model to dict, and that dict will initiate OrderResponse instance.
Try this,
from django.forms.models import model_to_dict
..."/create/", response_model=schemas.OrderResponse)
def create_orders(order: schemas.OrderBase):
return model_to_dict(views.create_order(order=order))

Zoho CRM Python SDK v2 initialization problem for Django

Im trying to integrate the Zoho CRM v2 SDK with my Django app.
On the Django runserver, im able to get access tokens and using the refresh method and store them in the zcrm_oauthtokens.pkl file. The sdk then automatically refreshes the access token using the refresh token, so no problem here. However on my production server (heroku) im getting this error message:
2019-01-16T11:07:22.314759+00:00 app[web.1]: 2019-01-16 11:07:22,314 - Client_Library_OAUTH - ERROR - Exception occured while fetching oauthtoken from db; Exception Message::'NoneType' object has no attribute 'accessToken'
It seems to me that the tokens are being saved to file, but when the sdk try to access them it is looking for them in a DB and not the file specified in the token_persistence_path.
In my I have this:
ZOHO_PATH = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'wills_online', 'zoho')
zoho_config = {'apiBaseUrl': "",
'currentUserEmail': ZOHO_CURRENT_USER_EMAIL,
'client_id': ZOHO_CLIENT_ID,
'client_secret': ZOHO_CLIENT_SECRET,
'redirect_uri': ZOHO_REDIRECT_URI,
'token_persistence_path': ZOHO_PATH}
and in a views file I have this:
from zcrmsdk import *
import logging
from django.shortcuts import HttpResponse
from wills.models import PersonalDetails, ZoHoRecord, WillDocument
from wills_online.decorators import start_new_thread
from wills_online.settings import zoho_config
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ZohoRunOnce:
def __init__(self):
self.already_run = False
def run_once(self):
if not self.already_run:
print('zoho init run once')
self.already_run = True
zoho_init = ZohoRunOnce()
def zoho_callback():
return HttpResponse(200)
def zoho_personal_details(request):
""" updates or create a user account on zoho on profile completion """
personal_details_ob = PersonalDetails.objects.get(user=request.user)
zoho_ob = ZoHoRecord.objects.get(user=request.user)
if zoho_ob.account:
record = ZCRMRecord.get_instance('Accounts', zoho_ob.account)
record.set_field_value('Name', personal_details_ob.full_name)
record.set_field_value('Address_Line_1', personal_details_ob.address_line_1)
record.set_field_value('Address_Line_2', personal_details_ob.address_line_2)
record.set_field_value('Post_Town', personal_details_ob.post_town)
record.set_field_value('Post_Code', personal_details_ob.post_code)
record.set_field_value('Dob_Day', personal_details_ob.dob_day)
record.set_field_value('Dob_Month', personal_details_ob.dob_month)
record.set_field_value('Dob_Year', personal_details_ob.dob_year)
record.set_field_value('Marital_Status', personal_details_ob.marital_status)
record.set_field_value('Partner_Name', personal_details_ob.partner_full_name)
record.set_field_value('Partner_Gender', personal_details_ob.partner_gender)
record.set_field_value('Partner_Email', personal_details_ob.partner_email)
record.set_field_value('Children', personal_details_ob.children)
record.set_field_value('Pets', personal_details_ob.pets)
user = ZCRMUser.get_instance(name='James Alexander')
record = ZCRMRecord.get_instance('Accounts')
record.set_field_value('Account_Owner', user)
record.set_field_value('Name', personal_details_ob.full_name)
record.set_field_value('Address_Line_1', personal_details_ob.address_line_1)
record.set_field_value('Address_Line_2', personal_details_ob.address_line_2)
record.set_field_value('Post_Town', personal_details_ob.post_town)
record.set_field_value('Post_Code', personal_details_ob.post_code)
record.set_field_value('Dob_Day', personal_details_ob.dob_day)
record.set_field_value('Dob_Month', personal_details_ob.dob_month)
record.set_field_value('Dob_Year', personal_details_ob.dob_year)
record.set_field_value('Marital_Status', personal_details_ob.marital_status)
record.set_field_value('Partner_Name', personal_details_ob.partner_full_name)
record.set_field_value('Partner_Gender', personal_details_ob.partner_gender)
record.set_field_value('Partner_Email', personal_details_ob.partner_email)
record.set_field_value('Children', personal_details_ob.children)
record.set_field_value('Pets', personal_details_ob.pets)
response = record.create()
# save account id to db for future updates
zoho_ob.account = response.details['id']
except ZCRMException as ex:
logger.log(1, ex.status_code)
logger.log(1, ex.error_message)
logger.log(1, ex.error_details)
logger.log(1, ex.error_content)
Ive tried running ZCRMRestClient.initialize(zoho_config) in, with no luck.
My method for getting the access token and refresh token, which seems to work is:
import os
import pprint
from sys import argv
import django
import requests
import zcrmsdk
from django.conf import settings
os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'wills_online.settings')
def zoho_refresh_token(code):
""" supply a self client token from the zoho api credentials from web site """
zoho_config = {"apiBaseUrl": "",
"currentUserEmail": settings.ZOHO_CURRENT_USER_EMAIL,
"client_id": settings.ZOHO_CLIENT_ID,
"client_secret": settings.ZOHO_CLIENT_SECRET,
"redirect_uri": settings.ZOHO_REDIRECT_URI,
"token_persistence_path": settings.ZOHO_PATH}
address = f'{code}&redirect_uri={settings.ZOHO_REDIRECT_URI}&client_id={settings.ZOHO_CLIENT_ID}&client_secret={settings.ZOHO_CLIENT_SECRET}&grant_type=authorization_code'
response =
data = response.json()
oauth_client = zcrmsdk.ZohoOAuth.get_client_instance()
refresh_token = data['refresh_token']
oauth_client.generate_access_token_from_refresh_token(refresh_token, settings.ZOHO_CURRENT_USER_EMAIL)
if name == 'main':
This is driving me mad. Help would be greatly appreciated. This is my first post so go easy, lol.
For future reference, you will need to define persistence_handler_class and persistence_handler_path in your configuration dictionary. You will also need a handler class and a user-defined model to store the results. Sample code follows:
import zcrmsdk
configuration_dictionary = {
'apiBaseUrl': '',
'apiVersion': 'v2',
'currentUserEmail': ZOHO_CURRENT_USER_EMAIL,
'sandbox': 'False',
'applicationLogFilePath': '',
'client_id': ZOHO_CLIENT_ID,
'client_secret': ZOHO_CLIENT_SECRET,
'redirect_uri': ZOHO_REDIRECT_URI,
'accounts_url': '',
'access_type': 'online',
'persistence_handler_class': ZOHO_HANDLER_CLASS,
'persistence_handler_path': ZOHO_HANDLER_PATH,
from django.db import models
from zcrmsdk.OAuthClient import ZohoOAuthTokens
class ZohoOAuthHandler:
def get_oauthtokens(email_address):
oauth_model_instance = ZohoOAuth.objects.get(user_email=email_address)
return ZohoOAuthTokens(oauth_model_instance.refresh_token,
def save_oauthtokens(oauth_token):
defaults = {
'refresh_token': oauth_token.refreshToken,
'access_token': oauth_token.accessToken,
'expiry_time': oauth_token.expiryTime,
ZohoOAuth.objects.update_or_create(user_email=oauth_token.userEmail, defaults=defaults)
class ZohoOAuth(models.Model):
refresh_token = models.CharField(max_length=250)
access_token = models.CharField(max_length=250)
expiry_time = models.BigIntegerField()
user_email = models.EmailField()
In this example ZOHO_HANDLER_CLASS = 'ZohoOAuthHandler' and ZOHO_HANDLER_PATH = 'zoho.models'
The first time you go to use this you will need a grant_token from For the scope use aaaserver.profile.READ,ZohoCRM.modules.ALL to start (see
Before you can use the api you'll need to run the code below in a django shell. This uses a grant token to generate your initial access and refresh tokens. Afterwards, the api should handle refreshing your access token.
grant_token = GRANT_TOKEN
import zcrmsdk
oauth_client = zcrmsdk.ZohoOAuth.get_client_instance()
oauth_tokens = oauth_client.generate_access_token(grant_token)

mocking a method on django model using post_save signal

So here's something I'm trying to figure out. I've got a method that is triggered by post_save
for this "Story" model. Works fine. What I need to do is figure out how to mock out the test, so I can fake the call and make assertions on my returns. I think I need to patch it somehow, but I've tried a couple different ways without much success. Best i can get is a object instance, but it ignores values I pass in.
I've commented in my test where my confusion lies. Any help would be welcome.
Here's my test:
from django.test import TestCase
from django.test.client import Client
from import Post, Tag
from unittest.mock import patch, Mock
class BlogTestCase(TestCase):
fixtures = [
def setUp(self):
self.client = Client()
def test_list(self):
# verify that we can load the list page
r = self.client.get('/blog/')
self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200)
self.assertContains(r, "<h1>The Latest from Our Blog</h1>")
self.assertContains(r, 'Simple JavaScript Date Formatting')
self.assertContains(r, 'Page 1 of 2')
# loading a page out of range should redirect to last page
r = self.client.get('/blog/5/', follow=True)
self.assertEqual(r.redirect_chain, [
('http://testserver/blog/2/', 302)
self.assertContains(r, 'Page 2 of 2')
# verify that unpublished posts are not displayed
with patch('requests') as mock_requests:
# my futile attempt at mocking.
# creates <MagicMock> object but not able to call return_values = mock_response = Mock()
# this doesn't get to the magic mock object. Why?
mock_response.status_code = 201
p = Post.objects.get(id=5)
p.published = False
# post_save signal runs here and requests is called.
# Needs to be mocked.
r = self.client.get('/blog/')
self.assertNotContains(r, 'Simple JavaScript Date Formatting')
Here's the model:
from django.db import models
from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import signals
import requests
def update_console(sender, instance, raw, created, **kwargs):
# ignoring raw so that test fixture data can load without
# hitting this method.
if not raw:
update = instance
json_obj = {
'author': {
'alias': 'the_dude',
'token': 'the_dude'
'text': update.description,
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
path = ''
request = requests(path, 'POST',
json_obj, headers=headers,
if request.status_code < 299:
story_id = request.json().get('id')
if story_id:
# disconnect and reconnect signal so
# we don't enter recursion-land
sender = Story, )
update.story_id = story_id
sender = Story, )
raise AttributeError('Error Saving to console, '+ request.text)
class Story(models.Model):
"""Lets tell a story"""
story_id = models.CharField(
help_text="This maps to the id of the post"
slug = models.SlugField(
help_text="This is used in URL and in code references.",
description = models.TextField(
help_text='2-3 short paragraphs about the story.',
def __str__(self):
return self.short_headline
# add/update this record as a custom update in console
signals.post_save.connect(update_console, sender = Story)
You need to patch requests in the module where it is actually used, i.e.
with patch('') as mock_requests:
mock_requests.return_value.status_code = 200
mock_requests.return_value.json.return_value = {'id': story_id'}
The documentation offers more detailed explanations on where to patch:
patch works by (temporarily) changing the object that a name points to with another one. There can be many names pointing to any individual object, so for patching to work you must ensure that you patch the name used by the system under test.
The basic principle is that you patch where an object is looked up, which is not necessarily the same place as where it is defined.
Here, you need to patch the name requests inside the models module, hence the need to provide its full path.

Convert POST to PUT with Tastypie

Full Disclosure: Cross posted to Tastypie Google Group
I have a situation where I have limited control over what is being sent to my api. Essentially there are two webservices that I need to be able to accept POST data from. Both use plain POST actions with urlencoded data (basic form submission essentially).
Thinking about it in "curl" terms it's like:
curl --data "id=1&foo=2" http://path/to/api
My problem is that I can't update records using POST. So I need to adjust the model resource (I believe) such that if an ID is specified, the POST acts as a PUT instead of a POST.
class urlencodeSerializer(Serializer):
formats = ['json', 'jsonp', 'xml', 'yaml', 'html', 'plist', 'urlencoded']
content_types = {
'json': 'application/json',
'jsonp': 'text/javascript',
'xml': 'application/xml',
'yaml': 'text/yaml',
'html': 'text/html',
'plist': 'application/x-plist',
'urlencoded': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
# cheating
def to_urlencoded(self,content):
# this comes from an old patch on github, it was never implemented
def from_urlencoded(self, data,options=None):
""" handles basic formencoded url posts """
qs = dict((k, v if len(v)>1 else v[0] )
for k, v in urlparse.parse_qs(data).iteritems())
return qs
class FooResource(ModelResource):
class Meta:
queryset = Foo.objects.all() # "id" = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
resource_name = 'foo'
authorization = Authorization() # only temporary, I know.
serializer = urlencodeSerializer()
foo_resource = FooResource
In #tastypie on Freenode, Ghost[], suggested that I overwrite post_list() by creating a function in the model resource like so, however, I have not been successful in using this as yet.
def post_list(self, request, **kwargs):
if request.POST.get('id'):
return self.put_detail(request,**kwargs)
return super(YourResource, self).post_list(request,**kwargs)
Unfortunately this method isn't working for me. I'm hoping the larger community could provide some guidance or a solution for this problem.
Note: I cannot overwrite the headers that come from the client (as per:
I had a similar problem on user creation where I wasn't able to check if the record already existed. I ended up creating a custom validation method which validated if the user didn't exist in which case post would work fine. If the user did exist I updated the record from the validation method. The api still returns a 400 response but the record is updated. It feels a bit hacky but...
from tastypie.validation import Validation
class MyValidation(Validation):
def is_valid(self, bundle, request=None):
errors = {}
#if this dict is empty validation passes.
my_foo = foo.objects.filter(id=1)
if not len(my_foo) == 0: #if object exists
foo[0].foo = 'bar' #so existing object updated
errors['status'] = 'object updated' #this will be returned in the api response
return errors
#so errors is empty if object does not exist and validation passes. Otherwise object
#updated and response notifies you of this
class FooResource(ModelResource):
class Meta:
queryset = Foo.objects.all() # "id" = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
validation = MyValidation()
With Cathal's recommendation I was able to utilize a validation function to update the records I needed. While this does not return a valid code... it works.
from tastypie.validation import Validation
import string # wrapping in int() doesn't work
class Validator(Validation):
def __init__(self,**kwargs):
def is_valid(self,bundle,request=None):
if string.atoi(['id']) in Foo.objects.values_list('id',flat=True):
# ... update code here
return {}
Make sure you specify the validation = Validator() in the ModelResource meta.

How to get logged in user's uid from session in Django?

I have implemented a registration/login/authentication system using this Django guide.
But, how would I access a user's information from my views so I can send the user's information to a template file?
I want to be able to access a user's ID so I can submit a form with the user's ID attached to the form.
In case anyone wants to actually extract a user ID from an actual Session object (for whatever reason - I did!), here's how:
from django.contrib.sessions.models import Session
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
session_key = '8cae76c505f15432b48c8292a7dd0e54'
session = Session.objects.get(session_key=session_key)
session_data = session.get_decoded()
print session_data
uid = session_data.get('_auth_user_id')
user = User.objects.get(id=uid)
Credit should go to Scott Barnham
There is a django.contrib.auth.models.User object attached to the request; you can access it in a view via request.user. You must have the auth middleware installed, though.
def view(request):
if request.user.is_authenticated:
user = request.user
# do something with user
An even easier way to do this is to install django-extensions and run the management command print_user_for_session.
And this is how they do it:
In case hwjp solution doesn't work for you ("Data is corrupted"), here is another solution:
import base64
import hashlib
import hmac
import json
def session_utoken(msg, secret_key, class_name='SessionStore'):
key_salt = "django.contrib.sessions" + class_name
sha1 = hashlib.sha1((key_salt + secret_key).encode('utf-8')).digest()
utoken =, msg=msg, digestmod=hashlib.sha1).hexdigest()
return utoken
def decode(session_data, secret_key, class_name='SessionStore'):
encoded_data = base64.b64decode(session_data)
utoken, pickled = encoded_data.split(b':', 1)
expected_utoken = session_utoken(pickled, secret_key, class_name)
if utoken.decode() != expected_utoken:
raise BaseException('Session data corrupted "%s" != "%s"',
return json.loads(pickled.decode('utf-8'))
s = Session.objects.get(session_key=session_key)
decode(s.session_data, 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY'))
credit to: