code runs significantly slower after thread::sleep_for() [duplicate] - c++

#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int times = 1000;
const int N = 100000;
void run() {
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
int main() {
clock_t main_start = clock();
for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) {
clock_t start = clock();
cout << "cost: " << (clock() - start) / 1000.0 << " ms." << endl;
cout << "total cost: " << (clock() - main_start) / 1000.0 << " ms." << endl;
Here is the example code. In the first 26 iterations of the timing loop, the run function costs about 0.4 ms, but then the cost reduces to 0.2 ms.
When the usleep is uncommented, the delay-loop takes 0.4 ms for all runs, never speeding up. Why?
The code is compiled with g++ -O0 (no optimization), so the delay loop isn't optimized away. It's run on Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3220 CPU # 3.30 GHz, with 3.13.0-32-generic Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS (Trusty Tahr).

After 26 iterations, Linux ramps the CPU up to the maximum clock speed since your process uses its full time slice a couple of times in a row.
If you checked with performance counters instead of wall-clock time, you'd see that the core clock cycles per delay-loop stayed constant, confirming that it's just an effect of DVFS (which all modern CPUs use to run at a more energy-efficient frequency and voltage most of the time).
If you tested on a Skylake with kernel support for the new power-management mode (where the hardware takes full control of the clock speed), ramp-up would happen much faster.
If you leave it running for a while on an Intel CPU with Turbo, you'll probably see the time per iteration increase again slightly once thermal limits require the clock speed to reduce back down to the maximum sustained frequency. (See Why can't my CPU maintain peak performance in HPC for more about Turbo letting the CPU run faster than it can sustain for high-power workloads.)
Introducing a usleep prevents Linux's CPU frequency governor from ramping up the clock speed, because the process isn't generating 100% load even at minimum frequency. (I.e. the kernel's heuristic decides that the CPU is running fast enough for the workload that's running on it.)
comments on other theories:
re: David's theory that a potential context switch from usleep could pollute caches: That's not a bad idea in general, but it doesn't help explain this code.
Cache / TLB pollution isn't important at all for this experiment. There's basically nothing inside the timing window that touches memory other than the end of the stack. Most of the time is spent in a tiny loop (1 line of instruction cache) that only touches one int of stack memory. Any potential cache pollution during usleep is a tiny fraction of the time for this code (real code will be different)!
In more detail for x86:
The call to clock() itself might cache-miss, but a code-fetch cache miss delays the starting-time measurement, rather than being part of what's measured. The second call to clock() will almost never be delayed, because it should still be hot in cache.
The run function may be in a different cache line from main (since gcc marks main as "cold", so it gets optimized less and placed with other cold functions/data). We can expect one or two instruction-cache misses. They're probably still in the same 4k page, though, so main will have triggered the potential TLB miss before entering the timed region of the program.
gcc -O0 will compile the OP's code to something like this (Godbolt Compiler explorer): keeping the loop counter in memory on the stack.
The empty loop keeps the loop counter in stack memory, so on a typical Intel x86 CPU the loop runs at one iteration per ~6 cycles on the OP's IvyBridge CPU, thanks to the store-forwarding latency that's part of add with a memory destination (read-modify-write). 100k iterations * 6 cycles/iteration is 600k cycles, which dominates the contribution of at most a couple cache misses (~200 cycles each for code-fetch misses which prevent further instructions from issuing until they're resolved).
Out-of-order execution and store-forwarding should mostly hide the potential cache miss on accessing the stack (as part of the call instruction).
Even if the loop-counter was kept in a register, 100k cycles is a lot.

A call to usleep may or may not result in a context switch. If it does, it will take longer than if it doesn't.


Execution time inconsistency in a program with high priority in the scheduler using RT Kernel

We are trying to implement a program that sends commands to a robot in a given cycle time. Thus this program should be a real-time application. We set up a pc with a preempted RT Linux kernel and are launching our programs with chrt -f 98 or chrt -rr 99 to define the scheduling policy and priority. Loading of the kernel and launching of the program seems to be fine and work (see details below).
Now we were measuring the time (CPU ticks) it takes our program to be computed. We expected this time to be constant with very little variation. What we measured though, were quite significant differences in computation time. Of course, we thought this could be undefined behavior in our rather complex program, so we created a very basic program and measured the time as well. The behavior was similarly bad.
Why are we not measuring a (close to) constant computation time even for our basic program?
How can we solve this problem?
Environment Description
First of all, we installed an RT Linux Kernel on the PC using this tutorial. The main characteristics of the PC are:
PC Characteristics
Intel(R) Atom(TM) Processor E3950 # 1.60GHz with 4 cores
Memory RAM
8 GB
Operating System
Ubunut 20.04.1 LTS
Linux 5.9.1-rt20 SMP PREEMPT_RT
The first time we detected this problem was when we were measuring the time it takes to execute this "complex" program with a single thread. We did a few tests with this program but also with a simpler one:
The CPU execution times
The wall time (the world real-time)
The difference (Wall time - CPU time) between them and the ratio (CPU time / Wall time).
We also did a latency test on the PC.
Latency Test
For this one, we followed this tutorial, and these are the results:
Latency Test Generic Kernel
Latency Test RT Kernel
The processes are shown in htop with a priority of RT
Test Program - Complex
We called the function multiple times in the program and measured the time each takes. The results of the 2 tests are:
From this we observed that:
The first execution (around 0.28 ms) always takes longer than the second one (around 0.18 ms), but most of the time it is not the longest iteration.
The mode is around 0.17 ms.
For those that take 17 ms the difference is usually 0 and the ratio 1. Although this is not exclusive to this time. For these, it seems like only 1 CPU is being used and it is saturated (there is no waiting time).
When the difference is not 0, it is usually negative. This, from what we have read here and here, is because more than 1 CPU is being used.
Test Program - Simple
We did the same test but this time with a simpler program:
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int iterations = 5000;
double a = 5.5;
double b = 5.5;
double c = 4.5;
std::vector<double> wallTime(iterations, 0);
std::vector<double> cpuTime(iterations, 0);
struct timespec beginWallTime, endWallTime, beginCPUTime, endCPUTime;
std::cout << "Iteration | WallTime | cpuTime" << std::endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
// Start measuring time
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &beginWallTime);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &beginCPUTime);
// Function
a = b + c + i;
// Stop measuring time and calculate the elapsed time
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &endWallTime);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &endCPUTime);
wallTime[i] = (endWallTime.tv_sec - beginWallTime.tv_sec) + (endWallTime.tv_nsec - beginWallTime.tv_nsec)*1e-9;
cpuTime[i] = (endCPUTime.tv_sec - beginCPUTime.tv_sec) + (endCPUTime.tv_nsec - beginCPUTime.tv_nsec)*1e-9;
std::cout << i << " | " << wallTime[i] << " | " << cpuTime[i] << std::endl;
return 0;
Final Thoughts
We understand that:
If the ratio == number of CPUs used, they are saturated and there is no waiting time.
If the ratio < number of CPUs used, it means that there is some waiting time (theoretically we should only be using 1 CPU, although in practice we use more).
Of course, we can give more details.
Thanks a lot for your help!
Your function will near certainly be optimized away so you are just measuring how long it takes to read the clocks. And as you can see that doesn't take very long with some exceptions:
The very first time you run the code (unless you just compiled it) the pages need to be loaded from disk. If you are unlucky the code spans pages and you include the loading of the next page in the measured time. Quite unlikely given the code size.
The first loop the code and any data needs to be loaded into cache. So that takes longer to execute. The branch predictor might also need a few loops to predict the loop right so the second, third loop might be slightly longer too.
For everything else I think you can blame scheduling:
an IRQ happens but nothing gets rescheduled
the process gets paused while another process runs
the process gets moved to another CPU thread leaving the caches hot
the process gets moved to another CPU core making L1 cache cold but leaving L2/L3 caches hot (if your L2 is shared)
the process gets moved to a CPU on another socket making L1/L2 caches cold but L3 cache hot (if L3 is shared)
You can do little about IRQs. Some you can fix to specific cores but others are just essential (like the timer interrupt for the scheduler itself). You kind of just have to live with that.
But you can fix your program to a specific CPU and you can fix everything else to all the other cores. Basically reserving the core for the real-time code. I guess you would have to use cgroups for this, to keep everything else off the chosen core. And you might still get some kernel threads run on the reserved core. Nothing you can do about that. But that should eliminate most of the large execution times.

Why does this delay-loop start to run faster after several iterations with no sleep?

#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int times = 1000;
const int N = 100000;
void run() {
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
int main() {
clock_t main_start = clock();
for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) {
clock_t start = clock();
cout << "cost: " << (clock() - start) / 1000.0 << " ms." << endl;
cout << "total cost: " << (clock() - main_start) / 1000.0 << " ms." << endl;
Here is the example code. In the first 26 iterations of the timing loop, the run function costs about 0.4 ms, but then the cost reduces to 0.2 ms.
When the usleep is uncommented, the delay-loop takes 0.4 ms for all runs, never speeding up. Why?
The code is compiled with g++ -O0 (no optimization), so the delay loop isn't optimized away. It's run on Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3220 CPU # 3.30 GHz, with 3.13.0-32-generic Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS (Trusty Tahr).
After 26 iterations, Linux ramps the CPU up to the maximum clock speed since your process uses its full time slice a couple of times in a row.
If you checked with performance counters instead of wall-clock time, you'd see that the core clock cycles per delay-loop stayed constant, confirming that it's just an effect of DVFS (which all modern CPUs use to run at a more energy-efficient frequency and voltage most of the time).
If you tested on a Skylake with kernel support for the new power-management mode (where the hardware takes full control of the clock speed), ramp-up would happen much faster.
If you leave it running for a while on an Intel CPU with Turbo, you'll probably see the time per iteration increase again slightly once thermal limits require the clock speed to reduce back down to the maximum sustained frequency. (See Why can't my CPU maintain peak performance in HPC for more about Turbo letting the CPU run faster than it can sustain for high-power workloads.)
Introducing a usleep prevents Linux's CPU frequency governor from ramping up the clock speed, because the process isn't generating 100% load even at minimum frequency. (I.e. the kernel's heuristic decides that the CPU is running fast enough for the workload that's running on it.)
comments on other theories:
re: David's theory that a potential context switch from usleep could pollute caches: That's not a bad idea in general, but it doesn't help explain this code.
Cache / TLB pollution isn't important at all for this experiment. There's basically nothing inside the timing window that touches memory other than the end of the stack. Most of the time is spent in a tiny loop (1 line of instruction cache) that only touches one int of stack memory. Any potential cache pollution during usleep is a tiny fraction of the time for this code (real code will be different)!
In more detail for x86:
The call to clock() itself might cache-miss, but a code-fetch cache miss delays the starting-time measurement, rather than being part of what's measured. The second call to clock() will almost never be delayed, because it should still be hot in cache.
The run function may be in a different cache line from main (since gcc marks main as "cold", so it gets optimized less and placed with other cold functions/data). We can expect one or two instruction-cache misses. They're probably still in the same 4k page, though, so main will have triggered the potential TLB miss before entering the timed region of the program.
gcc -O0 will compile the OP's code to something like this (Godbolt Compiler explorer): keeping the loop counter in memory on the stack.
The empty loop keeps the loop counter in stack memory, so on a typical Intel x86 CPU the loop runs at one iteration per ~6 cycles on the OP's IvyBridge CPU, thanks to the store-forwarding latency that's part of add with a memory destination (read-modify-write). 100k iterations * 6 cycles/iteration is 600k cycles, which dominates the contribution of at most a couple cache misses (~200 cycles each for code-fetch misses which prevent further instructions from issuing until they're resolved).
Out-of-order execution and store-forwarding should mostly hide the potential cache miss on accessing the stack (as part of the call instruction).
Even if the loop-counter was kept in a register, 100k cycles is a lot.
A call to usleep may or may not result in a context switch. If it does, it will take longer than if it doesn't.

Measuing CPU clock speed

I am trying to measure the speed of the CPU.I am not sure how much my method is accurate. Basicly, I tried an empty for loop with values like UINT_MAX but the program terminated quickly so I tried UINT_MAX * 3 and so on...
Then I realized that the compiler is optimizing away the loop, so I added a volatile variable to prevent optimization. The following program takes 1.5 seconds approximately to finish. I want to know how accurate is this algorithm for measuring the clock speed. Also,how do I know how many core's are being involved in the process?
#include <iostream>
#include <limits.h>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
int main(void)
volatile int v_obj = 0;
unsigned long A, B = 0, C = UINT32_MAX;
clock_t t1, t2;
t1 = clock();
for (A = 0; A < C; A++) {
t2 = clock();
std::cout << (double)(t2 - t1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << std::endl;
double t = (double)(t2 - t1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
unsigned long clock_speed = (unsigned long)(C / t);
std::cout << "Clock speed : " << clock_speed << std::endl;
return 0;
This doesn't measure clock speed at all, it measures how many loop iterations can be done per second. There's no rule that says one iteration will run per clock cycle. It may be the case, and you may have actually found it to be the case - certainly with optimized code and a reasonable CPU, a useless loop shouldn't run much slower than that. It could run at half speed though, some processors are not able to retire more than 1 taken branch every 2 cycles. And on esoteric targets, all bets are off.
So no, this doesn't measure clock cycles, except accidentally. In general it's extremely hard to get an empirical clock speed (you can ask your OS what it thinks the maximum clock speed and current clock speed are, see below), because
If you measure how much wall clock time a loop takes, you must know (at least approximately) the number of cycles per iteration. That's a bad enough problem in assembly, requiring fairly detailed knowledge of the expected microarchitectures (maybe a long chain of dependent instructions that each could only reasonably take 1 cycle, like add eax, 1? a long enough chain that differences in the test/branch throughput become small enough to ignore), so obviously anything you do there is not portable and will have assumptions built into it may become false (actually there is an other answer on SO that does this and assumes that addps has a latency of 3, which it doesn't anymore on Skylake, and didn't have on old AMDs). In C? Give up now. The compiler might be rolling some random code generator, and relying on it to be reasonable is like doing the same with a bear. Guessing the number of cycles per iteration of code you neither control nor even know is just folly. If it's just on your own machine you can check the code, but then you could just check the clock speed manually too so..
If you measure the number of clock cycles elapsed in a given amount of wall clock time.. but this is tricky. Because rdtsc doesn't measure clock cycles (not anymore), and nothing else gets any closer. You can measure something, but with frequency scaling and turbo, it generally won't be actual clock cycles. You can get actual clock cycles from a performance counter, but you can't do that from user mode. Obviously any way you try to do this is not portable, because you can't portably ask for the number of elapsed clock cycles.
So if you're doing this for actual information and not just to mess around, you should probably just ask the OS. For Windows, query WMI for CurrentClockSpeed or MaxClockSpeed, whichever one you want. On Linux there's stuff in /proc/cpuinfo. Still not portable, but then, no solution is.
As for
how do I know how many core's are being involved in the process?
1. Of course your thread may migrate between cores, but since you only have one thread, it's on only one core at any time.
A good optimizer may remove the loop, since
for (A = 0; A < C; A++) {
has the same effect on the program state as;
A = C;
So the optimizer is entirely free to unwind your loop.
So you cannot measure CPU speed this way as it depends on the compiler as much as it does on the computer (not to mention the variable clock speed and multicore architecture already mentioned)

Multithread superlinear performance implementation with CPU boost mode consideration

I am studying the class in C++11 by using MinGW 4.8.1 lib on WIN7 64bit OS.
The CPU is ARK | Intel® Core™ i7-820QM Processor, which has four physical cores with 8M cache and supports maximum eight threads. This CPU has base operation frequency at 1.73 GHz if four cores are used simultaneously and can be boosted to 3.08 GHz if only one core is used.
The main target of my studying is that I am going to implement a Multithread test program to demonstrate super-linear performance increases as the number of the thread increases.
Here, the SUPER-linear term means exactly 4 speedup times (maybe 3.8 times acceptable) when employing four threads compared to single thread, not 3.2 or 3.5 times.
The codes and results are pasted here,
inline void count(int workNum) // some working to do .
//These codes are extracted from a real application except that the count function do some "meaningful" job and
//these codes have identical speedup ratio as my real application.
int s=0;
for(int i=0;i<workNum;++i)
inline void devide(int numThread) // create multiThreads [1,7] to do same amount task
int max = 100000000;
typedef std::vector<std::thread> threadList;
threadList list;
for(int i=1;i<=numThread;++i){
inline void thread_efficiency_load() // to start test
for(int i=7;i>0;--i)
std::cout<< "*****************************************" << std::endl;
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> start, end;
start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
devide(i); // this is the work load to be measured, which i is the number of thread
end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
std::chrono::duration<double> elapsed_seconds = end-start;
std::cout << "thread num=#" << i << " time=" << elapsed_seconds.count() << std::endl;
The output is:
The time unit is seconds,
thread num=#7 time=0.101006
thread num=#6 time=0.0950055
thread num=#5 time=0.0910052
thread num=#4 time=0.0910052
thread num=#3 time=0.102006
thread num=#2 time=0.127007
thread num=#1 time=0.229013
This is very clear that I do not obtain a super-linear performance increases as the number of thread increases. I would like to know why I do not get it. Why ? Why ? Why ?
Some basic things from my mind,
Due to the fact that there are only 4 physical cores, so the maximum speedup should show up when there are four active threads (more threads does not really help a lot). There are only 2.4 times speed up by using four cores compared to the single, where 4 times speed-up is expected. I hope the above implementation does block the 4 times speed-up due to memory issue (cache paging) because all variables are local variables.
By considering the CPU boost mode, the CPU increases operating frequency to 3.07 GHz when there is only one core busy, where is a ratio of 1.7 ( base operating frequency of cores is 1.79 GHz), 2.4 * 1.7 is about 4 as excepted, does it really mean that 2.4 time speedup is the maximum speedup can be made compared to the boost single thread mode.
I will be very appreciated that you can answer,
1) In the above implementation, are there some variables located on the same cache line, which results a lot of paging between multithread to reduce the performance ?
2) How to modify the above codes to achieve super-linear performance (4 times speedup compared to the single thread) as the number of the threads increases ?
Thank you very much for your help.
Just as a warning up front: arguing about actual performance numbers of a multithreaded Program on a modern x86/x64 system without a RTOS is always a lot of speculation - there are just too many layers between your c/c++ code and the actual operations performed on the processor.
As a rough upper bound estimation, yes, for a ALU(not memory)-bound workload you won't get much more than a 1.73*4 / 3.08 = 2.24 times speedup factor for 4 threads on 4 cores vs 1 thread on one core even in the ideal case. Aside from that, I' argue that your tests "workload" is too small to get meaningfull test results. As mentioned in the comments, a compiler would be allowed to completely replace your workload function with a NOP operation leaving you only with the overhead of creating and joining the threads and your measurement (although I don't think that happened here).

Why is the CPU time different with every execution of this program?

I have a hard time understanding processor time. The result of this program:
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
// the function f() does some time-consuming work
void f()
volatile long double d;
int size = 10000;
for(int n=0; n<size; ++n)
for(int m=0; m<size; ++m)
d = n*m;
int main()
std::clock_t start = std::clock();
std::clock_t end = std::clock();
std::cout << "CPU time used: "
<< (end - start)
<< "\n";
Seems to randomly fluctuate between 210 000, 220 000 and 230 000. At first I was amazed, why these discrete values. Then I found out that std::clock() returns only approximate processor time. So probably the value returned by std::clock() is rounded to a multiple of 10 000. This would also explain why the maximum difference between the CPU times is 20 000 (10 000 == rounding error by the first call to std::clock() and 10 000 by the second).
But if I change to int size = 40000; in the body of f(), I get fluctuations in the ranges of 3 400 000 to 3 500 000 which cannot be explained by rounding.
From what I read about the clock rate, on Wikipedia:
The CPU requires a fixed number of clock ticks (or clock cycles) to
execute each instruction. The faster the clock, the more instructions
the CPU can execute per second.
That is, if the program is deterministic (which I hope mine is), the CPU time needed to finish should be:
Always the same
Slightly higher than the number of instructions carried out
My experiments show neither, since my program needs to carry out at least 3 * size * size instructions. Could you please explain what I am doing wrong?
First, the statement you quote from Wikipedia is simply false.
It might have been true 20 years ago (but not always, even
then), but it is totally false today. There are many things
which can affect your timings:
The first: if you're running on Windows, clock is broken,
and totally unreliable. It returns the difference in elapsed
time, not CPU time. And elapsed time depends on all sorts of
other things the processor might be doing.
Beyond that: things like cache misses have a very significant
impact on time. And whether a particular piece of data is in
the cache or not can depend on whether your program was
interrupted between the last access and this one.
In general, anything less than 10% can easily be due to the
caching issues. And I've seen differences of a factor of 10
under Windows, depending on whether there was a build running or
You don't state what hardware you're running the binary on.
Does it have an interrupt driven CPU ?
Is it a multitasking operating system ?
You're mistaking the cycle time of the CPU (the CPU clock as Wikipedia refers to) with the time it takes to execute a particular piece of code from start to end and all the other stuff the poor CPU has to do at the same time.
Also ... is all your executing code in level 1 cache, or is some in level 2 or in main memory, or on disk ... what about the next time you run it ?
Your program is not deterministic, because it uses library and system functions which are not deterministic.
As a particular example, when you allocate memory this is virtual memory, which must be mapped to physical memory. Although this is a system call, running kernel code, it takes place on your thread and will count against your clock time. How long it takes to do this will depend on what the overall memory allocation situation is.
The CPU time is indeed "fixed" for a given set of circumstances. However, in a modern computer, there are other things happening in the system, which interferes with the execution of your code. It may be that caches are being wiped out when your email software wakes up to check if there is any new emails for you, or when the HP printer software checks for updates, or when the antivirus software decides to run for a little bit checking if your memory contains any viruses, etc, etc, etc, etc.
Part of this is also caused by the problem that CPU time accounting in any system is not 100% accurate - it works on "clock-ticks" and similar things, so the time used by for example an interrupt to service a network packet coming in, or the hard disk servicing interrupt, or the timer interrupt to say "another millisecond ticked by" these all account into "the currently running process". Assuming this is Windows, there is a further "feature", and that is that for historical and other reasons, std::clock() simply returns the time now, not actually the time used by your process. So for exampple:
t = clock();
cin >> x;
t = clock() - t;
would leave t with a time of 10 seconds if it took ten seconds to input the value of x, even though 9.999 of those ten seconds were spent in the idle process, not your program.