I am working on a procedurally generated terrain simulator using the marching cubes algorithm and simplex noise. The problem with my current program is that it assigns a value to each vertex and generates triangles one at a time. After doing some research, I decided that using Compute Shaders(One for assigning values to each vertex using simplex noise, and one for creating the triangle mesh) will significantly increase the performance. I have a very basic idea as to how I want the shader to interact with my program but I have no clue how to make it.
UseNoiseComputeShader();//get output of ComputeShader.
output = noiseOutput;
UseMeshComputeShader(output);//get output of ComputeShader.
float[] vertices = outputMesh;
//output vertices to VAO and draw
I have seen some people use Compute Shaders for similar projects online but they were using Unity and HLSL so I was wondering if it was at all possible using OpenGL and GLSL.
In general a compute shader writes to an Image or Shader Storage Buffer Object.
An image can be read and written by image load and store:
layout(rgba32f, binding = 1) readonly uniform image2D img_input;
layout(rgba32f, binding = 2) writeonly uniform image2D img_output;
void main()
ivec2 coord = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy);
vec4 color = imageLoad(img_input, coord);
imageStore(img_output, coord, color);
To a Shader Storage Buffer Object can be written by assignment or Atomic operations
So I have a Compute Shader that is supposed to take a texture and copy it over to another texture with slight modifications. I have confirmed that the textures are bound and that data can be written using RenderDoc which is a debugging tool for graphics. The issue I have is that inside the shader the variable gl_GlobalInvocationID, which is created by OpenGL, does not seem to work properly.
Here is my call of the compute shader: (The texture height is 480)
glDispatchCompute(1, this->m_texture_height, 1); //Call upon shader
And then we have my compute shader here:
#version 440
#extension GL_ARB_compute_shader : enable
#extension GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store : enable
layout (rgba8, binding=0) uniform image2D texture_source0;
layout (rgba8, binding=1) uniform image2D texture_target0;
layout (local_size_x=640 , local_size_y=1 , local_size_z=1) in; //Local work-group size
void main() {
ivec2 txlPos; //A variable keeping track of where on the texture current texel is from
vec4 result; //A variable to store color
txlPos = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy);
//txlPos = ivec2( (gl_WorkGroupID * gl_WorkGroupSize + gl_LocalInvocationID).xy );
result = imageLoad(texture_source0, txlPos); //Get color value
result = vec4(txlPos, 0.0, 1.0);
imageStore(texture_target0, txlPos, result); //Save color in target texture
When I run this the target texture becomes entirely yellow, save for a 1pxl thick green line along the left border and a 1pxl thick red line along the bottom border. My expectation is to see some sort of gradient given that a save txlPos as a colour value.
Am I somehow defining my work-groups wrong? I've tried splitting the gl_GlobalInvokationID up into its components but not managed to get any wiser fiddling with them.
A 8-bit floating point texture can only store values between 0 and 1. Since gl_GlobalInvocationID is in most cases larger than 1, it get's clamped to the maximum value of 1 which makes the texture yellow.
If you want to create a gradient in both directions, then you have to make sure that the values stored start at 0 and end at 1. One possiblity is to divide by the maximum:
result = vec4(vec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy) / vec2(640, 480), 0, 1);
I am trying to render 2 textures in OpenGL 3.
I created two arrays of vertices of GLfloat type,generated and bound the buffers etc.
Note: The texture loading function is working fine,I have already loaded a texture before, now I just need 2 textures rendered at the same time.
Then I load my textures like this:
GLuint grass = texture.loadTexture("grass.bmp");
GLuint grassLoc = glGetUniformLocation(programID, "grassSampler");
glUniform1i(grassLoc, 0);
GLuint crate = texture.loadTexture("crate.bmp");
GLuint crateLoc = glGetUniformLocation(programID, "crateSampler");
glUniform1i(crateLoc, 1);
This is how I draw them:
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, grass);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, crate);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 2, 6);
Vertex shader:
#version 330 core
layout(location = 0) in vec3 grassPosition;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 grassUvPosition;
layout(location = 2) in vec3 cratePosition;
layout(location = 3) in vec2 crateUvPosition;
out vec2 grassUV;
out vec2 crateUV;
uniform mat4 MVP;
void main(){
gl_Position = MVP * vec4(grassPosition,1);
gl_Position = MVP * vec4(cratePosition,1);
grassUV = grassUvPosition;
crateUV = crateUvPosition;
Fragment shader:
#version 330 core
in vec2 grassUV;
in vec2 crateUV;
out vec3 grassColor;
out vec3 crateColor;
uniform sampler2D grassSampler;
uniform sampler2D crateSampler;
void main(){
crateColor = texture(grassSampler, grassUV).rgb;
grassColor = texture(crateSampler, crateUV).rgb;
Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?
I am trying to render 2 different textures on 2 different VAOs
You're kinda doing everything wrong; it's hard to pick out one thing.
Your shaders look like they're tying to take two positions and two texture coordinates, presumably generate two triangles, then sample from two textures and write colors to two different images.
That's not how it works. Unless you use a geometry shader (and please do not take that as an endorsement), your call to glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6); will render exactly 2 triangles, no matter what your VS or FS's say.
A vertex has only one position. Writing to gl_Position twice will simply overwrite the previous value, just like writing to any variable twice in C++ would. And the number of triangles to be rendered is defined by the number of vertices. A vertex shader cannot create vertices. It can't even destroy them (though, through gl_CullDistance, it can potentially cull whole primitives).
It is not clear what you mean by "I just need 2 textures rendered at the same time." Or more to the point, what "at the same time" refers to. I don't know what your code ought to be trying to do.
Given the data your vertex shader expects, it looks like you have two separate sets of triangles, with their own positions and texture coordinates. You want to render one set of triangles with one texture, then render another set with a different texture.
So... do that. Instead of having your VAOs send 2 positions and 2 texture coordinates, send just one. Your VS should also take one position/texcoord, and your FS should similarly take a single texture and write to a single output. The difference will be determined by what VAO is currently active and which texture is bound to texture unit 0 at the time you issue the render call.
If you truly intend to write to different output images, the way your FS suggests, then change FBOs between rendering as well.
If however, your goal is to have the same triangle use two textures with two mappings, writing separate results to two images, you can do that too. The difference is that you only provide a single position, and textures must be bound to both texture units 0 and 1 when you issue your rendering command.
I have a GL_TEXTURE_3D which is of size 16x16x6, it has been populated with floats in a compute shader and I am trying to sample it in the fragment shader.
To make it available to the fragment shader I have this code just before the draw call:
//Set the active texture and bind it
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_3D, textureID);
//Add the sampler uniform
glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(textureID, "TextureSampler"), 0);
Then in the fragment shader itself:
uniform sampler3D TextureSampler;
Then to test that the texture has come through correctly:
vec4 test = texture(TextureSampler, ivec3(0,0,0));
color = vec4(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0) * test.x; //or test.y, test.z, test.w
Based on this it looks like every texels value is (0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)
I can't work out why this is? I would expect at coords (0,0,0) for the value to be either (16.0,0.0,0.0,0.0) or (16.0,16.0,16.0,16.0) based on what I set them to in the compute shader
P.S. It might be worth noting that the values are being written to the texture correctly I check inbetween the compute and fragment shader calls using glGetTexImage()
I have written a fragment shader which i would like to change the color of the fragment. for example I would like if the color it receives is black then it should change it to a blue.
This is the shader that I am using:
uniform sampler2D mytex;
layout (pixel_center_integer) in vec4 gl_FragCoord;
uniform sampler2D texture1;
void main ()
ivec2 screenpos = ivec2 (gl_FragCoord.xy);
vec4 color = texelFetch (mytex, screenpos, 0);
if (color == vec4 (0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)) {
color = (0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
gl_FragColor = texture2D (texture1, gl_TexCoord[0].st);
And here is the log that I am getting from it:
WARNING: -1:65535: 'GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location' : extension is not available in current GLSL version
WARNING: 0:1: 'texelFetch' : function is not available in current GLSL version
I am aware of the warning- but shouldn't it compile anyways?
The shader is not doing what i would like it to do, can someone explain why?
For one thing, you are using functions that are not available in your GLSL implementation. The result of calling these will be undefined.
However, the kicker here is that gl_FragColor has absolutely NOTHING to do with the value of color in this shader. So even if your texelFetch (...) logic actually did work correctly, changing the value of color does nothing to the final output. A smart compiler will see this as a no-op and effectively strip your shader down to this:
uniform sampler2D texture1;
void main ()
gl_FragColor = texture2D (texture1, gl_TexCoord[0].st);
If that were not enough, texelFetch (...) is completely unnecessary in this shader. If you want to lookup the texel that corresponds to the current fragment in your shader and the texture has the same dimensions as the viewport you are drawing into you can actually use texture2D (texture1, gl_FragCoord.xy); This is because the default behaviour in GLSL is to have gl_FragCoord supply the coordinate of the fragment's center (x+0.5, y+0.5) - this is also the center of the corresponding texel in your texture (if it is the same resolution), so you can do a traditional texture lookup without worrying that texture filtering will alter your sampled result.
texelFetch (...) lets you fetch an explicit texel in a texture without using normalized coordinates, it is sort of like a "grownup" rectangle texture :) It is generally useful if you are using a multisample texture and want a specific sample, or if you want to bypass texture filtering (which includes mipmap level selection). In this case, it is not needed at all.
This is probably what you really want (OpenGL 3.2):
#version 150
uniform sampler2D mytex;
uniform sampler2D texture1;
layout (location=0) out vec4 frag_color;
layout (location=1) out vec4 mytex_color;
void main ()
mytex_color = texture2D (mytex, gl_FragCoord.xy);
// This is not black->blue like you explained in your question...
// ... This is generally opaque->transparent, assuming 4th component = alpha
if (mytex_color == vec4 (0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)) {
mytex_color = vec4 (0.0);
frag_color = texture2D (texture1, gl_TexCoord[0].st);
In older GLSL versions, you will have to use glBindFragDataLocation (...) and set the data locations manually or use gl_FragData[n] instead of out variables.
Now the real problem here is that you seem to be wanting to change the color of the texture you are sampling from. That will not work, at best you will have to use two fragment data outputs. Writing into the same texture you are sampling from can be done under some very controlled circumstances, but generally what you would do is ping-pong between textures. In other words, you would fetch from one texture, write to another texture and all subsequent render passes that reference to the original texture should be swapped with the one you just wrote to.
See "Fragment Data Location" for more information on Multiple Render Target drawing.
I am filling a 2D texture with GLubyte from floating point values of R (real numbers) mapped to (0,1) and multiplied by 255 giving values (0, 255). Saving is as GL_R8 as I only need 1 value from the texture. This can for example represent a mathematical function.
I also upload a 1d texture to work as a colormap/colorbar. I then sample from the 1D texture based on the values from my 2D texture.
This is how my fragment shaders works:
#version 400
in vec2 f_textureCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 FragColor;
uniform sampler2D textureData;
uniform sampler1D colorBar;
void main() {
/* Values in the sampler are on (0, 1) * 255 => (0, 255) */
vec3 texColor = texture2D(textureData, f_textureCoord).rgb;
float s = texColor.r;
/* Use the texture value as a coordinate in the 1D colorbar texture */
vec3 color = texture1D(colorBar, s).rgb;
float val = color.r;
FragColor = vec4(val, val, val, 1);
Using this I get the following error:
glValidateProgram: Validation Error: Samplers of different types point
to the same texture unit
However, my code works as expected, at least the rendering result!
My questions are:
1) Why do I get this error/warning? --- Answered in comments...
2) Is this the correct approach to what I am trying to do? Should I use another form of buffer instead of saving my function values in a 2D texture?
3) I assume that I will run into problems when my math function (filling the 2D texture) exceeds some texture size limit. Any recommendations on how I should proceed to work around this?
1.) Call glValidateProgram before your glDraw* command to check if you set up uniform and attribute locations correctly. So the wrong warning is issued because both sampler texture units are still zero after program linking.
2.) If this is about displaying the results of you function using a color index, it's ok.
If I understand it right textureData contains only grey values. If you need only one color component from the texture, you should write
float s = texture2D(textureData, f_textureCoord).r;
3.) If you need to display more data than you can put into a single texture, you will have to use tiling (i.e split the data in several textures and do several draws).
glValidateProgram is for detecting if the program can be used to render with the current OpenGL state. This includes things like the current bindings for textures, uniform buffers, and any other things that textures directly access (draw buffers and vertex attributes are not part of this list).