Export Data from BigQuery to Google Cloud SQL using Create Job From SQL tab in DataFlow - google-cloud-platform

I am working on a project which crunching data and doing a lot of processing. So I chose to work with BigQuery as it has good support to run analytical queries. However, the final result that is computed is stored in a table that has to power my webpage (used as a Transactional/OLTP). My understanding is, BigQuery is not suitable for transactional queries. I was looking more into other alternatives and I realized I can use DataFlow to do analytical processing and move the data to Cloud SQL (relationalDb fits my purpose).
However, It seems, it's not as straightforward as it seems. First I have to create a pipeline to move the data to the GCP bucket and then move it to Cloud SQL.
Is there a better way to manage it? Can I use "Create Job from SQL" in the dataflow to do it? I haven't found any examples which use "Create Job From SQL" to process and move data to GCP Cloud SQL.
Consider a simple example on Robinhood:
Compute the user's returns by looking at his portfolio and show the graph with the returns for every month.

There are other options, beside pipeline use, but in all cases you cannot export table data to a local file, to Sheets, or to Drive. The only supported export location is Cloud Storage, as stated on the Exporting table data documentation page.


Data validation in Google Cloud - BigQuery

I want to validate the data that is exported from Y42 to BigQuery in Google Cloud (e.g. given a predefined schema, I want to check whether all columns appear in the data, the ranges of the values, etc.).
I created a Python script that validates the data that comes in a CSV file. However, I do not know how to run the script before exporting the data to Google Cloud. I can create a VM instance in Google Cloud and run a Python script there, but I don't know how to use the data that is stored in Google Cloud in my script. Can anyone give me any hints regarding this issue?
I investigated whether there are any other ways to validate data directly in Google Cloud, but I did not find anything. Is someone aware of any data validation methods in Google Cloud?
What I usually do, I import the data in BigQuery (in a temporary table to not break my clean prod table) and I run a query on it. That query perform all the checks that I want.
If the query return lines, those lines are in error, the others are OK. Then I merge the valid data in the clean prod table, and the bad data in a log table for further analysis.
All that sequence is orchestrated with Cloud Workflow.

Speed up BigQuery query job to import from Cloud SQL

I am performing a query to generate a new BigQuery table of of size ~1 Tb (a few billion rows), as part of migrating a Cloud SQL table to BigQuery, using Federated query. I use the BigQuery Python client to submit the query job, in the query I select all from the the Cloud SQL database table and use EXTERNAL_QUERY.
I find that the query can take 6+ hours (and fails with "Operation timed out after 6.0 hour")! Even if it didn't fail, I would like to speed it up as I may need to perform this migration again.
I see that the PostgreSQL egress is 20Mb/sec, consistent with a job that would take half a day. Would it help if I consider something more distributed with Dataflow? Or simpler, extend my Python code using the BigQuery client to generate multiple queries, which can run async by BigQuery?
Or is it possible to still use that single query but increase the egress traffic (database configuration)?
I think it is more suitable to use the dump export.
Running a query on large table is an inefficient job.
I recommend to export Cloud SQL data to a CSV file.
BigQuery can import CSV format file, So you can use this file to create your new bigQuery table.
I'm not sure of how long this job will takes, But at least will not be failed.
Refer here to get more detailed job about export Cloud SQL to CSV dump.

How to update data in google cloud storage/bigquery for google data studio?

For context, we would like to visualize our data in google data studio - this dataset receives more entries each week. I have tried hosting our data sets in google drive, but it seems that they're too large and this slows down google data studio (the file is only 50 mb, am I doing something wrong?).
I have loaded our data into google cloud storage --> google bigquery, and connected my google data studio to my bigquery table. This has allowed me to use the google data studio dashboard much quicker!
I'm not sure what is the best way to update our data weekly in google cloud/bigquery. I have found a slow way to do this by uploading the new weekly data to google cloud, then appending the data to my table manually in bigquery, but I'm wondering if there's a better way to do this (or at least a more automated way)?
I'm open to any suggestions, and if you think that bigquery/google cloud storage is not the answer for me, please let me know!
If I understand your question correctly, you want to automate the query that populate your table, which is connected to Data Studio.
If this is the case, then you can use Scheduled Query from BigQuery. Scheduled query allow you to define a query which results can be inserted in a new table. Particularly you can specify different rules for repetition (minimum each 15 minutes) and execution, as well as destination writing options (destination table, writing mode: append, truncate).
In order to use Scheduled Queries your account must have the right permissions. You can have a look at the following documentation to better understand how to use Scheduled Query [1].
Also, please note that at the front end the updated data in the BigQuery table will be seen updated in Datastudio at each refresh (click on refresh button in Datastudio). To automatically refresh the front-end visualization you can use the following plugin [2] or automate the click on the refresh button through Browser console commands.
[1] https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/scheduling-queries
[2] https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/data-studio-auto-refresh/inkgahcdacjcejipadnndepfllmbgoag?hl=en

What are the pros and cons of loading data directly into Google BigQuery vs going through Cloud Storage first?

Also, is there anything wrong with doing transforms/joins directly within BigQuery? I'd like to minimize the number of components and steps involved for a data warehouse I'm setting up (simple transaction and inventory data for a chain of retail stores.)
Well, if you go through GCS it means you are not streaming your data, and loading from file to BQ is free, and files can be up to 5TB in size. Which is sometimes and advantage, the large file capability and being free. Also streamin is realtime, and going through GCS means it's not realtime.
If you want to directly stream data into BQ tables that has a cost. Currently the price for streaming is $0.01 per 200 MB (June 2018), so around $50 for 1TB.
On the other hand, transformation can be done with SQL if you can express the task. Otherwise you have plenty of options, people most of the time us a Dataflow to transform things. See the linked tutorial for an advanced example.
Look also into
Cloud Dataprep - Data Preparation and Data Cleansing and
Google Data Studio: Easily Build Custom Reports and Dashboards
Also an advanced example:
Performing ETL from a Relational Database into BigQuery
Loading data via Cloud Storage is the fastest (and the cheapest) way.
Loading directly can be done via app (using streaming insert which add some additional cost)
For the doing transformation - if what are you plan/need to do can be done in BigQuery - you should do it in BigQuery :) - it is the best and fastest way of doing ETL.
But you should take in account cost of running query (if you not paying Google for slots - it could be 5$ per 1TB scans)
Another good options for complex ETL is using Data Flow - but it can became expensive very quick - in exchange of more flexibility.

How can i see metadata, lineage of data stored in AWS redshift?

I am using solutions like cloudera navigator, atlas and Wherehows
to get Hadoop, HDFS, HIVE, SQOOP, MAPREDUCE metadata and lineage.
Now we have a data warehouse in AWS redshift as well. Is there a way to extract metadata or lineage or both information out of redshift.
So far i have not found anything on this.
Is there a way to integrate the same to wherehows as a crawled solution?
I found only one post which gives some information about how to get some information from redshift assuming it will be similar to postgresql. I am sure someone would have written some open source solution to this problem.
Or is it just matter of writing a simple single script to extract this information?
I am looking for a enterprise level solution. I hope someone will point me in right direction.
AWS Glue Data catalog is a fully managed metadata management service.It has AWS Glue crawler which automatically crawls through your source(for you its redshift) and creates a centralized metadata repository which can be accessed by other AWS services.
You can access metadata by querying the system tables in Redshift:
The system tables are on the leader node in each cluster (see this guide on the Redshift Architecture that I wrote)
Redshift deletes the content of the system tables on a rolling basis, so you need to store that data in your cluster, or another separate cluster, to get a history. With the data in the system tables, you have a baseline of information about your queries and what tables they are touching.
You can put a dashboard like Kibana or Periscope Data on top of that data to visualize it. Plaid has done a write-up of how they've built an in-house monitoring solution that has some information about data lineage:
But go get true data lineage, you need to understand how queries relate to your workflows, i.e. for an Airflow DAG. To get that information, you need to "tag" your queries so you can trace them in the context of transformations / workflows, vs. looking at the individual query.
This is something we've built into our product - heads up that it's a commercial solution:
Unlike the raw logs from the system tables, we give you the context of what apps / workflows are triggering queries, which users are running them, and what tables they are touching.