Access/Substitute CreatePage outside of Gatsby-node.js - templates

I am creating a forum using Gatsby
I have develop a form that users can use to create threads to add to the forum in a page called create.js which which sends the data to an external DB.
Once, the user has submitted the thread, I want to create a new page using a template, normally I would use in Gatsby-node.js; according to the Gatsby Docs Gatsby-node.js is only run once on deployment.
Is there another way that I can access CreatePage() outside of Gatsby-node.js or is there another function I am missing?
Ultimately I want the new page to available in the Gatsby application, without redeploying, after the user has created the necessary content.

The way Gatsby works is that all pages need to be generated at build time. You cannot add new pages without triggering a new build.
Gatsby is not a suitable platform for a forum since content changes hundreds or thousands of times a day. Gatsby is intended for content that changes infrequently such as blogs (which might update a few times a day).

I order to generate pages without using CreatePage in Gatsby-node.js, Gatsby advises to use #reach/Router and matchPage to extend the client application's router, we call this functionality (Client-only Routes)
more info here


Building a dynamic asynchronous filesystem in django: best practices

I am trying to rebuild our website in Django, and I am currently facing a series of rather difficult challenges for which I am not prepared. I was hoping to get some help in the matter.
The website I am building is an online archival platform for artists called Lekha. The core of Lekha is the dashboard page (which you can check out on this link, just sign in with the email and the password test if you have the patience).
On the dashboard page, users have access to a hierarchical filesystem that we would like to function like a desktop filesystem for ease of use. Users can use the filesystem to organize their 'artworks' into folders. These artworks themselves are a collection of media, along with the metadata of the artwork. To upload this media and fill in the metadata, users will use a form. If users want to edit an artwork's metadata, they can do so through an auto-populated form on the same page.
The issue that I am facing is that I am struggling to find an elegant way to make all of this happen without reloading the page. Users need to be able to add, delete, and rename folders in the filesystem without reloading the page (just like dropbox). They also need to be able to add 'artwork' database entries using a popup form, and edit 'artworks' they have created through an auto-populated form that is also served to them without reloading the page (as it is currently implemented on our existing dashboard page).
All of the Django tutorials I have seen delete items using a dedicated /delete/ page, but this would require reloading the page. Based on my research, the solution I am looking for has to do with asynchronous updating through AJAX.
I wanted to ask all the Django experts out there what the best way to go about this would be. Are there any best practices I should know about before going into this? We are building our website to be robust and scale well.
Are there any specific libraries for asynchronous stuff in Django that are best?
How do asynchronous websites scale if we have several users on them at the same time, and should I write the backend in any specific way to account for potential scaling issues?
What is the difference between ASGI and WSGI?
Are there tools that I can use such as htmx to make my life easier?

Custom Sitecore Microsite Resolver

We recently worked with a client to create a series of smaller sites that were composed of the same templates and components being developed for their main flagship site. These microsites needed to conform to a common layout but required the ability to have unique branding in the header as well as unique hostnames or domain names. Setting up a new site in Sitecore is a fairly straightforward process, typically – you create the new home node in the content tree then add a declaration to the web.config. In this particular scenario however, the client did not want to have to make a configuration update to deploy each new microsite – they simply wanted to create the content for it, publish it, and have it available to their audiences immediately.
I have gone through a link ( but found incomplete information.
The general approach to solve this requirement is to store the site definition data in the Sitecore database as a 'site definition' of some kind. You will then need a processor that will initialize the sites list after the file configs have been read and update site definitions or add to the list.
#jammykam pointed to the Dynamic Sites Manager as an example of this, so you may want to start there.
Since authors typically define these new sites after Sitecore start-up, you also will need some functionality (usually a ribbon button or publishing event handler) that will let you trigger an update of the current site list in application memory with the latest data.

Is there any way to administer multiple Django servers at once?

Short Version
Is there any tool that will let me use a single Django admin page to affect multiple Django installations on different servers?
Detailed Version
I've got a bunch of different servers, each with their own Django installation. This works great ... except when I want to do something via the Django admin to all of the servers, in which case I have to log on to each server separately.
For instance, let's say I have a release coming and a co-worker (who's not a programmer) wants to use the admin to make a "message" record about the release for the server's users to see. They have to log in to each server's admin individually, create the message record, then move on to the next server until they've gotten through all of them.
To get around this whenever I have a multi-server change I've been using Git; ie.:
I make a commit with files for the change
I push that commit
I pull that commit on all of the servers at once (using Fabric).
However, this too is sub-optimal, because we can't take advantage of the admin interface, and doing something as simple as adding a "new release coming" message requires an actual (mini-)release itself.
So, it seems to me the best way to handle this would be if there was some sort of meta-admin tool my co-worker could use to Django admin work on multiple servers at once. Does anything like that exist?

Tracking number of downloads in Django

I have a website where I allow people to download files, such as Powerpoint templates that they can reuse.
I added a column to the model that stores information and location of these files called 'Downloads' and in that column I'd like to use it as a counter to track how many times the file has been downloaded.
How would I go about this? Would it be a GET request on the page? Basically I just provide a link to the file and the download starts automatically, so not sure how to relay the fact that the link was clicked back to the model.
Many thanks :-)
If you create a view that handles the GET request you could put the updating code in that view. If your Django-app is not handling the uploading itself, you can create a view that simply redirects to the download link, after updating the counter in the database.
You have several ways to do this:
create a custom view, that "proxies" all files, while keeping track of downloads
create a middleware that does pretty much the same as above, filtering which requests to record
..but none of the above will be applicable if you want to count downloads of collected static files, that will be served directly by your http server, without passing through django. In this case, I'd retrieve the downloads count from the webserver logs; have a look if your webserver allows storing logs to database, otherwise I'd create a cron-running scripts that parses the logfiles and stores the count to a db, accessible from your django application.
Like redShadow said you can create a proxie view. This view could serve the files via mod_xsendfile (if you are using apache as webserver) and set a counter for the downloads.

How to host 50 domains/sites with common Django code base

I have 50 different websites that use the same layout and code base, but mostly non-overlapping data (regional support sites, not link farm). Is there a way to have a single installation of the code and run all 50 at the same time?
When I have a bug to fix (or deploy new feature), I want to deploy ONE time + 1 restart and be done with it.
Code needs to know what domain the request is coming to so the appropriate data is displayed.
The Sites framework comes to mind.
Apart from that we have Django running for multiple sites by symlinking Django to various docroots. Works like a charm, too.
I can see two quite distinct ways to do this:
Use one database and the sites framework. Every post/picture/whatever model is connected to a Site and you always filter on Site. This requires a separate settings file for every database.
Use one database for each and every site. This allows different users for every site, but requires duplication of everything that is stored in the database. It also requires a separate settings file pointing to the correct database.
Either way, you do not duplicate any code, only data.
If you need to do site-specific, or post-specific changes to ie. a template, you should read up on how Django loads templates. It allows you to specify a list, ie ["story_%d.html", "story_site_%d.html", "story.html"] and django will look for the templates in that order.
I just ran into this and ended up using a custom middleware class that:
Fetch the HTTP_HOST
Clean the HTTP_HOST (remove www, ports, etc.)
Look up domain in a Website table that's tied to each account.
Set the account instance on the HTTPRequest object.
The throughout my view code I do lookups based on the account stored in the HTTPRequest objects.
Hope that helps someone in the future.