Versions of Python & Spark to work with VS Code Notebooks - amazon-web-services

I'm developing scripts for AWS Glue, and trying to mimic development environment as close as possible to their specs here. Since it's a bit costly to run a Notebook server/development endpoint, I set everything up on local machine instead, develop scripts on VS Code Notebook, due to its usefulness.
There're some troubles with Notebook setup due to incompatible versions between installed Python & Spark.
For Python, I have gone through some harsh time to clean up, and its version is 3.8.3 now
For Spark, I use the manual method with version of 2.4.3, since I plan to use Scala alongside at later time. I install the findspark package to load that version as expected.
And it doesn't work! The error was TypeError: an integer is required (got type bytes)
I've searched around, and people said to downgrade to Python 3.7 using pyenv, and I got 3.7.7 installed but still had the same error
As a last resort, I tried pip install pyspark. it's Spark 3.0.0, and works fine, but not as expected.
Hope there's someone have experiences of this matter

A better approach would be to install the glue dependencies on docker then ssh into that docker container using VS code to mimic exact glue local dev environment.
I've written a blog about the same if you like to refer


Is it possible to use lambda layers with zappa?

I want to deploy my wagtail (which is a CMS based on django) project onto an AWS lambda function. The best option seems to be using zappa.
Wagtail needs opencv installed to support all the features.
As you might know, just running pip install opencv-python is not enough because opencv needs some os level packages to be installed. So before running pip install opencv-python one has to install some packages on the Amazon Linux in which the lambda environment is running. (yum install ...)
The only solution that came to my mind is using lambda layers to properly install opencv.
But I'm not sure whether it's possible to use lambda layers with projects deployed by zappa.
Any kind of help and sharing experiences would be really appreciated!
There is an open pull request that is ready to merge, but needs additional user testing.
The older project has a pull request that claims layer support has been merged
Feel free to try it out and let the maintainers know so documentation can be updated.

Node.JS native addons on LINUX [duplicate]

I'm using AWS Lambda, which involves creating an archive of my node.js script, including the node_modules folder and uploading that to their infrastructure to run.
This works fine, except when it comes to node modules with native bindings (using node-gyp). Because the binding was complied and project archived on my local computer (OS X), it is not compatible with AWS's (Amazon Linux) servers.
How can I cross-compile/install a node module (specifically, node-sqlite3) so when I upload it to another server arch it runs?
While not really a solution to your problem, a very easy workaround could be to simply compile the native addons on a Linux machine.
For your particular situation, I would use Vagrant. Vagrant can create virtual machines and configure them within seconds.
Find an OS image that resembles Amazon's Linux distro (Fedora, CentOS, others that use yum as package manager - see Wiki)
Use a simple configuration script that, when run by Vagrant on machine startup, will run npm install (optionally it might also remove the node_modules folder before to ensure a clean installation)
For extra comfort, the script can also create the zip file for deployment
Once the installation finishes, the script will shutdown the VM to avoid unnecessary consumption of system resources
It might require some tuning if the linked libraries are not at the same place on the target machine but generally this seems to me like the best and quickest solution.
While installing the app using Vagrant might be sufficient in some cases, I have found it necessary to build the app on Linux which is as close to Lambda's Amazon Linux AMI as possible.
You can read the original answer here:
Steps to make it work:
Spawn new EC2 instance. Make sure it is based on exactly the same image as your AWS Lambda runtime. You can review Lambda env details here: In our case, it was Amazon Linux AMI called amzn-ami-hvm-2015.03.0.x86_64-gp2.
Install nvm and use it to install the same version of Node.js as on the AWS Lambda. At the time of writing this, it was v0.10.36. You can refer to again to find out.
You will probably need to install git & g++ compiler on the EC2. You can do this running
sudo yum install git gcc-c++
Finally, clone your app to your new EC2 and install your app's dependecies:
nvm use 0.10.36
npm install --production
You can then easily download the node_modules using scp or such.
Same lines as Robert's answer, when I had to work on my MAC in a different OS I use vm ware like Oracle's free virtualizer VirtualBox to get a linux on my mac, no cost to me. Or sign up for a new AWS account, you get a micro for a year free. Use that to get your linux box, do whatever you need there.
AWS has a page describing how to deal with native NPM modules:

AWS Elastic Beanstalk Python 3.7 Deployment Location

I'm trying to upgrade an existing application on AWS from the now deprecated Python 3.4 platform to 3.7 with Amazon Linux 2/3.0.1, and in the process I ran into an issue with where the application source code is deployed on the EC2 instance.
From some empirical testing, I found that instead of /opt/python/current/app directory that most if not all AWS documentations say (e.g Troubleshooting issues with the EB CLI - AWS Elastic Beanstalk), with Python 3.7 it is actually deployed in /var/app/current/. I wasn't able to find any documentation regarding this change, and it is causing some issues with the application. I'm wondering is there any reason that this change is made? And if it is possible to revert it, how to do so?
Thanks in advance!
This is because the 3.7 Python Elastic Beanstalk distribution uses Amazon Linux 2 which is fundamentally different from the AMI predecessor. If you opt to use Python 3.6 instead you should be able to avoid this issue, as it runs on the earlier Linux version where deployments still occur in /opt/var/app/current. Most tutorials I've found are designed to work with this older rollout, including the most up-to-date Amazon start guide.
If you have the time, try migrating your code to the newer version, as this seems to be the workflow Amazon is embracing going forward, for all newer versions of Python (such as 3.8 and others yet to come).

Trying Dask on AWS

I am a scientist who is exploring the use of Dask on Amazon Web Services. I have some experience with Dask, but none with AWS. I have a few large custom task graphs to execute, and a few colleagues who may want to do the same if I can show them how. I believe that I should be using Kubernetes with Helm because I fall into the "Try out Dask for the first time on a cloud-based system like Amazon, Google, or Microsoft Azure" category.
I also fall into the "Dynamically create a personal and ephemeral deployment for interactive use" category. Should I be trying native Dask-Kubernetes instead of Helm? It seems simpler, but it's hard to judge the trade-offs.
In either case, how do you provide Dask workers a uniform environment that includes your own Python packages (not on any package index)? The solution I've found suggests that packages need to be on a pip or conda index.
Thanks for any help!
Use Helm or Dask-Kubernetes ?
You can use either. Generally starting with Helm is simpler.
How to include custom packages
You can install custom software using pip or conda. They don't need to be on PyPI or the anaconda default channel. You can point pip or conda to other channels. Here is an example installing software using pip from github
pip install git+
For small custom files you can also use the Client.upload_file method.

How do I update my h2o version on AWS working with flow?

I installed h2o using the AMI on the marketplace. It installed 3.14, and I am trying to update the version to the latest stable one of so my co-workers can use flow. How can I best do this?
I have tried uninstalling using
pip install
And directly by SSH-ing into my instance via terminal. However, even if it says "successfully uninstalled", it seems to keep reverting to the version 3.14.
I suspect there is a script at startup that is reinstalling and loading 3.14, but I can't figure it out. Any help is appreciated.