Google Cloud run, Django and sqlite - django

I'm developing small single user applications in Django. Currently I do so with Heroku, which works just fine. I would like to deploy the application on Google Cloud run to have in the future a bit more flexibility.
In order to keep the overhead as small as possible I was considering using Sqlite. To keep persistency all I would need is a persistent volume, which could be achived via Google Cloud storage that is mounted into the docker container via gcsfuse. But here is the issue. I can't find a small Image with python and gcsfuse. I'm not a docker pro. Just getting started...
Any help is appreciated.

Google itself provides a HowTo Deploy a (simple) Django app to Google Cloud Run:
I myself as a Google Cloud rookie followed it step by step and it worked without any problems. By the way, I found that via the episode of the podcast Django Chat "Advanced Deployment" with Katie McLaughlin.
The HowTo use a Cloud SQL instance instead of Sqlite, but this seems to be a good choice:
„Generally speaking SQLite is not a good database choice for
professional websites. So while it is fine to use SQLite locally while
prototyping an idea, it is rare to actually use SQLite as the database
on a production project.“
William S. Vincent. „Django for Professionals, Chapter 2
Letting this apart it shouldn't be so hard to skip the Cloud SQL step and keep SQLite.


On Prem Application migration to the AWS

We are migrating some of our J2EE based application from on-prem to the AWS cloud. I am trying to find some good document on what steps to be considered for the App migration. Since we already have an AWS account, and some of the applications have been migrated earlier, I don't have to worry about those aspects.. However I am thinking more towards
- Which App-server to use?
- Do i need to migrate DB as well..or just the App?
- Any licensing requirements for app.. we use mostly Open source.. So that should be fine..
- Operational monitoring after migrating to cloud..
Came across some of these articles.
Migration Scenario: Migrating Web Applications to the AWS Cloud :
I would like to know If you have worked on this kind of work.. and If you point me to some helpful document/links.. or your pwn experience?
So theres 2 good resources I'd recommend for migration:
AWS Whitepaper for migration
AWS Well-Architected Framework.
The key is planning, but not being afraid to experiment. This is cloud so don't be afraid of setting an instance size in stone, you can easily change it.

Create a new GCP project from existing

I created a Project on GCP. It has a postgres database, a node Appengine web app, and some other stuff. Now I am developing the app, and when everything is set up and running nicely I'd like to clone this project somehow and create a staging and a production environment/project.
So my project now is called dev-awesomeapp. Can I somehow make a staging-awesomeapp for staging and a awesomeapp for production from my existing dev-awesomeapp?
Edit: there is an other question from 2017 that asks the same thing, but maybe it's possible now after 2,5 years?
You can't, but if you don't want to configure everything form the beginning each time, you can use "architecture as code" with tools like deployment manager or Terraform.
This could help you in replicating your infrastructure, moreover it can be really helpful in automating any architectural changes if you use it in a CI/CD pipeline, making your release phase quicker and more reliable :)

wagtail cms content deploy to production

I am study on the popular django cms framework - wagtail and coming to question: how do you deploy your developed contents - like pages/documents/images to production environments?
I am puzzled because these contents(like page) are saved into database, essentially they are just database tables rows but not a resource in git repo, so if I develope a simple web site in my dev and when I come to deploy to prod, it's not as simple as a git push. what is the best practice on this?
I read some codes from torchbox, there are some database dump and records pulling tasks using fabaric, not sure if that's the preferred way and neither can fully understand them.
Or if it's production site, is it supposed that everyone add content there and prod is the source of truth, there won't need of "content deployment" as all but only those schema changes via souths migration or other static resources only.
Please help if anyone has got experience on this and provide guidance.
On our (Torchbox) sites, all content entry usually happens on the production site, so we don't need to push any database content as part of our regular deployments. Many of our sites have tens or even hundreds of editors, so it would be almost impossible to synchronise the content across multiple installations of the site.
Whenever we need to transfer content from one installation to another (for example, deploying the production site for the first time, or pulling a snapshot of the live site to help with development), we use the Postgresql pg_dump command to make a SQL dump of the complete database, then restore it at the destination using the psql command. Tools like Fabric can be used to automate this, but this isn't essential.

Deploying first Django project on Amazon EC2 free tier

Finally the time has come and I'm ready to deploy my first django project.
I'm a newbie in web development stuff and now the real fun begins.
This is a low scale site for computer jobs.
I want to start with a free tier and grow from there as need emerges.
I've read some guides regarding django project deployment but could not find all answers.
so hope some guys here could help me out:
I've been thinking on getting Amazon EC2 free tier VPS, is this a good option?
my local development machine runs Ubuntu, I've read that i could install 10GB Ubuntu image, do you recommend such image?
should I go with apache or lighter web server?
My project is hosted on bitbucket, I just need to checkout my project on my VPS right?
What about data backups? I would like to backup my mySQL DB
How do you recommend me serving the static files?
I'm looking for a good tutorial on how to setup AWS with django and mysql
10x guys!
I've been thinking on getting Amazon EC2 free tier VPS, is this a good
If it fufills your technology requirements, ram, cpu, memory; it is a good option.
my local development machine runs Ubuntu, I've read that i could
install 10GB Ubuntu image, do you recommend such image?
Might as well keep your environments the same if you can. If you can match up versions that is another plus
should I go with apache or lighter web server?
Either, Apache would probably be easier to deploy at this point because you don't have to worry about running it as a servicer ( using a program like like supervisor to manage it).
Whichever one you choose, there is an abundance of tutorials online describing how to set up django.
My project is hosted on bitbucket, I just need to checkout my project
on my VPS right?
That is one way. There are lots of ways to deploy. I like syncing the actual files using fabric. That way your production server doesn't need to know about your bitbucket account. Once again, there are so many tutorials online describing deploying django. Fabric is a great place to start.
What about data backups? I would like to backup my mySQL DB
There exists lots of tools for this. Plenty of premade tools and shell scripts. I have used automysqlbackup and it works great
How do you recommend me serving the static files?
Make sure the webserver serves them. If you deploy through apache you can set up an alias to serve static files very easily. You can come up with a collectstatic deployment scheme to put your static on s3, but for a simple site apache would be just fine
I'm looking for a good tutorial on how to setup AWS with django and
Perhaps you can find a tutorial that covers this, most likely you might just find a tutorial :
how to setut aws with ubuntu
Installing django / mysql on ubuntu

Develping with Django, Git, and Cloud Server

I'm currently working with a team in my University to put together a new webapp. Nothing too fancy, just run of the mill MySQL + Django. We are also hoping to use Git for source control. We were wondering what hosting options were available to us. We're all very competent with Unix, so a ssh connection would be preferable. We also looked into the Amazon Cloud, but are not sure if that's right for us. What does Stackoverflow suggest for a provider to host both a Git repo for us and our webapp. The simpler, the better. It should also run a Linux environment.
I have had great success using the Rackspace Cloud servers. You get root SSH into the server, so you can set up your Git repo and your web app there. They have a lot of options for which flavor of Linux you want to use as well.
I'm doing Django/Postgres on an Ubuntu server and haven't had any problems at all. As a bonus, it includes very easy web and API integration with their CDN if you're interested in that.
I looked into a variety of cloud providers and RS had the best options for me, although CDN integration was a big deal for my site so that factor weighed heavier than it might for you.
I use the cheapo 256MB RAM/10GB HD install and pay around ~$12/month after bandwidth costs are figured into it.
Here's the pricing:
Why not AWS? It has a free tier that is able to run basic Django apps well. You can run it using a Django AMI directly or a service like BitNami Cloud Hosting (Disclaimer: I am a BitNami developer, I am actually in charge of many of the Python-based stacks). Both options allow you to run a micro instance of an Amazon Machine for free (680Mb Ram, 10Gb disk).
On BitNami Cloud Hosting, we recently added support for Python and Django (Python 2.6.5 and Django 1.3) and we already included Git. When you select to create a new server you will have access to all those components on top of Ubuntu 10.04.
Also if you are interested in using Redmine (as dgel suggests) you can select to install it when you create your server in the same machine. Since it is an university project, you may also want to consider hosting the Git part on for free.
I would highly recommend for git and redmine hosting. $6.95 per month for unlimited projects including redmine instances with git hooks. You don't need to worry about setting up or maintaining the git repos or redmine instances yourself.
Then for your project's public hosting you can't beat for $19.95 per month.