Why can't I start a QThread on a signal? - c++

I want to start a QThread when another one starts, but it doesn't work.
main.cpp snippet
Worker stat_worker;
Worker some;
QObject::connect(stat_worker.stat_thread, SIGNAL(started()), some.somethread, SLOT(start()));
QObject::connect(some.somethread, SIGNAL(started()), &some, SLOT(print_some()));
class Worker : public QObject
explicit Worker();
QThread *stat_thread = new QThread;
QThread *somethread = new QThread;
//some signals
void start_thread();
public slots:
//some slots
void print_some();
void somethread_starter();
#endif // WORKER_H
worker.cpp related function
void Worker::print_some()
qInfo() << "-somethread started() signal arrived!";
When I tried starting a thread with clicking a pushbutton it didn't work either.
Even creating a slot which starts the thread:
QObject::connect(stat_worker.stat_thread, &QThread::started, &some, &Worker::somethread_starter);
void Worker::somethread_starter()
qInfo() << "-I got started by another thread!";
or a signal that is emitted on starting the other thread:
void Worker::wip_status(){
emit start_thread();
QObject::connect(stat_worker.stat_thread, &QThread::started, &stat_worker, &Worker::wip_status);
QObject::connect(&stat_worker, &Worker::start_thread, &some, &Worker::somethread_starter);
Thanks in advance for replying to my post.

I tried to reproduce OPs issue with my own MCVE (which is just a bit shorter).
#include <QtWidgets>
struct Worker: QObject {
QString name;
QThread qThread;
Worker(const QString &name): name(name)
connect(&qThread, &QThread::finished, this, &Worker::reportFinished);
void start()
qDebug() << "Start" << name;
void reportFinished()
qDebug() << "Exit" << name;
// main application
int main(int argc, char **argv)
qDebug() << "Qt Version:" << QT_VERSION_STR;
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
Worker worker1("worker 1");
Worker worker2("worker 2");
// install signal handlers
QObject::connect(&worker1.qThread, &QThread::started, &worker2, &Worker::start);
// runtime loop
return app.exec();
Qt Version: 5.13.0
Start "worker 1"
This what OP observed. So, what?
the worker1.qThread.started signal is connected to the worker2.start slot
the worker1 is started
worker2 doesn't seem to start.
What made me suspicious: moveToThread().
The intention is to associate the Worker object with its member QThread.
What I'm not sure about: Is this possible before the QThread is started?
To check this out, I commented the moveToThread():
Worker(const QString &name): name(name)
connect(&qThread, &QThread::finished, this, &Worker::reportFinished);
Qt Version: 5.13.0
Start "worker 1"
Start "worker 2"
The reason why I commented the moveToThread():
The call of qThread::start() should happen in the context of the main application (thread).
So, moving worker2 to its QThread means that the signal is sent to the event loop of worker2.qThread – which is actually not yet started.
Hence, the event cannot be processed.
The moveToThread() should be done later – e.g. in reaction of the started() signal:
#include <QtWidgets>
struct Worker: QObject {
QString name;
QThread qThread;
Worker(const QString &name): name(name)
connect(&qThread, &QThread::started, this, &Worker::moveThisToThread);
connect(&qThread, &QThread::finished, this, &Worker::reportFinished);
void start()
qDebug() << "Start" << name;
void moveThisToThread()
qDebug() << name << "associated to its thread, from now.";
void reportFinished()
qDebug() << "Exit" << name;
// main application
int main(int argc, char **argv)
qDebug() << "Qt Version:" << QT_VERSION_STR;
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
Worker worker1("worker 1");
Worker worker2("worker 2");
// install signal handlers
QObject::connect(&worker1.qThread, &QThread::started, &worker2, &Worker::start);
// runtime loop
return app.exec();
Qt Version: 5.13.0
Start "worker 1"
"worker 1" associated to its thread, from now.
Start "worker 2"
"worker 2" associated to its thread, from now.
Bonus Question:
So does that mean "QThread::start" is useless as receiver of a signal?
No, it's not. Even if there is no existing signal with that signature (I know about) the application developer is free to “invent” one.
However, remembering that Qt5 doesn't actually require explicitly marked SLOTs to use them for signals, a more obvious answer may be found in the past:
With Qt4 signals, the QThread::start slot could have been connected to the QThread::started signal directly. (The default value of the one and only parameter in QThread::start becomes effective then.)
As I have no experience with Qt4 signals (I started with Qt5), I modified my sample code to prove me right:
QObject::connect(&worker1.qThread, SIGNAL(started()), &worker2.qThread, SLOT(start()));
Qt Version: 5.13.0
Start "worker 1"
"worker 1" associated to its thread, from now.
"worker 2" associated to its thread, from now.
The Start "worker 2" isn't emitted anymore as worker1.started() calls worker2.qThread.start() directly, now.
So, with Qt4 signals the original code of OP might have been worked.
It wasn't the incompatibility of signal and slot (as somebody guessed) which caused the issue but probably the above described moveToThread() issue (as well) which didn't make it work satisfyingly.


How to close the programme when running a qtconcurrent from another thread in qt

I am running a programme that has multithreading . The programme firstly has a main / UI thread running in it. In this programme I have a worker and handler class.
The worker class is having a simulate function which simply generates the random number. The simulate function continuously generates the number without blocking any thread i.e. via Qtconcurrent.
From the main/UI thread I have put this worker class into new thread. The handler class is running in main /UI thread and is responsible to communicate with worker class running in other thread via signal slot.
So far everything is ok.
Problem starts when i try to close the programme by simply clicking on app cross button. The
programme sort of hangs it does not close. However when i dont put worker in another class and run worker class from same main /UI thread then there is no problem and programme exits with 0.
So my question is how to stop Qtconcurrent is another thread and finally close the another thread aswell.
Thank You.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
QThread l_newThread;
Worker* l_worker = new Worker();
handler * l_handler = new handler();
QObject::connect(&l_newThread, &QThread::started, l_worker, &Worker::Init);
QObject::connect(l_handler,&handler::toStop_Signal,&l_newThread, &QThread::quit);
QObject::connect(l_worker, &Worker::toStop_Signal_Worker, l_handler,&handler::toStop_Slot);
QObject::connect(&app,&QCoreApplication::aboutToQuit, l_worker, &Worker::stop);
// QObject::connect(&app,&QCoreApplication::aboutToQuit, &l_newThread, &QThread::quit);
// l_worker->Init();
if (engine.rootObjects().isEmpty())
return -1;
int result = app.exec();
return result;
#include "worker.h"
Worker::Worker(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
void Worker:: Init()
m_simulation = true;
void Worker::simulate()
QRandomGenerator generator;
while (m_simulation) {
qint32 t = generator.bounded(0,100);
qDebug() << t;
qDebug() << "sleeping for 1 second";
if (!m_simulation) {
qDebug() << "Killing the concurrent thread";
// QThread::currentThread()->exit();
emit toStop_Signal_Worker();
void Worker::stop()
m_simulation = false;
#include "handler.h"
handler::handler(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
void handler::toStop_Slot()
emit toStop_Signal();
QML debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment.
sleeping for 1 second
sleeping for 1 second
sleeping for 1 second
sleeping for 1 second
Killing the concurrent thread
What probably happens here: the signal toStop_Signal which is meant to quit l_newThread is never delivered, because when it's emitted the event loop is already dead and gone. Hence, your program is stuck waiting for the thread in l_newThread.wait();.
I don't fully get why you start this thread at all, just to use QtConcurrent::run right after and span yet another thread ...
Anyway, once you're sure your worker has stopped (and you are, according to the output you posted), you can safely quit the (basically useless) thread directly in your main:
int result = app.exec();
l_newThread.exit(); //just quit it
return result;
Then you can get rid of this connection:
QObject::connect(l_handler,&handler::toStop_Signal,&l_newThread, &QThread::quit);
and (I guess) of the handler altogether.

How do you run a function in the background of your program (Specifically an autosave function)? QT / C++

In my code I would like to integrate an auto-save function that runs every couple seconds or so. I would like this to run in the background because I have other stuff that I am going to be running at the same time. So how would I do this?
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "ui_mainwindow.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <QFile>
#include <QDebug>
using namespace std;
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow) {
// Setup code
ui->textEdit->append("Select one of the buttons on the left to pick a log");
MainWindow::~MainWindow() {
delete ui;
string lastSavedText[] = {
" ",
" "
QString qLastSavedTextHome, qLastSavedTextWork;
This is my first button
void MainWindow::on_homeButton_clicked() {
// Preparing text edit
// Loading previously saved text
QFile file { "home.apl" };
if ( !file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text) ) {
qDebug() << "Could not open file!";
const auto& lastSavedText = file.readAll();
ui->textEdit->setPlainText( lastSavedText );
This is my second one
void MainWindow::on_workButton_clicked() {
// Preparing text edit
// Loading previously saved text
QFile file2 { "work.apl" };
if ( !file2.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text) ) {
qDebug() << "Could not open file!";
const auto& lastSavedText = file2.readAll();
ui->textEdit->setPlainText( lastSavedText );
This is the save button I hope to eliminate with an autosave
void MainWindow::on_saveButton_clicked() {
// Converts textEdit to string
QString textEditText = ui->textEdit->toPlainText();
lastSavedText[0] = textEditText.toStdString();
// Saving files
ofstream home;
home << lastSavedText[0];
ofstream work;
work << lastSavedText[1];
There is 2 solutions.
Easy one
Use simply a timer that will execute the code of your save button. You can set the timer to execute any period of time.
But this might cause the software to freeze if this operation takes too much time. In which case, you can put the function that saves inside a thread.
You can use threads to do that.
Thread, is basically a process that will detach from your main process and can be run at the same time, each thread doing its own work.
Note that to communicate between thread, the safest method is to use signals.
Qt Threads Documentation
void MyObject::startWorkInAThread()
WorkerThread *workerThread = new WorkerThread(this);
connect(workerThread, SIGNAL(resultReady(QString)), this, SLOT(handleResults(QString)));
connect(workerThread, SIGNAL(finished()), workerThread, SLOT(deleteLater()));
You can use a QTimer with QtConcurrent::run, and then you get the simplicity with the benefit of running the saving on a different thread you don't need to manage.
Practically, try
QTimer::singleShot(time, this, Qt::TimerType::CoarseTime, QtConcurrent::run(this,&MainWindow::on_saveButton_clicked));
Here's a first approximation using a background thread (for the sake of brevity, it inherits QThread - for your real application, consider decoupling the QThread base-class from this worker thread object. That will also make it possible to give a father-object for t).
class Thread: public QThread {
Thread(QTextEdit *textEdit):textEdit(textEdit) {
QTimer *t = new QTimer;
connect(t, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(saveOnce()));
QTextEdit *textEdit;
std::string lastSavedText[2];
private slots:
QString text() const { return textEdit->toPlainText(); }
void saveOnce() {
QString textEditText;
"text", Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection,
lastSavedText[0] = textEditText.toStdString();
// Saving files
ofstream home;
home << lastSavedText[0];
ofstream work;
work << lastSavedText[1];
Care must be taken, when taking this approach with BlockingQueuedConnection, that the thread does not call invokeMethod while the main thread is waiting for it to exit - then a deadlock happens because the main-thread cannot process the text() queued call anymore.

qt serial port memory leak

I use the following code to talk to a USB-serial port device:
#include "masterthread.h"
#include <QtSerialPort/QSerialPort>
#include <QTime>
#include "Windows.h"
#include "Psapi.h"
#include <QDebug>
MasterThread::MasterThread(QObject *parent)
: QThread(parent), waitTimeout(0), quit(false)
quit = true;
void MasterThread::run()
bool currentPortNameChanged = false;
QSerialPort serial;
//Tell the serial port connected device to start talking
const char init[] = { 0x0d, 0x0d, 0x0d };
serial.write(init, sizeof(init));
const char* cmd = "mavlink stop\n";
serial.write(cmd, strlen(cmd));
serial.write(init, 2);
cmd = "uorb start";
serial.write(cmd, strlen(cmd));
serial.write(init, 2);
cmd = "sh /etc/init.d/rc.usb\n";
serial.write(cmd, strlen(cmd));
serial.write(init, 4);
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
//Write test data out
QByteArray test(2000, 't');
bool check = serial.waitForBytesWritten(100);
if (!check)
qDebug() << "FAIL: " << j++;
if (serial.waitForReadyRead(20))
QByteArray responseData = serial.readAll();
while (serial.waitForReadyRead(10))
responseData += serial.readAll();
QString response(responseData);
qDebug() << response;
//Print memory usage
if (i++ % 10 == 0)
if (!GetProcessMemoryInfo(GetCurrentProcess(), &memcount, sizeof(memcount))) return;
qDebug()<<"----------------------------" << memcount.WorkingSetSize / 1024 << "KB memory used";
} // end foever
qDebug() << "Exiting forever loop";
with a simple main.cpp as:
#include <QApplication>
#include "masterthread.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
MasterThread thread;
return app.exec();
But the memory usage keeps increasing, like 5~10MB per hour as if there are some leakage.
The device is suppose to be connected for days and weeks...
What am I doing wrong here? I am on Qt5.6 windows7 debug
Many Qt Components have an implicit dependency on its event loop.
While you are starting the main threads event loop with the call to app.exec(); you are not handling events generated by the QObjects created in the QThread MasterThread thread;. The details and nuances of Event handling in Qt are very well described on this page: https://wiki.qt.io/Threads_Events_QObjects#Threads_and_QObjects
But the solution boils down to: if you want to be able to process queued up Qt events in a thread where you are processing some long-running task you should call QCoreApplication::processEvents(); from time to time. This will prevent Qt events from endlessly queueing up.
EDITED after looking on the code Qt 5.7,5.6,5.5 and reading docs.
As an answer is already accepted, I would just add some thoughts here as it's too long for comments.
Keep things short - an answer you accepted is wrong..
There are two sides of the story. And as SO answers often taken 'as it is as long as they work' I'd like to explain myself...
If you look on a code provided - there is nothing wrong with it. All objects are properly stack allocated and should be destroyed automatically.
Point is that QtSerial uses deleteLater() and then a question - how to delete those allocations properly.
If any module/object/code uses deleteLater() it requires an event loop, if deleteLater() called on a thread without event loop, object will be deleted after thread is terminated. As long as there is no event loop running for code above, processEvents will no work.. actually processEvents() is not something which is used for this, because a whole idea to return from the context which is called deleteLater() and have a next run, and that's checked in the Qt Source Code, so calling processEvent() straight after without incrementing loop count will do nothing at all, that's why answer you accepted is totally wrong.
If any object requires event loop running it should be EXPLICITELY stated in the documentation as there is nothing wrong in using QIODevice in sync mode outside event loop.
So at my opinion,point is - its a bug in the QT Serial itself which I suggest you report.
In general it's really wrong practice for Qt to run never-ending loops..
It's much much better and cleaner to use QObject Worker tactic which is pushed to the thread, have proper even loop running etc.
For small 'threaded' tasks it's much better to use QtConcurrent.
Proper Workaround:
you will have a thread with properly running event loop and a timer firing at 20ms to do your things
// main thread:
class Worker: public QObject {
public slots:
onInit() {
// initialize everything
void timerEvent(..) {
// do your things every 20ms
QThread * pWorkerThread = new QThread();
Worker * pWorker = new Worker();
Worker->setObjectName(QString("Common Storage Impl"));
connect(pWorkerThread, SIGNAL(started()), pWorker, SLOT(onInit()));
connect(pWorkerThread, SIGNAL(finished()), pWorker, SLOT(deleteLater()));
connect(pWorkerThread, SIGNAL(finished()), pWorkerThread, SLOT(deleteLater()));

emit SIGNAL when GUI Thread is idle in Qt?

I have GUI Thread which creates & manages the GUI content. Now when the application is idle i.e. all threads are idle (or even if only the GUI thread is idle) then I want my QMainWindow inherited class's object to emit a SIGNAL. So that whenever the Application is idle I will silently create the Widgets required for the next stage. So I would like to know how do I make that object to emit a SIGNAL whenever the GUI Thread is idle? My Application is multi-threaded & has multiple classes, so it is not necessary that the SIGNAL is emitted in the GUI class only.
Also the SIGNAL should not be emitted as soon as the thread becomes idle. I want that the thread should be idle for a sufficient amount of time so that I am sure that the user is actually idling.
Thank You!
QAbstractEventDispatcher allows one to plug their own events into Qt's event loop. Also it allows to monitor event loop's workload.
Here is an example. The widget is listening for QAbstractEventDispatcher::awake() and QAbstractEventDispatcher::aboutToBlock() signals to know when event loop is busy.
#include <QtGui>
class IdleAwareWidget : public QWidget
IdleAwareWidget(QWidget *parent = 0) : QWidget(parent) {
dispatcher = QAbstractEventDispatcher::instance();
connect(dispatcher, SIGNAL(awake()), SLOT(awake()));
connect(dispatcher, SIGNAL(aboutToBlock()), SLOT(aboutToBlock()));
private slots:
void awake() {
lastAwake = QTime::currentTime();
qDebug() << "Slept for " << lastBlock.msecsTo(lastAwake) << " msec";
void aboutToBlock() {
lastBlock = QTime::currentTime();
qDebug() << "Worked for " << lastAwake.msecsTo(lastBlock) << " msec";
QAbstractEventDispatcher *dispatcher;
QTime lastAwake;
QTime lastBlock;
#include <QtGui>
#include "idle_widget.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
IdleWidget widget;
return a.exec();
If the question is just about idle processing, then QTimer with 0 interval is an option:
QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(doWorkInIdle()));
This will schedule call to doWorkInIdle() slot as soon as the event loop goes to idle state. Splitting work to small chucks won't block the loop and application will remain responsive.

QProcess does not complete creating file

I am just trying to create a file with QProcess by the following source code:
void Processmethod()
QDialog *ProcessMessage = new QDialog;
Ui::DialogProcessMessage Dialog;
void processmethodONE()
QString ProcessCommand = "w8 " + blablubli";
Prozess.setWorkingDirectory(Path); //QProcess "Prozess" is globaly defined
Prozess.setStandardOutputFile(Path); //in my class
QProcess::ExitStatus Status = Prozess.exitStatus();
if (Status == 0)
std::cout << "File created!" << std::endl;
This process creates out of another file which is located in the QString "Path" a new file, let me call it "PROFILE" (PRO for Problem :). The Profile also is created, but is never completed, I guess not even 50% of the file are completed.
Just when using
std::cerr << "Process Create PROFile running " << std::endl;
the file is written completely.
Furthermore I tried to use the QProcess finished(int) Signal to start another method and deleted the while loop (which freezes the whole GUI). I declared it in the constructor with:
connect(&Prozess, SIGNAL(finished(int)), this, (SLOT(processmethodTWO())));
But I guess this could not work because the first process isn't finished completely. Where is the problem?
There is no warranty that right after Prozess.start(ProcessCommand); process will be finished, so calling "Prozess.exitStatus();" right after it will give you "false positive". You certainly will have to wait until process is finished. You may either do it with with while loop, that you suggested or with QEventLoop
// ...
Prozess.setStandardOutputFile(Path); //in my class
QEventLoop loop;
connect(&Prozess, SIGNAL(error(QProcess::ProcessError)), &loop, SLOT(quit()));
connect(&Prozess, SIGNAL(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)), &loop, SLOT(quit()));
// Now your process status should be valid:
QProcess::ExitStatus Status = Prozess.exitStatus();