In the following code the output is "wrhrwwr", I try to understand what the iterator is doing, also how the "++" is overloaded. It seems like it somehow skips the 'e'. However, the code is very unclear to me, maybe I can be helped.
Thank you
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class datas {
const char *string,marker;
const int len;
class hophop {
const char *pos, next;
char operator *() { return *pos; }
hophop operator ++() {++pos;while (*(pos+1)!=next) ++pos; return *this; }
bool operator !=(hophop &o) { return pos < o.pos; }
hophop(const char *p, char m) : pos(p),next(m) {}
typedef hophop iterator;
iterator begin() { return hophop (string, marker); }
itrator end () { return hophop(string +len ,marker); }
datas(const char *d,int l, char m) : string (d), len(l),marker(m){}
int main( void ) {
datas chars ("we are where we were", 20, 'e');
for (char c: chars)
cout << c;
return 0;
It will be easier to see by pulling hophop out of the datas class. Now you can see the hophop constructor and what it is up to. I would have removed the return value of the ++operator, set it to void, to point out it does nothing here.
#include <iostream>
class hophop {
const char* pos, next;
hophop(const char* p, char m) : pos(p), next(m) {}
char operator *() { return *pos; }
hophop operator ++() {
while (*(pos + 1) != next)
return *this;
bool operator !=(const hophop& o) { return pos < o.pos; }
class datas {
using iterator = hophop;
const char* string, marker;
const int len;
datas(const char* d, int l, char m) : string(d), len(l), marker(m) {}
iterator begin() { return hophop(string, marker); }
iterator end() { return hophop(string + len, marker); }
int main(void) {
datas chars("we are where we were", 20, 'e');
// w r h r w w r
for (char c : chars)
std::cout << c;
std::cout << "\nusing a non range based for loop:" << std::endl;
for (hophop it = chars.begin(); it != chars.end(); ++it)
std::cout << *it;
std::cout << "\nor where the return value could be used:" << std::endl;
auto it = chars.begin();
std::cout << *it;
for (; it != chars.end();)
std::cout << *++it;
So now it may be easier to see how the hophop ++ operator is working. operator *() gets called at the beginning of the loop so no matter what the first character is, it gets retrieved. Then the ++operator is called and it moves the iterator at least once forward and until it matches next. Then it returns the character before the match. Look at the comment in main. The first and every character before the e is returned.
If you have not used a debugger much, you should. by putting a break point in operator++ you can see what is happening.
I had previously set the return value of the ++operator to void. As #JaMiT points out, it is appropriate for the operator to return *this. I've also added two more loops, they should be clearer than using a range based loop. The third example actually uses the return value of the ++operator, the first two loops don't.
And, get in the habit of not using namespace std; It will save you from troubles down the road.
How do I do the following with std::cout?
double my_double = 42.0;
char str[12];
printf_s("%11.6lf", my_double); // Prints " 42.000000"
I am just about ready to give up and use sprintf_s.
More generally, where can I find a reference on std::ostream formatting that lists everything in one place, rather than spreading it all out in a long tutorial?
EDIT Dec 21, 2017 - See my answer below. It uses features that were not available when I asked this question in 2012.
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setw(11) << std::setprecision(6) << my_double;
You need to add
#include <iomanip>
You need stream manipulators
You may "fill" the empty places with whatever char you want. Like this:
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setw(11) << std::setprecision(6)
<< std::setfill('0') << my_double;
std::cout << boost::format("%11.6f") % my_double;
You have to #include <boost\format.hpp>
In C++20 you can to do
double my_double = 42.0;
char str[12];
std::format_to_n(str, sizeof(str), "{:11.6}", my_double);
std::string s = std::format("{:11.6}", my_double);
In pre-C++20 you can use the {fmt} library that provides an implementation of format_to_n.
Disclaimer: I'm the author of {fmt} and C++20 std::format.
In general, you want to avoid specifying things like 11 and 6 at the
point of output. That's physical markup, and you want logical markup;
e.g. pressure, or volume. That way, you define in a single place
how pressure or volume are formatted, and if that formatting changes,
you don't have to search through out the program to find where to change
the format (and accidentally change the format of something else). In
C++, you do this by defining a manipulator, which sets the various
formatting options, and preferrably restores them at the end of the full
expression. So you end up writing things like:
std::cout << pressure << my_double;
Although I definitly wouldn't use it in production code, I've found the
following FFmt formatter useful for quicky jobs:
class FFmt : public StateSavingManip
explicit FFmt(
int width,
int prec = 6,
std::ios::fmtflags additionalFlags
= static_cast<std::ios::fmtflags>(),
char fill = ' ' );
virtual void setState( std::ios& targetStream ) const;
int myWidth;
int myPrec;
std::ios::fmtflags myFlags;
char myFill;
int width,
int prec,
std::ios::fmtflags additionalFlags,
char fill )
: myWidth( width )
, myPrec( prec )
, myFlags( additionalFlags )
, myFill( fill )
myFlags &= ~ std::ios::floatfield
myFlags |= std::ios::fixed
if ( isdigit( static_cast< unsigned char >( fill ) )
&& (myFlags & std::ios::adjustfield) == 0 ) {
myFlags |= std::ios::internal
std::ios& targetStream ) const
targetStream.flags( myFlags )
targetStream.width( myWidth )
targetStream.precision( myPrec )
targetStream.fill( myFill )
This allows writing things like:
std::cout << FFmt( 11, 6 ) << my_double;
And for the record:
class StateSavingManip
StateSavingManip const& other );
virtual ~StateSavingManip();
void operator()( std::ios& stream ) const;
virtual void setState( std::ios& stream ) const = 0;
StateSavingManip& operator=( StateSavingManip const& );
mutable std::ios* myStream;
mutable std::ios::fmtflags
mutable int mySavedPrec;
mutable char mySavedFill;
inline std::ostream&
std::ostream& out,
StateSavingManip const&
manip )
manip( out );
return out;
inline std::istream&
std::istream& in,
StateSavingManip const&
manip )
manip( in );
return in;
namespace {
// We maintain the value returned by ios::xalloc() + 1, and not
// the value itself. The actual value may be zero, and we need
// to be able to distinguish it from the 0 resulting from 0
// initialization. The function getXAlloc() returns this value
// -1, so we add one in the initialization.
int getXAlloc();
int ourXAlloc = getXAlloc() + 1;
if ( ourXAlloc == 0 ) {
ourXAlloc = std::ios::xalloc() + 1;
assert( ourXAlloc != 0 );
return ourXAlloc - 1;
: myStream( NULL )
StateSavingManip const&
other )
assert( other.myStream == NULL );
if ( myStream != NULL ) {
myStream->flags( mySavedFlags );
myStream->precision( mySavedPrec );
myStream->fill( mySavedFill );
myStream->pword( getXAlloc() ) = NULL;
std::ios& stream ) const
void*& backptr = stream.pword( getXAlloc() );
if ( backptr == NULL ) {
backptr = const_cast< StateSavingManip* >( this );
myStream = &stream;
mySavedFlags = stream.flags();
mySavedPrec = stream.precision();
mySavedFill = stream.fill();
setState( stream );
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
int main() {
double my_double = 42.0;
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setw(11)
<< std::setprecision(6) << my_double << std::endl;
return 0;
For future visitors who prefer actual printf-style format specs with std::ostream, here is yet another variation, based on Martin York's excellent post in another SO question:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <stdio.h> //snprintf
class FMT
explicit FMT(const char* fmt): m_fmt(fmt) {}
class fmter //actual worker class
explicit fmter(std::ostream& strm, const FMT& fmt): m_strm(strm), m_fmt(fmt.m_fmt) {}
//output next object (any type) to stream:
template<typename TYPE>
std::ostream& operator<<(const TYPE& value)
// return m_strm << "FMT(" << m_fmt << "," << value << ")";
char buf[40]; //enlarge as needed
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), m_fmt, value);
return m_strm << buf;
std::ostream& m_strm;
const char* m_fmt;
const char* m_fmt; //save fmt string for inner class
//kludge: return derived stream to allow operator overloading:
friend FMT::fmter operator<<(std::ostream& strm, const FMT& fmt)
return FMT::fmter(strm, fmt);
usage example:
double my_double = 42.0;
cout << FMT("%11.6f") << my_double << "more stuff\n";
or even:
int val = 42;
cout << val << " in hex is " << FMT(" 0x%x") << val << "\n";
it's me, the OP, Jive Dadson - five years on. C++17 is becoming a reality.
The advent of variadic template parameters with perfect forwarding has made life so much simpler. The chained madness of ostream<< and boost::format% can be dispensed with. The function oprintf below fills the bill. Work in progress. Feel free to chime in on error-handling, etc...
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string_view>
namespace dj {
template<class Out, class... Args>
Out& oprintf(Out &out, const std::string_view &fmt, Args&&... args) {
const int sz = 512;
char buffer[sz];
int cx = snprintf(buffer, sz,, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
if (cx >= 0 && cx < sz) {
return out.write(buffer, cx);
} else if (cx > 0) {
// Big output
std::string buff2;
buff2.resize(cx + 1);
snprintf(, cx,, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return out.write(, cx);
} else {
// Throw?
return out;
int main() {
const double my_double = 42.0;
dj::oprintf(std::cout, "%s %11.6lf\n", "My double ", my_double);
return 0;
Some great answers already; kudos to those!
This is based on some of them. I have added type assertions for POD types, since they are the only safe types usable with printf().
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <type_traits>
namespace fmt {
namespace detail {
template<typename T>
struct printf_impl
const char* fmt;
const T v;
printf_impl(const char* fmt, const T& v) : fmt(fmt), v(v) {}
template<typename T>
inline typename std::enable_if<std::is_pod<T>::value, std::ostream& >::type
operator<<(std::ostream& os, const printf_impl<T>& p)
char buf[40];
::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), p.fmt, p.v, 40);
return os << buf;
} // namespace detail
template<typename T>
inline typename std::enable_if<std::is_pod<T>::value, detail::printf_impl<T> >::type
printf(const char* fmt, const T& v)
return detail::printf_impl<T>(fmt, v);
} // namespace fmt
Example usage it as below.
std::cout << fmt::printf("%11.6f", my_double);
Give it a try on Coliru.
I'm writing a ProtectedPtr class that protects objects in memory using Windows Crypto API, and I've run into a problem creating a generic constant time compare function. My current code:
template <class T>
bool operator==(volatile const ProtectedPtr& other)
std::size_t thisDataSize = sizeof(*protectedData) / sizeof(T);
std::size_t otherDataSize = sizeof(*other) / sizeof(T);
volatile auto thisData = (byte*)getEncyptedData();
volatile auto otherData = (byte*)other.getEncyptedData();
if (thisDataSize != otherDataSize)
return false;
volatile int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < thisDataSize; i++)
result |= thisData[i] ^ otherData[i];
return result == 0;
getEncryptedData function:
std::unique_ptr<T> protectedData;
const T& getEncyptedData() const
return *protectedData;
The problem is casting to byte*. When using this class with strings, my compiler complains that strings can't be casted to byte pointers. I was thinking maybe trying to base my function off of Go's ConstantTimeByteEq function, but it still brings me back to my original problem of converting a template type to an int or something that I can preform binary manipulation on.
Go's ConstantTimeByteEq function:
func ConstantTimeByteEq(x, y uint8) int {
z := ^(x ^ y)
z &= z >> 4
z &= z >> 2
z &= z >> 1
return int(z)
How can I easily convert a template type into something that can have binary manipulation easily preformed on it?
UPDATE Working generic constant compare function based on suggestions from lockcmpxchg8b:
//only works on primative types, and types that don't have
//internal pointers pointing to dynamically allocated data
byte* serialize()
const size_t size = sizeof(*protectedData);
byte* out = new byte[size];
memcpy(out, &(*protectedData), size);
return out;
bool operator==(ProtectedPtr& other)
if (sizeof(*protectedData) != sizeof(*other))
return false;
volatile auto thisData = serialize();
volatile auto otherData = other.serialize();
volatile int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(*protectedData); i++)
result |= thisData[i] ^ otherData[i];
//wipe the unencrypted copies of the data
SecureZeroMemory(thisData, sizeof(thisData));
SecureZeroMemory(otherData, sizeof(otherData));
return result == 0;
Generally, what you're trying to accomplish in your current code is called Format Preserving Encryption. I.e., to encrypt a std::string such that the resulting ciphertext is also a valid std::string. This is much harder than letting the encryption process convert from the original type to a flat array of bytes.
To do the conversion to a flat array, declare a second template argument for a "Serializer" object, that knows how to serialize objects of type T into an array of unsigned char. You could default it to a generic sizeof/memcpy serializer that would work for all primitve types.
Here's an example for std::string.
template <class T>
class Serializer
virtual size_t serializedSize(const T& obj) const = 0;
virtual size_t serialize(const T& obj, unsigned char *out, size_t max) const = 0;
virtual void deserialize(const unsigned char *in, size_t len, T& out) const = 0;
class StringSerializer : public Serializer<std::string>
size_t serializedSize(const std::string& obj) const {
return obj.length();
size_t serialize(const std::string& obj, unsigned char *out, size_t max) const {
if(max >= obj.length()){
memcpy(out, obj.c_str(), obj.length());
return obj.length();
throw std::runtime_error("overflow");
void deserialize(const unsigned char *in, size_t len, std::string& out) const {
out = std::string((const char *)in, (const char *)(in+len));
Once you've reduced the objects down to a flat array of unsigned chars, then your given constant-time compare algorithm will work just fine.
Here's a really dumbed-down version of your example code using the serializer above.
template <class T, class S>
class Test
std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]> protectedData;
size_t serSize;
Test(const T& obj) : protectedData() {
S serializer;
size_t size = serializer.serializedSize(obj);
protectedData.reset(new unsigned char[size]);
serSize = serializer.serialize(obj, protectedData.get(), size);
// "Encrypt"
for(size_t i=0; i< size; i++)
protectedData.get()[i] ^= 0xa5;
size_t getEncryptedLen() const {
return serSize;
const unsigned char *getEncryptedData() const {
return protectedData.get();
const T getPlaintextData() const {
S serializer;
T target;
for(size_t i=0; i< serSize; i++)
protectedData.get()[i] ^= 0xa5;
serializer.deserialize(protectedData.get(), serSize, target);
return target;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
std::string data = "test";
Test<std::string, StringSerializer> tester(data);
const unsigned char *ptr = tester.getEncryptedData();
std::cout << "\"Encrypted\" bytes: ";
for(size_t i=0; i<tester.getEncryptedLen(); i++)
std::cout << std::setw(2) << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << (unsigned int)ptr[i] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::string recov = tester.getPlaintextData();
std::cout << "Recovered: " << recov << std::endl;
$ ./a.out
"Encrypted" bytes: d1 c0 d6 d1
Recovered: test
Edit: answering request for a generic serializer for primtive/flat types. Consider this as pseudocode, because I'm typing it into a browser without testing. I'm not sure if that's the right template syntax.
template<class T>
class PrimitiveSerializer : public Serializer<T>
size_t serializedSize(const T& obj) const {
return sizeof obj;
size_t serialize(const T& obj, unsigned char *out, size_t max) const {
if(max >= sizeof obj){
memcpy(out, &obj, sizeof obj);
return sizeof obj;
throw std::runtime_error("overflow");
void deserialize(const unsigned char *in, size_t len, T& out) const {
if(len < sizeof out) {
throw std::runtime_error("underflow");
memcpy(&out, in, sizeof out);
I'm curious about what error the compiler gives you.
That said, try casting to a const char* or const void*.
Another issue could be the casting from a 64-bit pointer to an 8-bit byte. Try casting to an int, long, or longlong
Edit: Based upon your feedback, another minor change:
volatile auto thisData = (byte*)&getEncyptedData();
volatile auto otherData = (byte*)&other.getEncyptedData();
(note the ampersands). That will allow the previous casts to work
Can I do something like the following Perl code in C++ ?
i.e Replicate $string n times ?
printf ("%s\n",$string x 4);
While C++ doesn't have an operator x, C++ is a flexible enough language that you can write a named operator x whose job it is to multiply strings:
#include <string>
namespace strop {
struct x_op {} x;
struct x_lhs { std::string s; };
x_lhs operator*( std::string s, x_op ) {
return {std::move(s)};
std::string operator*( x_lhs&& lhs, std::size_t rhs ) {
std::string retval;
for( std::size_t i = 0; i < rhs; ++i ) {
retval += lhs.s;
return retval;
#include <iostream>
using strop::x;
int main () {
std::string foo = "foo";
std::cout << (foo *x* 5) << "\n"; // if you prefer std::cout
printf("%s", (foo *x* 5).c_str()); // if you prefer printf
The above uses some trivial C++11 features, but not essentially.
C++03 version (it is less efficient):
#include <string>
namespace strop {
struct x_op {} x;
struct x_lhs { std::string s; x_lhs(std::string s_):s(s_) {} };
x_lhs operator*( std::string s, x_op ) {
return x_lhs(s);
std::string operator*( x_lhs lhs, std::size_t rhs ) {
std::string retval;
for( std::size_t i = 0; i < rhs; ++i ) {
retval += lhs.s;
return retval;
amusingly, this works with string literals:
std::cout << "bar" *x* 3 << "\n";
because they are turned into std::strings implicitly. If you are using printf, you still need to wrap it in ().c_str(), or you are risking undefined behavior (even if you never mention std::string).
You could instead overload some other non-named operator, but overloading operators when you own neither type in the overload is pretty rude, and can lead to complications.
The above technique uses the placeholder types of x_op and x_lhs to ensure that the overloaded operator will only come into effect when we are interacting with our named operator.
The choice of * to wrap our named operator x is because the operation is multiplication-like.
Bonus: Insane version of operator*, which uses bit values of the rhs to reduce the amount of string wrangling:
std::string operator*( x_lhs lhs, std::size_t rhs ) {
std::string retval;
auto done = [rhs]( std::size_t n ) {
return !(i < (sizeof(rhs)*8) && !(rhs &~std::size_t((1<<i)-1)));
for( int i = 0; true; ++i) {
if (!done(i+1)) {
if (rhs & (1 << i))
retval += lhs;
lhs += lhs;
} else {
// high bit must be set, or we'd be done before, unless rhs was 0:
if (rhs != 0)
retval += std::move(lhs);
return retval;
which has not been tested, but amuses me.
Preface: overloading operators is a nuanced practice. If you're not careful, it can lead to code which is difficult to read and maintain. That said ...
You could try overloading operator*(), but in order to make that work you'll need to use string objects and not bare c-strings. The reason is that C++ does not allow you overload operators which only reference built-in types. The std::string class is not built in to the language.
For example, the following function will do what you intend with std::string objects. Note that the return type is a const char* to be compatible with printf().
const char* operator*(const std::string& input, size_t repeat)
std::string output;
for (size_t ii=0; ii<repeat; ++ii)
output += input;
return output.c_str();
With that function you can then use the syntax you prefer if the strings are stored in std::string objects:
int main(int argc, char** argv)
std::string input = argv[1];
printf("%s\n", input*3); // works
printf("%s\n", std::string(argv[1])*3); // works
//printf("%s\n", argv[1]*3); // compile error
A more natural C++ way of doing it would be to use <iostream>, which does not require you to mix char* and std::string types in the overloaded operator.
std::string operator*(const std::string& input, size_t repeat)
std::string output;
for (size_t ii=0; ii<repeat; ++ii)
output += input;
return output;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
std::cout << std::string(argv[1])*3 << std::endl;
No, not directly. You need to do it yourself:
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
printf ("%s", astring);
printf ("\n");
As impressive as #Yakk's overloading is, why not just define a simple function?
std::string repeat(const std::string& s, int times) {
std::string res;
res.reserve(s.size() * times);
for (int i = 0; i < times; ++i)
res += s;
return s;
Then you can do
std::cout << repeat("foo", 4) << std::endl;
Prints foofoofoofoo.
You can just use a for loop:
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
How do I do the following with std::cout?
double my_double = 42.0;
char str[12];
printf_s("%11.6lf", my_double); // Prints " 42.000000"
I am just about ready to give up and use sprintf_s.
More generally, where can I find a reference on std::ostream formatting that lists everything in one place, rather than spreading it all out in a long tutorial?
EDIT Dec 21, 2017 - See my answer below. It uses features that were not available when I asked this question in 2012.
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setw(11) << std::setprecision(6) << my_double;
You need to add
#include <iomanip>
You need stream manipulators
You may "fill" the empty places with whatever char you want. Like this:
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setw(11) << std::setprecision(6)
<< std::setfill('0') << my_double;
std::cout << boost::format("%11.6f") % my_double;
You have to #include <boost\format.hpp>
In C++20 you can to do
double my_double = 42.0;
char str[12];
std::format_to_n(str, sizeof(str), "{:11.6}", my_double);
std::string s = std::format("{:11.6}", my_double);
In pre-C++20 you can use the {fmt} library that provides an implementation of format_to_n.
Disclaimer: I'm the author of {fmt} and C++20 std::format.
In general, you want to avoid specifying things like 11 and 6 at the
point of output. That's physical markup, and you want logical markup;
e.g. pressure, or volume. That way, you define in a single place
how pressure or volume are formatted, and if that formatting changes,
you don't have to search through out the program to find where to change
the format (and accidentally change the format of something else). In
C++, you do this by defining a manipulator, which sets the various
formatting options, and preferrably restores them at the end of the full
expression. So you end up writing things like:
std::cout << pressure << my_double;
Although I definitly wouldn't use it in production code, I've found the
following FFmt formatter useful for quicky jobs:
class FFmt : public StateSavingManip
explicit FFmt(
int width,
int prec = 6,
std::ios::fmtflags additionalFlags
= static_cast<std::ios::fmtflags>(),
char fill = ' ' );
virtual void setState( std::ios& targetStream ) const;
int myWidth;
int myPrec;
std::ios::fmtflags myFlags;
char myFill;
int width,
int prec,
std::ios::fmtflags additionalFlags,
char fill )
: myWidth( width )
, myPrec( prec )
, myFlags( additionalFlags )
, myFill( fill )
myFlags &= ~ std::ios::floatfield
myFlags |= std::ios::fixed
if ( isdigit( static_cast< unsigned char >( fill ) )
&& (myFlags & std::ios::adjustfield) == 0 ) {
myFlags |= std::ios::internal
std::ios& targetStream ) const
targetStream.flags( myFlags )
targetStream.width( myWidth )
targetStream.precision( myPrec )
targetStream.fill( myFill )
This allows writing things like:
std::cout << FFmt( 11, 6 ) << my_double;
And for the record:
class StateSavingManip
StateSavingManip const& other );
virtual ~StateSavingManip();
void operator()( std::ios& stream ) const;
virtual void setState( std::ios& stream ) const = 0;
StateSavingManip& operator=( StateSavingManip const& );
mutable std::ios* myStream;
mutable std::ios::fmtflags
mutable int mySavedPrec;
mutable char mySavedFill;
inline std::ostream&
std::ostream& out,
StateSavingManip const&
manip )
manip( out );
return out;
inline std::istream&
std::istream& in,
StateSavingManip const&
manip )
manip( in );
return in;
namespace {
// We maintain the value returned by ios::xalloc() + 1, and not
// the value itself. The actual value may be zero, and we need
// to be able to distinguish it from the 0 resulting from 0
// initialization. The function getXAlloc() returns this value
// -1, so we add one in the initialization.
int getXAlloc();
int ourXAlloc = getXAlloc() + 1;
if ( ourXAlloc == 0 ) {
ourXAlloc = std::ios::xalloc() + 1;
assert( ourXAlloc != 0 );
return ourXAlloc - 1;
: myStream( NULL )
StateSavingManip const&
other )
assert( other.myStream == NULL );
if ( myStream != NULL ) {
myStream->flags( mySavedFlags );
myStream->precision( mySavedPrec );
myStream->fill( mySavedFill );
myStream->pword( getXAlloc() ) = NULL;
std::ios& stream ) const
void*& backptr = stream.pword( getXAlloc() );
if ( backptr == NULL ) {
backptr = const_cast< StateSavingManip* >( this );
myStream = &stream;
mySavedFlags = stream.flags();
mySavedPrec = stream.precision();
mySavedFill = stream.fill();
setState( stream );
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
int main() {
double my_double = 42.0;
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setw(11)
<< std::setprecision(6) << my_double << std::endl;
return 0;
For future visitors who prefer actual printf-style format specs with std::ostream, here is yet another variation, based on Martin York's excellent post in another SO question:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <stdio.h> //snprintf
class FMT
explicit FMT(const char* fmt): m_fmt(fmt) {}
class fmter //actual worker class
explicit fmter(std::ostream& strm, const FMT& fmt): m_strm(strm), m_fmt(fmt.m_fmt) {}
//output next object (any type) to stream:
template<typename TYPE>
std::ostream& operator<<(const TYPE& value)
// return m_strm << "FMT(" << m_fmt << "," << value << ")";
char buf[40]; //enlarge as needed
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), m_fmt, value);
return m_strm << buf;
std::ostream& m_strm;
const char* m_fmt;
const char* m_fmt; //save fmt string for inner class
//kludge: return derived stream to allow operator overloading:
friend FMT::fmter operator<<(std::ostream& strm, const FMT& fmt)
return FMT::fmter(strm, fmt);
usage example:
double my_double = 42.0;
cout << FMT("%11.6f") << my_double << "more stuff\n";
or even:
int val = 42;
cout << val << " in hex is " << FMT(" 0x%x") << val << "\n";
it's me, the OP, Jive Dadson - five years on. C++17 is becoming a reality.
The advent of variadic template parameters with perfect forwarding has made life so much simpler. The chained madness of ostream<< and boost::format% can be dispensed with. The function oprintf below fills the bill. Work in progress. Feel free to chime in on error-handling, etc...
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string_view>
namespace dj {
template<class Out, class... Args>
Out& oprintf(Out &out, const std::string_view &fmt, Args&&... args) {
const int sz = 512;
char buffer[sz];
int cx = snprintf(buffer, sz,, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
if (cx >= 0 && cx < sz) {
return out.write(buffer, cx);
} else if (cx > 0) {
// Big output
std::string buff2;
buff2.resize(cx + 1);
snprintf(, cx,, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return out.write(, cx);
} else {
// Throw?
return out;
int main() {
const double my_double = 42.0;
dj::oprintf(std::cout, "%s %11.6lf\n", "My double ", my_double);
return 0;
Some great answers already; kudos to those!
This is based on some of them. I have added type assertions for POD types, since they are the only safe types usable with printf().
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <type_traits>
namespace fmt {
namespace detail {
template<typename T>
struct printf_impl
const char* fmt;
const T v;
printf_impl(const char* fmt, const T& v) : fmt(fmt), v(v) {}
template<typename T>
inline typename std::enable_if<std::is_pod<T>::value, std::ostream& >::type
operator<<(std::ostream& os, const printf_impl<T>& p)
char buf[40];
::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), p.fmt, p.v, 40);
return os << buf;
} // namespace detail
template<typename T>
inline typename std::enable_if<std::is_pod<T>::value, detail::printf_impl<T> >::type
printf(const char* fmt, const T& v)
return detail::printf_impl<T>(fmt, v);
} // namespace fmt
Example usage it as below.
std::cout << fmt::printf("%11.6f", my_double);
Give it a try on Coliru.