Where to set calcite elasticsearch username/password? - apache-calcite

I am trying to use Apache Calcite to connect to ElasticSearch, and am running into problems setting the Username Password.
I have tried to config username/password with operand(based on JSON), with Properties(DriverManager.getConnection(String url, Properties config)) and with DriverManager.getConnection(String url, username, password), but have not been able to get any of them to work.
I have previously posted the question to Apache JIRA
My Code is as follows
Trying to set username password with properties
Properties config = new Properties();
config.put("lex", "JAVA");
String sql = "select * from index";
try (Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:calcite:model=src/main/resources/es.json", config)) {
try (Statement stmt = con.createStatement()) {
try (ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql)) {
Trying to set it with operand
"version": "1.0",
"defaultSchema": "elasticsearch",
"schemas": [
"type": "custom",
"name": "elasticsearch",
"factory": "org.apache.calcite.adapter.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchSchemaFactory",
"operand": {
"coordinates": "{'': 9200}",
"jdbcUser": "elastic",
"jdbcPassword": "elastic"
and throw Exception
"reason":"missing authentication token for REST request [/_alias]",
"WWW-Authenticate":"Basic realm="security" charset="UTF-8""
"reason":"missing authentication token for REST request [/_alias]",
"WWW-Authenticate":"Basic realm="security" charset="UTF-8""

This was not possible at the time this question has asked, but this functionality has since been added and will be included in the next release of Calcite (1.26.0). Alongside the coordinates key in the configuration, you can add username and password to specify authentication parameters.


Unable to create user in WSO2 IS via SCIM2 API with external claims

Im trying to create user with external claims, but something wents wrong.
I added my claims to scim2-schema-extension.config, to external claims and local claims, but API's response for my request is:
"schemas": [
"detail": "Error in adding the user: testoviy22#mail.ru to the user store.",
"status": "500"
In logs i have
: ERR_13735_ELEMENT_FOR_OID_DOES_NOT_EXIST ATTRIBUTE_TYPE for OID comment does not exist!]; remaining name 'mail=testoviy22#mail.ru'
at java.naming/com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.mapErrorCode(LdapCtx.java:3280)
at java.naming/com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.processReturnCode(LdapCtx.java:3205)
at java.naming/com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.processReturnCode(LdapCtx.java:2996)
at java.naming/com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.c_bind(LdapCtx.java:452)
at java.naming/com.sun.jndi.toolkit.ctx.ComponentDirContext.p_bind(ComponentDirContext.java:299)
at java.naming/com.sun.jndi.toolkit.ctx.PartialCompositeDirContext.bind(PartialCompositeDirContext.java:217)
at org.wso2.carbon.user.core.ldap.UniqueIDReadWriteLDAPUserStoreManager.persistUser(UniqueIDReadWriteLDAPUserStoreManager.java:312)
... 73 more
Local claim
External claim
Request sample:
"name": {
"familyName": "Zubenko",
"givenName": "Michael"
"password": "qwerty",
"urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User": {
"comment": "test"
"userName": "testoviy22#mail.ru"
Seems you are using an LDAP server as your primary userstore, and that server doesn't support the attribute named "comment"
Refer to the note in https://is.docs.wso2.com/en/latest/references/extend/provisioning/extend-scim2-user-schemas/#map-the-custom-claim
You can use the word "customClaim" (or any other preferred word) as
the Mapped Attribute only when using a JDBC userstore because JDBC
userstores will automatically create a new attribute if it does not
already exist in the user store. However, If you are using LDAP or
Active Directory, you will have to use an attribute that exists in the
user store already.
Change the mapped attribute of the local claim to some valid attribute in the LDAP schema

How to test StartChatContact API in Postman? | "Unable to determine service/operation name to be authorized"

I am trying to start AWS connect chat from a third-party application. I have implemented StartChatContact in Postman, which gives a participant token that is further used in CreateParticipantConnection.
"ContactFlowId": "cd1a0465-0a02229-4a1a-9894-fb14945548264",
"InstanceId": "84ece66549-184a-400f-babf-59888d7c8fd04",
"ParticipantDetails": {
"DisplayName": "Customer"
This is working fine and returns the participant token.
"ConnectParticipant": true,
"Type": [ "WebSocket" ]
When I placed the token in CreateParticipantConnection, it throws an error that is mentioned below:
"message": "Unable to determine service/operation name to be authorized"
Kindly provide me your valuable guidance. I am following StartChatContact and CreateParticipantConnection documentations.
I haven't tested but I believe the type needs to be "WEBSOCKET" not "WebSocket" i.e. it is case sensitive.

Appsync custom resolver error "Unable to transform Response Template"

I am trying to write "BatchPutItem" custom resolver, so that I can create multiple items (not more than 25 at a time), which should accept a list of arguments and then perform a batch operation.
Here is the code which I have in CusomtResolver:
#set($pdata = [])
#foreach($item in ${ctx.args.input})
$util.qr($item.put("createdAt", $util.time.nowISO8601()))
$util.qr($item.put("updatedAt", $util.time.nowISO8601()))
$util.qr($item.put("__typename", "UserNF"))
$util.qr($item.put("id", $util.defaultIfNullOrBlank($item.id, $util.autoId())))
"version" : "2018-05-29",
"operation" : "BatchPutItem",
"tables" : {
"Usertable1-staging": $utils.toJson($pdata)
Response in the query console section:
"data": {
"createBatchUNF": null
"errors": [
"path": [
"data": null,
"errorType": "MappingTemplate",
"errorInfo": null,
"locations": [
"line": 2,
"column": 3,
"sourceName": null
"message": "Unsupported operation 'BatchPutItem'. Datasource Versioning only supports the following operations (TransactGetItems,PutItem,BatchGetItem,Scan,Query,GetItem,DeleteItem,UpdateItem,Sync)"
And the query is :
mutation MyMutation {
createBatchUNF(input: [{seen: false, userNFUserId: "userID", userNFPId: "pID", user NFPOwnerId: "ownerID"}]) {
items {
Conflict detection is also turned off
And when I check cloud logs I found this error:
I was able to solve this issue by disabling DataStore for entire API.
When we create a new project/backend app using amplify console, and in data tab it asks us to enable data store so that we can start modelling our GraphQL api, that's the reason which enables versioning for the entire API, and it prevents batchWrite to execute.
So in order to solve this issue, we can follow these steps:
[Note: I am using #aws-amplify/cli]
$ amplify update api
? Please select from one of the below mentioned services: GraphQL
? Select from the options below: Disable DataStore for entire API
And then amplify push
This will fix this issue.

Getting following error while creating a user in WSO2 IS 5.9.0 using scim API?

My username is mapped to email while creating a user with payload
"schemas": [
"name": {
"formatted": "Careerex Admin"
"userName": "careerex.admin#in.aanasonic.com",
"password": "abc!12345",
"profileUrl": "www.gmail.com",
"phoneNumbers": [
"type": "mobile",
"value": "9876543210"
"locale": "Delhi"
I am getting following error regarding restrictions of username-
"schemas": [
"scimType": "invalidValue",
"detail": "31301 - Username careerex.admin#in.aanasonic.com is not valid. User name must be a non null string with following format, ^[\\S]{3,30}$",
"status": "400"
Please help how to fix this and create user with same email???
The default configuration available in WSO2 Identity Server enforces the username to be a string with a length of 3 to 30 non-empty characters. Your usecase requires the username length to be more than the default range provided.
To support your requirement, add the following parameters for userstore configuration in the deployment.toml file available at <IS_HOME>/repository/conf as given below.
username_java_script_regex = '^[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+#[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$'
You can provide a suitable regular expression to match your requirement. Note that username_java_script_regex is used by front-end components for username validation.
Refer here for more information.
By default, the username in the WSO2 is not allowed as email. You need to configure the product to support username as email. You can follow this documentation to achieve this

How to get user attributes (username, email, etc.) using cognito identity id

I have AWS Cognito Identity Pool that is configured with Cognito User Pool as an authentication provider.
Assume I have identity ID of an identity in Cognito Identity Pool (e.g. us-east-1:XXaXcXXa-XXXX-XXXX-XXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX) where this identity has a linked login to a user in Cognito User Pool.
Using identity ID, how can I get the linked user details (email, phone, username)?
The ID Token that you exchange with Cognito federated identity service to get the identity id and credentials already has all user attributes. You do not need an extra call to any service.
It is a JWT token and you can use any library on the client to decode the values. You can read this guide for more information about the tokens vended by Cognito user pools.
Alternatively, you can also use the Access Token to call GetUser API which will return all the user information.
Thought that this could be very helpful to someone as I've spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to get UserAttributes with only accessToken and region ( Similar to this but with REST API ( Without using aws-sdk )
You can get UserAttributes with accessToken using this HTTP request. ( GetUser )
Method: POST
Endpoint: https://cognito-idp.{REGION}.amazonaws.com/
Content-Type: application/x-amz-json-1.1
Content-Length: 1162 // Access Token bytes length
X-Amz-Target: AWSCognitoIdentityProviderService.GetUser
Body: {"AccessToken":"ACCESS_TOKEN"}
And if the accessToken is valid, you should receive example response like the following
"UserAttributes": [
"Name": "sub",
"Value": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx"
"Name": "email_verified",
"Value": "true"
"Name": "name",
"Value": "Jason"
"Name": "phone_number_verified",
"Value": "true"
"Name": "phone_number",
"Value": "+xxxxxxxxxxx"
"Name": "email",
"Value": "xxxx#gmail.com"
"Username": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx"
AWS cognito-idp list-users has a filter option that allows you to filter based on attribute. 'sub' is the attribute that matches the identity id you are describing.
e.g. at the command line:
aws cognito-idp list-users --user-pool-id us-east-1_abcdFghjI --filter "sub=\":XXaXcXXa-XXXX-XXXX-XXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX\""
This also requires the user-pool-id, which I suspect you have. Additionally, I have no idea how this is implemented or how it performances when filtering a large number of users, but I take custom attributes not being usable in filters as a hint that there is some form of indexing behind the curtain.
I faced the similar issue and after too much of scratching i was not able to find the exact way of pulling out the details. My usecase was to get the details in android APP.
After looking into their AWSMobile client API code. I found below and it is working from me.
Log.i(TAG, "User Details"+ AWSMobileClient.getInstance().getUserAttributes().toString());
Recommendation - Try use AWSMobileclient incase you are using it for Android Development as this is new library that is recommended for development.
Just struggled with this for a while, and the way I got the user name, using Java API is:
identityManager.login(this, new DefaultSignInResultHandler() {
public void onSuccess(Activity activity, IdentityProvider identityProvider) {
String userName = ((CognitoUserPoolsSignInProvider) identityProvider).getCognitoUserPool().getCurrentUser().getUserId();
There is a listener we can initialize that will listen to changes in our authentication state and allow us to have access to the type of authentication event that happened and update the application state based on that data.
With Amplify, the Hub module allows us to do this pretty easily:
import { Hub } from 'aws-amplify';
Hub.listen('auth', (data) => {
const {payload} = data;
if (payload.event === 'signOut') {
} else if (payload.event === 'signIn') {
console.log('A new auth event has happened: ', data.payload.data.username + ' has ' + data.payload.event);
For those who are looking how to get the value of email parameter in Java programmatically
I assume you have already figured out how to get the needed / all users from the pool.
Say I have ListUsersResult with my all users and say I want to check the email value of the first user:
ListUsersResult allUsers = getAllUsers();
UserType userType = allUsers.getUsers().get(0);
First I can get user's all attributes:
List<AttributeType> attributes = userType.getAttributes();
Then loop through the attributes looking for the one we're interested in (our case email):
for (AttributeType att : attributes) {
if (att.getName().equals("email")) {
// do whatever you want
Remember that printing in to the console will most probably not work since it is sensitive data. But you can compare it like this:
Use this piece of code
GetDetailsHandler detailsHandler = new GetDetailsHandler() {
public void onSuccess(CognitoUserDetails cognitoUserDetails) {
CognitoUserAttributes cognitoUserAttributes=cognitoUserDetails.getAttributes();
stringStringHashMap=new HashMap<>();
stringStringHashMap =cognitoUserAttributes.getAttributes();
Log.d("Response"," Inside DEATILS HANDLER");
// Store details in the AppHandler
// Trusted devices?
// e1.setText(input.getText().toString());
public void onFailure(Exception exception) {
showDialogMessage("Could not fetch user details!", AppHelper.formatException(exception), true);
private void getDetails() {
console.log('username is ' + cognitoUser.getUsername());